Varicode packing without a 5-bit pad integer
This commit is contained in:
@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ bool DecodedText::tryUnpackBeacon(){
return false;
bool isBCN = false;
QStringList parts = Varicode::unpackBeaconMessage(m, &isBCN);
bool isBeacon = false;
bool isAlt = false;
QStringList parts = Varicode::unpackBeaconMessage(m, &isBeacon, &isAlt);
if(parts.isEmpty() || parts.length() < 2){
return false;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ bool DecodedText::tryUnpackBeacon(){
compound_ = QStringList{, }.join("/");
message_ = QString("%1: BCN %2 ").arg(compound_).arg(extra);
} else {
message_ = QString("%1: ").arg(compound_);
@ -364,16 +364,16 @@ QList<QVector<bool>> Varicode::huffEncode(QMap<QChar, QString> const &huff, QStr
return out;
QString Varicode::huffDecode(QMap<QChar, QString> const &huff, QVector<bool> const& bitvec, int pad){
QString Varicode::huffDecode(QMap<QChar, QString> const &huff, QVector<bool> const& bitvec){
QString text;
QString bits = bitsToStr(bitvec).mid(0, bitvec.length()-pad);
QString bits = Varicode::bitsToStr(bitvec); //.mid(0, bitvec.length()-pad);
// TODO: jsherer - this is naive...
while(bits.length() > 0){
@ -821,7 +821,8 @@ QString Varicode::packBeaconMessage(QString const &text, const QString &callsign
return frame;
auto isBCN = parsedText.captured("type") == "BCN";
auto isBeacon = parsedText.captured("type") == "BCN";
auto isAlt = false;
auto parsedCall = QRegularExpression(compound_callsign_pattern).match(callsign);
@ -846,11 +847,11 @@ QString Varicode::packBeaconMessage(QString const &text, const QString &callsign
packed_extra = Varicode::packGrid(extra);
packed_extra |= (1<<15);
frame = packCompoundFrame(base, fix, isPrefix, packed_extra);
frame = packCompoundFrame(base, fix, isPrefix, isBeacon, packed_extra);
if(n) *n = 0;
return frame;
@ -860,24 +861,28 @@ QString Varicode::packBeaconMessage(QString const &text, const QString &callsign
return frame;
QStringList Varicode::unpackBeaconMessage(const QString &text, bool * isBCN){
QStringList Varicode::unpackBeaconMessage(const QString &text, bool *isBeacon, bool * isAlt){
quint16 num = 0;
QStringList unpacked = unpackCompoundFrame(text, &num);
QStringList unpacked = unpackCompoundFrame(text, isBeacon, &num);
if(isBCN) *isBCN = (num & (1<<15));
if(isAlt) *isAlt = (num & (1<<15));
unpacked.append(Varicode::unpackGrid(num & ((1<<15)-1)));
return unpacked;
QString Varicode::packCompoundFrame(const QString &baseCallsign, const QString &fix, bool isPrefix, quint16 num){
QString Varicode::packCompoundFrame(const QString &baseCallsign, const QString &fix, bool isPrefix, bool isBeacon, quint16 num){
QString frame;
quint8 packed_is_data = 0;
quint8 packed_is_compound = 1;
quint8 packed_is_prefix = (int)isPrefix;
quint8 packed_flag = 0;
packed_flag = isPrefix ? FrameBeaconPrefix : FrameBeaconSuffix;
} else {
packed_flag = isPrefix ? FrameCompoundPrefix : FrameCompoundSuffix;
quint32 packed_base = Varicode::packCallsign(baseCallsign);
quint32 packed_fix = Varicode::packCallsignPrefixSuffix(fix);
@ -891,39 +896,39 @@ QString Varicode::packCompoundFrame(const QString &baseCallsign, const QString &
quint16 packed_11 = (num & mask11) >> 5;
quint8 packed_5 = num & mask5;
// [1][1][1][28][22][11],[5] = 69
// [3][28][22][11],[5] = 69
auto bits = (
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_data, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_compound, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_prefix, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_base, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_fix, 22) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_11, 11)
Varicode::intToBits(packed_flag, 3) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_base, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_fix, 22) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_11, 11)
return Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(bits)) + Varicode::pack5bits(packed_5 % 32);
QStringList Varicode::unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, quint16 *pNum){
QStringList Varicode::unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, bool *isBeacon, quint16 *pNum){
QStringList unpacked;
if(text.length() < 13 || text.contains(" ")){
return unpacked;
// [1][1][1][28][22][11],[5] = 69
// [3][28][22][11],[5] = 69
auto bits = Varicode::bitsToStr(Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64));
quint8 packed_5 = Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1));
quint8 is_data = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.left(1)));
if(is_data != 0){
bool is_prefix = false;
bool is_suffix = false;
quint8 packed_flag = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.left(3)));
if(packed_flag == FrameBeaconPrefix || packed_flag == FrameCompoundPrefix){
is_prefix = true;
} else if (packed_flag == FrameBeaconSuffix || packed_flag == FrameCompoundSuffix){
is_suffix = true;
} else {
return unpacked;
quint8 is_compound = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(1,1)));
if(is_compound != 1){
return unpacked;
quint8 is_prefix = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(2,1)));
quint32 packed_base = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(3, 28)));
quint32 packed_fix = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(31, 22)));
quint16 packed_11 = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(53, 11)));
@ -933,6 +938,7 @@ QStringList Varicode::unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, quint16 *pNum){
quint16 num = (packed_11 << 5) | packed_5;
if(pNum) *pNum = num;
if(isBeacon) *isBeacon = packed_flag == FrameBeaconPrefix || packed_flag == FrameBeaconSuffix;
@ -940,7 +946,7 @@ QStringList Varicode::unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, quint16 *pNum){
@ -1004,9 +1010,7 @@ QString Varicode::packDirectedMessage(const QString &text, const QString &baseCa
inum = mwattsToDbm(ipwr) - 30;
quint8 packed_is_data = 0;
quint8 packed_is_compound = 0;
quint8 packed_num_flag = inum < 0 ? 1 : 0;
quint8 packed_flag = inum < 0 ? FrameDirectedNegative : FrameDirectedPositive;
quint32 packed_from = Varicode::packCallsign(from);
quint32 packed_to = Varicode::packCallsign(to);
@ -1018,14 +1022,12 @@ QString Varicode::packDirectedMessage(const QString &text, const QString &baseCa
quint8 packed_cmd = directed_cmds[cmd];
quint8 packed_extra = qAbs(inum);
// [1][1][1][28][28][5],[5] = 69
// [3][28][28][5],[5] = 69
auto bits = (
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_data, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_compound, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_num_flag, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_from, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_to, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_cmd % 32, 5)
Varicode::intToBits(packed_flag, 3) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_from, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_to, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_cmd % 32, 5)
if(pCmd) *pCmd = cmd;
@ -1040,19 +1042,20 @@ QStringList Varicode::unpackDirectedMessage(const QString &text){
return unpacked;
// [1][1][1][28][28][5],[5] = 69
// [3][28][28][5],[5] = 69
auto bits = Varicode::bitsToStr(Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64));
quint8 extra = Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1));
quint8 is_data = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.left(1)));
if(is_data != 0){
int numSign = 0;
quint8 packed_flag = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.left(3)));
if(packed_flag == FrameDirectedPositive){
numSign = 1;
} else if(packed_flag == FrameDirectedNegative){
numSign = -1;
} else {
return unpacked;
quint8 is_compound = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(1,1)));
if(is_compound != 0){
return unpacked;
quint8 num_flag = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(2,1)));
quint32 packed_from = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(3, 28)));
quint32 packed_to = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(31, 28)));
quint8 packed_cmd = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(59, 5)));
@ -1065,7 +1068,7 @@ QStringList Varicode::unpackDirectedMessage(const QString &text){
int num = (num_flag ? -1 : 1) * extra;
int num = numSign * extra;
if(num != -31){
// TODO: jsherer - should we decide which format to use on the command, or something else?
if(packed_cmd == directed_cmds[" PWR"]){
@ -1083,30 +1086,41 @@ QStringList Varicode::unpackDirectedMessage(const QString &text){
QString Varicode::packDataMessage(const QString &input, QString * out, int *n){
QString frame;
// [1][63],[5] = 69
quint8 is_data = 1;
auto frameBits = (
Varicode::intToBits(is_data, 1)
// [3][66] = 69
QVector<bool> frameDataBits;
QVector<bool> frameHeaderBits = Varicode::intToBits(FrameDataUnpadded, 3);
int i = 0;
// we use the escaped table here, so they the escapes and the characters are packed together...
foreach(auto charBits, Varicode::huffEncode(hufftableescaped, input)){
if(frameBits.length() + charBits.length() < 63){
frameBits += charBits;
if(frameHeaderBits.length() + frameDataBits.length() + charBits.length() <= 69){
frameDataBits += charBits;
int pad = 64 - frameBits.length();
QVector<bool> framePadBits;
int pad = 69 - frameHeaderBits.length() - frameDataBits.length();
frameBits += Varicode::intToBits(0, pad);
frameHeaderBits = Varicode::intToBits(FrameDataPadded, 3);
// the way we will pad is this...
// set the bit after the frame to 0 and every bit after that a 1
// to unpad, seek from the end of the bits until you hit a zero... the rest is the actual frame.
for(int i = 0; i < pad; i++){
framePadBits.append(i == 0 ? (bool)0 : (bool)1);
frame = Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(frameBits)) + Varicode::pack5bits(pad % 32);
QVector<bool> allBits = frameHeaderBits + frameDataBits + framePadBits;
//frame = pass;// Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(frameBits)) + Varicode::pack5bits(pad % 32);
frame = Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(allBits.constBegin(), 64)) + Varicode::pack5bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(allBits.constBegin() + 64, 5));
*n = i;
return frame;
@ -1119,19 +1133,21 @@ QString Varicode::unpackDataMessage(const QString &text){
return unpacked;
auto bits = Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64);
quint8 pad = Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1));
auto bits = Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64) + Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1)), 5);
quint8 is_data = (int);
if(is_data != 1){
quint8 flag = Varicode::bitsToInt(bits.mid(0, 3));
if(flag == FrameDataUnpadded){
bits = bits.mid(3);
} else if(flag == FrameDataPadded) {
int n = bits.lastIndexOf(0);
bits = bits.mid(3, n-3);
} else {
return unpacked;
// pop off the is_data bit
// huff decode the bits (without escapes)
unpacked = Varicode::huffDecode(hufftable, bits, pad);
unpacked = Varicode::huffDecode(hufftable, bits);
// then... unescape special characters
unpacked = Varicode::huffUnescape(unpacked);
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
class Varicode
enum FrameType{
// frame type transmitted via itype and decoded by the ft8 decoded
enum TransmissionType {
FT8 = 0, // [000]
FT8Fox = 1, // [001]
FT8Call = 2, // [010]
@ -25,6 +26,17 @@ public:
FT8CallReservedD = 7, // [111]
enum FrameType {
FrameBeaconPrefix = 0, // [000]
FrameBeaconSuffix = 1, // [001]
FrameCompoundPrefix = 2, // [010]
FrameCompoundSuffix = 3, // [011]
FrameDirectedPositive = 4, // [100]
FrameDirectedNegative = 5, // [101]
FrameDataUnpadded = 6, // [110]
FrameDataPadded = 7, // [111]
static QString formatSNR(int snr);
@ -40,7 +52,7 @@ public:
static QStringList parseGrids(QString const &input);
static QList<QVector<bool>> huffEncode(const QMap<QChar, QString> &huff, QString const& text);
static QString huffDecode(const QMap<QChar, QString> &huff, QVector<bool> const& bitvec, int pad=0);
static QString huffDecode(const QMap<QChar, QString> &huff, QVector<bool> const& bitvec);
static QString huffUnescape(QString const &input);
static QString huffEscape(QString const &input);
@ -84,10 +96,10 @@ public:
static bool isCommandBuffered(const QString &cmd);
static QString packBeaconMessage(QString const &text, QString const&callsign, int *n);
static QStringList unpackBeaconMessage(const QString &text, bool *isBCN);
static QStringList unpackBeaconMessage(const QString &text, bool *isBeacon, bool *isAlt);
static QString packCompoundFrame(const QString &baseCallsign, const QString &fix, bool isPrefix, quint16 num);
static QStringList unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, quint16 *pNum);
static QString packCompoundFrame(const QString &baseCallsign, const QString &fix, bool isPrefix, bool isBeacon, quint16 num);
static QStringList unpackCompoundFrame(const QString &text, bool *isBeacon, quint16 *pNum);
static QString packDirectedMessage(QString const& text, QString const& callsign, QString * pCmd, int *n);
static QStringList unpackDirectedMessage(QString const& text);
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