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509 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2007 Douglas Gregor
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Provides support for named vertices in graphs, allowing one to more
// easily associate unique external names (URLs, city names, employee
// ID numbers, etc.) with the vertices of a graph.
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/hashed_index.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index/member.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_index_container.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/pending/property.hpp> // for boost::lookup_one_property
#include <boost/pending/container_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/throw_exception.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> // for boost::make_tuple
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <functional> // for std::equal_to
#include <stdexcept> // for std::runtime_error
#include <utility> // for std::pair
namespace boost { namespace graph {
* User-customized traits *
* @brief Trait used to extract the internal vertex name from a vertex
* property.
* To enable the use of internal vertex names in a graph type,
* specialize the @c internal_vertex_name trait for your graph
* property (e.g., @c a City class, which stores information about the
* vertices in a road map).
template<typename VertexProperty>
struct internal_vertex_name
* The @c type field provides a function object that extracts a key
* from the @c VertexProperty. The function object type must have a
* nested @c result_type that provides the type of the key. For
* more information, see the @c KeyExtractor concept in the
* Boost.MultiIndex documentation: @c type must either be @c void
* (if @c VertexProperty does not have an internal vertex name) or
* a model of @c KeyExtractor.
typedef void type;
* Extract the internal vertex name from a @c property structure by
* looking at its base.
template<typename Tag, typename T, typename Base>
struct internal_vertex_name<property<Tag, T, Base> >
: internal_vertex_name<Base> { };
* Construct an instance of @c VertexProperty directly from its
* name. This function object should be used within the @c
* internal_vertex_constructor trait.
template<typename VertexProperty>
struct vertex_from_name
typedef typename internal_vertex_name<VertexProperty>::type extract_name_type;
typedef typename remove_cv<
typename remove_reference<
typename extract_name_type::result_type>::type>::type
typedef vertex_name_type argument_type;
typedef VertexProperty result_type;
VertexProperty operator()(const vertex_name_type& name)
return VertexProperty(name);
* Throw an exception whenever one tries to construct a @c
* VertexProperty instance from its name.
template<typename VertexProperty>
struct cannot_add_vertex
typedef typename internal_vertex_name<VertexProperty>::type extract_name_type;
typedef typename remove_cv<
typename remove_reference<
typename extract_name_type::result_type>::type>::type
typedef vertex_name_type argument_type;
typedef VertexProperty result_type;
VertexProperty operator()(const vertex_name_type&)
boost::throw_exception(std::runtime_error("add_vertex: "
"unable to create a vertex from its name"));
* @brief Trait used to construct an instance of a @c VertexProperty,
* which is a class type that stores the properties associated with a
* vertex in a graph, from just the name of that vertex property. This
* operation is used when an operation is required to map from a
* vertex name to a vertex descriptor (e.g., to add an edge outgoing
* from that vertex), but no vertex by the name exists. The function
* object provided by this trait will be used to add new vertices
* based only on their names. Since this cannot be done for arbitrary
* types, the default behavior is to throw an exception when this
* routine is called, which requires that all named vertices be added
* before adding any edges by name.
template<typename VertexProperty>
struct internal_vertex_constructor
* The @c type field provides a function object that constructs a
* new instance of @c VertexProperty from the name of the vertex (as
* determined by @c internal_vertex_name). The function object shall
* accept a vertex name and return a @c VertexProperty. Predefined
* options include:
* @c vertex_from_name<VertexProperty>: construct an instance of
* @c VertexProperty directly from the name.
* @c cannot_add_vertex<VertexProperty>: the default value, which
* throws an @c std::runtime_error if one attempts to add a vertex
* given just the name.
typedef cannot_add_vertex<VertexProperty> type;
* Extract the internal vertex constructor from a @c property structure by
* looking at its base.
template<typename Tag, typename T, typename Base>
struct internal_vertex_constructor<property<Tag, T, Base> >
: internal_vertex_constructor<Base> { };
* Named graph mixin *
* named_graph is a mixin that provides names for the vertices of a
* graph, including a mapping from names to vertices. Graph types that
* may or may not be have vertex names (depending on the properties
* supplied by the user) should use maybe_named_graph.
* Template parameters:
* Graph: the graph type that derives from named_graph
* Vertex: the type of a vertex descriptor in Graph. Note: we cannot
* use graph_traits here, because the Graph is not yet defined.
* VertexProperty: the type stored with each vertex in the Graph.
template<typename Graph, typename Vertex, typename VertexProperty>
class named_graph
/// The type of the function object that extracts names from vertex
/// properties.
typedef typename internal_vertex_name<VertexProperty>::type extract_name_type;
/// The type of the "bundled" property, from which the name can be
/// extracted.
typedef typename lookup_one_property<VertexProperty, vertex_bundle_t>::type
/// The type of the function object that generates vertex properties
/// from names, for the implicit addition of vertices.
typedef typename internal_vertex_constructor<VertexProperty>::type
/// The type used to name vertices in the graph
typedef typename remove_cv<
typename remove_reference<
typename extract_name_type::result_type>::type>::type
/// The type of vertex descriptors in the graph
typedef Vertex vertex_descriptor;
/// Key extractor for use with the multi_index_container
struct extract_name_from_vertex
typedef vertex_name_type result_type;
extract_name_from_vertex(Graph& graph, const extract_name_type& extract)
: graph(graph), extract(extract) { }
const result_type& operator()(Vertex vertex) const
return extract(graph[vertex]);
Graph& graph;
extract_name_type extract;
/// The type that maps names to vertices
typedef multi_index::multi_index_container<
extract_name_from_vertex> >
> named_vertices_type;
/// The set of vertices, indexed by name
typedef typename named_vertices_type::template index<vertex_name_t>::type
/// Construct an instance of the named graph mixin, using the given
/// function object to extract a name from the bundled property
/// associated with a vertex.
named_graph(const extract_name_type& extract = extract_name_type(),
const vertex_constructor_type& vertex_constructor
= vertex_constructor_type());
/// Notify the named_graph that we have added the given vertex. The
/// name of the vertex will be added to the mapping.
void added_vertex(Vertex vertex);
/// Notify the named_graph that we are removing the given
/// vertex. The name of the vertex will be removed from the mapping.
template <typename VertexIterStability>
void removing_vertex(Vertex vertex, VertexIterStability);
/// Notify the named_graph that we are clearing the graph.
/// This will clear out all of the name->vertex mappings
void clearing_graph();
/// Retrieve the derived instance
Graph& derived() { return static_cast<Graph&>(*this); }
const Graph& derived() const { return static_cast<const Graph&>(*this); }
/// Extract the name from a vertex property instance
typename extract_name_type::result_type
extract_name(const bundled_vertex_property_type& property);
/// Search for a vertex that has the given property (based on its
/// name)
vertex_by_property(const bundled_vertex_property_type& property);
/// Mapping from names to vertices
named_vertices_type named_vertices;
/// Constructs a vertex from the name of that vertex
vertex_constructor_type vertex_constructor;
/// Helper macro containing the template parameters of named_graph
typename Graph, typename Vertex, typename VertexProperty
/// Helper macro containing the named_graph<...> instantiation
named_graph<Graph, Vertex, VertexProperty>
BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::named_graph(const extract_name_type& extract,
const vertex_constructor_type& vertex_constructor)
: named_vertices(
typename named_vertices_type::ctor_args_list(
0, // initial number of buckets
extract_name_from_vertex(derived(), extract),
inline void BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::added_vertex(Vertex vertex)
template<typename VertexIterStability>
inline void BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::removing_vertex(Vertex vertex, VertexIterStability)
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG ((boost::is_base_of<boost::graph_detail::stable_tag, VertexIterStability>::value), "Named graphs cannot use vecS as vertex container and remove vertices; the lack of vertex descriptor stability (which iterator stability is a proxy for) means that the name -> vertex mapping would need to be completely rebuilt after each deletion. See https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7863 for more information and a test case.");
typedef typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type vertex_name_type;
const vertex_name_type& vertex_name = extract_name(derived()[vertex]);
inline void BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::clearing_graph()
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::extract_name_type::result_type
BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::extract_name(const bundled_vertex_property_type& property)
return named_vertices.key_extractor().extract(property);
optional<typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor>
vertex_by_property(const bundled_vertex_property_type& property)
return find_vertex(extract_name(property), *this);
/// Retrieve the vertex associated with the given name
find_vertex(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& name,
typedef typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertices_by_name_type
// Retrieve the set of vertices indexed by name
vertices_by_name_type const& vertices_by_name
= g.named_vertices.template get<vertex_name_t>();
/// Look for a vertex with the given name
typename vertices_by_name_type::const_iterator iter
= vertices_by_name.find(name);
if (iter == vertices_by_name.end())
return optional<Vertex>(); // vertex not found
return *iter;
/// Retrieve the vertex associated with the given name, or add a new
/// vertex with that name if no such vertex is available.
/// Note: This is enabled only when the vertex property type is different
/// from the vertex name to avoid ambiguous overload problems with
/// the add_vertex() function that takes a vertex property.
typename disable_if<is_same<
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type,
add_vertex(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& name,
if (optional<Vertex> vertex = find_vertex(name, g))
/// We found the vertex, so return it
return *vertex;
/// There is no vertex with the given name, so create one
return add_vertex(g.vertex_constructor(name), g.derived());
/// Add an edge using vertex names to refer to the vertices
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& u_name,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& v_name,
return add_edge(add_vertex(u_name, g.derived()),
add_vertex(v_name, g.derived()),
/// Add an edge using vertex descriptors or names to refer to the vertices
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& u,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& v_name,
return add_edge(u,
add_vertex(v_name, g.derived()),
/// Add an edge using vertex descriptors or names to refer to the vertices
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& u_name,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& v,
return add_edge(add_vertex(u_name, g.derived()),
// Overloads to support EdgeMutablePropertyGraph graphs
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& u,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& v_name,
typename edge_property_type<Graph>::type const& p,
return add_edge(u, add_vertex(v_name, g.derived()), p, g.derived());
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& u_name,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_descriptor const& v,
typename edge_property_type<Graph>::type const& p,
return add_edge(add_vertex(u_name, g.derived()), v, p, g.derived());
std::pair<typename graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor, bool>
add_edge(typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& u_name,
typename BGL_NAMED_GRAPH::vertex_name_type const& v_name,
typename edge_property_type<Graph>::type const& p,
return add_edge(add_vertex(u_name, g.derived()),
add_vertex(v_name, g.derived()), p, g.derived());
* Maybe named graph mixin *
* A graph mixin that can provide a mapping from names to vertices,
* and use that mapping to simplify creation and manipulation of
* graphs.
template<typename Graph, typename Vertex, typename VertexProperty,
typename ExtractName
= typename internal_vertex_name<VertexProperty>::type>
struct maybe_named_graph : public named_graph<Graph, Vertex, VertexProperty>
* A graph mixin that can provide a mapping from names to vertices,
* and use that mapping to simplify creation and manipulation of
* graphs. This partial specialization turns off this functionality
* when the @c VertexProperty does not have an internal vertex name.
template<typename Graph, typename Vertex, typename VertexProperty>
struct maybe_named_graph<Graph, Vertex, VertexProperty, void>
/// The type of the "bundled" property, from which the name can be
/// extracted.
typedef typename lookup_one_property<VertexProperty, vertex_bundle_t>::type
/// Notify the named_graph that we have added the given vertex. This
/// is a no-op.
void added_vertex(Vertex) { }
/// Notify the named_graph that we are removing the given
/// vertex. This is a no-op.
template <typename VertexIterStability>
void removing_vertex(Vertex, VertexIterStability) { }
/// Notify the named_graph that we are clearing the graph. This is a
/// no-op.
void clearing_graph() { }
/// Search for a vertex that has the given property (based on its
/// name). This always returns an empty optional<>
vertex_by_property(const bundled_vertex_property_type&)
return optional<Vertex>();
} } // end namespace boost::graph