Change the last sentence of By-Laws, Article III, Section 3, by replacing __$200__ with __$300__ also __andy__ with __any__.
The last sentence should read:
> With the exceptions of emergency repairs to Club’s operating equipment, and regular scheduled expenses, any expenditure over $300.00 must be brought to a vote at a Regular Meeting of the Club.
> Between Regular Meetings, there may be a Meeting of the Steering Committee. At such a Meeting, Club business will be discussed, organized, and acted upon as to cause the business portion of the Regular Meeting to be held to a minimum. It shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee to act prudently and in the best overall interest of the Club. A minimum of four Club Members, which shall include at least two Club Officers, must be present at any Meeting at which a vote is taken to obligate the Club to a financial expenditure. With the exceptions of emergency repairs to Club’s operating equipment, and regular scheduled expenses, andy expenditure over $200.00 must be brought to a vote at a Regular Meeting of the Club.
> This Constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the Club Members present at a Regular or Special Meeting, provided that all Club Members have been notified by postal mail or electronic mail of the intent to amend the Constitution and/or the By-Laws at a specified Meeting. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted to the President in writing.
### History
Change first suggested <>
By-Laws and Constitution passed unanimously 2014-10-14 (6). <>
By-Laws and Constitution work shown 2014-09-09 (6): <>
By-Laws and Constitution request to review 2014-05-13 (16): <>