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166 lines
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// Copyright (c) 2013 Kyle Lutz <kyle.r.lutz@gmail.com>
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0
// See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// See http://boostorg.github.com/compute for more information.
#include <boost/compute/kernel.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/program.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/command_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/meta_kernel.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/detail/iterator_range_size.hpp>
#include <boost/compute/memory/local_buffer.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace compute {
namespace detail {
template<class Iterator, class Compare>
inline void serial_insertion_sort(Iterator first,
Iterator last,
Compare compare,
command_queue &queue)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
size_t count = iterator_range_size(first, last);
if(count < 2){
meta_kernel k("serial_insertion_sort");
size_t local_data_arg = k.add_arg<T *>(memory_object::local_memory, "data");
size_t count_arg = k.add_arg<uint_>("n");
k <<
// copy data to local memory
"for(uint i = 0; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" data[i] = " << first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << ";\n"
// sort data in local memory
"for(uint i = 1; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" " << k.decl<const T>("value") << " = data[i];\n" <<
" uint pos = i;\n" <<
" while(pos > 0 && " <<
compare(k.var<const T>("value"),
k.var<const T>("data[pos-1]")) << "){\n" <<
" data[pos] = data[pos-1];\n" <<
" pos--;\n" <<
" }\n" <<
" data[pos] = value;\n" <<
"}\n" <<
// copy sorted data to output
"for(uint i = 0; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" " << first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << " = data[i];\n"
const context &context = queue.get_context();
::boost::compute::kernel kernel = k.compile(context);
kernel.set_arg(local_data_arg, local_buffer<T>(count));
kernel.set_arg(count_arg, static_cast<uint_>(count));
template<class Iterator>
inline void serial_insertion_sort(Iterator first,
Iterator last,
command_queue &queue)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type T;
::boost::compute::less<T> less;
return serial_insertion_sort(first, last, less, queue);
template<class KeyIterator, class ValueIterator, class Compare>
inline void serial_insertion_sort_by_key(KeyIterator keys_first,
KeyIterator keys_last,
ValueIterator values_first,
Compare compare,
command_queue &queue)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIterator>::value_type key_type;
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<ValueIterator>::value_type value_type;
size_t count = iterator_range_size(keys_first, keys_last);
if(count < 2){
meta_kernel k("serial_insertion_sort_by_key");
size_t local_keys_arg = k.add_arg<key_type *>(memory_object::local_memory, "keys");
size_t local_data_arg = k.add_arg<value_type *>(memory_object::local_memory, "data");
size_t count_arg = k.add_arg<uint_>("n");
k <<
// copy data to local memory
"for(uint i = 0; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" keys[i] = " << keys_first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << ";\n"
" data[i] = " << values_first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << ";\n"
// sort data in local memory
"for(uint i = 1; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" " << k.decl<const key_type>("key") << " = keys[i];\n" <<
" " << k.decl<const value_type>("value") << " = data[i];\n" <<
" uint pos = i;\n" <<
" while(pos > 0 && " <<
compare(k.var<const key_type>("key"),
k.var<const key_type>("keys[pos-1]")) << "){\n" <<
" keys[pos] = keys[pos-1];\n" <<
" data[pos] = data[pos-1];\n" <<
" pos--;\n" <<
" }\n" <<
" keys[pos] = key;\n" <<
" data[pos] = value;\n" <<
"}\n" <<
// copy sorted data to output
"for(uint i = 0; i < n; i++){\n" <<
" " << keys_first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << " = keys[i];\n"
" " << values_first[k.var<uint_>("i")] << " = data[i];\n"
const context &context = queue.get_context();
::boost::compute::kernel kernel = k.compile(context);
kernel.set_arg(local_keys_arg, static_cast<uint_>(count * sizeof(key_type)), 0);
kernel.set_arg(local_data_arg, static_cast<uint_>(count * sizeof(value_type)), 0);
kernel.set_arg(count_arg, static_cast<uint_>(count));
template<class KeyIterator, class ValueIterator>
inline void serial_insertion_sort_by_key(KeyIterator keys_first,
KeyIterator keys_last,
ValueIterator values_first,
command_queue &queue)
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<KeyIterator>::value_type key_type;
} // end detail namespace
} // end compute namespace
} // end boost namespace