//---------------------------------------------------------- MainWindow #include "mainwindow.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "APRSISClient.h" #include "revision_utils.hpp" #include "qt_helpers.hpp" #include "NetworkAccessManager.hpp" #include "soundout.h" #include "soundin.h" #include "Modulator.hpp" #include "Detector.hpp" #include "plotter.h" #include "about.h" #include "messageaveraging.h" #include "widegraph.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "logqso.h" #include "decodedtext.h" #include "Radio.hpp" #include "Bands.hpp" #include "TransceiverFactory.hpp" #include "StationList.hpp" #include "LiveFrequencyValidator.hpp" #include "MessageClient.hpp" #include "wsprnet.h" #include "signalmeter.h" #include "HelpTextWindow.hpp" #include "Audio/BWFFile.hpp" #include "MultiSettings.hpp" #include "MaidenheadLocatorValidator.hpp" #include "CallsignValidator.hpp" #include "EqualizationToolsDialog.hpp" #include "SelfDestructMessageBox.h" #include "messagereplydialog.h" #include "DriftingDateTime.h" #include "jsc.h" #include "jsc_checker.h" #include "Inbox.h" #include "messagewindow.h" #include "NotificationAudio.h" #include "ui_mainwindow.h" #include "moc_mainwindow.cpp" #define STATE_RX 1 #define STATE_TX 2 extern "C" { //----------------------------------------------------- C and Fortran routines void symspec_(struct dec_data *, int* k, int* k0, int *ja, float ssum[], int* ntrperiod, int* nsps, int* ingain, int* minw, float* px, float s[], float* df3, int* nhsym, int* npts8, float *m_pxmax); void genft8_(char* msg, char* MyGrid, bool* bcontest, int* i3bit, char* msgsent, char ft8msgbits[], int itone[], fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t); void genjs8_(char* msg, char* MyGrid, bool* bcontest, int* i3bit, char* msgsent, char ft8msgbits[], int itone[], fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t); void azdist_(char* MyGrid, char* HisGrid, double* utch, int* nAz, int* nEl, int* nDmiles, int* nDkm, int* nHotAz, int* nHotABetter, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t); void morse_(char* msg, int* icw, int* ncw, fortran_charlen_t); int ptt_(int nport, int ntx, int* iptt, int* nopen); void wspr_downsample_(short int d2[], int* k); int savec2_(char* fname, int* TR_seconds, double* dial_freq, fortran_charlen_t); void degrade_snr_(short d2[], int* n, float* db, float* bandwidth); void wav12_(short d2[], short d1[], int* nbytes, short* nbitsam2); void refspectrum_(short int d2[], bool* bclearrefspec, bool* brefspec, bool* buseref, const char* c_fname, fortran_charlen_t); void freqcal_(short d2[], int* k, int* nkhz,int* noffset, int* ntol, char line[], fortran_charlen_t); void fix_contest_msg_(char* MyGrid, char* msg, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t); void calibrate_(char data_dir[], int* iz, double* a, double* b, double* rms, double* sigmaa, double* sigmab, int* irc, fortran_charlen_t); void foxgen_(); void plotsave_(float swide[], int* m_w , int* m_h1, int* irow); } int volatile itone[NUM_ISCAT_SYMBOLS]; //Audio tones for all Tx symbols int volatile icw[NUM_CW_SYMBOLS]; //Dits for CW ID struct dec_data dec_data; // for sharing with Fortran int outBufSize; int rc; qint32 g_iptt {0}; wchar_t buffer[256]; float fast_green[703]; float fast_green2[703]; float fast_s[44992]; //44992=64*703 float fast_s2[44992]; int fast_jh {0}; int fast_jhpeak {0}; int fast_jh2 {0}; int narg[15]; QVector g_ColorTbl; namespace { Radio::Frequency constexpr default_frequency {14078000}; QRegExp message_alphabet {"[^\\x00-\\x1F]*"}; // base alphabet supported by JS8CALL // grid exact match excluding RR73 QRegularExpression grid_regexp {"\\A(?![Rr]{2}73)[A-Ra-r]{2}[0-9]{2}([A-Xa-x]{2}){0,1}\\z"}; bool message_is_73 (int type, QStringList const& msg_parts) { return type >= 0 && (((type < 6 || 7 == type) && (msg_parts.contains ("73") || msg_parts.contains ("RR73"))) || (type == 6 && !msg_parts.filter ("73").isEmpty ())); } int ms_minute_error () { auto const& now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTime (); auto const& time = now.time (); auto second = time.second (); return now.msecsTo (now.addSecs (second > 30 ? 60 - second : -second)) - time.msec (); } QString since(QDateTime time){ int delta = time.toUTC().secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); if(delta < 15){ return QString("now"); } int seconds = delta % 60; delta = delta / 60; int minutes = delta % 60; delta = delta / 60; int hours = delta % 24; delta = delta / 24; int days = delta; if(days){ return QString("%1d").arg(days); } if(hours){ return QString("%1h").arg(hours); } if(minutes){ return QString("%1m").arg(minutes); } if(seconds){ return QString("%1s").arg(seconds - seconds%15); } return QString {}; } QString timeSince(int delta){ int seconds = delta % 60; delta = delta / 60; int minutes = delta; if(minutes && seconds){ return QString("%1m %2s").arg(minutes).arg(seconds); } else if(minutes){ return QString("%1m").arg(minutes); } else { return QString("%1s").arg(seconds); } } void clearTableWidget(QTableWidget *widget){ if(!widget){ return; } for(int i = widget->rowCount(); i >= 0; i--){ widget->removeRow(i); } } #if 0 int round(int numToRound, int multiple) { if(multiple == 0) { return numToRound; } int roundDown = ( (int) (numToRound) / multiple) * multiple; if(numToRound - roundDown > multiple/2){ return roundDown + multiple; } return roundDown; } #endif int roundUp(int numToRound, int multiple) { if(multiple == 0) { return numToRound; } int roundDown = ( (int) (numToRound) / multiple) * multiple; return roundDown + multiple; } template QList listCopyReverse(QList const &list){ QList newList = QList(); auto iter = list.end(); while(iter != list.begin()){ newList.append(*(--iter)); } return newList; } } //--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow constructor MainWindow::MainWindow(QDir const& temp_directory, bool multiple, MultiSettings * multi_settings, QSharedMemory *shdmem, unsigned downSampleFactor, QSplashScreen * splash, QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), m_network_manager {this}, m_valid {true}, m_splash {splash}, m_revision {revision ()}, m_multiple {multiple}, m_multi_settings {multi_settings}, m_configurations_button {0}, m_settings {multi_settings->settings ()}, m_settings_read {false}, ui(new Ui::MainWindow), m_config {temp_directory, m_settings, this}, m_WSPR_band_hopping {m_settings, &m_config, this}, m_WSPR_tx_next {false}, m_rigErrorMessageBox {MessageBox::Critical, tr ("Rig Control Error") , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Ok | MessageBox::Retry}, m_wideGraph (new WideGraph(m_settings)), // no parent so that it has a taskbar icon m_logDlg (new LogQSO (program_title (), m_settings, &m_config, nullptr)), m_lastDialFreq {0}, m_detector {new Detector {RX_SAMPLE_RATE, NTMAX, downSampleFactor}}, m_FFTSize {6912 / 2}, // conservative value to avoid buffer overruns m_soundInput {new SoundInput}, m_modulator {new Modulator {TX_SAMPLE_RATE, NTMAX}}, m_soundOutput {new SoundOutput}, m_notification {new NotificationAudio}, m_msErase {0}, m_secBandChanged {0}, m_freqNominal {0}, m_freqTxNominal {0}, m_s6 {0.}, m_tRemaining {0.}, m_DTtol {3.0}, m_waterfallAvg {1}, m_ntx {1}, m_gen_message_is_cq {false}, m_send_RR73 {false}, m_XIT {0}, m_sec0 {-1}, m_RxLog {1}, //Write Date and Time to RxLog m_nutc0 {999999}, m_ntr {0}, m_tx {0}, m_TRperiod {60}, m_inGain {0}, m_secID {0}, m_idleMinutes {0}, m_nSubMode {0}, m_nclearave {1}, m_pctx {0}, m_nseq {0}, m_nWSPRdecodes {0}, m_k0 {9999999}, m_nPick {0}, m_frequency_list_fcal_iter {m_config.frequencies ()->begin ()}, m_nTx73 {0}, m_btxok {false}, m_diskData {false}, m_loopall {false}, m_auto {false}, m_restart {false}, m_startAnother {false}, m_saveDecoded {false}, m_saveAll {false}, m_widebandDecode {false}, m_blankLine {false}, m_decodedText2 {false}, m_freeText {false}, m_sentFirst73 {false}, m_currentMessageType {-1}, m_lastMessageType {-1}, m_bShMsgs {false}, m_bSWL {false}, m_uploading {false}, m_txNext {false}, m_grid6 {false}, m_tuneup {false}, m_bTxTime {false}, m_bTransmittedEcho {false}, m_bDoubleClickAfterCQnnn {false}, m_bRefSpec {false}, m_bClearRefSpec {false}, m_bTrain {false}, m_bAutoReply {false}, m_QSOProgress {CALLING}, m_ihsym {0}, m_nzap {0}, m_px {0.0}, m_iptt0 {0}, m_btxok0 {false}, m_nsendingsh {0}, m_onAirFreq0 {0.0}, m_first_error {true}, tx_status_label {"Receiving"}, m_appDir {QApplication::applicationDirPath ()}, m_palette {"Linrad"}, m_mode {"FT8"}, m_rpt {"-15"}, m_pfx { "1A", "1S", "3A", "3B6", "3B8", "3B9", "3C", "3C0", "3D2", "3D2C", "3D2R", "3DA", "3V", "3W", "3X", "3Y", "3YB", "3YP", "4J", "4L", "4S", "4U1I", "4U1U", "4W", "4X", "5A", "5B", "5H", "5N", "5R", "5T", "5U", "5V", "5W", "5X", "5Z", "6W", "6Y", "7O", "7P", "7Q", "7X", "8P", "8Q", "8R", "9A", "9G", "9H", "9J", "9K", "9L", "9M2", "9M6", "9N", "9Q", "9U", "9V", "9X", "9Y", "A2", "A3", "A4", "A5", "A6", "A7", "A9", "AP", "BS7", "BV", "BV9", "BY", "C2", "C3", "C5", "C6", "C9", "CE", "CE0X", "CE0Y", "CE0Z", "CE9", "CM", "CN", "CP", "CT", "CT3", "CU", "CX", "CY0", "CY9", "D2", "D4", "D6", "DL", "DU", "E3", "E4", "E5", "EA", "EA6", "EA8", "EA9", "EI", "EK", "EL", "EP", "ER", "ES", "ET", "EU", "EX", "EY", "EZ", "F", "FG", "FH", "FJ", "FK", "FKC", "FM", "FO", "FOA", "FOC", "FOM", "FP", "FR", "FRG", "FRJ", "FRT", "FT5W", "FT5X", "FT5Z", "FW", "FY", "M", "MD", "MI", "MJ", "MM", "MU", "MW", "H4", "H40", "HA", "HB", "HB0", "HC", "HC8", "HH", "HI", "HK", "HK0", "HK0M", "HL", "HM", "HP", "HR", "HS", "HV", "HZ", "I", "IS", "IS0", "J2", "J3", "J5", "J6", "J7", "J8", "JA", "JDM", "JDO", "JT", "JW", "JX", "JY", "K", "KC4", "KG4", "KH0", "KH1", "KH2", "KH3", "KH4", "KH5", "KH5K", "KH6", "KH7", "KH8", "KH9", "KL", "KP1", "KP2", "KP4", "KP5", "LA", "LU", "LX", "LY", "LZ", "OA", "OD", "OE", "OH", "OH0", "OJ0", "OK", "OM", "ON", "OX", "OY", "OZ", "P2", "P4", "PA", "PJ2", "PJ7", "PY", "PY0F", "PT0S", "PY0T", "PZ", "R1F", "R1M", "S0", "S2", "S5", "S7", "S9", "SM", "SP", "ST", "SU", "SV", "SVA", "SV5", "SV9", "T2", "T30", "T31", "T32", "T33", "T5", "T7", "T8", "T9", "TA", "TF", "TG", "TI", "TI9", "TJ", "TK", "TL", "TN", "TR", "TT", "TU", "TY", "TZ", "UA", "UA2", "UA9", "UK", "UN", "UR", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5", "V6", "V7", "V8", "VE", "VK", "VK0H", "VK0M", "VK9C", "VK9L", "VK9M", "VK9N", "VK9W", "VK9X", "VP2E", "VP2M", "VP2V", "VP5", "VP6", "VP6D", "VP8", "VP8G", "VP8H", "VP8O", "VP8S", "VP9", "VQ9", "VR", "VU", "VU4", "VU7", "XE", "XF4", "XT", "XU", "XW", "XX9", "XZ", "YA", "YB", "YI", "YJ", "YK", "YL", "YN", "YO", "YS", "YU", "YV", "YV0", "Z2", "Z3", "ZA", "ZB", "ZC4", "ZD7", "ZD8", "ZD9", "ZF", "ZK1N", "ZK1S", "ZK2", "ZK3", "ZL", "ZL7", "ZL8", "ZL9", "ZP", "ZS", "ZS8" }, m_sfx {"P", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A"}, mem_js8 {shdmem}, m_msAudioOutputBuffered (0u), m_framesAudioInputBuffered (RX_SAMPLE_RATE / 10), m_downSampleFactor (downSampleFactor), m_audioThreadPriority (QThread::HighPriority), m_notificationAudioThreadPriority (QThread::LowPriority), m_bandEdited {false}, m_splitMode {false}, m_monitoring {false}, m_tx_when_ready {false}, m_transmitting {false}, m_tune {false}, m_tx_watchdog {false}, m_block_pwr_tooltip {false}, m_PwrBandSetOK {true}, m_lastMonitoredFrequency {default_frequency}, m_toneSpacing {0.}, m_firstDecode {0}, m_messageClient {new MessageClient {QApplication::applicationName (), version (), revision (), m_config.udp_server_name (), m_config.udp_server_port (), this}}, m_n3fjpClient { new TCPClient{this}}, m_spotClient { new SpotClient{m_messageClient, this}}, m_aprsClient {new APRSISClient{"rotate.aprs2.net", 14580, this}}, psk_Reporter {new PSK_Reporter {m_messageClient, this}}, m_i3bit {0}, m_manual {&m_network_manager}, m_txFrameCount {0}, m_txFrameCountSent {0}, m_txTextDirty {false}, m_txFrameCountEstimate {0}, m_previousFreq {0}, m_hbPaused { false }, m_hbInterval {0}, m_cqInterval {0}, m_cqPaused { false } { ui->setupUi(this); createStatusBar(); add_child_to_event_filter (this); ui->dxGridEntry->setValidator (new MaidenheadLocatorValidator {this}); ui->dxCallEntry->setValidator (new CallsignValidator {this}); ui->sbTR->values ({5, 10, 15, 30}); m_baseCall = Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ()); m_opCall = m_config.opCall(); // Closedown. connect (ui->actionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &QMainWindow::close); // parts of the rig error message box that are fixed m_rigErrorMessageBox.setInformativeText (tr ("Do you want to reconfigure the radio interface?")); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDefaultButton (MessageBox::Ok); // start audio thread and hook up slots & signals for shutdown management // these objects need to be in the audio thread so that invoking // their slots is done in a thread safe way m_soundOutput->moveToThread (&m_audioThread); m_modulator->moveToThread (&m_audioThread); m_soundInput->moveToThread (&m_audioThread); m_detector->moveToThread (&m_audioThread); // notification audio operates in its own thread at a lower priority m_notification->moveToThread(&m_notificationAudioThread); // hook up sound output stream slots & signals and disposal connect (this, &MainWindow::initializeAudioOutputStream, m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setFormat); connect (m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundOutError); connect (this, &MainWindow::outAttenuationChanged, m_soundOutput, &SoundOutput::setAttenuation); connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_soundOutput, &QObject::deleteLater); connect (this, &MainWindow::initializeNotificationAudioOutputStream, m_notification, &NotificationAudio::setDevice); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::test_notify, this, &MainWindow::tryNotify); connect (this, &MainWindow::playNotification, m_notification, &NotificationAudio::play); connect (&m_notificationAudioThread, &QThread::finished, m_notification, &QObject::deleteLater); // hook up Modulator slots and disposal connect (this, &MainWindow::transmitFrequency, m_modulator, &Modulator::setFrequency); connect (this, &MainWindow::endTransmitMessage, m_modulator, &Modulator::stop); connect (this, &MainWindow::tune, m_modulator, &Modulator::tune); connect (this, &MainWindow::sendMessage, m_modulator, &Modulator::start); connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_modulator, &QObject::deleteLater); // hook up the audio input stream signals, slots and disposal connect (this, &MainWindow::startAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::start); connect (this, &MainWindow::suspendAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::suspend); connect (this, &MainWindow::resumeAudioInputStream, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::resume); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_soundInput, &SoundInput::stop); connect(m_soundInput, &SoundInput::error, this, &MainWindow::showSoundInError); // connect(m_soundInput, &SoundInput::status, this, &MainWindow::showStatusMessage); connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_soundInput, &QObject::deleteLater); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, this, &MainWindow::close); // hook up the detector signals, slots and disposal connect (this, &MainWindow::FFTSize, m_detector, &Detector::setBlockSize); connect(m_detector, &Detector::framesWritten, this, &MainWindow::dataSink); connect (&m_audioThread, &QThread::finished, m_detector, &QObject::deleteLater); // setup the waterfall connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(f11f12(int)),this,SLOT(bumpFqso(int))); connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(setXIT2(int)),this,SLOT(setXIT(int))); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_wideGraph.data (), &WideGraph::close); // setup the log QSO dialog connect (m_logDlg.data (), &LogQSO::acceptQSO, this, &MainWindow::acceptQSO); connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_logDlg.data (), &LogQSO::close); // Network message handlers connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::error, this, &MainWindow::networkError); connect (m_messageClient, &MessageClient::message, this, &MainWindow::networkMessage); #if 0 // Hook up WSPR band hopping connect (ui->band_hopping_schedule_push_button, &QPushButton::clicked , &m_WSPR_band_hopping, &WSPRBandHopping::show_dialog); connect (ui->sbTxPercent, static_cast (&QSpinBox::valueChanged) , &m_WSPR_band_hopping, &WSPRBandHopping::set_tx_percent); #endif on_EraseButton_clicked (); QActionGroup* modeGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionFT8->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT9->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT65->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT9_JT65->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionJT4->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionWSPR->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionWSPR_LF->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionISCAT->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionMSK144->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionQRA64->setActionGroup(modeGroup); ui->actionFreqCal->setActionGroup(modeGroup); QActionGroup* saveGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionNone->setActionGroup(saveGroup); ui->actionSave_decoded->setActionGroup(saveGroup); ui->actionSave_all->setActionGroup(saveGroup); QActionGroup* DepthGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionQuickDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); ui->actionMediumDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); ui->actionDeepDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); ui->actionDeepestDecode->setActionGroup(DepthGroup); connect (ui->view_phase_response_action, &QAction::triggered, [this] () { if (!m_equalizationToolsDialog) { m_equalizationToolsDialog.reset (new EqualizationToolsDialog {m_settings, m_config.writeable_data_dir (), m_phaseEqCoefficients, this}); connect (m_equalizationToolsDialog.data (), &EqualizationToolsDialog::phase_equalization_changed, [this] (QVector const& coeffs) { m_phaseEqCoefficients = coeffs; }); } m_equalizationToolsDialog->show (); }); QButtonGroup* txMsgButtonGroup = new QButtonGroup {this}; txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb1,1); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb2,2); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb3,3); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb4,4); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb5,5); txMsgButtonGroup->addButton(ui->txrb6,6); set_dateTimeQSO(-1); connect(txMsgButtonGroup,SIGNAL(buttonClicked(int)),SLOT(set_ntx(int))); // initialize decoded text font and hook up font change signals // defer initialization until after construction otherwise menu // fonts do not get set QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (initialize_fonts ())); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::gui_text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const& font) { set_application_font (font); }); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::table_font_changed, [this] (QFont const&) { ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setFont(m_config.table_font()); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setFont(m_config.table_font()); }); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::rx_text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const&) { setTextEditFont(ui->textEditRX, m_config.rx_text_font()); }); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::compose_text_font_changed, [this] (QFont const&) { setTextEditFont(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, m_config.compose_text_font()); }); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::colors_changed, [this](){ setTextEditStyle(ui->textEditRX, m_config.color_rx_foreground(), m_config.color_rx_background(), m_config.rx_text_font()); setTextEditStyle(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, m_config.color_compose_foreground(), m_config.color_compose_background(), m_config.compose_text_font()); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setFont(m_config.compose_text_font(), m_config.color_compose_foreground(), m_config.color_compose_background()); // rehighlight auto d = ui->textEditRX->document(); if(d){ for(int i = 0; i < d->lineCount(); i++){ auto b = d->findBlockByLineNumber(i); switch(b.userState()){ case STATE_RX: highlightBlock(b, m_config.rx_text_font(), m_config.color_rx_foreground(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); break; case STATE_TX: highlightBlock(b, m_config.tx_text_font(), m_config.color_tx_foreground(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); break; } } } }); setWindowTitle (program_title ()); // hook up save WAV file exit handling connect (&m_saveWAVWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, [this] { // extract the promise from the future auto const& result = m_saveWAVWatcher.future ().result (); if (!result.isEmpty ()) // error { MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr("Error Writing WAV File"), result); } }); // Hook up working frequencies. ui->currentFreq->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); ui->currentFreq->display("14.078 000"); auto cfmp = new MousePressEater(); connect(cfmp, &MousePressEater::mousePressed, this, [this](QObject *, QMouseEvent * e, bool *pProcessed){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->currentFreq); buildFrequencyMenu(menu); menu->popup(e->globalPos()); if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = true; }); ui->currentFreq->installEventFilter(cfmp); ui->labDialFreqOffset->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); auto ldmp = new MousePressEater(); connect(ldmp, &MousePressEater::mousePressed, this, [this](QObject *, QMouseEvent *, bool *pProcessed){ on_actionSetOffset_triggered(); if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = true; }); ui->labDialFreqOffset->installEventFilter(ldmp); // Hook up callsign label click to open preferenses ui->labCallsign->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); auto clmp = new MousePressEater(); connect(clmp, &MousePressEater::mousePressed, this, [this](QObject *, QMouseEvent * e, bool *pProcessed){ openSettings(0); if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = true; }); ui->labCallsign->installEventFilter(clmp); ui->bandComboBox->setVisible(false); ui->bandComboBox->setModel (m_config.frequencies ()); ui->bandComboBox->setModelColumn (FrequencyList_v2::frequency_mhz_column); // combo box drop down width defaults to the line edit + decorator width, // here we change that to the column width size hint of the model column ui->bandComboBox->view ()->setMinimumWidth (ui->bandComboBox->view ()->sizeHintForColumn (FrequencyList_v2::frequency_mhz_column)); // Enable live band combo box entry validation and action. auto band_validator = new LiveFrequencyValidator {ui->bandComboBox , m_config.bands () , m_config.frequencies () , &m_freqNominal , this}; ui->bandComboBox->setValidator (band_validator); // Hook up signals. connect (band_validator, &LiveFrequencyValidator::valid, this, &MainWindow::band_changed); connect (ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit (), &QLineEdit::textEdited, [this] (QString const&) {m_bandEdited = true;}); // hook up configuration signals connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_update, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::transceiver_failure, this, &MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::udp_server_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::set_server); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::udp_server_port_changed, m_messageClient, &MessageClient::set_server_port); connect (&m_config, &Configuration::band_schedule_changed, this, [this](){ this->m_bandHopped = true; }); // set up configurations menu connect (m_multi_settings, &MultiSettings::configurationNameChanged, [this] (QString const& name) { if ("Default" != name) { config_label.setText (name); config_label.show (); } else { config_label.hide (); } }); m_multi_settings->create_menu_actions (this, ui->menuConfig); m_configurations_button = m_rigErrorMessageBox.addButton (tr ("Configurations...") , QMessageBox::ActionRole); // set up message text validators ui->tx1->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx2->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx3->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx4->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx5->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->tx6->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->freeTextMsg->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); ui->nextFreeTextMsg->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); //ui->extFreeTextMsg->setValidator (new QRegExpValidator {message_alphabet, this}); // Free text macros model to widget hook up. //ui->tx5->setModel (m_config.macros ()); //connect (ui->tx5->lineEdit(), &QLineEdit::editingFinished, // [this] () {on_tx5_currentTextChanged (ui->tx5->lineEdit()->text());}); //ui->freeTextMsg->setModel (m_config.macros ()); connect (ui->freeTextMsg->lineEdit () , &QLineEdit::editingFinished , [this] () {on_freeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (ui->freeTextMsg->lineEdit ()->text ());}); connect (ui->nextFreeTextMsg , &QLineEdit::editingFinished , [this] () {on_nextFreeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (ui->nextFreeTextMsg->text ());}); connect (ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit , &QTextEdit::textChanged , [this] () {on_extFreeTextMsgEdit_currentTextChanged (ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText ());}); m_guiTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_guiTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::guiUpdate); m_guiTimer.start(100); //### Don't change the 100 ms! ### ptt0Timer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&ptt0Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopTx2); ptt1Timer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&ptt1Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::startTx2); logQSOTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&logQSOTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked); tuneButtonTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&tuneButtonTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_stopTxButton_clicked); tuneATU_Timer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&tuneATU_Timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::stopTuneATU); killFileTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&killFileTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::killFile); TxAgainTimer.setSingleShot(true); connect(&TxAgainTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(TxAgain())); repeatTimer.setSingleShot(false); repeatTimer.setInterval(1000); connect(&repeatTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::checkRepeat); connect(m_wideGraph.data (), SIGNAL(setFreq3(int,int)),this, SLOT(setFreq4(int,int))); connect(m_wideGraph.data(), &WideGraph::qsy, this, &MainWindow::qsy); decodeBusy(false); QString t1[28]={"1 uW","2 uW","5 uW","10 uW","20 uW","50 uW","100 uW","200 uW","500 uW", "1 mW","2 mW","5 mW","10 mW","20 mW","50 mW","100 mW","200 mW","500 mW", "1 W","2 W","5 W","10 W","20 W","50 W","100 W","200 W","500 W","1 kW"}; m_msg[0][0]=0; m_bQRAsyncWarned=false; ui->labDXped->setVisible(false); for(int i=0; i<28; i++) { //Initialize dBm values float dbm=(10.0*i)/3.0 - 30.0; int ndbm=0; if(dbm<0) ndbm=int(dbm-0.5); if(dbm>=0) ndbm=int(dbm+0.5); QString t; t.sprintf("%d dBm ",ndbm); t+=t1[i]; ui->TxPowerComboBox->addItem(t); } ui->labAz->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;"); // ui->labDist->setStyleSheet("border: 0px;"); auto t = "UTC dB DT Freq Message"; ui->decodedTextLabel->setText(t); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setText(t); displayDialFrequency(); readSettings(); //Restore user's setup params m_audioThread.start (m_audioThreadPriority); m_notificationAudioThread.start(m_notificationAudioThreadPriority); #ifdef WIN32 if (!m_multiple) { while(true) { int iret=killbyname("js8.exe"); if(iret == 603) break; if(iret != 0) MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error Killing js8.exe Process") , tr ("KillByName return code: %1") .arg (iret)); } } #endif initDecoderSubprocess(); QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))}; QByteArray cfname=fname.toLocal8Bit(); fftwf_import_wisdom_from_filename(cfname); m_ntx = 6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); connect (&m_wav_future_watcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &MainWindow::diskDat); // Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device (), m_framesAudioInputBuffered, &m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ()); Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device (), m_framesAudioInputBuffered, m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ()); Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device (), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); Q_EMIT initializeNotificationAudioOutputStream(m_config.notification_audio_output_device(), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.notification_audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT); enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ()); // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook ui->label_9->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #aabec8}"); ui->label_10->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #aabec8}"); // this must be done before initializing the mode as some modes need // to turn off split on the rig e.g. WSPR m_config.transceiver_online (); bool vhf {m_config.enable_VHF_features ()}; morse_(const_cast (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()), const_cast (icw), &m_ncw, m_config.my_callsign ().length()); on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered(); ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(m_bShMsgs); ui->cbSWL->setChecked(m_bSWL); if(true || m_mode=="FT8") on_actionJS8_triggered(); // TODO: jsherer - is this needed? //ui->sbSubmode->setValue (vhf ? m_nSubMode : 0); if(m_mode=="MSK144") { Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (1000.0); } else { Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() - m_XIT); } m_saveDecoded=ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked(); m_saveAll=ui->actionSave_all->isChecked(); ui->sbTxPercent->setValue(m_pctx); ui->TxPowerComboBox->setCurrentIndex(int(0.3*(m_dBm + 30.0)+0.2)); if((m_ndepth&7)==1) ui->actionQuickDecode->setChecked(true); if((m_ndepth&7)==2) ui->actionMediumDecode->setChecked(true); if((m_ndepth&7)==3) ui->actionDeepDecode->setChecked(true); if((m_ndepth&7)==4) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked(true); ui->actionInclude_averaging->setChecked(m_ndepth&16); ui->actionInclude_correlation->setChecked(m_ndepth&32); ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->setChecked(m_ndepth&64); m_UTCdisk=-1; m_fCPUmskrtd=0.0; m_bAltV=false; m_bNoMoreFiles=false; m_bVHFwarned=false; m_bDoubleClicked=false; m_bCallingCQ=false; m_bCheckedContest=false; m_bDisplayedOnce=false; m_wait=0; m_isort=-3; m_max_dB=30; m_CQtype="CQ"; if(m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR") and m_pctx>0) { QPalette palette {ui->sbTxPercent->palette ()}; palette.setColor(QPalette::Base,Qt::yellow); ui->sbTxPercent->setPalette(palette); } VHF_features_enabled(m_config.enable_VHF_features()); m_wideGraph->setVHF(m_config.enable_VHF_features()); statusChanged(); m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); connect (&minuteTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::on_the_minute); minuteTimer.setSingleShot (true); minuteTimer.start (ms_minute_error () + 60 * 1000); //connect (&splashTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::splash_done); //splashTimer.setSingleShot (true); //splashTimer.start (20 * 1000); QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (checkStartupWarnings ())); if(!ui->cbMenus->isChecked()) { ui->cbMenus->setChecked(true); ui->cbMenus->setChecked(false); } //UI Customizations & Tweaks m_wideGraph.data()->installEventFilter(new EscapeKeyPressEater()); ui->mdiArea->addSubWindow(m_wideGraph.data(), Qt::Dialog | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::Tool)->showMaximized(); //ui->menuDecode->setEnabled(true); ui->menuMode->setVisible(false); ui->menuSave->setEnabled(true); ui->menuTools->setEnabled(false); ui->menuView->setEnabled(false); foreach(auto action, ui->menuBar->actions()){ if(action->text() == "Old View") ui->menuBar->removeAction(action); if(action->text() == "Old Mode") ui->menuBar->removeAction(action); if(action->text() == "Old Tools") ui->menuBar->removeAction(action); } ui->dxCallEntry->clear(); ui->dxGridEntry->clear(); //auto f = findFreeFreqOffset(1000, 2000, 50); //setFreqOffsetForRestore(f, false); ui->cbVHFcontest->setChecked(false); // this needs to always be false ui->actionModeAutoreply->setChecked(m_config.autoreply_on_at_startup()); ui->spotButton->setChecked(m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()); QActionGroup * modeActionGroup = new QActionGroup(this); ui->actionModeJS8Normal->setActionGroup(modeActionGroup); ui->actionModeJS8Fast->setActionGroup(modeActionGroup); ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->setActionGroup(modeActionGroup); ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setActionGroup(modeActionGroup); auto mbmp = new MousePressEater(); connect(mbmp, &MousePressEater::mousePressed, this, [this](QObject *, QMouseEvent * e, bool *pProcessed){ ui->menuModeJS8->popup(e->globalPos()); if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = true; }); ui->modeButton->installEventFilter(mbmp); if(!JS8_ENABLE_JS8A){ ui->actionModeJS8Normal->setVisible(false); } if(!JS8_ENABLE_JS8B){ ui->actionModeJS8Fast->setVisible(false); } if(!JS8_ENABLE_JS8C){ ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->setVisible(false); } if(!JS8_ENABLE_JS8E){ ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setVisible(false); } if(JS8_ENABLE_JS8E && !JS8E_IS_ULTRA){ // reorder so slow is at the top ui->menuModeJS8->removeAction(ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow); ui->menuModeJS8->insertAction(ui->actionModeJS8Normal, ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow); ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setText("JS8 (&Slow, 30s, 24Hz, ~8WPM)"); } // prep prepareHeartbeatMode(ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); prepareSpotting(); auto enterFilter = new EnterKeyPressEater(); connect(enterFilter, &EnterKeyPressEater::enterKeyPressed, this, [this](QObject *, QKeyEvent *, bool *pProcessed){ if(QApplication::keyboardModifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier){ if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = false; return; } if(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->isReadOnly()){ if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = false; return; } if(pProcessed) *pProcessed = true; if(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().trimmed().isEmpty()){ return; } if(!ensureCallsignSet(true)){ return; } toggleTx(true); }); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->installEventFilter(enterFilter); auto doubleClickFilter = new MouseDoubleClickEater(); connect(doubleClickFilter, &MouseDoubleClickEater::mouseDoubleClicked, this, [this](QObject *, QMouseEvent *, bool *){ QTimer::singleShot(150, this, &MainWindow::on_textEditRX_mouseDoubleClicked); }); ui->textEditRX->viewport()->installEventFilter(doubleClickFilter); auto clearActionSep = new QAction(nullptr); clearActionSep->setSeparator(true); auto clearActionAll = new QAction(QString("Clear All"), nullptr); connect(clearActionAll, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question(this, "Clear All Activity", "Are you sure you would like to clear all activity?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No)){ return; } clearActivity(); }); // setup tablewidget context menus auto clearAction1 = new QAction(QString("Clear"), ui->textEditRX); connect(clearAction1, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ this->on_clearAction_triggered(ui->textEditRX); }); auto saveAction = new QAction(QString("Save As..."), ui->textEditRX); connect(saveAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ auto writePath = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); auto writeDir = QDir(writePath); auto defaultFilename = writeDir.absoluteFilePath(QString("js8call-%1.txt").arg(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyyMMdd"))); QString selectedFilter = "*.txt"; auto filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save As...", defaultFilename, "Text files (*.txt);; All files (*)", &selectedFilter ); if(filename.isEmpty()){ return; } auto text = ui->textEditRX->toPlainText(); QFile f(filename); if (f.open(QIODevice::Truncate | QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream stream(&f); stream << text; } }); ui->textEditRX->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->textEditRX, &QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this, clearAction1, clearActionAll, saveAction](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->textEditRX); buildEditMenu(menu, ui->textEditRX); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(clearAction1); menu->addAction(clearActionAll); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(saveAction); menu->popup(ui->textEditRX->mapToGlobal(point)); }); auto clearAction2 = new QAction(QString("Clear"), ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit); connect(clearAction2, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ this->on_clearAction_triggered(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit); }); auto restoreAction = new QAction(QString("Restore Previous Message"), ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit); connect(restoreAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ this->restoreMessage(); }); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, &QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this, clearAction2, clearActionAll, restoreAction](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit); auto selectedCall = callsignSelected(); bool missingCallsign = selectedCall.isEmpty(); buildSuggestionsMenu(menu, ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, point); restoreAction->setDisabled(m_lastTxMessage.isEmpty()); menu->addAction(restoreAction); auto savedMenu = menu->addMenu("Saved Messages..."); buildSavedMessagesMenu(savedMenu); auto directedMenu = menu->addMenu(QString("Directed to %1...").arg(selectedCall)); directedMenu->setDisabled(missingCallsign); buildQueryMenu(directedMenu, selectedCall); auto relayMenu = menu->addMenu("Relay via..."); relayMenu->setDisabled(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty() || m_callActivity.isEmpty()); buildRelayMenu(relayMenu); menu->addSeparator(); buildEditMenu(menu, ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(clearAction2); menu->addAction(clearActionAll); menu->popup(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->mapToGlobal(point)); displayActivity(true); }); auto clearAction3 = new QAction(QString("Clear"), ui->tableWidgetRXAll); connect(clearAction3, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ this->on_clearAction_triggered(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); }); auto removeActivity = new QAction(QString("Remove Activity"), ui->tableWidgetRXAll); connect(removeActivity, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ if(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems().isEmpty()){ return; } auto selectedItems = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems(); int selectedOffset = selectedItems.first()->data(Qt::UserRole).toInt(); m_bandActivity.remove(selectedOffset); displayActivity(true); }); auto logAction = new QAction(QString("Log..."), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(logAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->horizontalHeader(), &QHeaderView::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); QMenu * sortByMenu = menu->addMenu("Sort By..."); buildBandActivitySortByMenu(sortByMenu); QMenu * showColumnsMenu = menu->addMenu("Show Columns..."); buildShowColumnsMenu(showColumnsMenu, "band"); menu->popup(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->horizontalHeader()->mapToGlobal(point)); }); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tableWidgetRXAll, &QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this, clearAction3, clearActionAll, removeActivity, logAction](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); // clear the selection of the call widget on right click ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); bool missingCallsign = selectedCall.isEmpty(); bool isAllCall = isAllCallIncluded(selectedCall); int selectedOffset = -1; if(!ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems().isEmpty()){ auto selectedItems = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems(); selectedOffset = selectedItems.first()->data(Qt::UserRole).toInt(); } if(selectedOffset != -1){ auto qsyAction = menu->addAction(QString("Jump to %1Hz").arg(selectedOffset)); connect(qsyAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, selectedOffset](){ setFreqOffsetForRestore(selectedOffset, false); // TODO: prompt mode switch? }); auto items = m_bandActivity.value(selectedOffset); if(!items.isEmpty()){ int submode = items.last().submode; auto speed = submodeName(submode); if(submode != m_nSubMode){ auto qrqAction = menu->addAction(QString("Jump to %1%2 speed").arg(speed.left(1)).arg(speed.mid(1).toLower())); connect(qrqAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, submode](){ setSubmode(submode); }); } } menu->addSeparator(); } menu->addAction(logAction); logAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign || isAllCall); menu->addSeparator(); auto savedMenu = menu->addMenu("Saved Messages..."); buildSavedMessagesMenu(savedMenu); auto directedMenu = menu->addMenu(QString("Directed to %1...").arg(selectedCall)); directedMenu->setDisabled(missingCallsign); buildQueryMenu(directedMenu, selectedCall); auto relayAction = buildRelayAction(selectedCall); relayAction->setText(QString("Relay via %1...").arg(selectedCall)); relayAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign); menu->addActions({ relayAction }); auto deselectAction = menu->addAction(QString("Deselect %1").arg(selectedCall)); deselectAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign); connect(deselectAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->clearSelection(); ui->tableWidgetCalls->clearSelection(); }); // savedMenu->setEnabled(savedMenu->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); // directedMenu->setEnabled(directedMenu->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); // relayAction->setEnabled(relayAction->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); menu->addSeparator(); removeActivity->setDisabled(selectedOffset == -1); menu->addAction(removeActivity); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(clearAction3); menu->addAction(clearActionAll); menu->popup(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->mapToGlobal(point)); displayActivity(true); }); auto clearAction4 = new QAction(QString("Clear"), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(clearAction4, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ this->on_clearAction_triggered(ui->tableWidgetCalls); }); auto addStation = new QAction(QString("Add New Station or Group..."), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(addStation, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ bool ok = false; QString callsign = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Add New Station or Group"), tr("Station or Group Callsign:"), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok).toUpper().trimmed(); if(!ok || callsign.trimmed().isEmpty()){ return; } // if we're adding allcall, turn off allcall avoidance if(callsign == "@ALLCALL"){ m_config.set_avoid_allcall(false); } else if(callsign.startsWith("@")){ if(Varicode::isCompoundCallsign(callsign)){ m_config.addGroup(callsign); } else { MessageBox::critical_message (this, QString("%1 is not a valid group").arg(callsign)); } } else { if(Varicode::isValidCallsign(callsign, nullptr)){ CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = callsign; m_callActivity[callsign] = cd; } else { MessageBox::critical_message (this, QString("%1 is not a valid callsign or group").arg(callsign)); } } displayActivity(true); }); auto removeStation = new QAction(QString("Remove Station"), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(removeStation, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } if (selectedCall == "@ALLCALL"){ m_config.set_avoid_allcall(true); } else if (selectedCall.startsWith("@")){ m_config.removeGroup(selectedCall); } else if(m_callActivity.contains(selectedCall)){ m_callActivity.remove(selectedCall); } displayActivity(true); }); auto historyAction = new QAction(QString("Show Message Inbox..."), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(ui->actionShow_Message_Inbox, &QAction::triggered, historyAction, &QAction::trigger); connect(historyAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ selectedCall = "%"; } Inbox inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ return; } QList > msgs; msgs.append(inbox.values("STORE", "$.params.TO", selectedCall, 0, 1000)); msgs.append(inbox.values("READ", "$.params.FROM", selectedCall, 0, 1000)); foreach(auto pair, inbox.values("UNREAD", "$.params.FROM", selectedCall, 0, 1000)){ msgs.append(pair); // mark as read auto msg = pair.second; msg.setType("READ"); inbox.set(pair.first, msg); } qStableSort(msgs.begin(), msgs.end(), [](QPair const &a, QPair const &b){ return a.second.params().value("UTC") > b.second.params().value("UTC"); }); auto mw = new MessageWindow(this); connect(mw, &MessageWindow::finished, this, [this](int){ refreshInboxCounts(); displayCallActivity(); }); connect(mw, &MessageWindow::deleteMessage, this, [this](int id){ Inbox inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ return; } inbox.del(id); }); connect(mw, &MessageWindow::replyMessage, this, [this, mw](const QString &text){ addMessageText(text, true, true); refreshInboxCounts(); displayCallActivity(); mw->close(); }); mw->setCall(selectedCall); mw->populateMessages(msgs); mw->show(); }); auto localMessageAction = new QAction(QString("Store Message..."), ui->tableWidgetCalls); connect(localMessageAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } auto m = new MessageReplyDialog(this); m->setWindowTitle("Message"); m->setLabel(QString("Store this message locally for %1:").arg(selectedCall)); if(m->exec() != QMessageBox::Accepted){ return; } CommandDetail d = {}; d.cmd = " MSG "; d.to = selectedCall; d.from = m_config.my_callsign(); d.relayPath = d.from; d.text = m->textValue(); d.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); d.submode = m_nSubMode; addCommandToStorage("STORE", d); }); ui->tableWidgetCalls->horizontalHeader()->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tableWidgetCalls->horizontalHeader(), &QHeaderView::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->tableWidgetCalls); QMenu * sortByMenu = menu->addMenu("Sort By..."); buildCallActivitySortByMenu(sortByMenu); QMenu * showColumnsMenu = menu->addMenu("Show Columns..."); buildShowColumnsMenu(showColumnsMenu, "call"); menu->popup(ui->tableWidgetCalls->horizontalHeader()->mapToGlobal(point)); }); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->tableWidgetCalls, &QTableWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this, logAction, historyAction, localMessageAction, clearAction4, clearActionAll, addStation, removeStation](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->tableWidgetCalls); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectionModel()->clearSelection(); QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); bool isAllCall = isAllCallIncluded(selectedCall); bool isGroupCall = isGroupCallIncluded(selectedCall); bool missingCallsign = selectedCall.isEmpty(); if(!missingCallsign && !isAllCall){ int selectedOffset = m_callActivity[selectedCall].freq; if(selectedOffset != -1){ auto qsyAction = menu->addAction(QString("Jump to %1Hz").arg(selectedOffset)); connect(qsyAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, selectedOffset](){ setFreqOffsetForRestore(selectedOffset, false); // TODO: prompt mode switch? }); int submode = m_callActivity[selectedCall].submode; auto speed = submodeName(submode); if(submode != m_nSubMode){ auto qrqAction = menu->addAction(QString("Jump to %1%2 speed").arg(speed.left(1)).arg(speed.mid(1).toLower())); connect(qrqAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, submode](){ setSubmode(submode); }); } menu->addSeparator(); } } menu->addAction(logAction); logAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign || isAllCall); menu->addAction(historyAction); historyAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign || isAllCall || isGroupCall || !hasMessageHistory(selectedCall)); menu->addAction(localMessageAction); localMessageAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign || isAllCall || isGroupCall); menu->addSeparator(); auto savedMenu = menu->addMenu("Saved Messages..."); buildSavedMessagesMenu(savedMenu); auto directedMenu = menu->addMenu(QString("Directed to %1...").arg(selectedCall)); directedMenu->setDisabled(missingCallsign); buildQueryMenu(directedMenu, selectedCall); auto relayAction = buildRelayAction(selectedCall); relayAction->setText(QString("Relay via %1...").arg(selectedCall)); relayAction->setDisabled(missingCallsign || isAllCall); menu->addActions({ relayAction }); auto deselect = menu->addAction(QString("Deselect %1").arg(selectedCall)); deselect->setDisabled(missingCallsign); connect(deselect, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->clearSelection(); ui->tableWidgetCalls->clearSelection(); }); // savedMenu->setEnabled(savedMenu->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); // directedMenu->setEnabled(directedMenu->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); // relayAction->setEnabled(relayAction->isEnabled() && !ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(addStation); removeStation->setDisabled(missingCallsign); removeStation->setText(selectedCall.startsWith("@") ? "Remove Group" : "Remove Station"); menu->addAction(removeStation); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(clearAction4); menu->addAction(clearActionAll); menu->popup(ui->tableWidgetCalls->mapToGlobal(point)); }); connect(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &MainWindow::on_tableWidgetRXAll_selectionChanged); connect(ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged, this, &MainWindow::on_tableWidgetCalls_selectionChanged); auto p = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight)); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setPalette(p); p = ui->tableWidgetCalls->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setPalette(p); ui->hbMacroButton->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->hbMacroButton, &QPushButton::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->hbMacroButton); buildHeartbeatMenu(menu); menu->popup(ui->hbMacroButton->mapToGlobal(point)); }); ui->cqMacroButton->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(ui->cqMacroButton, &QPushButton::customContextMenuRequested, this, [this](QPoint const &point){ QMenu * menu = new QMenu(ui->cqMacroButton); buildCQMenu(menu); menu->popup(ui->cqMacroButton->mapToGlobal(point)); }); // Don't block heartbeat's first run... m_lastTxStartTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-300); m_lastTxStopTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-300); int width = 75; /* QList btns; foreach(auto child, ui->buttonGrid->children()){ if(!child->isWidgetType()){ continue; } if(!child->objectName().contains("Button")){ continue; } auto b = qobject_cast(child); width = qMax(width, b->geometry().width()); btns.append(b); } */ foreach(auto child, ui->buttonGrid->children()){ if(!child->isWidgetType()){ continue; } if(!child->objectName().contains("Button")){ continue; } auto b = qobject_cast(child); b->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor)); } auto buttonLayout = ui->buttonGrid->layout(); auto gridButtonLayout = qobject_cast(buttonLayout); gridButtonLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(0, width); gridButtonLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(1, width); gridButtonLayout->setColumnMinimumWidth(2, width); gridButtonLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 1); gridButtonLayout->setColumnStretch(1, 1); gridButtonLayout->setColumnStretch(2, 1); // Prepare spotting configuration... prepareSpotting(); displayActivity(true); #if TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN ui->turboButton->setVisible(true); ui->turboButton->setEnabled(true); #endif m_txTextDirtyDebounce.setSingleShot(true); connect(&m_txTextDirtyDebounce, &QTimer::timeout, this, &MainWindow::refreshTextDisplay); QTimer::singleShot(500, this, &MainWindow::initializeDummyData); // this must be the last statement of constructor if (!m_valid) throw std::runtime_error {"Fatal initialization exception"}; } void MainWindow::initDecoderSubprocess(){ { //delete any .quit file that might have been left lying around //since its presence will cause jt9 to exit a soon as we start it //and decodes will hang QFile quitFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".quit")}; while (quitFile.exists ()) { if (!quitFile.remove ()) { MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Error removing \"%1\"").arg (quitFile.fileName ()) , tr ("Click OK to retry")); } } } //Create .lock so jt9 will wait QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QStringList js8_args { "-s", QApplication::applicationName () // shared memory key, // includes rig #ifdef NDEBUG , "-w", "1" //FFTW patience - release #else , "-w", "1" //FFTW patience - debug builds for speed #endif // The number of threads for FFTW specified here is chosen as // three because that gives the best throughput of the large // FFTs used in jt9. The count is the minimum of (the number // available CPU threads less one) and three. This ensures that // there is always at least one free CPU thread to run the other // mode decoder in parallel. , "-m", QString::number (qMin (qMax (QThread::idealThreadCount () - 1, 1), 3)) //FFTW threads , "-e", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir) , "-a", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath ()) , "-t", QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.temp_dir ().absolutePath ()) }; QProcessEnvironment env {QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment ()}; env.insert ("OMP_STACKSIZE", "4M"); if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "decoder subprocess starting..."; auto proc = new QProcess(this); proc->setProcessEnvironment (env); proc->start(QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_appDir) + QDir::separator () + "js8", js8_args, QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Unbuffered); connect(proc, &QProcess::readyReadStandardOutput, this, [this, proc](){ readFromStdout(proc); }); connect(proc, static_cast (&QProcess::error), [this, proc] (QProcess::ProcessError error) { subProcessError (proc, error); }); connect(proc, static_cast (&QProcess::finished), [this, proc] (int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { subProcessFailed (proc, exitCode, status); }); // kill the previous proc and set the new one m_valid = false; { if(!proc_js8.isNull()){ proc_js8->kill(); } proc_js8.reset(proc); } m_valid = true; // reset decode busy if(m_decoderBusy){ decodeBusy(false); } } QPair, int> splitVersion(QString v){ int hyphenPos = v.lastIndexOf("-"); if(hyphenPos >= 0){ v = v.left(hyphenPos); } QVector intSegs; foreach(QString seg, v.split(".")){ bool ok = false; int i = seg.toInt(&ok); if(!ok){ break; } intSegs.append(i); } int len = intSegs.count(); QPair, int> tuple; if(len > 0){ tuple.first.first = intSegs.at(0); } if(len > 1){ tuple.first.second = intSegs.at(1); } if(len > 2){ tuple.second = intSegs.at(2); } return tuple; } void MainWindow::checkVersion(bool alertOnUpToDate){ auto m = new QNetworkAccessManager(this); connect(m, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, [this, alertOnUpToDate](QNetworkReply * reply){ if(reply->error()){ qDebug() << "Checking for Updates Error:" << reply->errorString(); return; } QString content = reply->readAll().trimmed(); auto currentVersion = splitVersion(version()); auto networkVersion = splitVersion(content); qDebug() << "Checking Version" << currentVersion << "with" << networkVersion; if(currentVersion < networkVersion){ SelfDestructMessageBox * m = new SelfDestructMessageBox(60, "New Updates Available", QString("A new version (%1) of JS8Call is now available. Please see js8call.com for more details.").arg(content), QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok, false, this); m->show(); } else if(alertOnUpToDate){ SelfDestructMessageBox * m = new SelfDestructMessageBox(60, "No Updates Available", QString("Your version (%1) of JS8Call is up-to-date.").arg(version()), QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok, false, this); m->show(); } }); qDebug() << "Checking for Updates..."; QUrl url("http://files.js8call.com/version.txt"); QNetworkRequest r(url); m->get(r); } void MainWindow::checkStartupWarnings () { if(m_config.check_for_updates()){ checkVersion(false); } ensureCallsignSet(false); } void MainWindow::initializeDummyData(){ if(!QApplication::applicationName().contains("dummy")){ return; } #if 0 Codeword all; foreach(CodewordPair p, JSC::compress("")){ all.append(p.first); } qDebug() << all; qDebug() << JSC::decompress(all) << (JSC::decompress(all) == "HELLO WORLD "); exit(-1); #endif #if 0 auto t = new QTimer(this); t->setInterval(150); connect(t, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this](){ if(!ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->hasFocus()){ return; } auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); int pos = qMin(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()); if(pos <= 5 && c.selectionStart() != c.selectionEnd()){ c.clearSelection(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setTextCursor(c); } }); t->start(); auto kpe = new KeyPressEater(); connect(kpe, &KeyPressEater::keyPressed, this, [this](QObject *obj, QKeyEvent * e, bool *pProcessed){ auto t = e->text(); auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); int pos = qMin(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()); if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape){ *pProcessed = false; return; } QTextCursor cc(c); cc.setPosition(5); cc.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextWord); int cpos = qMax(cc.selectionStart(), cc.selectionEnd()); if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) && pos < cpos){ *pProcessed = true; return; } if((e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace && pos <= 5) || (e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete && pos < 5)){ *pProcessed = true; return; } if(e->key() == Qt::Key_V && e->modifiers().testFlag(Qt::ControlModifier) && pos <= 5){ *pProcessed = true; return; } if(!t.isEmpty() && pos < 5){ *pProcessed = true; return; } }); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->installEventFilter(kpe); connect(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, &QTextEdit::copyAvailable, this, [this](bool available){ if(!available){ return; } auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); qDebug() << "select" << c.selectionStart() << c.selectionEnd(); int pos = qMin(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()); if(pos <= 5){ auto text = c.selectedText(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ c.clearSelection(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setTextCursor(c); } } }); /* connect(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document(), &QTextDocument::cursorPositionChanged, this, [this](const QTextCursor &){ auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); int pos = qMin(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()); if(pos <= 5){ auto text = c.selectedText(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ c.clearSelection(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setTextCursor(c); } } }); connect(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, &QTextEdit::cursorPositionChanged, this, [this](){ auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); int pos = qMin(c.selectionStart(), c.selectionEnd()); if(pos <= 5){ auto text = c.selectedText(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ c.clearSelection(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setTextCursor(c); } } }); */ /*connect(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document(), &QTextDocument::contentsChange, this, [this](int from, int removed, int added){ if(from < 5 && removed == 1){ ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document()->blockSignals(true); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document()->undo(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document()->clearUndoRedoStacks(QTextDocument::RedoStack); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->document()->blockSignals(false); } });*/ ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setText("HELLO BRAVE NEW WORLD"); auto c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); c.setPosition(0); c.setPosition(5, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); auto f = c.charFormat(); f.setFontStrikeOut(true); c.setCharFormat(f); #endif ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setPlainText("HELLOBRAVE NEW WORLD"); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setCharsSent(6); logHeardGraph("KN4CRD", "OH8STN"); logHeardGraph("KN4CRD", "K0OG"); logHeardGraph("K0OG", "KN4CRD"); auto path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath(QString("test.db3"))); auto inbox = Inbox(path); if(inbox.open()){ qDebug() << "test inbox opened" << inbox.count("test", "$", "%") << "messages"; int i = inbox.append(Message("test", "booya1")); i = inbox.append(Message("test", "booya2")); qDebug() << "i" << i; qDebug() << inbox.set(i, Message("test", "booya3")); auto m = inbox.value(i); qDebug() << QString(m.toJson()); qDebug() << inbox.del(i); foreach(auto pair, inbox.values("test", "$", "%", 0, 5)){ qDebug() << pair.first << QString(pair.second.toJson()); } } auto d = DecodedText("SN5-lUuJkby0", Varicode::JS8CallFirst, 1); qDebug () << "KN4CRD: K0OG ===>" << d.message(); // qDebug() << Varicode::isValidCallsign("@GROUP1", nullptr); // qDebug() << Varicode::packAlphaNumeric50("VE7/KN4CRD"); // qDebug() << Varicode::unpackAlphaNumeric50(Varicode::packAlphaNumeric50("VE7/KN4CRD")); // qDebug() << Varicode::unpackAlphaNumeric50(Varicode::packAlphaNumeric50("@GROUP/42")); // qDebug() << Varicode::unpackAlphaNumeric50(Varicode::packAlphaNumeric50("SP1ATOM")); if(!m_config.my_groups().contains("@GROUP42")){ m_config.addGroup("@GROUP42"); } QList calls = { "KN4CRD", "VE7/KN4CRD", "KN4CRD/P", "KC9QNE", "KI6SSI", "K0OG", "LB9YH", "VE7/LB9YH", "M0IAX", "N0JDS", "OH8STN", "VA3OSO", "VK1MIC", "W0FW" }; auto dt = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-300); int i = 0; foreach(auto call, calls){ CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = call; cd.through = i == 2 ? "KN4CRD" : ""; cd.freq = 500 + 100*i; cd.snr = i == 3 ? -100 : i; cd.ackTimestamp = i == 1 ? dt.addSecs(-900) : QDateTime{}; cd.utcTimestamp = dt; cd.grid = i == 5 ? "J042" : i == 6 ? " FN42FN42FN" : ""; cd.tdrift = 0.1*i; cd.submode = i % 3; logCallActivity(cd, false); ActivityDetail ad = {}; ad.bits = Varicode::JS8CallFirst | Varicode::JS8CallLast; ad.snr = i == 3 ? -100 : i; ad.freq = 500 + 100*i; ad.text = QString("%1: %2 TEST MESSAGE").arg(call).arg(m_config.my_callsign()); ad.utcTimestamp = dt; ad.submode = cd.submode; m_bandActivity[500+100*i] = { ad }; markOffsetDirected(500+100*i, false); i++; } ActivityDetail adHB1 = {}; adHB1.bits = Varicode::JS8CallFirst; adHB1.snr = 0; adHB1.freq = 750; adHB1.text = QString("KN4CRD: HB AUTO EM73"); adHB1.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); adHB1.submode = Varicode::JS8CallNormal; m_bandActivity[750].append(adHB1); ActivityDetail adHB2 = {}; adHB2.bits = Varicode::JS8CallLast; adHB2.snr = 0; adHB2.freq = 750; adHB2.text = QString(" MSG ID 1"); adHB2.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); adHB2.submode = Varicode::JS8CallNormal; m_bandActivity[750].append(adHB2); CommandDetail cmd = {}; cmd.cmd = ">"; cmd.to = m_config.my_callsign(); cmd.from = "N0JDS"; cmd.relayPath = "N0JDS>OH8STN"; cmd.text = "HELLO BRAVE SOUL"; cmd.utcTimestamp = dt; cmd.submode = Varicode::JS8CallNormal; addCommandToMyInbox(cmd); QString eot = m_config.eot(); displayTextForFreq(QString("KN4CRD: @ALLCALL? %1 ").arg(eot), 42, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-315), true, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("J1Y: KN4CRD SNR -05 %1 ").arg(eot), 42, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-300), false, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("HELLO BRAVE NEW WORLD %1 ").arg(eot), 42, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-300), false, true, true); auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); displayTextForFreq(QString("KN4CRD: JY1 ACK -12 %1 ").arg(eot), 780, now, false, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("KN4CRD: JY1 ACK -12 %1 ").arg(eot), 780, now, false, true, true); // should be hidden (duplicate) displayTextForFreq(QString("OH8STN: JY1 ACK -12 %1 ").arg(eot), 780, now, false, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("KN4CRD: JY1 ACK -10 %1 ").arg(eot), 800, now, false, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("KN4CRD: JY1 ACK -12 %1 ").arg(eot), 780, now.addSecs(120), false, true, true); displayTextForFreq(QString("HELLO\\nBRAVE\\nNEW\\nWORLD %1 ").arg(eot), 1500, now, false, true, true); displayActivity(true); } void MainWindow::initialize_fonts () { set_application_font (m_config.text_font ()); setTextEditFont(ui->textEditRX, m_config.rx_text_font()); setTextEditFont(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, m_config.tx_text_font()); displayActivity(true); } void MainWindow::splash_done () { m_splash && m_splash->close (); } void MainWindow::on_the_minute () { if (minuteTimer.isSingleShot ()) { minuteTimer.setSingleShot (false); minuteTimer.start (60 * 1000); // run free } else { auto const& ms_error = ms_minute_error (); if (qAbs (ms_error) > 1000) // keep drift within +-1s { minuteTimer.setSingleShot (true); minuteTimer.start (ms_error + 60 * 1000); } } if (m_config.watchdog ()) { incrementIdleTimer(); update_watchdog_label (); } else { tx_watchdog (false); } } void MainWindow::tryBandHop(){ // see if we need to hop bands... if(!m_config.auto_switch_bands()){ return; } // make sure we're not transmitting if(isMessageQueuedForTransmit()){ return; } // get the current band auto dialFreq = dialFrequency(); auto currentBand = m_config.bands()->find(dialFreq); // get the stations list auto stations = m_config.stations()->station_list(); // order stations by (switch_at, switch_until) time tuple qStableSort(stations.begin(), stations.end(), [](StationList::Station const &a, StationList::Station const &b){ return (a.switch_at_ < b.switch_at_) || (a.switch_at_ == b.switch_at_ && a.switch_until_ < b.switch_until_); }); // we just set the date to a known y/m/d to make the comparisons easier QDateTime d = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); d.setDate(QDate(2000, 1, 1)); QDateTime startOfDay = QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0)); QDateTime endOfDay = QDateTime(QDate(2000, 1, 1), QTime(23, 59)); // see if we can find a needed band switch... foreach(auto station, stations){ // we can switch to this frequency if we're in the time range, inclusive of switch_at, exclusive of switch_until // and if we are switching to a different frequency than the last hop. this allows us to switch bands at that time, // but then later we can later switch to a different band if needed without the automatic band switching to take over bool inTimeRange = ( (station.switch_at_ <= d && d <= station.switch_until_) || // <- normal range, 12-16 && 6-8, evalued as 12 <= d <= 16 || 6 <= d <= 8 (station.switch_until_ < station.switch_at_ && ( // <- say for a range of 12->2 & 2->12; 12->2, (station.switch_at_ <= d && d <= endOfDay) || // should be evaluated as 12 <= d <= 23:59 || 00:00 <= d <= 2 (startOfDay <= d && d <= station.switch_until_) )) ); bool noOverride = ( (m_bandHopped || (!m_bandHopped && station.frequency_ != m_bandHoppedFreq)) ); bool freqIsDifferent = (station.frequency_ != dialFreq); bool canSwitch = ( inTimeRange && noOverride && freqIsDifferent ); // switch, if we can and the band is different than our current band if(canSwitch){ Frequency frequency = station.frequency_; m_bandHopped = false; m_bandHoppedFreq = frequency; SelfDestructMessageBox * m = new SelfDestructMessageBox(30, "Scheduled Frequency Change", QString("A scheduled frequency change has arrived. The rig frequency will be changed to %1 MHz in %2 second(s).").arg(Radio::frequency_MHz_string(station.frequency_)), QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Ok, true, this); connect(m, &SelfDestructMessageBox::accepted, this, [this, frequency](){ m_bandHopped = true; setRig(frequency); }); m->show(); #if 0 // TODO: jsherer - this is totally a hack because of the signal that gets emitted to clearActivity on band change... QTimer *t = new QTimer(this); t->setInterval(250); t->setSingleShot(true); connect(t, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this, station, dialFreq](){ auto message = QString("Scheduled frequency switch from %1 MHz to %2 MHz"); message = message.arg(Radio::frequency_MHz_string(dialFreq)); message = message.arg(Radio::frequency_MHz_string(station.frequency_)); writeNoticeTextToUI(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(), message); }); t->start(); #endif return; } } } //--------------------------------------------------- MainWindow destructor MainWindow::~MainWindow() { m_astroWidget.reset (); QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("wsjtx_wisdom.dat"))}; QByteArray cfname=fname.toLocal8Bit(); fftwf_export_wisdom_to_filename(cfname); m_audioThread.quit (); m_audioThread.wait (); m_notificationAudioThread.quit(); m_notificationAudioThread.wait(); remove_child_from_event_filter (this); } //-------------------------------------------------------- writeSettings() void MainWindow::writeSettings() { m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow"); m_settings->setValue ("geometry", saveGeometry ()); m_settings->setValue ("geometryNoControls", m_geometryNoControls); m_settings->setValue ("state", saveState ()); m_settings->setValue("MRUdir", m_path); m_settings->setValue("DXcall",ui->dxCallEntry->text()); m_settings->setValue("DXgrid",ui->dxGridEntry->text()); m_settings->setValue ("AstroDisplayed", m_astroWidget && m_astroWidget->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue ("MsgAvgDisplayed", m_msgAvgWidget && m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue ("FreeText", ui->freeTextMsg->currentText ()); m_settings->setValue("ShowMenus",ui->cbMenus->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("CallFirst",ui->cbFirst->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("MainSplitter", ui->mainSplitter->saveState()); m_settings->setValue("TextHorizontalSplitter", ui->textHorizontalSplitter->saveState()); m_settings->setValue("BandActivityVisible", ui->tableWidgetRXAll->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue("BandHBActivityVisible", ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("TextVerticalSplitter", ui->textVerticalSplitter->saveState()); m_settings->setValue("ShowTimeDrift", ui->driftSyncFrame->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue("TimeDrift", ui->driftSpinBox->value()); m_settings->setValue("ShowTooltips", ui->actionShow_Tooltips->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("ShowStatusbar", ui->statusBar->isVisible()); m_settings->setValue("RXActivity", ui->textEditRX->toHtml()); m_settings->endGroup(); m_settings->beginGroup("Common"); m_settings->setValue("Mode",m_mode); m_settings->setValue("ModeTx",m_modeTx); m_settings->setValue("SaveNone",ui->actionNone->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SaveDecoded",ui->actionSave_decoded->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SaveAll",ui->actionSave_all->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("NDepth",m_ndepth); m_settings->setValue("RxFreq",ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value()); m_settings->setValue("TxFreq",ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value()); m_settings->setValue("WSPRfreq",ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->value()); m_settings->setValue("SubMode",m_nSubMode); m_settings->setValue("SubModeHB", ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SubModeHBAck", ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("SubModeMultiDecode", ui->actionModeMultiDecoder->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue("DTtol",m_DTtol); m_settings->setValue("Ftol", ui->sbFtol->value ()); m_settings->setValue("MinSync",m_minSync); m_settings->setValue ("AutoSeq", ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("RxAll", ui->cbRxAll->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("VHFcontest", ui->cbVHFcontest->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue("ShMsgs",m_bShMsgs); m_settings->setValue("SWL",ui->cbSWL->isChecked()); m_settings->setValue ("DialFreq", QVariant::fromValue(m_lastMonitoredFrequency)); m_settings->setValue("OutAttenuation", ui->outAttenuation->value ()); m_settings->setValue("NoSuffix",m_noSuffix); m_settings->setValue("GUItab",ui->tabWidget->currentIndex()); m_settings->setValue("OutBufSize",outBufSize); m_settings->setValue ("HoldTxFreq", ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue("PctTx",m_pctx); m_settings->setValue("dBm",m_dBm); m_settings->setValue ("WSPRPreferType1", ui->WSPR_prefer_type_1_check_box->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("BandHopping", ui->band_hopping_group_box->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("TRPeriod", ui->sbTR->value ()); m_settings->setValue ("CQTxfreq", ui->sbCQTxFreq->value ()); m_settings->setValue("pwrBandTxMemory",m_pwrBandTxMemory); m_settings->setValue("pwrBandTuneMemory",m_pwrBandTuneMemory); m_settings->setValue ("FT8AP", ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue ("JT65AP", ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->isChecked ()); m_settings->setValue("SortBy", QVariant(m_sortCache)); m_settings->setValue("ShowColumns", QVariant(m_showColumnsCache)); m_settings->setValue("ShowHBBandActivity", m_hbInterval); m_settings->setValue("HBInterval", m_hbInterval); m_settings->setValue("CQInterval", m_cqInterval); // TODO: jsherer - need any other customizations? /*m_settings->setValue("PanelLeftGeometry", ui->tableWidgetRXAll->geometry()); m_settings->setValue("PanelRightGeometry", ui->tableWidgetCalls->geometry()); m_settings->setValue("PanelTopGeometry", ui->extFreeTextMsg->geometry()); m_settings->setValue("PanelBottomGeometry", ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->geometry()); m_settings->setValue("PanelWaterfallGeometry", ui->bandHorizontalWidget->geometry());*/ //m_settings->setValue("MainSplitter", QVariant::fromValue(ui->mainSplitter->sizes())); { QList coeffs; // suitable for QSettings for (auto const& coeff : m_phaseEqCoefficients) { coeffs << coeff; } m_settings->setValue ("PhaseEqualizationCoefficients", QVariant {coeffs}); } m_settings->endGroup(); auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); m_settings->beginGroup("CallActivity"); m_settings->remove(""); // remove all keys in current group foreach(auto cd, m_callActivity.values()){ if (cd.call.trimmed().isEmpty()){ continue; } if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } m_settings->setValue(cd.call.trimmed(), QVariantMap{ {"snr", QVariant(cd.snr)}, {"grid", QVariant(cd.grid)}, {"freq", QVariant(cd.freq)}, {"tdrift", QVariant(cd.tdrift)}, #if CACHE_CALL_DATETIME_AS_STRINGS {"ackTimestamp", QVariant(cd.ackTimestamp.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))}, {"utcTimestamp", QVariant(cd.utcTimestamp.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))}, #else {"ackTimestamp", QVariant(cd.ackTimestamp)}, {"utcTimestamp", QVariant(cd.utcTimestamp)}, #endif {"submode", QVariant(cd.submode)}, }); } m_settings->endGroup(); } //---------------------------------------------------------- readSettings() void MainWindow::readSettings() { ui->cbVHFcontest->setVisible(false); ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(false); ui->cbFirst->setVisible(false); m_settings->beginGroup("MainWindow"); setMinimumSize(800, 400); restoreGeometry (m_settings->value ("geometry", saveGeometry ()).toByteArray ()); setMinimumSize(800, 400); m_geometryNoControls = m_settings->value ("geometryNoControls",saveGeometry()).toByteArray(); restoreState (m_settings->value ("state", saveState ()).toByteArray ()); ui->dxCallEntry->setText (m_settings->value ("DXcall", QString {}).toString ()); ui->dxGridEntry->setText (m_settings->value ("DXgrid", QString {}).toString ()); m_path = m_settings->value("MRUdir", m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ()).toString (); auto displayAstro = m_settings->value ("AstroDisplayed", false).toBool (); auto displayMsgAvg = m_settings->value ("MsgAvgDisplayed", false).toBool (); if (m_settings->contains ("FreeText")) ui->freeTextMsg->setCurrentText ( m_settings->value ("FreeText").toString ()); ui->cbMenus->setChecked(m_settings->value("ShowMenus",true).toBool()); ui->cbFirst->setChecked(m_settings->value("CallFirst",true).toBool()); auto mainSplitterState = m_settings->value("MainSplitter").toByteArray(); if(!mainSplitterState.isEmpty()){ ui->mainSplitter->restoreState(mainSplitterState); } auto horizontalState = m_settings->value("TextHorizontalSplitter").toByteArray(); if(!horizontalState.isEmpty()){ ui->textHorizontalSplitter->restoreState(horizontalState); auto hsizes = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->sizes(); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setVisible(hsizes.at(0) > 0); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setVisible(hsizes.at(2) > 0); } m_bandActivityWasVisible = m_settings->value("BandActivityVisible", true).toBool(); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setVisible(m_bandActivityWasVisible); auto verticalState = m_settings->value("TextVerticalSplitter").toByteArray(); if(!verticalState.isEmpty()){ ui->textVerticalSplitter->restoreState(verticalState); } ui->driftSyncFrame->setVisible(m_settings->value("ShowTimeDrift", false).toBool()); ui->driftSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TimeDrift", 0).toInt()); ui->actionShow_Tooltips->setChecked(m_settings->value("ShowTooltips", true).toBool()); ui->actionShow_Statusbar->setChecked(m_settings->value("ShowStatusbar",true).toBool()); ui->statusBar->setVisible(ui->actionShow_Statusbar->isChecked()); ui->textEditRX->setHtml(m_config.reset_activity() ? "" : m_settings->value("RXActivity", "").toString()); ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->setChecked(m_settings->value("BandHBActivityVisible", true).toBool()); m_settings->endGroup(); // do this outside of settings group because it uses groups internally ui->actionAstronomical_data->setChecked (displayAstro); m_settings->beginGroup("Common"); m_mode=m_settings->value("Mode","JT9").toString(); m_modeTx=m_settings->value("ModeTx","JT9").toString(); if(m_modeTx.mid(0,3)=="JT9") ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT9 @"); if(m_modeTx=="JT65") ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT65 #"); // these save settings should never be enabled unless specifically called out by the user for every session. ui->actionNone->setChecked(true); ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(false); ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(false); // set the frequency offset setFreqOffsetForRestore(m_settings->value("RxFreq",1500).toInt(), false); setSubmode(m_settings->value("SubMode", Varicode::JS8CallNormal).toInt()); ui->actionModeJS8HB->setChecked(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal && m_settings->value("SubModeHB", false).toBool()); ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->setChecked(m_settings->value("SubModeHBAck", false).toBool()); ui->actionModeMultiDecoder->setChecked(m_settings->value("SubModeMultiDecode", true).toBool()); ui->sbFtol->setValue (m_settings->value("Ftol", 20).toInt()); m_minSync=m_settings->value("MinSync",0).toInt(); ui->syncSpinBox->setValue(m_minSync); ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked (m_settings->value ("AutoSeq", false).toBool()); ui->cbRxAll->setChecked (m_settings->value ("RxAll", false).toBool()); ui->cbVHFcontest->setChecked (m_settings->value ("VHFcontest", false).toBool()); m_bShMsgs=m_settings->value("ShMsgs",false).toBool(); m_bSWL=m_settings->value("SWL",false).toBool(); ui->sbTR->setValue (m_settings->value ("TRPeriod", 30).toInt()); m_lastMonitoredFrequency = m_settings->value ("DialFreq", QVariant::fromValue (default_frequency)).value (); ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("WSPRfreq",1500).toInt()); ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(0); // ensure a change is signaled ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(m_settings->value("TxFreq",1500).toInt()); m_ndepth=m_settings->value("NDepth",3).toInt(); m_pctx=m_settings->value("PctTx",20).toInt(); m_dBm=m_settings->value("dBm",37).toInt(); ui->WSPR_prefer_type_1_check_box->setChecked (m_settings->value ("WSPRPreferType1", true).toBool ()); ui->band_hopping_group_box->setChecked (m_settings->value ("BandHopping", false).toBool()); // setup initial value of tx attenuator m_block_pwr_tooltip = true; ui->outAttenuation->setValue (m_settings->value ("OutAttenuation", 0).toInt ()); m_block_pwr_tooltip = false; ui->sbCQTxFreq->setValue (m_settings->value ("CQTxFreq", 260).toInt()); m_noSuffix=m_settings->value("NoSuffix",false).toBool(); int n=m_settings->value("GUItab",0).toInt(); ui->tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(n); outBufSize=m_settings->value("OutBufSize",4096).toInt(); ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setChecked (m_settings->value ("HoldTxFreq", false).toBool ()); m_pwrBandTxMemory=m_settings->value("pwrBandTxMemory").toHash(); m_pwrBandTuneMemory=m_settings->value("pwrBandTuneMemory").toHash(); ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->setChecked (m_settings->value ("FT8AP", false).toBool()); ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setChecked (m_settings->value ("JT65AP", false).toBool()); m_sortCache = m_settings->value("SortBy").toMap(); m_showColumnsCache = m_settings->value("ShowColumns").toMap(); m_hbInterval = m_settings->value("HBInterval", 0).toInt(); m_cqInterval = m_settings->value("CQInterval", 0).toInt(); // TODO: jsherer - any other customizations? //ui->mainSplitter->setSizes(m_settings->value("MainSplitter", QVariant::fromValue(ui->mainSplitter->sizes())).value >()); //ui->tableWidgetRXAll->restoreGeometry(m_settings->value("PanelLeftGeometry", ui->tableWidgetRXAll->saveGeometry()).toByteArray()); //ui->tableWidgetCalls->restoreGeometry(m_settings->value("PanelRightGeometry", ui->tableWidgetCalls->saveGeometry()).toByteArray()); //ui->extFreeTextMsg->setGeometry( m_settings->value("PanelTopGeometry", ui->extFreeTextMsg->geometry()).toRect()); //ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setGeometry( m_settings->value("PanelBottomGeometry", ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->geometry()).toRect()); //ui->bandHorizontalWidget->setGeometry( m_settings->value("PanelWaterfallGeometry", ui->bandHorizontalWidget->geometry()).toRect()); //qDebug() << m_settings->value("PanelTopGeometry") << ui->extFreeTextMsg; setTextEditStyle(ui->textEditRX, m_config.color_rx_foreground(), m_config.color_rx_background(), m_config.rx_text_font()); setTextEditStyle(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, m_config.color_compose_foreground(), m_config.color_compose_background(), m_config.compose_text_font()); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setFont(m_config.compose_text_font(), m_config.color_compose_foreground(), m_config.color_compose_background()); { auto const& coeffs = m_settings->value ("PhaseEqualizationCoefficients" , QList {0., 0., 0., 0., 0.}).toList (); m_phaseEqCoefficients.clear (); for (auto const& coeff : coeffs) { m_phaseEqCoefficients.append (coeff.value ()); } } m_settings->endGroup(); // use these initialisation settings to tune the audio o/p buffer // size and audio thread priority m_settings->beginGroup ("Tune"); m_msAudioOutputBuffered = m_settings->value ("Audio/OutputBufferMs").toInt (); m_framesAudioInputBuffered = m_settings->value ("Audio/InputBufferFrames", RX_SAMPLE_RATE / 10).toInt (); m_audioThreadPriority = static_cast (m_settings->value ("Audio/ThreadPriority", QThread::HighPriority).toInt () % 8); m_settings->endGroup (); if(m_config.reset_activity()){ // NOOP } else { m_settings->beginGroup("CallActivity"); foreach(auto call, m_settings->allKeys()){ auto values = m_settings->value(call).toMap(); auto snr = values.value("snr", -64).toInt(); auto grid = values.value("grid", "").toString(); auto freq = values.value("freq", 0).toInt(); auto tdrift = values.value("tdrift", 0).toFloat(); #if CACHE_CALL_DATETIME_AS_STRINGS auto ackTimestampStr = values.value("ackTimestamp", "").toString(); auto ackTimestamp = QDateTime::fromString(ackTimestampStr, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); ackTimestamp.setUtcOffset(0); auto utcTimestampStr = values.value("utcTimestamp", "").toString(); auto utcTimestamp = QDateTime::fromString(utcTimestampStr, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); utcTimestamp.setUtcOffset(0); #else auto ackTimestamp = values.value("ackTimestamp").toDateTime(); auto utcTimestamp = values.value("utcTimestamp").toDateTime(); #endif auto submode = values.value("submode", Varicode::JS8CallNormal).toInt(); CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = call; cd.snr = snr; cd.grid = grid; cd.freq = freq; cd.tdrift = tdrift; cd.ackTimestamp = ackTimestamp; cd.utcTimestamp = utcTimestamp; cd.submode = submode; logCallActivity(cd, false); } m_settings->endGroup(); } if (displayMsgAvg) on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered(); m_settings_read = true; } void MainWindow::set_application_font (QFont const& font) { qApp->setFont (font); // set font in the application style sheet as well in case it has // been modified in the style sheet which has priority qApp->setStyleSheet (qApp->styleSheet () + "* {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}'); for (auto& widget : qApp->topLevelWidgets ()) { widget->updateGeometry (); } } void MainWindow::setDecodedTextFont (QFont const& font) { ui->decodedTextBrowser->setContentFont (font); ui->decodedTextBrowser2->setContentFont (font); ui->textBrowser4->setContentFont(font); ui->textBrowser4->displayFoxToBeCalled(" ","#ffffff"); ui->textBrowser4->setText(""); auto style_sheet = "QLabel {" + font_as_stylesheet (font) + '}'; ui->decodedTextLabel->setStyleSheet (ui->decodedTextLabel->styleSheet () + style_sheet); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setStyleSheet (ui->decodedTextLabel2->styleSheet () + style_sheet); if (m_msgAvgWidget) { m_msgAvgWidget->changeFont (font); } updateGeometry (); } int MainWindow::computePeriodForSubmode(int submode){ switch(submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: return JS8A_TX_SECONDS; case Varicode::JS8CallFast: return JS8B_TX_SECONDS; case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: return JS8C_TX_SECONDS; case Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow: return JS8E_TX_SECONDS; } return 0; } int MainWindow::computeStop(int submode, int period){ int stop = 0; #if 0 switch(submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: stop = 50; break; // tx dur + 1.76s (74.5%) case Varicode::JS8CallFast: stop = 30; break; // case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: stop = 16; break; // case Varicode::JS8CallUltra: stop = 11; break; // } #elif 0 stop=((int(period/0.288))/8)*8 - 1; // 0.288 because 6912/12000/2 = 0.288 if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallUltra){ stop++; } #elif 0 stop = int(period/0.288); #else int symbolSamples = 0; float threshold = 1.0; switch(submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: symbolSamples = JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; /* threshold = 1.00 */ ; break; case Varicode::JS8CallFast: symbolSamples = JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; /* threshold = 1.08 */ ; break; case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: symbolSamples = JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; /* threshold = 0.50 */ ; break; case Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow: { symbolSamples = JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; #if JS8E_IS_ULTRA threshold = 0.0; #else threshold = 2.0; #endif break; } } stop = qFloor(float(symbolSamples*JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS + threshold*RX_SAMPLE_RATE)/(float)m_nsps*2.0); #endif return stop; } // int MainWindow::computeCurrentCycle(int period){ // return m_detector->secondInPeriod() / period; // } // // int MainWindow::computeCycleStartForDecode(int cycle, int period){ // qint32 samplesPerCycle = period * RX_SAMPLE_RATE; // return cycle * samplesPerCycle; // } int MainWindow::computeCycleForDecode(int submode, int k){ qint32 maxFrames = m_detector->period() * RX_SAMPLE_RATE; qint32 cycleFrames = computeFramesPerCycleForDecode(submode); qint32 currentCycle = (k / cycleFrames) % (maxFrames / cycleFrames); // we mod here so we loop back to zero correctly return currentCycle; } int MainWindow::computeFramesPerCycleForDecode(int submode){ return computePeriodForSubmode(submode) * RX_SAMPLE_RATE; } int MainWindow::computeFramesNeededForDecode(int submode){ int symbolSamples = 0; float threshold = 0.0; switch(submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: symbolSamples = JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; threshold = JS8A_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + 0.5; break; case Varicode::JS8CallFast: symbolSamples = JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; threshold = JS8B_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + 0.5; break; case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: symbolSamples = JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; threshold = JS8C_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + 0.5; break; case Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow: symbolSamples = JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; threshold = JS8E_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + 0.5; break; } return int(qFloor(float(symbolSamples*JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS + threshold*RX_SAMPLE_RATE))); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- dataSink() void MainWindow::dataSink(qint64 frames) { // symspec global vars static int ja = 0; static int k0 = 999999999; static float ssum[NSMAX]; static float s[NSMAX]; char line[80]; int k (frames); if(k0 == 999999999){ m_ihsym = int((float)frames/(float)m_nsps)*2; ja = k; k0 = k; } #if JS8_USE_REFSPEC QString fname {QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("refspec.dat"))}; QByteArray bafname = fname.toLatin1(); const char *c_fname = bafname.data(); int len=fname.length(); m_bUseRef=m_wideGraph->useRef(); refspectrum_(&dec_data.d2[k-m_nsps/2],&m_bClearRefSpec,&m_bRefSpec, &m_bUseRef,c_fname,len); m_bClearRefSpec=false; #endif // Get power, spectrum, and ihsym int trmin=m_TRperiod/60; int nsps=m_nsps; int nsmo=m_wideGraph->smoothYellow()-1; /// START IHSYM #if JS8_USE_IHSYM // moving ihsym computation to here from symspec.f90 // 1) set the initial ihsym if(m_ihsym == 0){ m_ihsym = int((float)k/m_nsps)*2; } // 2) reset the ihsym when loop around if(k < k0){ m_ihsym = 0; } k0 = k; int ihs = m_ihsym; dec_data.params.kpos = computeCycleStartForDecode(computeCurrentCycle(m_TRperiod), m_TRperiod); symspec_(&dec_data,&k,&k0,&trmin,&nsps,&m_inGain,&nsmo,&m_px,s,&m_df3,&ihs,&m_npts8,&m_pxmax); // 3) if symspec wants ihs to be 0, set it. if(ihs == 0){ m_ihsym = ihs; } else { m_ihsym += 1; } // make ihsym similar to how it was...relative to the tr period m_ihsym = m_ihsym % (m_TRperiod*RX_SAMPLE_RATE/m_nsps*2); /// qDebug() << "dataSink" << k << "ihsym" << m_ihsym << "ihs" << ihs; /// QVector sss; /// for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ /// sss << s[i]; /// } /// qDebug() << "-->" << sss; /// END IHSYM #else // make sure the ssum global is reset every period cycle static int lastCycle = -1; int cycle = computeCycleForDecode(m_nSubMode, k); if(cycle != lastCycle){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "period loop, resetting ssum"; memset(ssum, 0, sizeof(ssum)); } lastCycle = cycle; // cap ihsym based on the period max m_ihsym = m_ihsym%(m_TRperiod*RX_SAMPLE_RATE/m_nsps*2); // compute the symbol spectra for the waterfall display symspec_(&dec_data,&k,&k0,&ja,ssum,&trmin,&nsps,&m_inGain,&nsmo,&m_px,s,&m_df3,&m_ihsym,&m_npts8,&m_pxmax); // make sure ja is equal to k so if we jump ahead in the buffer, everything resolves correctly ja = k; #endif if(m_ihsym <= 0) return; if(ui) ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(m_px,m_pxmax); // Update thermometer if(m_monitoring || m_diskData) { m_wideGraph->dataSink2(s, m_df3, m_ihsym, m_diskData); } m_dateTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString ("yyyy-MMM-dd hh:mm"); decode(); } QString MainWindow::save_wave_file (QString const& name, short const * data, int seconds, QString const& my_callsign, QString const& my_grid, QString const& mode, qint32 sub_mode, Frequency frequency, QString const& his_call, QString const& his_grid) const { // // This member function runs in a thread and should not access // members that may be changed in the GUI thread or any other thread // without suitable synchronization. // QAudioFormat format; format.setCodec ("audio/pcm"); format.setSampleRate (12000); format.setChannelCount (1); format.setSampleSize (16); format.setSampleType (QAudioFormat::SignedInt); auto source = QString {"%1, %2"}.arg (my_callsign).arg (my_grid); auto comment = QString {"Mode=%1%2, Freq=%3%4"} .arg (mode) .arg (QString {mode.contains ('J') && !mode.contains ('+') ? QString {", Sub Mode="} + QChar {'A' + sub_mode} : QString {}}) .arg (Radio::frequency_MHz_string (frequency)) .arg (QString {!mode.startsWith ("WSPR") ? QString {", DXCall=%1, DXGrid=%2"} .arg (his_call) .arg (his_grid).toLocal8Bit () : ""}); BWFFile::InfoDictionary list_info { {{{'I','S','R','C'}}, source.toLocal8Bit ()}, {{{'I','S','F','T'}}, program_title (revision ()).simplified ().toLocal8Bit ()}, {{{'I','C','R','D'}}, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTime () .toString ("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.zzzZ").toLocal8Bit ()}, {{{'I','C','M','T'}}, comment.toLocal8Bit ()}, }; auto file_name = name + ".wav"; qDebug() << "saving" << file_name; BWFFile wav {format, file_name, list_info}; if (!wav.open (BWFFile::WriteOnly) || 0 > wav.write (reinterpret_cast (data) , sizeof (short) * seconds * format.sampleRate ())) { return file_name + ": " + wav.errorString (); } return QString {}; } void MainWindow::showSoundInError(const QString& errorMsg) { if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Error in Sound Input"), errorMsg); } void MainWindow::showSoundOutError(const QString& errorMsg) { if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Error in Sound Output"), errorMsg); } void MainWindow::showStatusMessage(const QString& statusMsg) { statusBar()->showMessage(statusMsg); } /** * This function forces the menuBar to rebuild a QAction that has a submenu * on OSX fixing a weird bug where they aren't displayed correctly. */ void rebuildMacQAction(QMenu *menu, QAction *existingAction){ auto dummyAction = new QAction("...", menu); menu->insertAction(existingAction, dummyAction); menu->insertAction(dummyAction, existingAction); menu->removeAction(dummyAction); } void MainWindow::on_menuModeJS8_aboutToShow(){ bool canChangeMode = !m_transmitting && m_txFrameCount == 0 && m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty(); ui->actionModeJS8Normal->setEnabled(canChangeMode); ui->actionModeJS8Fast->setEnabled(canChangeMode); ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->setEnabled(canChangeMode); ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setEnabled(canChangeMode); } void MainWindow::on_menuControl_aboutToShow(){ QMenu * freqMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); buildFrequencyMenu(freqMenu); ui->actionSetFrequency->setMenu(freqMenu); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuControl, ui->actionSetFrequency); #endif ui->actionEnable_Spotting->setChecked(ui->spotButton->isChecked()); QMenu * heartbeatMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); buildHeartbeatMenu(heartbeatMenu); ui->actionHeartbeat->setMenu(heartbeatMenu); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuControl, ui->actionHeartbeat); #endif QMenu * cqMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); buildCQMenu(cqMenu); ui->actionCQ->setMenu(cqMenu); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuControl, ui->actionCQ); #endif } void MainWindow::on_actionCheck_for_Updates_triggered(){ checkVersion(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionEnable_Spotting_toggled(bool checked){ ui->spotButton->setChecked(checked); } void MainWindow::on_menuWindow_aboutToShow(){ ui->actionShow_Fullscreen->setChecked((windowState() & Qt::WindowFullScreen) == Qt::WindowFullScreen); ui->actionShow_Statusbar->setChecked(ui->statusBar && ui->statusBar->isVisible()); auto hsizes = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->sizes(); ui->actionShow_Band_Activity->setChecked(hsizes.at(0) > 0); ui->actionShow_Call_Activity->setChecked(hsizes.at(2) > 0); auto vsizes = ui->mainSplitter->sizes(); ui->actionShow_Frequency_Clock->setChecked(vsizes.first() > 0); ui->actionShow_Waterfall->setChecked(vsizes.last() > 0); ui->actionShow_Waterfall_Controls->setChecked(m_wideGraph->controlsVisible()); ui->actionShow_Waterfall_Controls->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Waterfall->isChecked()); ui->actionShow_Time_Drift_Controls->setChecked(ui->driftSyncFrame->isVisible()); ui->actionShow_Time_Drift_Controls->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Waterfall->isChecked()); QMenu * sortBandMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); //ui->menuWindow); buildBandActivitySortByMenu(sortBandMenu); ui->actionSort_Band_Activity->setMenu(sortBandMenu); ui->actionSort_Band_Activity->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Band_Activity->isChecked()); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuWindow, ui->actionSort_Band_Activity); #endif QMenu * sortCallMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); //ui->menuWindow); buildCallActivitySortByMenu(sortCallMenu); ui->actionSort_Call_Activity->setMenu(sortCallMenu); ui->actionSort_Call_Activity->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Call_Activity->isChecked()); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuWindow, ui->actionSort_Call_Activity); #endif QMenu * showBandMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); //ui->menuWindow); buildShowColumnsMenu(showBandMenu, "band"); ui->actionShow_Band_Activity_Columns->setMenu(showBandMenu); ui->actionShow_Band_Activity_Columns->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Band_Activity->isChecked()); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuWindow, ui->actionShow_Band_Activity_Columns); #endif QMenu * showCallMenu = new QMenu(this->menuBar()); //ui->menuWindow); buildShowColumnsMenu(showCallMenu, "call"); ui->actionShow_Call_Activity_Columns->setMenu(showCallMenu); ui->actionShow_Call_Activity_Columns->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Call_Activity->isChecked()); #if __APPLE__ rebuildMacQAction(ui->menuWindow, ui->actionShow_Call_Activity_Columns); #endif ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->setEnabled(ui->actionShow_Band_Activity->isChecked()); } void MainWindow::on_actionFocus_Message_Receive_Area_triggered(){ ui->textEditRX->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_actionFocus_Message_Reply_Area_triggered(){ ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_actionFocus_Band_Activity_Table_triggered(){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_actionFocus_Call_Activity_Table_triggered(){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_actionSetOffset_triggered(){ bool ok = false; auto currentFreq = currentFreqOffset(); QString newFreq = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Set Frequency Offset"), tr("Offset in Hz:"), QLineEdit::Normal, QString("%1").arg(currentFreq), &ok).toUpper().trimmed(); int offset = newFreq.toInt(&ok); if(!ok){ return; } setFreqOffsetForRestore(offset, false); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Fullscreen_triggered(bool checked){ auto state = windowState(); if(checked){ state |= Qt::WindowFullScreen; } else { state &= ~Qt::WindowFullScreen; } setWindowState(state); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Statusbar_triggered(bool checked){ if(!ui->statusBar){ return; } ui->statusBar->setVisible(checked); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Frequency_Clock_triggered(bool checked){ auto vsizes = ui->mainSplitter->sizes(); vsizes[0] = checked ? ui->logHorizontalWidget->minimumHeight() : 0; ui->logHorizontalWidget->setVisible(checked); ui->mainSplitter->setSizes(vsizes); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Band_Activity_triggered(bool checked){ auto hsizes = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->sizes(); if(m_bandActivityWidth == 0){ m_bandActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4; } if(m_callActivityWidth == 0){ m_callActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4; } if(m_textActivityWidth == 0){ m_textActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/2; } if(checked){ hsizes[0] = m_bandActivityWidth; hsizes[1] = m_textActivityWidth; if(hsizes[2]) hsizes[2] = m_callActivityWidth; } else { if(hsizes[0]) m_bandActivityWidth = hsizes[0]; if(hsizes[1]) m_textActivityWidth = hsizes[1]; if(hsizes[2]) m_callActivityWidth = hsizes[2]; hsizes[0] = 0; } ui->textHorizontalSplitter->setSizes(hsizes); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setVisible(checked); m_bandActivityWasVisible = checked; } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs_triggered(bool checked){ displayBandActivity(); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Call_Activity_triggered(bool checked){ auto hsizes = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->sizes(); if(m_bandActivityWidth == 0){ m_bandActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4; } if(m_callActivityWidth == 0){ m_callActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4; } if(m_textActivityWidth == 0){ m_textActivityWidth = ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/2; } if(checked){ if(hsizes[0]) hsizes[0] = m_bandActivityWidth; hsizes[1] = m_textActivityWidth; hsizes[2] = m_callActivityWidth; } else { if(hsizes[0]) m_bandActivityWidth = hsizes[0]; if(hsizes[1]) m_textActivityWidth = hsizes[1]; if(hsizes[2]) m_callActivityWidth = hsizes[2]; hsizes[2] = 0; } ui->textHorizontalSplitter->setSizes(hsizes); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setVisible(checked); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Waterfall_triggered(bool checked){ auto vsizes = ui->mainSplitter->sizes(); if(m_waterfallHeight == 0){ m_waterfallHeight = ui->mainSplitter->height()/4; } if(checked){ vsizes[vsizes.length() - 1] = m_waterfallHeight; } else { m_waterfallHeight = vsizes[vsizes.length() - 1]; vsizes[1] += m_waterfallHeight; vsizes[vsizes.length() - 1] = 0; } ui->mainSplitter->setSizes(vsizes); ui->bandHorizontalWidget->setVisible(checked); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Waterfall_Controls_triggered(bool checked){ m_wideGraph->setControlsVisible(checked); } void MainWindow::on_actionShow_Time_Drift_Controls_triggered(bool checked){ ui->driftSyncFrame->setVisible(checked); } void MainWindow::on_actionReset_Window_Sizes_triggered(){ auto size = this->centralWidget()->size(); ui->mainSplitter->setSizes({ ui->logHorizontalWidget->minimumHeight(), ui->mainSplitter->height()/2, ui->macroHorizonalWidget->minimumHeight(), ui->mainSplitter->height()/4 }); ui->textHorizontalSplitter->setSizes({ ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4, ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/2, ui->textHorizontalSplitter->width()/4 }); ui->textVerticalSplitter->setSizes({ ui->textVerticalSplitter->height()/2, ui->textVerticalSplitter->height()/2 }); } void MainWindow::on_actionSettings_triggered(){ openSettings(); } void MainWindow::openSettings(int tab){ m_config.select_tab(tab); // things that might change that we need know about auto callsign = m_config.my_callsign (); auto my_grid = m_config.my_grid (); if (QDialog::Accepted == m_config.exec ()) { if (m_config.my_callsign () != callsign) { m_baseCall = Radio::base_callsign (m_config.my_callsign ()); morse_(const_cast (m_config.my_callsign ().toLatin1().constData()), const_cast (icw), &m_ncw, m_config.my_callsign ().length()); } if (m_config.my_callsign () != callsign || m_config.my_grid () != my_grid) { statusUpdate (); } enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ()); // sets text window proportions and (re)inits the logbook prepareSpotting(); if(m_config.restart_audio_input ()) { Q_EMIT startAudioInputStream (m_config.audio_input_device (), m_framesAudioInputBuffered, m_detector, m_downSampleFactor, m_config.audio_input_channel ()); } if(m_config.restart_audio_output ()) { Q_EMIT initializeAudioOutputStream (m_config.audio_output_device (), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); } if(m_config.restart_notification_audio_output ()) { Q_EMIT initializeNotificationAudioOutputStream(m_config.notification_audio_output_device(), AudioDevice::Mono == m_config.notification_audio_output_channel () ? 1 : 2, m_msAudioOutputBuffered); } ui->bandComboBox->view ()->setMinimumWidth (ui->bandComboBox->view ()->sizeHintForColumn (FrequencyList_v2::frequency_mhz_column)); displayDialFrequency (); displayActivity(true); bool vhf {m_config.enable_VHF_features()}; m_wideGraph->setVHF(vhf); if (!vhf) ui->sbSubmode->setValue (0); setup_status_bar (vhf); bool b = vhf && (m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65" or m_mode=="ISCAT" or m_mode=="JT9" or m_mode=="MSK144" or m_mode=="QRA64"); if(b) VHF_features_enabled(b); if(m_mode=="FT8") on_actionJS8_triggered(); if(b) VHF_features_enabled(b); m_config.transceiver_online (); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); if(m_config.single_decode() or m_mode=="JT4") { ui->label_6->setText("Single-Period Decodes"); ui->label_7->setText("Average Decodes"); } else { // ui->label_6->setText("Band Activity"); // ui->label_7->setText("Rx Frequency"); } update_watchdog_label (); if(!m_splitMode) ui->cbCQTx->setChecked(false); if(!m_config.enable_VHF_features()) { ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible(false); ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (false); ui->actionInclude_averaging->setChecked(false); ui->actionInclude_correlation->setChecked(false); ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible(false); } m_opCall=m_config.opCall(); } } void MainWindow::prepareSpotting(){ if(m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks ()){ spotSetLocal(); pskSetLocal(); aprsSetLocal(); m_aprsClient->setServer(m_config.aprs_server_name(), m_config.aprs_server_port()); m_aprsClient->setPaused(false); ui->spotButton->setChecked(true); } else { m_aprsClient->setPaused(true); ui->spotButton->setChecked(false); } } void MainWindow::on_spotButton_clicked(bool checked){ // 1. save setting m_config.set_spot_to_reporting_networks(checked); // 2. prepare prepareSpotting(); } void MainWindow::on_monitorButton_clicked (bool checked) { if (!m_transmitting) { auto prior = m_monitoring; monitor (checked); if (checked && !prior) { if (m_config.monitor_last_used ()) { // put rig back where it was when last in control setRig (m_lastMonitoredFrequency); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } // ensure FreqCal triggers on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } //Get Configuration in/out of strict split and mode checking Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true, checked); } else { ui->monitorButton->setChecked (false); // disallow } } void MainWindow::monitor (bool state) { ui->monitorButton->setChecked (state); if (state) { m_diskData = false; // no longer reading WAV files if (!m_monitoring) Q_EMIT resumeAudioInputStream (); } else { Q_EMIT suspendAudioInputStream (); } m_monitoring = state; } void MainWindow::on_actionAbout_triggered() //Display "About" { CAboutDlg {this}.exec (); } void MainWindow::on_autoButton_clicked (bool checked) { m_auto = checked; if (checked && ui->cbFirst->isVisible () && ui->cbFirst->isChecked() && CALLING == m_QSOProgress) { m_bAutoReply = false; // ready for next m_bCallingCQ = true; // allows tail-enders to be picked up ui->cbFirst->setStyleSheet ("QCheckBox{color:red}"); } else { ui->cbFirst->setStyleSheet(""); } if (!checked) m_bCallingCQ = false; statusUpdate (); if(m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { QPalette palette {ui->sbTxPercent->palette ()}; if(m_auto or m_pctx==0) { palette.setColor(QPalette::Base,Qt::white); } else { palette.setColor(QPalette::Base,Qt::yellow); } ui->sbTxPercent->setPalette(palette); } m_tAutoOn=DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000; // stop tx, reset the ui and message queue if(!checked){ on_stopTxButton_clicked(); } } void MainWindow::on_monitorButton_toggled(bool checked){ resetPushButtonToggleText(ui->monitorButton); } void MainWindow::on_monitorTxButton_toggled(bool checked){ resetPushButtonToggleText(ui->monitorTxButton); } void MainWindow::on_tuneButton_toggled(bool checked){ resetPushButtonToggleText(ui->tuneButton); } void MainWindow::on_spotButton_toggled(bool checked){ resetPushButtonToggleText(ui->spotButton); } void MainWindow::auto_tx_mode (bool state) { ui->autoButton->setChecked (state); on_autoButton_clicked (state); } void MainWindow::keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent * e) { switch (e->key()) { case Qt::Key_Escape: on_stopTxButton_clicked(); stopTx(); return; case Qt::Key_F5: on_logQSOButton_clicked(); return; } QMainWindow::keyPressEvent (e); } void MainWindow::bumpFqso(int n) //bumpFqso() { int i; bool ctrl = (n>=100); n=n%100; i=ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value(); bool bTrackTx=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value() == i; if(n==11) i--; if(n==12) i++; if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i); } if(ctrl and m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { ui->WSPRfreqSpinBox->setValue(i); } else { if(ctrl and bTrackTx) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue (i); } } } Radio::Frequency MainWindow::dialFrequency() { return Frequency {m_rigState.ptt () && m_rigState.split () ? m_rigState.tx_frequency () : m_rigState.frequency ()}; } void MainWindow::setSubmode(int submode){ m_nSubMode = submode; ui->actionModeJS8Normal->setChecked(submode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal); ui->actionModeJS8Fast->setChecked(submode == Varicode::JS8CallFast); ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->setChecked(submode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo); ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setChecked(submode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow); on_actionJS8_triggered(); } int MainWindow::submodeNameToSubmode(QString speedName){ auto speed = speedName.toUpper().trimmed(); if(speed == submodeName(Varicode::JS8CallNormal)){ return Varicode::JS8CallNormal; } if(speed == submodeName(Varicode::JS8CallFast)){ return Varicode::JS8CallFast; } if(speed == submodeName(Varicode::JS8CallTurbo)){ return Varicode::JS8CallTurbo; } if(speed == submodeName(Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow)){ return Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow; } // default to the current submode return m_nSubMode; } QString MainWindow::submodeName(int submode){ if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ return "NORMAL"; } else if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ return "FAST"; } else if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ return "TURBO"; } else if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ #if JS8E_IS_ULTRA return "ULTRA"; #else return "SLOW"; #endif } return "?"; } void MainWindow::updateCurrentBand(){ QVariant state = ui->readFreq->property("state"); if(!state.isValid()){ return; } auto dial_frequency = dialFrequency(); auto const& band_name = m_config.bands ()->find(dial_frequency); if (m_lastBand == band_name){ return; } cacheActivity(m_lastBand); // clear activity on startup if asked or on when the previous band is not empty if(m_config.reset_activity() || !m_lastBand.isEmpty()){ clearActivity(); } // only change this when necessary as we get called a lot and it // would trash any user input to the band combo box line edit ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (band_name); m_wideGraph->setRxBand (band_name); qDebug() << "setting band" << band_name; m_lastBand = band_name; band_changed(dial_frequency); restoreActivity(m_lastBand); } void MainWindow::displayDialFrequency (){ #if 0 qDebug() << "rx nominal" << m_freqNominal; qDebug() << "tx nominal" << m_freqTxNominal; qDebug() << "offset set to" << ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value() << ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(); #endif auto dial_frequency = dialFrequency(); auto audio_frequency = currentFreqOffset(); // lookup band auto const& band_name = m_config.bands ()->find (dial_frequency); bool valid = !band_name.isEmpty(); update_dynamic_property (ui->labDialFreq, "oob", !valid); ui->labDialFreq->setText (Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (dial_frequency)); auto sFreq = Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (dial_frequency); ui->currentFreq->setDigitCount(sFreq.length()); ui->currentFreq->display(sFreq); if(m_splitMode && m_transmitting){ audio_frequency -= m_XIT; } ui->labDialFreqOffset->setText(QString("%1 Hz").arg(audio_frequency)); } void MainWindow::statusChanged() { statusUpdate (); } bool MainWindow::eventFilter (QObject * object, QEvent * event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::KeyPress: // fall through case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: // reset the Tx watchdog resetIdleTimer(); tx_watchdog (false); break; case QEvent::ChildAdded: // ensure our child widgets get added to our event filter add_child_to_event_filter (static_cast (event)->child ()); break; case QEvent::ChildRemoved: // ensure our child widgets get d=removed from our event filter remove_child_from_event_filter (static_cast (event)->child ()); break; case QEvent::ToolTip: if(!ui->actionShow_Tooltips->isChecked()){ return true; } break; default: break; } return QObject::eventFilter(object, event); } void MainWindow::createStatusBar() //createStatusBar { tx_status_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); tx_status_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {150, 18}); tx_status_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #22ff22}"); tx_status_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget (&tx_status_label); config_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); config_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {80, 18}); config_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget (&config_label); config_label.hide (); // only shown for non-default configuration mode_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); mode_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {80, 18}); mode_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget (&mode_label); last_tx_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); last_tx_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {150, 18}); last_tx_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addWidget (&last_tx_label); band_hopping_label.setAlignment (Qt::AlignHCenter); band_hopping_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {90, 18}); band_hopping_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(&progressBar, 1); progressBar.setMinimumSize (QSize {100, 18}); progressBar.setFormat ("%v/%m"); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(&wpm_label); wpm_label.setMinimumSize (QSize {120, 18}); wpm_label.setFrameStyle (QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken); wpm_label.setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); statusBar ()->addPermanentWidget (&watchdog_label); update_watchdog_label (); } void MainWindow::setup_status_bar (bool vhf) { auto submode = current_submode (); if (vhf && submode != QChar::Null) { mode_label.setText (m_mode + " " + submode); } else { if(m_mode == "FT8"){ mode_label.setText("JS8"); } else { mode_label.setText (m_mode); } } if ("ISCAT" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ff9933}"); } else if ("JT9" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ff6ec7}"); } else if ("JT4" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #cc99ff}"); } else if ("Echo" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #66ffff}"); } else if ("JT9+JT65" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ffff66}"); } else if ("JT65" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #66ff66}"); } else if ("QRA64" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #99ff33}"); } else if ("MSK144" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ff6666}"); } else if ("FT8" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #6699ff}"); } else if ("FreqCal" == m_mode) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ff9933}"); } last_tx_label.setText (QString {}); if (m_mode.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(^(Echo|ISCAT))"})) { if (band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) statusBar ()->removeWidget (&band_hopping_label); } else if (m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { mode_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #ff66ff}"); if (!band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) { statusBar ()->addWidget (&band_hopping_label); band_hopping_label.show (); } } else { if (band_hopping_label.isVisible ()) statusBar ()->removeWidget (&band_hopping_label); } } void MainWindow::subProcessFailed (QProcess * process, int exit_code, QProcess::ExitStatus status) { if (m_valid && (exit_code || QProcess::NormalExit != status)) { QStringList arguments; for (auto argument: process->arguments ()) { if (argument.contains (' ')) argument = '"' + argument + '"'; arguments << argument; } if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Subprocess Error") , tr ("Subprocess failed with exit code %1") .arg (exit_code) , tr ("Running: %1\n%2") .arg (process->program () + ' ' + arguments.join (' ')) .arg (QString {process->readAllStandardError()})); QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ())); m_valid = false; // ensures exit if still constructing } } void MainWindow::subProcessError (QProcess * process, QProcess::ProcessError) { if (m_valid) { QStringList arguments; for (auto argument: process->arguments ()) { if (argument.contains (' ')) argument = '"' + argument + '"'; arguments << argument; } if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); MessageBox::critical_message (this, tr ("Subprocess error") , tr ("Running: %1\n%2") .arg (process->program () + ' ' + arguments.join (' ')) .arg (process->errorString ())); QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ())); m_valid = false; // ensures exit if still constructing } } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { m_valid = false; // suppresses subprocess errors m_config.transceiver_offline (); writeSettings (); m_astroWidget.reset (); m_guiTimer.stop (); m_prefixes.reset (); m_shortcuts.reset (); m_mouseCmnds.reset (); if(m_mode!="MSK144" and m_mode!="FT8") killFile(); float sw=0.0; int nw=400; int nh=100; int irow=-99; plotsave_(&sw,&nw,&nh,&irow); mem_js8->detach(); QFile quitFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".quit")}; quitFile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.remove(); // Allow jt9 to terminate if(!proc_js8.isNull()){ bool b=proc_js8->waitForFinished(1000); if(!b) proc_js8->close(); } quitFile.remove(); Q_EMIT finished (); QMainWindow::closeEvent (e); } void MainWindow::on_labDialFreq_clicked() //dialFrequency { ui->bandComboBox->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::on_stopButton_clicked() //stopButton { monitor (false); m_loopall=false; if(m_bRefSpec) { MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Reference spectrum saved")); m_bRefSpec=false; } } void MainWindow::on_actionAdd_Log_Entry_triggered(){ on_logQSOButton_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_actionRelease_Notes_triggered () { QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {"http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/Release_Notes.txt"}); } void MainWindow::on_actionFT8_DXpedition_Mode_User_Guide_triggered() { QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl {"http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/FT8_DXpedition_Mode.pdf"}); } void MainWindow::on_actionOnline_User_Guide_triggered() //Display manual { } //Display local copy of manual void MainWindow::on_actionLocal_User_Guide_triggered() { } void MainWindow::on_actionWide_Waterfall_triggered() //Display Waterfalls { m_wideGraph->show(); } void MainWindow::on_actionSolve_FreqCal_triggered() { QString dpath{QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absolutePath()+"/")}; char data_dir[512]; int len=dpath.length(); int iz,irc; double a,b,rms,sigmaa,sigmab; strncpy(data_dir,dpath.toLatin1(),len); calibrate_(data_dir,&iz,&a,&b,&rms,&sigmaa,&sigmab,&irc,len); QString t2; if(irc==-1) t2="Cannot open " + dpath + "fmt.all"; if(irc==-2) t2="Cannot open " + dpath + "fcal2.out"; if(irc==-3) t2="Insufficient data in fmt.all"; if(irc==-4) t2 = tr ("Invalid data in fmt.all at line %1").arg (iz); if(irc>0 or rms>1.0) t2="Check fmt.all for possible bad data."; if (irc < 0 || irc > 0 || rms > 1.) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, "Calibration Error", t2); } else if (MessageBox::Apply == MessageBox::query_message (this , tr ("Good Calibration Solution") , tr ("
                                                                 "%1%L2 ±%L3 ppm\n"
                                                                 "%4%L5 ±%L6 Hz\n\n"
                                                                 "%9%L10 Hz"
") .arg ("Slope: ", 12).arg (b, 0, 'f', 3).arg (sigmab, 0, 'f', 3) .arg ("Intercept: ", 12).arg (a, 0, 'f', 2).arg (sigmaa, 0, 'f', 2) .arg ("N: ", 12).arg (iz) .arg ("StdDev: ", 12).arg (rms, 0, 'f', 2) , QString {} , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Apply)) { m_config.set_calibration (Configuration::CalibrationParams {a, b}); if (MessageBox::Yes == MessageBox::query_message (this , tr ("Delete Calibration Measurements") , tr ("The \"fmt.all\" file will be renamed as \"fmt.bak\""))) { // rename fmt.all as we have consumed the resulting calibration // solution auto const& backup_file_name = m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("fmt.bak"); QFile::remove (backup_file_name); QFile::rename (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("fmt.all"), backup_file_name); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionCopyright_Notice_triggered() { auto const& message = tr("If you make fair use of any part of this program under terms of the GNU " "General Public License, you must display the following copyright " "notice prominently in your derivative work:\n\n" "\"The algorithms, source code, look-and-feel of WSJT-X and related " "programs, and protocol specifications for the modes FSK441, FT8, JT4, " "JT6M, JT9, JT65, JTMS, QRA64, ISCAT, MSK144 are Copyright (C) " "2001-2018 by one or more of the following authors: Joseph Taylor, " "K1JT; Bill Somerville, G4WJS; Steven Franke, K9AN; Nico Palermo, " "IV3NWV; Greg Beam, KI7MT; Michael Black, W9MDB; Edson Pereira, PY2SDR; " "Philip Karn, KA9Q; and other members of the WSJT Development Group.\n\n" "Further, the source code of JS8Call contains material Copyright (C) " "2018-2019 by Jordan Sherer, KN4CRD.\""); MessageBox::warning_message(this, message); } // This allows the window to shrink by removing certain things // and reducing space used by controls void MainWindow::hideMenus(bool checked) { int spacing = checked ? 1 : 6; if (checked) { statusBar ()->removeWidget (&auto_tx_label); minimumSize().setHeight(450); minimumSize().setWidth(700); restoreGeometry(m_geometryNoControls); updateGeometry(); } else { m_geometryNoControls = saveGeometry(); statusBar ()->addWidget(&auto_tx_label); minimumSize().setHeight(520); minimumSize().setWidth(770); } ui->menuBar->setVisible(!checked); if(m_mode!="FreqCal" and m_mode!="WSPR") { ui->label_6->setVisible(!checked); ui->label_7->setVisible(!checked); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setVisible(!checked); // ui->line_2->setVisible(!checked); } // ui->line->setVisible(!checked); ui->decodedTextLabel->setVisible(!checked); ui->gridLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_2->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_3->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_6->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_7->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_8->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_9->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_10->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_11->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_12->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_13->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->horizontalLayout_14->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_2->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_3->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_4->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_5->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_7->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->verticalLayout_8->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); ui->tab->layout()->setSpacing(spacing); } void MainWindow::on_actionAstronomical_data_toggled (bool checked) { if (checked) { m_astroWidget.reset (new Astro {m_settings, &m_config}); // hook up termination signal connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_astroWidget.data (), &Astro::close); connect (m_astroWidget.data (), &Astro::tracking_update, [this] { m_astroCorrection = {}; setRig (); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); displayDialFrequency (); }); m_astroWidget->showNormal(); m_astroWidget->raise (); m_astroWidget->activateWindow (); m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal); } else { m_astroWidget.reset (); } } void MainWindow::on_actionFox_Log_triggered() { on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered(); m_msgAvgWidget->foxLogSetup(); } void MainWindow::on_actionMessage_averaging_triggered() { #if 0 if (!m_msgAvgWidget) { m_msgAvgWidget.reset (new MessageAveraging {m_settings, m_config.decoded_text_font ()}); // Connect signals from Message Averaging window connect (this, &MainWindow::finished, m_msgAvgWidget.data (), &MessageAveraging::close); } m_msgAvgWidget->showNormal(); m_msgAvgWidget->raise (); m_msgAvgWidget->activateWindow (); #endif } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered() //Open File { monitor (false); QString fname; fname=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open File", m_path, "Audio Files (*.wav)"); if(!fname.isEmpty ()) { m_path=fname; int i1=fname.lastIndexOf("/"); QString baseName=fname.mid(i1+1); tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #99ffff}"); tx_status_label.setText(" " + baseName + " "); on_stopButton_clicked(); m_diskData=true; read_wav_file (fname); } } void MainWindow::read_wav_file (QString const& fname) { // call diskDat() when done int i0=fname.lastIndexOf("_"); int i1=fname.indexOf(".wav"); m_nutc0=m_UTCdisk; m_UTCdisk=fname.mid(i0+1,i1-i0-1).toInt(); m_wav_future_watcher.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run ([this, fname] { auto basename = fname.mid (fname.lastIndexOf ('/') + 1); auto pos = fname.indexOf (".wav", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive); // global variables and threads do not mix well, this needs changing dec_data.params.nutc = 0; if (pos > 0) { if (pos == fname.indexOf ('_', -11) + 7) { dec_data.params.nutc = fname.mid (pos - 6, 6).toInt (); } else { dec_data.params.nutc = 100 * fname.mid (pos - 4, 4).toInt (); } } BWFFile file {QAudioFormat {}, fname}; bool ok=file.open (BWFFile::ReadOnly); if(ok) { auto bytes_per_frame = file.format ().bytesPerFrame (); qint64 max_bytes = std::min (std::size_t (m_TRperiod * RX_SAMPLE_RATE), sizeof (dec_data.d2) / sizeof (dec_data.d2[0]))* bytes_per_frame; auto n = file.read (reinterpret_cast (dec_data.d2), std::min (max_bytes, file.size ())); int frames_read = n / bytes_per_frame; // zero unfilled remaining sample space std::memset(&dec_data.d2[frames_read],0,max_bytes - n); if (11025 == file.format ().sampleRate ()) { short sample_size = file.format ().sampleSize (); wav12_ (dec_data.d2, dec_data.d2, &frames_read, &sample_size); } dec_data.params.kin = frames_read; dec_data.params.newdat = 1; } else { dec_data.params.kin = 0; dec_data.params.newdat = 0; } if(basename.mid(0,10)=="000000_000" && m_mode == "FT8") { dec_data.params.nutc=15*basename.mid(10,3).toInt(); } })); } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered() //Open Next { monitor (false); int i,len; QFileInfo fi(m_path); QStringList list; list= fi.dir().entryList().filter(".wav",Qt::CaseInsensitive); for (i = 0; i < list.size()-1; ++i) { len=list.at(i).length(); if(list.at(i)==m_path.right(len)) { int n=m_path.length(); QString fname=m_path.replace(n-len,len,list.at(i+1)); m_path=fname; int i1=fname.lastIndexOf("/"); QString baseName=fname.mid(i1+1); tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #99ffff}"); tx_status_label.setText(" " + baseName + " "); m_diskData=true; read_wav_file (fname); if(m_loopall and (i==list.size()-2)) { m_loopall=false; m_bNoMoreFiles=true; } return; } } } //Open all remaining files void MainWindow::on_actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory_triggered() { m_loopall=true; on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered(); } void MainWindow::diskDat() //diskDat() { if(dec_data.params.kin>0) { int k; int kstep=m_FFTSize; m_diskData=true; m_hsymStop=computeStop(m_nSubMode, m_TRperiod); float db=m_config.degrade(); float bw=m_config.RxBandwidth(); if(db > 0.0) degrade_snr_(dec_data.d2,&dec_data.params.kin,&db,&bw); for(int n=1; n<=m_hsymStop; n++) { // Do the waterfall spectra k=(n+1)*kstep; if(k > dec_data.params.kin) break; dec_data.params.npts8=k/8; dataSink(k); qApp->processEvents(); //Update the waterfall } } else { MessageBox::information_message(this, tr("No data read from disk. Wrong file format?")); } } //Delete ../save/*.wav void MainWindow::on_actionDelete_all_wav_files_in_SaveDir_triggered() { auto button = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Delete"), tr ("Are you sure you want to delete all *.wav files in \"%1\"?") .arg (QDir::toNativeSeparators (m_config.save_directory ().absolutePath ()))); if (MessageBox::Yes == button) { Q_FOREACH (auto const& file , m_config.save_directory ().entryList ({"*.wav", "*.c2"}, QDir::Files | QDir::Writable)) { m_config.save_directory ().remove (file); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionNone_triggered() //Save None { m_saveDecoded=false; m_saveAll=false; ui->actionNone->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_decoded_triggered() { m_saveDecoded=true; m_saveAll=false; ui->actionSave_decoded->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionSave_all_triggered() //Save All { m_saveDecoded=false; m_saveAll=true; ui->actionSave_all->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_actionKeyboard_shortcuts_triggered() { } void MainWindow::on_actionSpecial_mouse_commands_triggered() { } void MainWindow::on_ClrAvgButton_clicked() { m_nclearave=1; if(m_msgAvgWidget != NULL) { if(m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible()) m_msgAvgWidget->displayAvg(""); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::isDecodeReady * determine if decoding is ready for a given submode * @param submode - submode to test * @param k - current frame count * @param k0 - previous frame count * @param pCurrentDecodeStart - input pointer to a static integer with the current decode start position * @param pNextDecodeStart - input pointer to a static integer with the next decode start position * @param pStart - output pointer to the next start position when decode is ready * @param pSz - output pointer to the next size when decode is ready * @param pCycle - output pointer to the next cycle when decode is ready * @return true if decode is ready for this submode, false otherwise */ bool MainWindow::isDecodeReady(int submode, qint32 k, qint32 k0, qint32 *pCurrentDecodeStart, qint32 *pNextDecodeStart, qint32 *pStart, qint32 *pSz, qint32 *pCycle){ if(pCurrentDecodeStart == nullptr || pNextDecodeStart == nullptr){ return false; } qint32 cycleFrames = computeFramesPerCycleForDecode(submode); qint32 framesNeeded = computeFramesNeededForDecode(submode); qint32 currentCycle = computeCycleForDecode(submode, k); qint32 delta = qAbs(k-k0); if(delta > cycleFrames){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "-->" << submodeName(submode) << "buffer advance delta" << delta; } // on buffer loop, prepare proper next decode start if(k < k0 || delta > cycleFrames){ *pCurrentDecodeStart = currentCycle * cycleFrames; *pNextDecodeStart = *pCurrentDecodeStart + cycleFrames; } bool ready = *pCurrentDecodeStart + framesNeeded <= k; if(ready){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "-->" << submodeName(submode) << "from" << *pCurrentDecodeStart << "to" << *pCurrentDecodeStart+framesNeeded << "k" << k << "k0" << k0; if(pCycle) *pCycle = currentCycle; if(pStart) *pStart = *pCurrentDecodeStart; if(pSz) *pSz = qMax(framesNeeded, k-(*pCurrentDecodeStart)); *pCurrentDecodeStart = *pNextDecodeStart; *pNextDecodeStart = *pCurrentDecodeStart + cycleFrames; } return ready; } /** * @brief MainWindow::decode * try decoding * @return true if the decoder was activated, false otherwise */ bool MainWindow::decode(){ static int k0 = 9999999; int k = dec_data.params.kin; int kZero = k0; k0 = k; if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "decoder checking if ready..." << "k" << k << "k0" << kZero; if(k == kZero){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder stream has not advanced"; return false; } if(m_transmitting || !m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()){ // we used to use isMessageQueuedForTransmit, but it checks total frames, not queued frames if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder paused during transmit"; return false; } int threshold = 1000; // one second if(isInTransmitDecodeThreshold(threshold)){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder paused for" << threshold << "ms after transmit stop"; return false; } bool ready = decodeEnqueueReady(k, kZero); if(ready || !m_decoderQueue.isEmpty()){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder is ready to be run with" << m_decoderQueue.count() << "decode periods"; } // TODO: this can be pulled out to an async process qint32 submode = -1; if(!decodeProcessQueue(&submode)){ return false; } decodeStart(); decodePrepareSaveAudio(submode); return true; } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeEnqueueReady * compute the available decoder ranges that can be processed and * place them in the decode queue * @param k - the current frame count * @param k0 - the previous frame count * @return true if decoder ranges were queued, false otherwise */ bool MainWindow::decodeEnqueueReady(qint32 k, qint32 k0){ // compute the next decode for each submode // enqueue those decodes that are "ready" // on an interval, issue a decode static qint32 currentDecodeStartA = -1; static qint32 nextDecodeStartA = -1; qint32 startA = -1; qint32 szA = -1; qint32 cycleA = -1; bool couldDecodeA = isDecodeReady(Varicode::JS8CallNormal, k, k0, ¤tDecodeStartA, &nextDecodeStartA, &startA, &szA, &cycleA); if(m_diskData){ startA = 0; szA = NTMAX*RX_SAMPLE_RATE-1; couldDecodeA = true; } static qint32 currentDecodeStartB = -1; static qint32 nextDecodeStartB = -1; qint32 startB = -1; qint32 szB = -1; qint32 cycleB = -1; bool couldDecodeB = isDecodeReady(Varicode::JS8CallFast, k, k0, ¤tDecodeStartB, &nextDecodeStartB, &startB, &szB, &cycleB); if(m_diskData){ startB = 0; szB = NTMAX*RX_SAMPLE_RATE-1; couldDecodeB = true; } static qint32 currentDecodeStartC = -1; static qint32 nextDecodeStartC = -1; qint32 startC = -1; qint32 szC = -1; qint32 cycleC = -1; bool couldDecodeC = isDecodeReady(Varicode::JS8CallTurbo, k, k0, ¤tDecodeStartC, &nextDecodeStartC, &startC, &szC, &cycleC); if(m_diskData){ startC = 0; szC = NTMAX*RX_SAMPLE_RATE-1; couldDecodeC = true; } #if JS8_ENABLE_JS8E static qint32 currentDecodeStartE = -1; static qint32 nextDecodeStartE = -1; qint32 startE = -1; qint32 szE = -1; qint32 cycleE = -1; bool couldDecodeE = isDecodeReady(Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow, k, k0, ¤tDecodeStartE, &nextDecodeStartE, &startE, &szE, &cycleE); if(m_diskData){ startE = 0; szE = NTMAX*RX_SAMPLE_RATE-1; couldDecodeE = true; } #endif int decodes = 0; if(couldDecodeA){ DecodeParams d; d.submode = Varicode::JS8CallNormal; d.cycle = cycleA; d.start = startA; d.sz = szA; m_decoderQueue.append(d); decodes++; } if(couldDecodeB){ DecodeParams d; d.submode = Varicode::JS8CallFast; d.cycle = cycleB; d.start = startB; d.sz = szB; m_decoderQueue.append(d); decodes++; } if(couldDecodeC){ DecodeParams d; d.submode = Varicode::JS8CallTurbo; d.cycle = cycleC; d.start = startC; d.sz = szC; m_decoderQueue.append(d); decodes++; } #if JS8_ENABLE_JS8E if(couldDecodeE){ DecodeParams d; d.submode = Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow; d.cycle = cycleE; d.start = startE; d.sz = szE; m_decoderQueue.append(d); decodes++; } #endif return decodes > 0; } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeProcessQueue * process the decode queue by merging available decode ranges * into the dec_data shared structure for the decoder to process * @param pSubmode - the lowest speed submode in this iteration * @return true if the decoder is ready to be run, false otherwise */ bool MainWindow::decodeProcessQueue(qint32 *pSubmode){ if(m_decoderBusy){ int seconds = m_decoderBusyStartTime.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); if(seconds > 60){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder should be killed!" << QString("(%1 seconds)").arg(seconds); } else if(seconds > 30){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder is hanging!" << QString("(%1 seconds)").arg(seconds); } else { if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder is busy!"; } return false; } if(m_decoderQueue.isEmpty()){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder has nothing to process!"; return false; } int submode = -1; int maxDecodes = 1; bool multi = ui->actionModeMultiDecoder->isChecked(); if(multi){ maxDecodes = JS8_ENABLE_JS8E ? 4 : 3; } int count = m_decoderQueue.count(); if(count > maxDecodes){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder skipping at least 1 decode cycle" << "count" << count << "max" << maxDecodes; } dec_data.params.nsubmodes = 0; while(!m_decoderQueue.isEmpty()){ auto params = m_decoderQueue.front(); m_decoderQueue.removeFirst(); // skip if we are not in multi mode and the submode doesn't equal the global submode if(!multi && params.submode != m_nSubMode){ continue; } if(submode == -1 || params.submode < submode){ submode = params.submode; } switch(params.submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: dec_data.params.kposA = params.start; dec_data.params.kszA = params.sz; dec_data.params.nsubmodes |= (params.submode + 1); break; case Varicode::JS8CallFast: dec_data.params.kposB = params.start; dec_data.params.kszB = params.sz; dec_data.params.nsubmodes |= (params.submode << 1); break; case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: dec_data.params.kposC = params.start; dec_data.params.kszC = params.sz; dec_data.params.nsubmodes |= (params.submode << 1); break; #if JS8_ENABLE_JS8E case Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow: dec_data.params.kposE = params.start; dec_data.params.kszE = params.sz; dec_data.params.nsubmodes |= (params.submode << 1); break; #endif } #if JS8_SINGLE_DECODE break; #endif } if(submode == -1){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder has no segments to decode!"; return false; } int period = computePeriodForSubmode(submode); dec_data.params.npts8=(m_ihsym*m_nsps)/16; dec_data.params.newdat=1; dec_data.params.nagain=0; dec_data.params.nzhsym=m_ihsym; dec_data.params.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq(); dec_data.params.nfb=m_wideGraph->Fmax(); if(dec_data.params.nagain==0 && dec_data.params.newdat==1 && (!m_diskData)) { qint64 ms = DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; int imin=ms/60000; int ihr=imin/60; imin=imin % 60; if(period>=60) imin=imin - (imin % (period/60)); dec_data.params.nutc=100*ihr + imin; if(m_mode=="FT8") { QDateTime t=DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(2-period); ihr=t.toString("hh").toInt(); imin=t.toString("mm").toInt(); int isec=t.toString("ss").toInt(); isec=isec - isec%period; dec_data.params.nutc=10000*ihr + 100*imin + isec; } } if(m_nPick==1 and !m_diskData) { QDateTime t=DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int ihr=t.toString("hh").toInt(); int imin=t.toString("mm").toInt(); int isec=t.toString("ss").toInt(); isec=isec - isec%period; dec_data.params.nutc=10000*ihr + 100*imin + isec; } if(m_nPick==2) dec_data.params.nutc=m_nutc0; dec_data.params.lapcqonly = false; dec_data.params.nQSOProgress = m_QSOProgress; dec_data.params.nfqso=m_wideGraph->rxFreq(); dec_data.params.nftx = ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value (); dec_data.params.ndepth=m_ndepth; dec_data.params.n2pass=1; if(m_config.twoPass()) dec_data.params.n2pass=2; dec_data.params.nranera=m_config.ntrials(); dec_data.params.naggressive=m_config.aggressive(); dec_data.params.nrobust=0; dec_data.params.ndiskdat=0; if(m_diskData) dec_data.params.ndiskdat=1; dec_data.params.nfa=m_wideGraph->nStartFreq(); dec_data.params.nfSplit=m_wideGraph->Fmin(); dec_data.params.nfb=m_wideGraph->Fmax(); //if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_config.bHound() and !ui->cbRxAll->isChecked()) dec_data.params.nfb=1000; //if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_config.bFox()) dec_data.params.nfqso=200; dec_data.params.ntol=ui->sbFtol->value (); if(m_mode=="JT9+JT65" or !m_config.enable_VHF_features()) { dec_data.params.ntol=20; dec_data.params.naggressive=0; } if(dec_data.params.nutc < m_nutc0) m_RxLog = 1; //Date and Time to ALL.TXT if(dec_data.params.newdat==1 and !m_diskData) m_nutc0=dec_data.params.nutc; dec_data.params.ntxmode=9; if(m_modeTx=="JT65") dec_data.params.ntxmode=65; dec_data.params.nmode=8; dec_data.params.lft8apon = false; dec_data.params.napwid=50; dec_data.params.ntrperiod=period; //m_TRperiod; dec_data.params.nsubmode=submode; // m_nSubMode; dec_data.params.minw=0; dec_data.params.nclearave=m_nclearave; if(m_nclearave!=0) { QFile f(m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("avemsg.txt")); f.remove(); } dec_data.params.dttol=m_DTtol; dec_data.params.emedelay=0.0; if(m_config.decode_at_52s()) dec_data.params.emedelay=2.5; dec_data.params.minSync=ui->syncSpinBox->isVisible () ? m_minSync : 0; dec_data.params.nexp_decode=0; if(m_config.single_decode()) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 32; if(m_config.enable_VHF_features()) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 64; if(ui->cbVHFcontest->isChecked()) dec_data.params.nexp_decode += 128; strncpy(dec_data.params.datetime, m_dateTime.toLatin1(), 20); strncpy(dec_data.params.mycall, (m_config.my_callsign()+" ").toLatin1(),12); strncpy(dec_data.params.mygrid, (m_config.my_grid()+" ").toLatin1(),6); QString hisCall {ui->dxCallEntry->text ()}; QString hisGrid {ui->dxGridEntry->text ()}; strncpy(dec_data.params.hiscall,(hisCall + " ").toLatin1 ().constData (), 12); strncpy(dec_data.params.hisgrid,(hisGrid + " ").toLatin1 ().constData (), 6); // keep track of the minimum submode if(pSubmode) *pSubmode = submode; return true; } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeStart * copy the dec_data structure to shared memory and * remove the lock file to start the decoding process */ void MainWindow::decodeStart(){ if(m_decoderBusy){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder cannot start...busy (busy flag)"; return; } QFile lock {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}; if(!lock.exists()){ if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder cannot start...busy (lock missing)"; return; } // mark the decoder busy early while we prep the memory copy // decodeDone is responsible for marking the decode _not_ busy decodeBusy(true); { if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << "--> decoder starting"; if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> kin:" << dec_data.params.kin; if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> newdat:" << dec_data.params.newdat; if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> nsubmodes:" << dec_data.params.nsubmodes; if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> A:" << dec_data.params.kposA << dec_data.params.kposA + dec_data.params.kszA << QString("(%1)").arg(dec_data.params.kszA); if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> B:" << dec_data.params.kposB << dec_data.params.kposB + dec_data.params.kszB << QString("(%1)").arg(dec_data.params.kszB); if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> C:" << dec_data.params.kposC << dec_data.params.kposC + dec_data.params.kszC << QString("(%1)").arg(dec_data.params.kszC); if(JS8_DEBUG_DECODE) qDebug() << " --> E:" << dec_data.params.kposE << dec_data.params.kposE + dec_data.params.kszE << QString("(%1)").arg(dec_data.params.kszE); //newdat=1 ==> this is new data, must do the big FFT //nagain=1 ==> decode only at fQSO +/- Tol char *to = (char*)mem_js8->data(); char *from = (char*) dec_data.ss; int size=sizeof(struct dec_data); // only copy the params if(dec_data.params.newdat==0) { int noffset {offsetof (struct dec_data, params.nutc)}; to += noffset; from += noffset; size -= noffset; } memcpy(to, from, qMin(mem_js8->size(), size)); } lock.remove(); // Allow decoder to start } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeBusy * mark the decoder as currently busy (to prevent overlapping decodes) * @param b - true if busy, false otherwise */ void MainWindow::decodeBusy(bool b) //decodeBusy() { m_decoderBusy=b; if(m_decoderBusy){ tx_status_label.setText("Decoding"); m_decoderBusyStartTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } ui->actionOpen->setEnabled(!b); ui->actionOpen_next_in_directory->setEnabled(!b); ui->actionDecode_remaining_files_in_directory->setEnabled(!b); statusUpdate (); } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeDone * clean up after a decode is finished */ void MainWindow::decodeDone () { QFile {m_config.temp_dir ().absoluteFilePath (".lock")}.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); dec_data.params.newdat=0; dec_data.params.nagain=0; dec_data.params.ndiskdat=0; m_nclearave=0; decodeBusy(false); m_RxLog=0; m_blankLine=true; m_messageDupeCache.clear(); } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodePrepareSaveAudio * save the audio for the current decode cycle * @param submode - submode which period length we will use for saving */ void MainWindow::decodePrepareSaveAudio(int submode){ if(m_diskData){ return; } int period = computePeriodForSubmode(submode); auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int n=now.time().second() % period; if(n<(period/2)) n=n+period; auto const& period_start=now.addSecs(-n); m_fnameWE=m_config.save_directory().absoluteFilePath (period_start.toString("yyMMdd_hhmmss")); m_fileToSave.clear (); if(m_saveAll or m_bAltV or (m_bDecoded and m_saveDecoded)){ m_bAltV=false; // the following is potential a threading hazard - not a good // idea to pass pointer to be processed in another thread m_saveWAVWatcher.setFuture (QtConcurrent::run (std::bind (&MainWindow::save_wave_file, this, m_fnameWE, &dec_data.d2[0], period, m_config.my_callsign(), m_config.my_grid(), m_mode, submode, m_freqNominal, m_hisCall, m_hisGrid))); } } /** * @brief MainWindow::decodeCheckHangingDecoder * check if decoder is hanging and reset if it is */ void MainWindow::decodeCheckHangingDecoder(){ if(!m_decoderBusy){ return; } if(m_decoderBusyStartTime.isValid() && m_decoderBusyStartTime.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) > 60){ m_decoderBusyStartTime = QDateTime(); SelfDestructMessageBox * m = new SelfDestructMessageBox(60, "Decoder Hang", "The JS8 decoder is having trouble and is now restarting.", QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok, false, this); m->show(); initDecoderSubprocess(); } } void MainWindow::writeAllTxt(QString message, int bits) { // Write decoded text to file "ALL.TXT". QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); if(m_RxLog==1) { out << DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << " " << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6) << " MHz " << "JS8" << endl; m_RxLog=0; } auto dt = DecodedText(message, bits, m_nSubMode); out << dt.message() << endl; f.close(); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Open Error") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ())); } } void MainWindow::writeMsgTxt(QString message, int snr) { // Write decoded text to file "DIRECTED.TXT". QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("DIRECTED.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); QStringList output = { DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), Radio::frequency_MHz_string(m_freqNominal), QString::number(currentFreqOffset()), Varicode::formatSNR(snr), message }; out << output.join("\t") << endl; f.close(); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Open Error") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ())); } } QDateTime MainWindow::nextTransmitCycle(){ auto timestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); // remove milliseconds auto t = timestamp.time(); t.setHMS(t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second()); timestamp.setTime(t); // round to 15 second increment int secondsSinceEpoch = (timestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000); int delta = roundUp(secondsSinceEpoch, 15) + 1 - secondsSinceEpoch; timestamp = timestamp.addSecs(delta); return timestamp; } void MainWindow::resetAutomaticIntervalTransmissions(bool stopCQ, bool stopHB){ resetCQTimer(stopCQ); resetHeartbeatTimer(stopHB); } void MainWindow::resetCQTimer(bool stop){ if(ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked() && m_cqInterval > 0){ ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(false); if(!stop){ ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(true); } } } void MainWindow::resetHeartbeatTimer(bool stop){ // toggle the heartbeat timer if we have a repeating heartbeat if(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() && m_hbInterval > 0){ ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(false); if(!stop){ ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(true); } } } QList generateOffsets(int minOffset, int maxOffset){ QList offsets; // TODO: these offsets aren't ordered correctly... for(int i = minOffset; i <= maxOffset; i++){ offsets.append(i); } return offsets; } void MainWindow::readFromStdout(QProcess * proc) //readFromStdout { if(!proc || proc->state() != QProcess::Running){ return; } while(proc->canReadLine()) { QByteArray t = proc->readLine(); qDebug() << "JS8: " << QString(t); bool bAvgMsg=false; int navg=0; if(t.indexOf("") >= 0) { if(m_mode=="QRA64") m_wideGraph->drawRed(0,0); m_bDecoded = t.mid(20).trimmed().toInt() > 0; int mswait=3*1000*m_TRperiod/4; if(!m_diskData) killFileTimer.start(mswait); //Kill in 3/4 period decodeDone(); m_startAnother=m_loopall; if(m_bNoMoreFiles) { MessageBox::information_message(this, tr("No more files to open.")); m_bNoMoreFiles=false; } return; } if(m_mode=="JT4" or m_mode=="JT65" or m_mode=="QRA64" or m_mode=="FT8") { int n=t.indexOf("f"); if(n<0) n=t.indexOf("d"); if(n>0) { QString tt=t.mid(n+1,1); navg=tt.toInt(); if(navg==0) { char c = tt.data()->toLatin1(); if(int(c)>=65 and int(c)<=90) navg=int(c)-54; } if(navg>1 or t.indexOf("f*")>0) bAvgMsg=true; } } QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); if(m_RxLog==1) { out << DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << " " << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6) << " MHz " << "JS8" << endl; m_RxLog=0; } int n=t.length(); auto logText = t.mid(0, n-2); auto dt = DecodedText(logText, false, m_config.my_grid()); out << logText << " " << dt.message() << endl; f.close(); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Open Error") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ())); } DecodedText decodedtext {QString::fromUtf8 (t.constData ()).remove (QRegularExpression {"\r|\n"}), "FT8" == m_mode && ui->cbVHFcontest->isChecked(), m_config.my_grid ()}; bool bValidFrame = decodedtext.snr() >= rxSnrThreshold(decodedtext.submode()); // dupe check auto frame = decodedtext.message(); auto frameOffset = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); if(m_messageDupeCache.contains(frame)){ // check to see if the frequency is near our previous frame auto cachedFreq = m_messageDupeCache.value(frame, 0); if(qAbs(cachedFreq - frameOffset) <= rxThreshold(decodedtext.submode())){ qDebug() << "duplicate frame from" << cachedFreq << "and" << frameOffset; bValidFrame = false; } } else { // cache for this decode cycle m_messageDupeCache[frame] = frameOffset; } qDebug() << "valid" << bValidFrame << submodeName(decodedtext.submode()) << "decoded text" << decodedtext.message(); // skip if invalid if(!bValidFrame) { continue; } ActivityDetail d = {}; CallDetail cd = {}; CommandDetail cmd = {}; CallDetail td = {}; // Parse General Activity #if 1 bool shouldParseGeneralActivity = true; if(shouldParseGeneralActivity && !decodedtext.messageWords().isEmpty()){ int offset = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); if(!m_bandActivity.contains(offset)){ int range = rxThreshold(decodedtext.submode()); QList offsets = generateOffsets(offset-range, offset+range); foreach(int prevOffset, offsets){ if(!m_bandActivity.contains(prevOffset)){ continue; } m_bandActivity[offset] = m_bandActivity[prevOffset]; m_bandActivity.remove(prevOffset); break; } } //ActivityDetail d = {}; d.isLowConfidence = decodedtext.isLowConfidence(); d.isFree = !decodedtext.isStandardMessage(); d.isCompound = decodedtext.isCompound(); d.isDirected = decodedtext.isDirectedMessage(); d.bits = decodedtext.bits(); d.freq = offset; d.text = decodedtext.message(); d.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); d.snr = decodedtext.snr(); d.isBuffered = false; d.tdrift = decodedtext.dt(); d.submode = decodedtext.submode(); // if we have any "first" frame, and a buffer is already established, clear it... int prevBufferOffset = -1; if(((d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallFirst) == Varicode::JS8CallFirst) && hasExistingMessageBuffer(decodedtext.submode(), d.freq, true, &prevBufferOffset)){ qDebug() << "first message encountered, clearing existing buffer" << prevBufferOffset; m_messageBuffer.remove(d.freq); } // if we have a data frame, and a message buffer has been established, buffer it... if(hasExistingMessageBuffer(decodedtext.submode(), d.freq, true, &prevBufferOffset) && !decodedtext.isCompound() && !decodedtext.isDirectedMessage()){ qDebug() << "buffering data" << d.freq << d.text; d.isBuffered = true; m_messageBuffer[d.freq].msgs.append(d); // TODO: incremental display if it's "to" me. } m_rxActivityQueue.append(d); m_bandActivity[offset].append(d); while(m_bandActivity[offset].count() > 10){ m_bandActivity[offset].removeFirst(); } } #endif // Process compound callsign commands (put them in cache)" #if 1 qDebug() << "decoded" << decodedtext.frameType() << decodedtext.isCompound() << decodedtext.isDirectedMessage() << decodedtext.isHeartbeat(); bool shouldProcessCompound = true; if(shouldProcessCompound && decodedtext.isCompound() && !decodedtext.isDirectedMessage()){ cd.call = decodedtext.compoundCall(); cd.grid = decodedtext.extra(); // compound calls via pings may contain grid... cd.snr = decodedtext.snr(); cd.freq = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); cd.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); cd.bits = decodedtext.bits(); cd.tdrift = decodedtext.dt(); cd.submode = decodedtext.submode(); // Only respond to HEARTBEATS...remember that CQ messages are "Alt" pings if(decodedtext.isHeartbeat()){ if(decodedtext.isAlt()){ // this is a cq with a standard or compound call, ala "KN4CRD/P: CQCQCQ" cd.cqTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); // it is not processed elsewhere, so we need to just log it here. logCallActivity(cd, true); // notification for cq tryNotify("cq"); } else { // convert HEARTBEAT to a directed command and process... cmd.from = cd.call; cmd.to = "@ALLCALL"; cmd.cmd = " HB"; cmd.snr = cd.snr; cmd.bits = cd.bits; cmd.grid = cd.grid; cmd.freq = cd.freq; cmd.utcTimestamp = cd.utcTimestamp; cmd.tdrift = cd.tdrift; cmd.submode = cd.submode; m_rxCommandQueue.append(cmd); // notification for hb tryNotify("hb"); } } else { qDebug() << "buffering compound call" << cd.freq << cd.call << cd.bits; hasExistingMessageBuffer(cd.submode, cd.freq, true, nullptr); m_messageBuffer[cd.freq].compound.append(cd); } } #endif // Parse commands // KN4CRD K1JT ? #if 1 bool shouldProcessDirected = true; if(shouldProcessDirected && decodedtext.isDirectedMessage()){ auto parts = decodedtext.directedMessage(); cmd.from = parts.at(0); cmd.to = parts.at(1); cmd.cmd = parts.at(2); cmd.freq = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); cmd.snr = decodedtext.snr(); cmd.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); cmd.bits = decodedtext.bits(); cmd.extra = parts.length() > 2 ? parts.mid(3).join(" ") : ""; cmd.tdrift = decodedtext.dt(); cmd.submode = decodedtext.submode(); // if the command is a buffered command and its not the last frame OR we have from or to in a separate message (compound call) if((Varicode::isCommandBuffered(cmd.cmd) && (cmd.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) != Varicode::JS8CallLast) || cmd.from == "<....>" || cmd.to == "<....>"){ qDebug() << "buffering cmd" << cmd.freq << cmd.cmd << cmd.from << cmd.to; // log complete buffered callsigns immediately if(cmd.from != "<....>" && cmd.to != "<....>"){ CallDetail cmdcd = {}; cmdcd.call = cmd.from; cmdcd.bits = cmd.bits; cmdcd.snr = cmd.snr; cmdcd.freq = cmd.freq; cmdcd.utcTimestamp = cmd.utcTimestamp; cmdcd.ackTimestamp = cmd.to == m_config.my_callsign() ? cmd.utcTimestamp : QDateTime{}; cmdcd.tdrift = cmd.tdrift; cmdcd.submode = cmd.submode; logCallActivity(cmdcd, false); logHeardGraph(cmd.from, cmd.to); } // merge any existing buffer to this frequency hasExistingMessageBuffer(cmd.submode, cmd.freq, true, nullptr); if(cmd.to == m_config.my_callsign()){ d.shouldDisplay = true; } m_messageBuffer[cmd.freq].cmd = cmd; m_messageBuffer[cmd.freq].msgs.clear(); } else { m_rxCommandQueue.append(cmd); } // check to see if this is a station we've heard 3rd party bool shouldCaptureThirdPartyCallsigns = false; if(shouldCaptureThirdPartyCallsigns && Radio::base_callsign(cmd.to) != Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign())){ QString relayCall = QString("%1|%2").arg(Radio::base_callsign(cmd.from)).arg(Radio::base_callsign(cmd.to)); int snr = -100; if(parts.length() == 4){ snr = QString(parts.at(3)).toInt(); } //CallDetail td = {}; td.through = cmd.from; td.call = cmd.to; td.grid = ""; td.snr = snr; td.freq = cmd.freq; td.utcTimestamp = cmd.utcTimestamp; td.tdrift = cmd.tdrift; td.submode = cmd.submode; logCallActivity(td, true); logHeardGraph(cmd.from, cmd.to); } } #endif // Parse CQs #if 0 bool shouldParseCQs = true; if(shouldParseCQs && decodedtext.isStandardMessage()){ QString theircall; QString theirgrid; decodedtext.deCallAndGrid(theircall, theirgrid); QStringList calls = Varicode::parseCallsigns(theircall); if(!calls.isEmpty() && !calls.first().isEmpty()){ theircall = calls.first(); CallDetail d = {}; d.bits = decodedtext.bits(); d.call = theircall; d.grid = theirgrid; d.snr = decodedtext.snr(); d.freq = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); d.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_callActivity[d.call] = d; } } #endif // Parse standard message callsigns // K1JT KN4CRD EM73 // KN4CRD K1JT -21 // K1JT KN4CRD R-12 // DE KN4CRD // KN4CRD #if 0 bool shouldParseCallsigns = false; if(shouldParseCallsigns){ QStringList callsigns = Varicode::parseCallsigns(decodedtext.message()); if(!callsigns.isEmpty()){ // one callsign // de [from] // cq [from] // two callsigns // [from]: [to] ... // [to] [from] [grid|signal] QStringList grids = Varicode::parseGrids(decodedtext.message()); // one callsigns are handled above... so we only need to handle two callsigns if it's a standard message if(decodedtext.isStandardMessage()){ if(callsigns.length() == 2){ auto de_callsign = callsigns.last(); // TODO: jsherer - put this in a function to record a callsign... CallDetail d; d.call = de_callsign; d.grid = !grids.empty() ? grids.first() : ""; d.snr = decodedtext.snr(); d.freq = decodedtext.frequencyOffset(); d.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_callActivity[Radio::base_callsign(de_callsign)] = d; } } } } #endif } // See MainWindow::postDecode for displaying the latest decodes } void MainWindow::playSoundFile(const QString &path){ if(path.isEmpty()){ return; } qDebug() << "Trying to play sound file" << path; QSound::play(path); } bool MainWindow::hasExistingMessageBufferToMe(int *pOffset){ foreach(auto offset, m_messageBuffer.keys()){ auto buffer = m_messageBuffer[offset]; // if this is a valid buffer and it's to me... if(buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp.isValid() && (buffer.cmd.to == m_config.my_callsign() || buffer.cmd.to == Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign()))){ if(pOffset) *pOffset = offset; return true; } } return false; } bool MainWindow::hasExistingMessageBuffer(int submode, int offset, bool drift, int *pPrevOffset){ if(m_messageBuffer.contains(offset)){ if(pPrevOffset) *pPrevOffset = offset; return true; } int range = rxThreshold(submode); QList offsets = generateOffsets(offset-range, offset+range); foreach(int prevOffset, offsets){ if(!m_messageBuffer.contains(prevOffset)){ continue; } if(drift){ m_messageBuffer[offset] = m_messageBuffer[prevOffset]; m_messageBuffer.remove(prevOffset); } if(pPrevOffset) *pPrevOffset = prevOffset; return true; } return false; } bool MainWindow::hasClosedExistingMessageBuffer(int offset){ #if 0 int range = 10; if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ range = 16; } if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ range = 32; } return offset - range <= m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset && m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset <= offset + range; #elif 0 int range = 10; if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ range = 16; } if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ range = 32; } return m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset - range <= offset && offset <= m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset + range; #else Q_UNUSED(offset); #endif return false; } void MainWindow::logCallActivity(CallDetail d, bool spot){ // don't log empty calls if(d.call.trimmed().isEmpty()){ return; } // don't log relay calls if(d.call.contains(">")){ return; } if(m_callActivity.contains(d.call)){ // update (keep grid) CallDetail old = m_callActivity[d.call]; if(d.grid.isEmpty() && !old.grid.isEmpty()){ d.grid = old.grid; } if(!d.ackTimestamp.isValid() && old.ackTimestamp.isValid()){ d.ackTimestamp = old.ackTimestamp; } if(!d.cqTimestamp.isValid() && old.cqTimestamp.isValid()){ d.cqTimestamp = old.cqTimestamp; } m_callActivity[d.call] = d; } else { // create m_callActivity[d.call] = d; // notification of old and new callsigns if(m_logBook.hasWorkedBefore(d.call, "")){ tryNotify("call_old"); } else { tryNotify("call_new"); } } // enqueue for spotting to psk reporter if(spot){ m_rxCallQueue.append(d); } } void MainWindow::logHeardGraph(QString from, QString to){ auto my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign(); // hearing if(m_heardGraphOutgoing.contains(my_callsign)){ m_heardGraphOutgoing[my_callsign].insert(from); } else { m_heardGraphOutgoing[my_callsign].insert(from); } // heard by if(m_heardGraphIncoming.contains(from)){ m_heardGraphIncoming[from].insert(my_callsign); } else { m_heardGraphIncoming[from] = { my_callsign }; } if(to == "@ALLCALL"){ return; } // hearing if(m_heardGraphOutgoing.contains(from)){ m_heardGraphOutgoing[from].insert(to); } else { m_heardGraphOutgoing[from] = { to }; } // heard by if(m_heardGraphIncoming.contains(to)){ m_heardGraphIncoming[to].insert(from); } else { m_heardGraphIncoming[to] = { from }; } } QString MainWindow::lookupCallInCompoundCache(QString const &call){ QString myBaseCall = Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign()); if(call == myBaseCall){ return m_config.my_callsign(); } return m_compoundCallCache.value(call, call); } void MainWindow::spotReport(int offset, int snr, QString callsign, QString grid){ if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()) return; Frequency frequency = m_freqNominal + offset; m_spotClient->enqueueSpot(callsign, grid, frequency, snr); } void MainWindow::spotCmd(CommandDetail cmd){ if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()) return; QString cmdStr = cmd.cmd; if(!cmdStr.trimmed().isEmpty()){ cmdStr = Varicode::lstrip(cmd.cmd); } m_spotClient->enqueueCmd(cmdStr, cmd.from, cmd.to, cmd.relayPath, cmd.text, cmd.grid, cmd.extra, m_freqNominal + cmd.freq, cmd.snr); } void MainWindow::spotAPRSMsg(CommandDetail d){ if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()) return; if(!m_aprsClient->isPasscodeValid()) return; // ONLY MSG IS APPROPRIATE HERE, e.g., // KN4CRD: @APRSIS MSG :EMAIL-2 :email@domain.com booya{ if(d.cmd != " MSG") return; qDebug() << "enqueueing third party text" << d.from << d.text; m_aprsClient->enqueueThirdParty(Radio::base_callsign(d.from), d.text); } void MainWindow::pskLogReport(QString mode, int offset, int snr, QString callsign, QString grid){ if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()) return; Frequency frequency = m_freqNominal + offset; psk_Reporter->addRemoteStation( callsign, grid, QString::number(frequency), mode, QString::number(snr), QString::number(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t())); } void MainWindow::aprsLogReport(int offset, int snr, QString callsign, QString grid){ if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()) return; Frequency frequency = m_freqNominal + offset; if(grid.length() < 6){ qDebug() << "APRSISClient Spot Skipped:" << callsign << grid; return; } auto comment = QString("%1MHz %2dB").arg(Radio::frequency_MHz_string(frequency)).arg(Varicode::formatSNR(snr)); if(callsign.contains("/")){ comment = QString("%1 %2").arg(callsign).arg(comment); } auto base = Radio::base_callsign(callsign); callsign = APRSISClient::replaceCallsignSuffixWithSSID(callsign, base); if(m_aprsCallCache.contains(callsign)){ qDebug() << "APRSISClient Spot Skipped For Cache:" << callsign << grid; return; } m_aprsClient->enqueueSpot(callsign, grid, comment); m_aprsCallCache.insert(callsign, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); } void MainWindow::killFile () { if (m_fnameWE.size () && !(m_saveAll || (m_saveDecoded && m_bDecoded) || m_fnameWE == m_fileToSave)) { QFile f1 {m_fnameWE + ".wav"}; if(f1.exists()) f1.remove(); if(m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { QFile f2 {m_fnameWE + ".c2"}; if(f2.exists()) f2.remove(); } } } void MainWindow::on_EraseButton_clicked () { qint64 ms=DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); ui->decodedTextBrowser2->erase (); if(m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR") or m_mode=="Echo" or m_mode=="ISCAT") { ui->decodedTextBrowser->erase (); } else { if((ms-m_msErase)<500) { ui->decodedTextBrowser->erase (); } } m_msErase=ms; } //------------------------------------------------------------- //guiUpdate() void MainWindow::guiUpdate() { static quint64 lastLoop; static char message[29]; static char msgsent[29]; static int msgibits; double txDuration; QString rt; quint64 thisLoop = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); if(lastLoop == 0){ lastLoop = thisLoop; } quint64 delta = thisLoop - lastLoop; if(delta > (100 + 10)){ qDebug() << "guiupdate overrun" << (delta-100); } lastLoop = thisLoop; if(m_TRperiod==0) m_TRperiod=60; txDuration=0.0; if(m_modeTx=="FT8"){ if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ txDuration=JS8A_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS * (double)JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ txDuration=JS8B_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS * (double)JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ txDuration=JS8C_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS * (double)JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ txDuration=JS8E_START_DELAY_MS/1000.0 + JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS * (double)JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE; } } double tx1=0.0; double tx2=txDuration; if(m_mode=="FT8") icw[0]=0; //No CW ID in FT8 mode if((icw[0]>0)) tx2 += icw[0]*2560.0/48000.0; //Full length including CW ID if(tx2>m_TRperiod) tx2=m_TRperiod; qint64 ms = DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() % 86400000; int nsec=ms/1000; double tsec=0.001*ms; double t2p=fmod(tsec, m_TRperiod); m_s6=fmod(tsec,6.0); m_nseq = nsec % m_TRperiod; m_tRemaining=m_TRperiod - fmod(tsec,double(m_TRperiod)); // how long is the tx? m_bTxTime = (t2p >= tx1) and (t2p < tx2); if(m_tune) m_bTxTime=true; // "Tune" and tones take precedence if(m_transmitting or m_auto or m_tune) { m_dateTimeLastTX = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTime (); // Don't transmit another mode in the 30 m WSPR sub-band Frequency onAirFreq = m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(); //qDebug() << "transmitting on" << onAirFreq; if ((onAirFreq > 10139900 and onAirFreq < 10140320) and !m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { m_bTxTime=false; if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false); if(onAirFreq!=m_onAirFreq0) { m_onAirFreq0=onAirFreq; auto const& message = tr ("Please choose another Tx frequency." " The app will not knowingly transmit another" " mode in the WSPR sub-band on 30m."); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] { // don't block guiUpdate MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("WSPR Guard Band"), message); }); #else MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("WSPR Guard Band"), message); #endif } } // watchdog! // if (m_config.watchdog() && !m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR") // && m_idleMinutes >= m_config.watchdog ()) { // tx_watchdog (true); // disable transmit // } float fTR=float((ms%(1000*m_TRperiod)))/(1000*m_TRperiod); QString txMsg; if(m_ntx == 1) txMsg=ui->tx1->text(); if(m_ntx == 2) txMsg=ui->tx2->text(); if(m_ntx == 3) txMsg=ui->tx3->text(); if(m_ntx == 4) txMsg=ui->tx4->text(); if(m_ntx == 5) txMsg=ui->tx5->currentText(); if(m_ntx == 6) txMsg=ui->tx6->text(); if(m_ntx == 7) txMsg=ui->genMsg->text(); if(m_ntx == 8) txMsg=ui->freeTextMsg->currentText(); if(m_ntx == 9) txMsg=ui->nextFreeTextMsg->text(); int msgLength=txMsg.trimmed().length(); // TODO: stop if(msgLength==0 and !m_tune) on_stopTxButton_clicked(); // 15.0 - 12.6 double ratio = 1.0; if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ ratio = (((double)m_TRperiod - (JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS*(double)JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE))/(double)m_TRperiod); } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ ratio = (((double)m_TRperiod - (JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS*(double)JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE))/(double)m_TRperiod); } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ ratio = (((double)m_TRperiod - (JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS*(double)JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE))/(double)m_TRperiod); } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ ratio = (((double)m_TRperiod - (JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS*(double)JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES/(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE))/(double)m_TRperiod); } if(fTR > 1.0-ratio && fTR < 1.0){ if(!m_deadAirTone){ qDebug() << "should start dead air tone"; m_deadAirTone = true; } } else { if(m_deadAirTone){ qDebug() << "should stop dead air tone"; m_deadAirTone = false; } } // the late threshold is the dead air time minus the tx delay time float lateThreshold = ratio - (m_config.txDelay() / m_TRperiod); if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ // for the faster mode, only allow 3/4 late threshold lateThreshold *= 0.75; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ // for the turbo mode, only allow 1/2 late threshold lateThreshold *= 0.5; } if(g_iptt==0 and ((m_bTxTime and fTR0) or m_tune)) { //### Allow late starts icw[0]=m_ncw; g_iptt = 1; setRig (); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); emitPTT(true); m_tx_when_ready = true; qDebug() << "start threshold" << fTR << lateThreshold << ms; } // TODO: stop if(!m_bTxTime and !m_tune) m_btxok=false; //Time to stop transmitting } // Calculate Tx tones when needed if((g_iptt==1 && m_iptt0==0) || m_restart) { //---------------------------------------------------------------------- QByteArray ba; QByteArray ba0; if(m_ntx == 1) ba=ui->tx1->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 2) ba=ui->tx2->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 3) ba=ui->tx3->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 4) ba=ui->tx4->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 5) ba=ui->tx5->currentText().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 6) ba=ui->tx6->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 7) ba=ui->genMsg->text().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 8) ba=ui->freeTextMsg->currentText().toLocal8Bit(); if(m_ntx == 9) ba=ui->nextFreeTextMsg->text().toLocal8Bit(); ba2msg(ba,message); int ichk=0; if (m_lastMessageSent != m_currentMessage || m_lastMessageType != m_currentMessageType) { m_lastMessageSent = m_currentMessage; m_lastMessageType = m_currentMessageType; } m_currentMessageType = 0; if(m_tune) { itone[0]=0; } else if(m_modeTx=="FT8") { bool bcontest=false; char MyCall[6]; char MyGrid[6]; strncpy(MyCall, (m_config.my_callsign()+" ").toLatin1(),6); strncpy(MyGrid, (m_config.my_grid()+" ").toLatin1(),6); // 0: [000] <- this is standard set // 1: [001] <- this is fox/hound //m_i3bit=0; char ft8msgbits[75 + 12]; //packed 75 bit ft8 message plus 12-bit CRC if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ qDebug() << "gen ft8"; genft8_(message, MyGrid, &bcontest, &m_i3bit, msgsent, const_cast (ft8msgbits), const_cast (itone), 22, 6, 22); } else if (m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast || m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo || m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ qDebug() << "gen js8"; genjs8_(message, MyGrid, &bcontest, &m_i3bit, msgsent, const_cast (ft8msgbits), const_cast (itone), 22, 6, 22); } qDebug() << "-> msg:" << message; qDebug() << "-> bit:" << m_i3bit; msgibits = m_i3bit; msgsent[22]=0; m_currentMessage = QString::fromLatin1(msgsent).trimmed(); m_currentMessageBits = msgibits; emitTones(); #if TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN if(ui->turboButton->isChecked()) { foxcom_.nslots=1; foxcom_.nfreq=ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(); if(m_config.split_mode()) foxcom_.nfreq = foxcom_.nfreq - m_XIT; //Fox Tx freq strncpy(&foxcom_.cmsg[0][0], QString::fromStdString(message).toLatin1(), 12); foxcom_.i3bit[0] = m_i3bit | Varicode::JS8CallFlag; int i = 1; while(!m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty() && foxcom_.nslots < TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN_SLOTS){ auto pair = m_txFrameQueue.dequeue(); strncpy(&foxcom_.cmsg[i][0], pair.first.toLatin1(), 12); foxcom_.i3bit[i] = pair.second | Varicode::JS8CallFlag; foxcom_.nslots += 1; //m_currentMessage.append(pair.first); //m_currentMessageBits |= pair.second; i += 1; } if(i > 1){ updateTxButtonDisplay(); } foxgen_(); } #endif } m_bCallingCQ = CALLING == m_QSOProgress || m_currentMessage.contains (QRegularExpression {"^(CQ|QRZ) "}); if(m_mode=="FT8") { if(m_bCallingCQ && ui->cbFirst->isVisible () && ui->cbFirst->isChecked ()) { ui->cbFirst->setStyleSheet("QCheckBox{color:red}"); } else { ui->cbFirst->setStyleSheet(""); } } if (m_tune) { m_currentMessage = "TUNE"; m_currentMessageType = -1; } if(m_restart) { write_transmit_entry ("ALL.TXT"); } auto t2 = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc ().toString ("hhmm"); icw[0] = 0; auto msg_parts = m_currentMessage.split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (msg_parts.size () > 2) { // clean up short code forms msg_parts[0].remove (QChar {'<'}); msg_parts[1].remove (QChar {'>'}); } auto is_73 = m_QSOProgress >= ROGER_REPORT && message_is_73 (m_currentMessageType, msg_parts); m_sentFirst73 = is_73 && !message_is_73 (m_lastMessageType, m_lastMessageSent.split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts)); if (m_sentFirst73) { m_qsoStop=t2; if(m_config.id_after_73 ()) { icw[0] = m_ncw; } if (m_config.prompt_to_log () && !m_tune) { logQSOTimer.start (0); } } bool b=(m_mode=="FT8") and ui->cbAutoSeq->isChecked() and ui->cbFirst->isChecked(); if(is_73 and (m_config.disable_TX_on_73() or b)) { auto_tx_mode (false); if(b) { m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); m_QSOProgress = CALLING; } } if(m_config.id_interval () >0) { int nmin=(m_sec0-m_secID)/60; if(m_sec0= m_config.id_interval()) { icw[0]=m_ncw; m_secID=m_sec0; } } if ((m_currentMessageType < 6 || 7 == m_currentMessageType) && msg_parts.length() >= 3 && (msg_parts[1] == m_config.my_callsign () || msg_parts[1] == m_baseCall)) { int i1; bool ok; i1 = msg_parts[2].toInt(&ok); if(ok and i1>=-50 and i1<50) { m_rptSent = msg_parts[2]; m_qsoStart = t2; } else { if (msg_parts[2].mid (0, 1) == "R") { i1 = msg_parts[2].mid (1).toInt (&ok); if (ok and i1 >= -50 and i1 < 50) { m_rptSent = msg_parts[2].mid (1); m_qsoStart = t2; } } } } m_restart=false; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- } if (g_iptt == 1 && m_iptt0 == 0) { auto const& current_message = QString::fromLatin1 (msgsent); if(m_config.watchdog () && !m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR") && current_message != m_msgSent0) { // new messages don't reset the idle timer :| // tx_watchdog (false); // in case we are auto sequencing m_msgSent0 = current_message; } if(!m_tune) { write_transmit_entry ("ALL.TXT"); } // TODO: jsherer - perhaps an on_transmitting signal? m_lastTxStartTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); m_transmitting = true; transmitDisplay (true); statusUpdate (); } // TODO: stop if(!m_btxok && m_btxok0 && g_iptt==1) stopTx(); if(m_startAnother) { if(m_mode=="MSK144") { m_wait++; } if(m_mode!="MSK144" or m_wait>=4) { m_wait=0; m_startAnother=false; on_actionOpen_next_in_directory_triggered(); } } //Once per second: if(nsec != m_sec0) { if(m_freqNominal!=0 and m_freqNominal<50000000 and m_config.enable_VHF_features()) { if(!m_bVHFwarned) vhfWarning(); } else { m_bVHFwarned=false; } if(m_monitoring or m_transmitting) { progressBar.setMaximum(m_TRperiod); int isec=int(fmod(tsec,m_TRperiod)); progressBar.setValue(isec); } else { progressBar.setValue(0); } astroUpdate (); if(m_transmitting) { char s[41]; auto dt = DecodedText(msgsent, msgibits, m_nSubMode); sprintf(s,"Tx: %s", dt.message().toLocal8Bit().mid(0, 41).data()); m_nsendingsh=0; if(s[4]==64) m_nsendingsh=1; if(m_nsendingsh==1 or m_currentMessageType==7) { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ff2222; color:#000; }"); } else if(m_nsendingsh==-1 or m_currentMessageType==6) { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ff2222; color:#000; }"); } else { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #ff2222; color:#000; }"); } if(m_tune) { tx_status_label.setText("Tx: TUNE"); } else { if(m_mode=="Echo") { tx_status_label.setText("Tx: ECHO"); } else { s[40]=0; QString t{QString::fromLatin1(s)}; tx_status_label.setText(t.trimmed()); } } transmitDisplay(true); } else if(m_monitoring) { if (m_tx_watchdog) { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #000000; color:#ffffff}"); tx_status_label.setText ("Idle timeout"); } else { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet("QLabel{background-color: #22ff22}"); tx_status_label.setText (m_decoderBusy ? "Decoding" : "Receiving"); } transmitDisplay(false); } else if (!m_diskData && !m_tx_watchdog) { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet(""); tx_status_label.setText(""); } auto drift = DriftingDateTime::drift(); QDateTime t = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); QStringList parts; parts << (t.time().toString() + (!drift ? " " : QString(" (%1%2ms)").arg(drift > 0 ? "+" : "").arg(drift))); parts << t.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd"); ui->labUTC->setText(parts.join("\n")); #if 0 auto delta = t.secsTo(m_nextHeartbeat); QString ping; if(heartbeatTimer.isActive()){ if(delta > 0){ ping = QString("%1 s").arg(delta); } else { ping = "queued!"; } } else if (m_nextHeartPaused) { ping = "paused"; } else { ping = "on demand"; } ui->labHeartbeat->setText(QString("Next Heartbeat: %1").arg(ping)); #endif auto callLabel = m_config.my_callsign(); if(m_config.use_dynamic_grid() && !m_config.my_grid().isEmpty()){ callLabel = QString("%1 - %2").arg(callLabel).arg(m_config.my_grid()); } ui->labCallsign->setText(callLabel); if(!m_monitoring and !m_diskData) { ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0); } m_sec0=nsec; // once per period if(m_sec0 % m_TRperiod == 0){ tryBandHop(); decodeCheckHangingDecoder(); } // at the end of the period bool forceDirty = false; if(m_sec0 % (m_TRperiod-2) == 0 || m_sec0 % (m_TRperiod) == 0 || m_sec0 % (m_TRperiod+2) == 0){ // force rx dirty at the end of the period forceDirty = true; } if(!forceDirty){ forceDirty = !m_rxActivityQueue.isEmpty(); } // update the dial frequency once per second.. displayDialFrequency(); // update repeat button text once per second.. updateRepeatButtonDisplay(); // once per second...but not when we're transmitting, unless it's in the first second... if(!m_transmitting || (m_sec0 % (m_TRperiod) == 0)){ // process all received activity... processActivity(forceDirty); // process outgoing tx queue... processTxQueue(); // once processed, lets update the display... displayActivity(forceDirty); updateButtonDisplay(); updateTextDisplay(); } } // once per 100ms displayTransmit(); m_iptt0=g_iptt; m_btxok0=m_btxok; // compute the processing time and adjust loop to hit the next 100ms auto endLoop = QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch(); auto processingTime = endLoop - thisLoop; auto nextLoopMs = 0; if(processingTime < 100){ nextLoopMs = 100 - processingTime; } m_guiTimer.start(nextLoopMs); } //End of guiUpdate void MainWindow::startTx() { #if IDLE_BLOCKS_TX if(m_tx_watchdog){ return; } #endif auto text = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText(); if(!ensureCreateMessageReady(text)){ return; } if(!prepareNextMessageFrame()){ return; } m_ntx=9; m_QSOProgress = CALLING; set_dateTimeQSO(-1); ui->rbNextFreeTextMsg->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; // hack the auto button to kick off the transmit if(!ui->autoButton->isChecked()){ ui->autoButton->setEnabled(true); ui->autoButton->click(); ui->autoButton->setEnabled(false); } // disallow editing of the text while transmitting // ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(true); update_dynamic_property(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, "transmitting", true); // update the tx button display updateTxButtonDisplay(); } void MainWindow::startTx2() { if (!m_modulator->isActive ()) { // TODO - not thread safe double fSpread=0.0; double snr=99.0; QString t=ui->tx5->currentText(); if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") fSpread=t.mid(1,5).toDouble(); m_modulator->setSpread(fSpread); // TODO - not thread safe t=ui->tx6->text(); if(t.mid(0,1)=="#") snr=t.mid(1,5).toDouble(); if(snr>0.0 or snr < -50.0) snr=99.0; transmit (snr); ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0); } } void MainWindow::stopTx() { Q_EMIT endTransmitMessage (); auto dt = DecodedText(m_currentMessage.trimmed(), m_currentMessageBits, m_nSubMode); last_tx_label.setText("Last Tx: " + dt.message()); //m_currentMessage.trimmed()); // TODO: uncomment if we want to mark after the frame is sent. //// // start message marker //// // - keep track of the total message sent so far, and mark it having been sent //// m_totalTxMessage.append(dt.message()); //// ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setCharsSent(m_totalTxMessage.length()); //// qDebug() << "total sent:\n" << m_totalTxMessage; //// // end message marker m_btxok = false; m_transmitting = false; g_iptt=0; m_lastTxStopTime = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); if (!m_tx_watchdog) { tx_status_label.setStyleSheet(""); tx_status_label.setText(""); } #if IDLE_BLOCKS_TX bool shouldContinue = !m_tx_watchdog && prepareNextMessageFrame(); #else bool shouldContinue = prepareNextMessageFrame(); #endif if(!shouldContinue){ // TODO: jsherer - split this up... ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(false); update_dynamic_property(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, "transmitting", false); on_stopTxButton_clicked(); tryRestoreFreqOffset(); } ptt0Timer.start(200); //end-of-transmission sequencer delay stopTx2 monitor (true); statusUpdate (); } /** * stopTx2 is called from stopTx to open the PTT */ void MainWindow::stopTx2(){ // GM8JCF: m_txFrameCount is set to the number of frames to be transmitted when the send button is pressed // and remains at that count until the last frame is transmitted. // So, we keep the PTT ON so long as m_txFrameCount is non-zero qDebug() << "stopTx2 frames left" << m_txFrameCount; // If we're holding the PTT and there are more frames to transmit, do not emit the PTT signal if(!m_tune && m_config.hold_ptt() && m_txFrameCount > 0){ return; } // Otherwise, emit the PTT signal emitPTT(false); } void MainWindow::ba2msg(QByteArray ba, char message[]) //ba2msg() { int iz=ba.length(); for(int i=0;i<28; i++) { if(itx1->isEnabled ()) { m_ntx = 1; set_dateTimeQSO (-1); // we reset here as tx2/tx3 is used for start times } else { QTimer::singleShot (0, ui->txrb2, SLOT (click ())); } } } void MainWindow::on_txrb1_doubleClicked () { if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_config.bHound()) return; // skip Tx1, only allowed if not a type 2 compound callsign auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign (); auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall; ui->tx1->setEnabled ((is_compound && shortList (my_callsign)) || !ui->tx1->isEnabled ()); if (!ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) { // leave time for clicks to complete before setting txrb2 QTimer::singleShot (500, ui->txrb2, SLOT (click ())); } } void MainWindow::on_txrb2_toggled (bool status) { // Tx 2 means we already have CQ'd so good reference if (status) { m_ntx = 2; set_dateTimeQSO (m_ntx); } } void MainWindow::on_txrb3_toggled(bool status) { // Tx 3 means we should havel already have done Tx 1 so good reference if (status) { m_ntx=3; set_dateTimeQSO(m_ntx); } } void MainWindow::on_txrb4_toggled (bool status) { if (status) { m_ntx=4; } } void MainWindow::on_txrb4_doubleClicked () { } void MainWindow::on_txrb5_toggled (bool status) { if (status) { m_ntx = 5; } } void MainWindow::on_txrb5_doubleClicked () { } void MainWindow::on_txrb6_toggled(bool status) { if (status) { m_ntx=6; if (ui->txrb6->text().contains (QRegularExpression {"^(CQ|QRZ) "})) set_dateTimeQSO(-1); } } void MainWindow::on_txb1_clicked() { if (ui->tx1->isEnabled ()) { m_ntx=1; m_QSOProgress = REPLYING; ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } else { on_txb2_clicked (); } } void MainWindow::on_txb1_doubleClicked() { if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_config.bHound()) return; // skip Tx1, only allowed if not a type 1 compound callsign auto const& my_callsign = m_config.my_callsign (); auto is_compound = my_callsign != m_baseCall; ui->tx1->setEnabled ((is_compound && shortList (my_callsign)) || !ui->tx1->isEnabled ()); } void MainWindow::on_txb2_clicked() { m_ntx=2; m_QSOProgress = REPORT; ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb3_clicked() { m_ntx=3; m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT; ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb4_clicked() { m_ntx=4; m_QSOProgress = ROGERS; ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb4_doubleClicked() { } void MainWindow::on_txb5_clicked() { m_ntx=5; m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF; ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_txb5_doubleClicked() { } void MainWindow::on_txb6_clicked() { m_ntx=6; m_QSOProgress = CALLING; set_dateTimeQSO(-1); ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::TxAgain() { auto_tx_mode(true); } void MainWindow::clearDX () { if (m_QSOProgress != CALLING) { auto_tx_mode (false); } ui->dxCallEntry->clear (); ui->dxGridEntry->clear (); m_lastCallsign.clear (); m_rptSent.clear (); m_rptRcvd.clear (); m_qsoStart.clear (); m_qsoStop.clear (); if (ui->tabWidget->currentIndex() == 1) { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx6->text()); m_ntx=7; m_gen_message_is_cq = true; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); } else { if(m_mode=="FT8" and m_config.bHound()) { m_ntx=1; ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); } else { m_ntx=6; ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); } } m_QSOProgress = CALLING; } void MainWindow::lookup() //lookup() { QString hisCall {ui->dxCallEntry->text()}; if (!hisCall.size ()) return; QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; if (f.open (QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { char c[132]; qint64 n=0; for(int i=0; i<999999; i++) { n=f.readLine(c,sizeof(c)); if(n <= 0) { ui->dxGridEntry->clear (); break; } QString t=QString(c); if(t.indexOf(hisCall)==0) { int i1=t.indexOf(","); QString hisgrid=t.mid(i1+1,6); i1=hisgrid.indexOf(","); if(i1>0) { hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,4); } else { hisgrid=hisgrid.mid(0,4) + hisgrid.mid(4,2).toLower(); } ui->dxGridEntry->setText(hisgrid); break; } } f.close(); } } void MainWindow::on_lookupButton_clicked() //Lookup button { lookup(); } void MainWindow::on_addButton_clicked() //Add button { if(!ui->dxGridEntry->text ().size ()) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT") , tr ("Please enter a valid grid locator")); return; } m_call3Modified=false; QString hisCall=ui->dxCallEntry->text(); QString hisgrid=ui->dxGridEntry->text(); QString newEntry=hisCall + "," + hisgrid; // int ret = MessageBox::query_message(this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT"), // tr ("Is %1 known to be active on EME?").arg (newEntry)); // if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) { // newEntry += ",EME,,"; // } else { newEntry += ",,,"; // } QFile f1 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; if(!f1.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text)) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for read/write: %2") .arg (f1.fileName ()).arg (f1.errorString ())); return; } if(f1.size()==0) { QTextStream out(&f1); out << "ZZZZZZ" << endl; f1.close(); f1.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text); } QFile f2 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TMP")}; if(!f2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Add to CALL3.TXT") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for writing: %2") .arg (f2.fileName ()).arg (f2.errorString ())); return; } QTextStream in(&f1); //Read from CALL3.TXT QTextStream out(&f2); //Copy into CALL3.TMP QString hc=hisCall; QString hc1=""; QString hc2="000000"; QString s; do { s=in.readLine(); hc1=hc2; if(s.mid(0,2)=="//") { out << s + QChar::LineFeed; //Copy all comment lines } else { int i1=s.indexOf(","); hc2=s.mid(0,i1); if(hc>hc1 && hchc1 && !m_call3Modified) out << newEntry + QChar::LineFeed; if(m_call3Modified) { QFile f0 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.OLD")}; if(f0.exists()) f0.remove(); QFile f1 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")}; f1.rename(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.OLD")); f2.rename(m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("CALL3.TXT")); f2.close(); } } void MainWindow::msgtype(QString t, QLineEdit* tx) //msgtype() { } void MainWindow::on_tx1_editingFinished() //tx1 edited { } void MainWindow::on_tx2_editingFinished() //tx2 edited { } void MainWindow::on_tx3_editingFinished() //tx3 edited { } void MainWindow::on_tx4_editingFinished() //tx4 edited { } void MainWindow::on_tx5_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) //tx5 edited { } void MainWindow::on_tx6_editingFinished() //tx6 edited { } void MainWindow::cacheActivity(QString key){ m_callActivityBandCache[key] = m_callActivity; m_bandActivityBandCache[key] = m_bandActivity; m_rxTextBandCache[key] = ui->textEditRX->toHtml(); m_heardGraphIncomingBandCache[key] = m_heardGraphIncoming; m_heardGraphOutgoingBandCache[key] = m_heardGraphOutgoing; } void MainWindow::restoreActivity(QString key){ if(m_callActivityBandCache.contains(key)){ m_callActivity = m_callActivityBandCache[key]; } if(m_bandActivityBandCache.contains(key)){ m_bandActivity = m_bandActivityBandCache[key]; } if(m_rxTextBandCache.contains(key)){ ui->textEditRX->setHtml(m_rxTextBandCache[key]); } if(m_heardGraphIncomingBandCache.contains(key)){ m_heardGraphIncoming = m_heardGraphIncomingBandCache[key]; } if(m_heardGraphOutgoingBandCache.contains(key)){ m_heardGraphOutgoing = m_heardGraphOutgoingBandCache[key]; } displayActivity(true); } void MainWindow::clearActivity(){ qDebug() << "clear activity"; m_bandActivity.clear(); m_callActivity.clear(); m_callSeenHeartbeat.clear(); m_compoundCallCache.clear(); m_rxCallCache.clear(); m_rxCallQueue.clear(); m_rxRecentCache.clear(); m_rxDirectedCache.clear(); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.clear(); m_rxActivityQueue.clear(); m_rxCommandQueue.clear(); m_lastTxMessage.clear(); m_heardGraphIncoming.clear(); m_heardGraphOutgoing.clear(); refreshInboxCounts(); resetTimeDeltaAverage(); clearTableWidget(ui->tableWidgetCalls); createAllcallTableRows(ui->tableWidgetCalls, ""); clearTableWidget(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); ui->textEditRX->clear(); ui->freeTextMsg->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsg->clear(); // make sure to clear the read only and transmitting flags so there's always a "way out" ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(false); update_dynamic_property(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, "transmitting", false); displayActivity(true); } void MainWindow::createAllcallTableRows(QTableWidget *table, QString const &selectedCall){ int count = 0; auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); int startCol = 1; foreach(auto cd, m_callActivity.values()){ if (cd.call.trimmed().isEmpty()){ continue; } if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } count++; } table->horizontalHeaderItem(startCol)->setText(count == 0 ? "Callsigns" : QString("Callsigns (%1)").arg(count)); if(!m_config.avoid_allcall()){ table->insertRow(table->rowCount()); auto emptyItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""); emptyItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant("@ALLCALL")); table->setItem(table->rowCount() - 1, 0, emptyItem); auto item = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("@ALLCALL")); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant("@ALLCALL")); table->setItem(table->rowCount() - 1, startCol, item); table->setSpan(table->rowCount() - 1, startCol, 1, table->columnCount()); if(selectedCall == "@ALLCALL"){ table->item(table->rowCount()-1, 0)->setSelected(true); table->item(table->rowCount()-1, startCol)->setSelected(true); } } auto groups = m_config.my_groups().toList(); qSort(groups); foreach(auto group, groups){ table->insertRow(table->rowCount()); auto emptyItem = new QTableWidgetItem(""); emptyItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(group)); table->setItem(table->rowCount() - 1, 0, emptyItem); auto item = new QTableWidgetItem(group); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(group)); table->setItem(table->rowCount() - 1, startCol, item); table->setSpan(table->rowCount() - 1, startCol, 1, table->columnCount()); if(selectedCall == group){ table->item(table->rowCount()-1, 0)->setSelected(true); table->item(table->rowCount()-1, startCol)->setSelected(true); } } } void MainWindow::displayTextForFreq(QString text, int freq, QDateTime date, bool isTx, bool isNewLine, bool isLast){ int lowFreq = freq/10*10; int highFreq = lowFreq + 10; int block = -1; if(m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.contains(freq)){ block = m_rxFrameBlockNumbers[freq]; } else if(m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.contains(lowFreq)){ block = m_rxFrameBlockNumbers[lowFreq]; freq = lowFreq; } else if(m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.contains(highFreq)){ block = m_rxFrameBlockNumbers[highFreq]; freq = highFreq; } qDebug() << "existing block?" << block << freq; if(isNewLine){ m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.remove(freq); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.remove(lowFreq); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.remove(highFreq); block = -1; } block = writeMessageTextToUI(date, text.replace("\\n", "\n"), freq, isTx, block); // never cache tx or last lines if(/*isTx || */isLast) { // reset the cache so we're always progressing forward m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.clear(); } else { m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.insert(freq, block); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.insert(lowFreq, block); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.insert(highFreq, block); } } void MainWindow::writeNoticeTextToUI(QDateTime date, QString text){ auto c = ui->textEditRX->textCursor(); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); if(c.block().length() > 1){ c.insertBlock(); } text = text.toHtmlEscaped(); c.insertBlock(); c.insertHtml(QString("%1 - %2").arg(date.time().toString()).arg(text)); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); ui->textEditRX->ensureCursorVisible(); ui->textEditRX->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(ui->textEditRX->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); } int MainWindow::writeMessageTextToUI(QDateTime date, QString text, int freq, bool isTx, int block){ auto c = ui->textEditRX->textCursor(); // find an existing block (that does not contain an EOT marker) bool found = false; if(block != -1){ QTextBlock b = c.document()->findBlockByNumber(block); c.setPosition(b.position()); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); auto blockText = c.selectedText(); c.clearSelection(); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); if(!blockText.contains(m_config.eot())){ found = true; } } if(!found){ c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); if(c.block().length() > 1){ c.insertBlock(); } } // fixup duplicate acks auto tc = c.document()->find(text); if(!tc.isNull() && tc.selectedText() == text && text.contains(" ACK ")){ tc.select(QTextCursor::BlockUnderCursor); if(tc.selectedText().trimmed().startsWith(date.time().toString())){ qDebug() << "found" << tc.selectedText() << "so not displaying..."; return tc.blockNumber(); } } if(found){ c.clearSelection(); c.insertText(text); } else { text = text.toHtmlEscaped(); text = text.replace(" ", "  "); c.insertBlock(); c.insertHtml(QString("%1 - (%2) - %3").arg(date.time().toString()).arg(freq).arg(text)); } if(isTx){ c.block().setUserState(STATE_TX); highlightBlock(c.block(), m_config.tx_text_font(), m_config.color_tx_foreground(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); } else { c.block().setUserState(STATE_RX); highlightBlock(c.block(), m_config.rx_text_font(), m_config.color_rx_foreground(), QColor(Qt::transparent)); } ui->textEditRX->ensureCursorVisible(); ui->textEditRX->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(ui->textEditRX->verticalScrollBar()->maximum()); return c.blockNumber(); } bool MainWindow::isMessageQueuedForTransmit(){ return m_transmitting || m_txFrameCount > 0; } bool MainWindow::isInTransmitDecodeThreshold(int ms){ if(m_lastTxStopTime.isNull()){ return false; } return m_lastTxStopTime.msecsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) < ms; } void MainWindow::prependMessageText(QString text){ // don't add message text if we already have a transmission queued... if(isMessageQueuedForTransmit()){ return; } auto c = QTextCursor(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor()); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::Start); c.insertText(text); } void MainWindow::addMessageText(QString text, bool clear, bool selectFirstPlaceholder){ // don't add message text if we already have a transmission queued... if(isMessageQueuedForTransmit()){ return; } if(clear){ ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->clear(); } QTextCursor c = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->textCursor(); if(c.hasSelection()){ c.removeSelectedText(); } int pos = c.position(); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); bool isSpace = c.selectedText().isEmpty() || c.selectedText().at(0).isSpace(); c.clearSelection(); c.setPosition(pos); if(!isSpace){ c.insertText(" "); } c.insertText(text); if(selectFirstPlaceholder){ auto match = QRegularExpression("(\\[[^\\]]+\\])").match(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText()); if(match.hasMatch()){ c.setPosition(match.capturedStart()); c.setPosition(match.capturedEnd(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setTextCursor(c); } } ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setFocus(); } void MainWindow::enqueueMessage(int priority, QString message, int freq, Callback c){ m_txMessageQueue.enqueue( PrioritizedMessage{ DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(), priority, message, freq, c } ); } void MainWindow::resetMessage(){ resetMessageUI(); resetMessageTransmitQueue(); } void MainWindow::resetMessageUI(){ ui->nextFreeTextMsg->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsg->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->clear(); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(false); update_dynamic_property (ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, "transmitting", false); if(ui->startTxButton->isChecked()){ ui->startTxButton->setChecked(false); } } bool MainWindow::ensureCallsignSet(bool alert){ if(m_config.my_callsign().trimmed().isEmpty()){ if(alert) MessageBox::warning_message(this, tr ("Please enter your callsign in the settings.")); openSettings(); return false; } if(m_config.my_grid().trimmed().isEmpty()){ if(alert) MessageBox::warning_message(this, tr ("Please enter your grid locator in the settings.")); openSettings(); return false; } return true; } bool MainWindow::ensureKeyNotStuck(QString const& text){ // be annoying and drop messages with all the same character to reduce spam... if(text.length() > 5 && QString(text).replace(text.at(0), "").trimmed().isEmpty()){ return false; } return true; } bool MainWindow::ensureNotIdle(){ if (!m_config.watchdog()){ return true; } if(m_idleMinutes < m_config.watchdog ()){ return true; } tx_watchdog (true); // disable transmit and auto replies return false; } bool MainWindow::ensureCreateMessageReady(const QString &text){ if(text.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(!ensureCallsignSet()){ on_stopTxButton_clicked(); return false; } if(!ensureNotIdle()){ on_stopTxButton_clicked(); return false; } if(!ensureKeyNotStuck(text)){ on_stopTxButton_clicked(); ui->monitorButton->setChecked(false); on_monitorButton_clicked(false); foreach(auto obj, this->children()){ if(obj->isWidgetType()){ auto wid = qobject_cast(obj); wid->setEnabled(false); } } return false; } if(text.contains("@APRSIS") && !m_aprsClient->isPasscodeValid()){ MessageBox::warning_message(this, tr ("Please ensure a valid APRS passcode is set in the settings when sending to the @APRSIS group.")); return false; } return true; } QString MainWindow::createMessage(QString const& text, bool *pDisableTypeahead){ return createMessageTransmitQueue(replaceMacros(text, buildMacroValues(), false), true, false, pDisableTypeahead); } QString MainWindow::appendMessage(QString const& text, bool isData, bool *pDisableTypeahead){ return createMessageTransmitQueue(replaceMacros(text, buildMacroValues(), false), false, isData, pDisableTypeahead); } QString MainWindow::createMessageTransmitQueue(QString const& text, bool reset, bool isData, bool *pDisableTypeahead){ if(reset){ resetMessageTransmitQueue(); } auto frames = buildMessageFrames(text, isData, pDisableTypeahead); QStringList lines; foreach(auto frame, frames){ auto dt = DecodedText(frame.first, frame.second, m_nSubMode); lines.append(dt.message()); } m_txFrameQueue.append(frames); m_txFrameCount += frames.length(); // TODO: jsherer - move this outside of create message transmit queue // if we're transmitting a message to be displayed, we should bump the repeat buttons... #if JS8HB_RESET_HB_TIMER_ON_TX resetAutomaticIntervalTransmissions(false, false); #else resetCQTimer(false); #endif // return the text return lines.join(""); } void MainWindow::restoreMessage(){ if(m_lastTxMessage.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(Varicode::rstrip(m_lastTxMessage), true); } void MainWindow::resetMessageTransmitQueue(){ m_txFrameCount = 0; m_txFrameCountSent = 0; m_txFrameQueue.clear(); m_txMessageQueue.clear(); // reset the total message sent m_totalTxMessage.clear(); } QPair MainWindow::popMessageFrame(){ if(m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()){ return QPair{}; } return m_txFrameQueue.dequeue(); } // when we double click the rx window, we send the selected text to the log dialog // when the text could be an snr value prefixed with a - or +, we extend the selection to include it void MainWindow::on_textEditRX_mouseDoubleClicked(){ auto c = ui->textEditRX->textCursor(); auto text = c.selectedText(); if(text.isEmpty()){ return; } int start = c.selectionStart(); int end = c.selectionEnd(); c.clearSelection(); c.setPosition(start); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousCharacter, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCharacter, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 1 + end-start); auto prev = c.selectedText(); if(prev.startsWith("-") || prev.startsWith("+")){ ui->textEditRX->setTextCursor(c); text = prev; } m_logDlg->acceptText(text); } void MainWindow::on_nextFreeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) { } void MainWindow::on_extFreeTextMsgEdit_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) { // keep track of dirty flags m_txTextDirty = text != m_txTextDirtyLastText; m_txTextDirtyLastText = text; // immediately update the display updateButtonDisplay(); updateTextDisplay(); } int MainWindow::currentFreqOffset(){ return ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value(); } QList> MainWindow::buildMessageFrames(const QString &text, bool isData, bool *pDisableTypeahead){ // prepare selected callsign for directed message QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); // prepare compound QString mycall = m_config.my_callsign(); QString mygrid = m_config.my_grid().left(4); bool forceIdentify = !m_config.avoid_forced_identify(); // TODO: might want to be more explicit? bool forceData = m_txFrameCountSent > 0 && isData; Varicode::MessageInfo info; auto frames = Varicode::buildMessageFrames( mycall, mygrid, selectedCall, text, forceIdentify, forceData, m_nSubMode, &info); if(pDisableTypeahead){ // checksummed commands should not allow typeahead *pDisableTypeahead = (!info.dirCmd.isEmpty() && Varicode::isCommandChecksumed(info.dirCmd)); } #if 0 qDebug() << "frames:"; foreach(auto frame, frames){ auto dt = DecodedText(frame.frame, frame.bits); qDebug() << "->" << frame << dt.message() << Varicode::frameTypeString(dt.frameType()); } #endif return frames; } bool MainWindow::prepareNextMessageFrame() { // check to see if the last i3bit was a last bit bool i3bitLast = (m_i3bit & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast; // TODO: should this be user configurable? bool shouldForceDataForTypeahead = !i3bitLast; // reset i3 m_i3bit = Varicode::JS8Call; // typeahead bool shouldDisableTypeahead = false; if(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->isDirty() && !ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->isEmpty()){ // block edit events while computing next frame QString newText; ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(true); { auto sent = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->sentText(); auto unsent = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->unsentText(); qDebug() << "text dirty for typeahead\n" << sent << "\n" << unsent; m_txFrameQueue.clear(); m_txFrameCount = 0; newText = appendMessage(unsent, shouldForceDataForTypeahead, &shouldDisableTypeahead); // if this was the last frame, append a newline if(i3bitLast){ m_totalTxMessage.append("\n"); newText.prepend("\n"); } qDebug () << "unsent replaced to" << "\n" << newText; } ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setReadOnly(shouldDisableTypeahead); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->replaceUnsentText(newText, true); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setClean(); } QPair f = popMessageFrame(); auto frame = f.first; auto bits = f.second; // if not the first frame, ensure first bit is not set if(m_txFrameCountSent > 0){ bits &= ~Varicode::JS8CallFirst; } // if last frame, ensure the last bit is set if(m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()){ bits |= Varicode::JS8CallLast; } if(frame.isEmpty()){ ui->nextFreeTextMsg->clear(); updateTxButtonDisplay(); return false; } // append this frame to the total message sent so far auto dt = DecodedText(frame, bits, m_nSubMode); m_totalTxMessage.append(dt.message()); ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setCharsSent(m_totalTxMessage.length()); m_txFrameCountSent += 1; m_lastTxMessage = m_totalTxMessage; qDebug() << "total sent:" << m_txFrameCountSent << "\n" << m_totalTxMessage; // display the frame... auto freq = currentFreqOffset(); if(m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()){ displayTextForFreq(QString("%1 %2 ").arg(dt.message()).arg(m_config.eot()), freq, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(), true, false, true); } else { bool newLine = m_txFrameCountSent == 1; displayTextForFreq(dt.message(), freq, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(), true, newLine, false); } ui->nextFreeTextMsg->setText(frame); m_i3bit = bits; updateTxButtonDisplay(); // TODO: bump heartbeat return true; } bool MainWindow::isFreqOffsetFree(int f, int bw){ // if this frequency is our current frequency, it's always "free" if(currentFreqOffset() == f){ return true; } // if this frequency is in our directed cache, it's always "free" if(isDirectedOffset(f, nullptr)){ return true; } foreach(int offset, m_bandActivity.keys()){ auto d = m_bandActivity[offset]; if(d.isEmpty()){ continue; } // if we last received on this more than 30 seconds ago, it's free if(d.last().utcTimestamp.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) >= 30){ continue; } // otherwise, if this is an occupied slot within our bw of where we'd like to transmit... it's not free... if(qAbs(offset - f) < bw){ return false; } } return true; } int MainWindow::findFreeFreqOffset(int fmin, int fmax, int bw){ int nslots = (fmax-fmin)/bw; int f = fmin; for(int i = 0; i < nslots; i++){ f = fmin + bw * (qrand() % nslots); if(isFreqOffsetFree(f, bw)){ return f; } } for(int i = 0; i < nslots; i++){ f = fmin + (qrand() % (fmax-fmin)); if(isFreqOffsetFree(f, bw)){ return f; } } // return fmin if there's no free offset return fmin; } #if 0 // schedulePing void MainWindow::scheduleHeartbeat(bool first){ auto timestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); // if we have the heartbeat interval disabled, return early, unless this is a "heartbeat now" if(!m_config.heartbeat() && !first){ heartbeatTimer.stop(); return; } // remove milliseconds auto t = timestamp.time(); t.setHMS(t.hour(), t.minute(), t.second()); timestamp.setTime(t); // round to 15 second increment int secondsSinceEpoch = (timestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000); int delta = roundUp(secondsSinceEpoch, 15) + 1 + (first ? 0 : qMax(1, m_config.heartbeat()) * 60) - secondsSinceEpoch; timestamp = timestamp.addSecs(delta); // 25% of the time, switch intervals float prob = (float) qrand() / (RAND_MAX); if(prob < 0.25){ timestamp = timestamp.addSecs(15); } m_nextHeartbeat = timestamp; m_nextHeartbeatQueued = false; m_nextHeartPaused = false; if(!heartbeatTimer.isActive()){ heartbeatTimer.setInterval(1000); heartbeatTimer.start(); } } // pausePing void MainWindow::pauseHeartbeat(){ m_nextHeartPaused = true; if(heartbeatTimer.isActive()){ heartbeatTimer.stop(); } } // unpausePing void MainWindow::unpauseHeartbeat(){ scheduleHeartbeat(false); } // checkPing void MainWindow::checkHeartbeat(){ if(m_config.heartbeat() <= 0){ return; } auto secondsUntilHeartbeat = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().secsTo(m_nextHeartbeat); if(secondsUntilHeartbeat > 5 && m_txHeartbeatQueue.isEmpty()){ return; } if(m_nextHeartbeatQueued){ return; } if(m_tx_watchdog){ return; } // idle heartbeat watchdog! if (m_config.watchdog() && m_idleMinutes >= m_config.watchdog ()){ tx_watchdog (true); // disable transmit return; } prepareHeartbeat(); } // preparePing void MainWindow::prepareHeartbeat(){ QStringList lines; QString mycall = m_config.my_callsign(); QString mygrid = m_config.my_grid().left(4); // JS8Call Style if(m_txHeartbeatQueue.isEmpty()){ lines.append(QString("%1: HEARTBEAT %2").arg(mycall).arg(mygrid)); } else { while(!m_txHeartbeatQueue.isEmpty() && lines.length() < 1){ lines.append(m_txHeartbeatQueue.dequeue()); } } // Choose a ping frequency auto f = m_config.heartbeat_anywhere() ? -1 : findFreeFreqOffset(500, 1000, 50); auto text = lines.join(QChar('\n')); if(text.isEmpty()){ return; } // Queue the ping enqueueMessage(PriorityLow, text, f, [this](){ m_nextHeartbeatQueued = false; }); m_nextHeartbeatQueued = true; } #endif void MainWindow::checkRepeat(){ if(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() && m_hbInterval > 0 && m_nextHeartbeat.isValid()){ if(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().secsTo(m_nextHeartbeat) <= 0){ sendHeartbeat(); } } if(ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked() && m_cqInterval > 0 && m_nextCQ.isValid()){ if(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().secsTo(m_nextCQ) <= 0){ sendCQ(true); } } } QString MainWindow::calculateDistance(QString const& value, int *pDistance, int *pAzimuth) { QString grid = value.trimmed(); if(grid.isEmpty() || grid.length() < 4){ return QString{}; } bool approx = m_config.my_grid().length() < 6 || value.length() < 6; qint64 nsec = (DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000) % 86400; double utch=nsec/3600.0; int nAz,nEl,nDmiles,nDkm,nHotAz,nHotABetter; azdist_(const_cast ((m_config.my_grid () + " ").left (6).toLatin1().constData()), const_cast ((grid + " ").left (6).toLatin1().constData()),&utch, &nAz,&nEl,&nDmiles,&nDkm,&nHotAz,&nHotABetter,6,6); if(pAzimuth) *pAzimuth = nAz; QString lt; if(m_config.miles()){ if(approx && nDmiles <= 75){ lt = "<"; nDmiles = qMax(nDmiles, 75); } if(pDistance) *pDistance = nDmiles; return QString("%1%2 mi / %3°").arg(lt).arg(nDmiles).arg(nAz); } if(approx && nDkm <= 120){ lt = "<"; nDkm = qMax(nDkm, 120); } if(pDistance) *pDistance = nDkm; return QString("%1%2 km / %3°").arg(lt).arg(nDkm).arg(nAz); } // this function is called by auto_tx_mode, which is called by autoButton.clicked void MainWindow::on_startTxButton_toggled(bool checked) { if(checked){ // auto text = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText(); // if(ensureCreateMessageReady(text)){ // // auto txText = createMessage(text); // if(txText != text){ // ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setPlainText(txText); // } // // startTx(); // } startTx(); } else { resetMessage(); on_stopTxButton_clicked(); stopTx(); } } void MainWindow::toggleTx(bool start){ if(start && ui->startTxButton->isChecked()) { return; } if(!start && !ui->startTxButton->isChecked()) { return; } ui->startTxButton->setChecked(start); } void MainWindow::on_rbNextFreeTextMsg_toggled (bool status) { if (status) { m_ntx = 9; } } void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_textChanged (QString const& call) { } void MainWindow::on_dxCallEntry_returnPressed () { } void MainWindow::on_dxGridEntry_textChanged (QString const& grid) { } void MainWindow::on_genStdMsgsPushButton_clicked() { } void MainWindow::on_logQSOButton_clicked() //Log QSO button { QString call = callsignSelected(); if(m_callSelectedTime.contains(call)){ m_dateTimeQSOOn = m_callSelectedTime[call]; } if (!m_dateTimeQSOOn.isValid ()) { m_dateTimeQSOOn = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } auto dateTimeQSOOff = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); if (dateTimeQSOOff < m_dateTimeQSOOn) dateTimeQSOOff = m_dateTimeQSOOn; if(call.startsWith("@")){ call = ""; } QString grid=""; if(m_callActivity.contains(call)){ grid = m_callActivity[call].grid; } QString opCall=m_opCall; if(opCall.isEmpty()){ opCall = m_config.my_callsign(); } QString comments = ui->textEditRX->textCursor().selectedText(); // don't reset the log window if the call hasn't changed. if(!m_logDlg->currentCall().isEmpty() && call.trimmed() == m_logDlg->currentCall()){ m_logDlg->show(); return; } m_logDlg->initLogQSO (call.trimmed(), grid.trimmed(), m_modeTx == "FT8" ? "JS8" : m_modeTx, m_rptSent, m_rptRcvd, m_dateTimeQSOOn, dateTimeQSOOff, m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value(), m_config.my_callsign(), m_config.my_grid(), m_config.log_as_DATA(), m_config.report_in_comments(), m_config.bFox(), opCall, comments); } void MainWindow::acceptQSO (QDateTime const& QSO_date_off, QString const& call, QString const& grid , Frequency dial_freq, QString const& mode, QString const &submode , QString const& rpt_sent, QString const& rpt_received , QString const& comments , QString const& name, QDateTime const& QSO_date_on, QString const& operator_call , QString const& my_call, QString const& my_grid, QByteArray const& ADIF, QMap const &additionalFields) { QString date = QSO_date_on.toString("yyyyMMdd"); m_logBook.addAsWorked (m_hisCall, m_config.bands ()->find (m_freqNominal), mode, submode, grid, date, name, comments); // Log to JS8Call API if(m_config.udpEnabled()){ sendNetworkMessage("LOG.QSO", QString(ADIF), { {"UTC.ON", QVariant(QSO_date_on.toMSecsSinceEpoch())}, {"UTC.OFF", QVariant(QSO_date_off.toMSecsSinceEpoch())}, {"CALL", QVariant(call)}, {"GRID", QVariant(grid)}, {"FREQ", QVariant(dial_freq)}, {"MODE", QVariant(mode)}, {"SUBMODE", QVariant(submode)}, {"RPT.SENT", QVariant(rpt_sent)}, {"RPT.RECV", QVariant(rpt_received)}, {"NAME", QVariant(name)}, {"COMMENTS", QVariant(comments)}, {"STATION.OP", QVariant(operator_call)}, {"STATION.CALL", QVariant(my_call)}, {"STATION.GRID", QVariant(my_grid)}, {"EXTRA", additionalFields} }); } // Log to N1MM Logger if (m_config.broadcast_to_n1mm() && m_config.valid_n1mm_info()) { const QHostAddress n1mmhost = QHostAddress(m_config.n1mm_server_name()); QUdpSocket _sock; auto rzult = _sock.writeDatagram (ADIF + " ", n1mmhost, quint16(m_config.n1mm_server_port())); if (rzult == -1) { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error sending log to N1MM"), tr ("Write returned \"%1\"").arg (rzult)); } } // Log to N3FJP Logger if(m_config.broadcast_to_n3fjp() && m_config.valid_n3fjp_info()){ QString data = QString( "" "" "TRUE" "FALSE" "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" "%5" "%6" "JS8" "%7" "%8" "%9" "%10" "%11" "%12" ""); data = data.arg(QSO_date_on.toString("yyyy/MM/dd")); data = data.arg(QSO_date_on.toString("H:mm")); data = data.arg(call); data = data.arg(grid); data = data.arg(m_config.bands ()->find(dial_freq).replace("m", "")); data = data.arg(Radio::frequency_MHz_string(dial_freq)); data = data.arg(operator_call); data = data.arg(name); data = data.arg(comments); data = data.arg(rpt_sent); data = data.arg(rpt_received); int other = 0; QStringList additional; if(!additionalFields.isEmpty()){ foreach(auto key, additionalFields.keys()){ QString n3key; if(N3FJP_ADIF_MAP.contains(key)){ n3key = N3FJP_ADIF_MAP.value(key); } else { other++; n3key = N3FJP_ADIF_MAP.value(QString("*%1").arg(other)); } if(n3key.isEmpty()){ break; } auto value = additionalFields[key].toString(); additional.append(QString("<%1>%2").arg(n3key).arg(value)); } } data = data.arg(additional.join("")); auto host = m_config.n3fjp_server_name(); auto port = m_config.n3fjp_server_port(); if(m_n3fjpClient->sendNetworkMessage(host, port, data.toLocal8Bit(), true, 500)){ QTimer::singleShot(300, this, [this, host, port](){ m_n3fjpClient->sendNetworkMessage(host, port, "", true, 100); m_n3fjpClient->sendNetworkMessage(host, port, "\r\n", true, 100); }); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Error sending log to N3FJP"), tr ("Write failed for \"%1:%2\"").arg (host).arg(port)); } } // reload the logbook data m_logBook.init(); if (m_config.clear_callsign ()){ clearCallsignSelected(); } displayCallActivity(); m_dateTimeQSOOn = QDateTime {}; } qint64 MainWindow::nWidgets(QString t) { Q_ASSERT(t.length()==N_WIDGETS); qint64 n=0; for(int i=0; itxFirstCheckBox->setVisible(b); if(i==1) ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setVisible(b); if(i==2) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setVisible(b); if(i==3) ui->sbFtol->setVisible(b); if(i==4) ui->rptSpinBox->setVisible(b); if(i==5) ui->sbTR->setVisible(b); if(i==6) { ui->sbCQTxFreq->setVisible (b); ui->cbCQTx->setVisible (b); auto is_compound = m_config.my_callsign () != m_baseCall; ui->cbCQTx->setEnabled (b && (!is_compound || shortList (m_config.my_callsign ()))); } if(i==7) ui->cbShMsgs->setVisible(b); if(i==9) ui->cbAutoSeq->setVisible(b); if(i==10) ui->cbTx6->setVisible(b); if(i==11) ui->pbTxMode->setVisible(b); if(i==12) ui->pbR2T->setVisible(b); if(i==13) ui->pbT2R->setVisible(b); if(i==14) ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setVisible(b); if(i==14 and (!b)) ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setChecked(false); if(i==15) ui->sbSubmode->setVisible(b); if(i==16) ui->syncSpinBox->setVisible(b); if(i==17) ui->WSPR_controls_widget->setVisible(b); //if(i==18) ui->ClrAvgButton->setVisible(b); if(i==19) ui->actionQuickDecode->setEnabled(b); if(i==19) ui->actionMediumDecode->setEnabled(b); if(i==19) ui->actionDeepDecode->setEnabled(b); if(i==19) ui->actionDeepestDecode->setEnabled(b); if(i==20) ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible (b); if(i==21) ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (b); if(i==23) ui->cbSWL->setVisible(b); //if(i==24) ui->actionEnable_AP_FT8->setVisible (b); //if(i==25) ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible (b); //if(i==26) ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->setVisible (b); if(i==27) ui->cbFirst->setVisible(b); if(i==28) ui->cbVHFcontest->setVisible(b); if(i==29) ui->measure_check_box->setVisible(b); if(i==30) ui->labDXped->setVisible(b); if(i==31) ui->cbRxAll->setVisible(b); //if(i==32) ui->cbCQonly->setVisible(b); j=j>>1; } ui->tabWidget->setTabEnabled(3, "FT8" == m_mode); m_lastCallsign.clear (); // ensures Tx5 is updated for new modes } void MainWindow::on_actionModeJS8HB_toggled(bool checked){ // prep hb mode prepareHeartbeatMode(ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); displayActivity(true); on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements_toggled(bool checked){ // prep hb ack mode prepareHeartbeatMode(ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); displayActivity(true); on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeMultiDecoder_toggled(bool checked){ Q_UNUSED(checked); displayActivity(true); on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeJS8Normal_triggered(){ on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeJS8Fast_triggered(){ on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeJS8Turbo_triggered(){ on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeJS8UltraSlow_triggered(){ on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::on_actionModeAutoreply_toggled(bool checked){ // update the HB ack option (needs autoreply on) prepareHeartbeatMode(ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); // then update the js8 mode on_actionJS8_triggered(); } void MainWindow::prepareHeartbeatMode(bool enabled){ // heartbeat is only available in HB mode ui->hbMacroButton->setVisible(enabled); if(!enabled){ ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(false); } ui->actionHeartbeat->setEnabled(enabled); ui->actionModeJS8HB->setEnabled(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal || (!JS8E_IS_ULTRA && m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow)); ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->setEnabled(ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() && enabled); #if 0 //ui->actionCQ->setEnabled(!enabled); //ui->actionFocus_Message_Reply_Area->setEnabled(!enabled); // default to not displaying the other buttons // ui->cqMacroButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->replyMacroButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->snrMacroButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->infoMacroButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->macrosMacroButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->queryButton->setVisible(!enabled); // ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setVisible(!enabled); // if(enabled){ // ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->clear(); // } // show heartbeat and acks in hb mode only // ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->setChecked(enabled); // ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->setVisible(true); // ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->setEnabled(false); #endif // update the HB button immediately updateRepeatButtonDisplay(); updateButtonDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_actionJS8_triggered() { m_mode="FT8"; m_nSubMode=0; if(ui->actionModeJS8Normal->isChecked()){ m_nSubMode=Varicode::JS8CallNormal; } else if(ui->actionModeJS8Fast->isChecked()){ m_nSubMode=Varicode::JS8CallFast; } else if(ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->isChecked()){ m_nSubMode=Varicode::JS8CallTurbo; } else if(ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->isChecked()){ m_nSubMode=Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow; } // Only enable heartbeat for normal mode ui->actionModeJS8HB->setEnabled(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal || (!JS8E_IS_ULTRA && m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow)); prepareHeartbeatMode(ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked()); //if(m_nSubMode != Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ // ui->actionModeJS8HB->setChecked(false); //} updateModeButtonText(); m_wideGraph->setSubMode(m_nSubMode); bool bVHF=m_config.enable_VHF_features(); enable_DXCC_entity (m_config.DXCC ()); switch_mode (Modes::JS8); m_modeTx="FT8"; m_nsps=6912; m_FFTSize = m_nsps / 2; Q_EMIT FFTSize (m_FFTSize); setup_status_bar (bVHF); m_toneSpacing=0.0; //??? ui->actionFT8->setChecked(true); //??? m_wideGraph->setMode(m_mode); m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); VHF_features_enabled(bVHF); ui->cbAutoSeq->setChecked(true); m_TRperiod = computePeriodForSubmode(m_nSubMode); m_wideGraph->show(); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setText(" UTC dB DT Freq Message"); m_modulator->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe #if JS8_RING_BUFFER Q_ASSERT(NTMAX == 60); m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod, m_nsps); #if JS8_ENABLE_JS8E && !JS8E_IS_ULTRA m_detector->setTRPeriod(NTMAX); // TODO - not thread safe #else m_detector->setTRPeriod(NTMAX / 2); // TODO - not thread safe #endif #else m_wideGraph->setPeriod(m_TRperiod, m_nsps); m_detector->setTRPeriod(m_TRperiod); // TODO - not thread safe #endif ui->label_7->setText("Rx Frequency"); if(m_config.bFox()) { ui->label_6->setText("Stations calling DXpedition " + m_config.my_callsign()); ui->decodedTextLabel->setText( "Call Grid dB Freq Dist Age Continent"); } else { ui->label_6->setText("Band Activity"); ui->decodedTextLabel->setText( " UTC dB DT Freq Message"); } if(!bVHF) { displayWidgets(nWidgets("111010000100111000010000100100001")); // Make sure that VHF contest mode is unchecked if VHF features is not enabled. ui->cbVHFcontest->setChecked(false); } else { displayWidgets(nWidgets("111010000100111000010000100110001")); } ui->txrb2->setEnabled(true); ui->txrb4->setEnabled(true); ui->txrb5->setEnabled(true); ui->txrb6->setEnabled(true); ui->txb2->setEnabled(true); ui->txb4->setEnabled(true); ui->txb5->setEnabled(true); ui->txb6->setEnabled(true); ui->txFirstCheckBox->setEnabled(true); ui->cbAutoSeq->setEnabled(true); updateTextDisplay(); refreshTextDisplay(); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::switch_mode (Mode mode) { m_config.frequencies ()->filter (m_config.region (), mode); #if 0 auto const& row = m_config.frequencies ()->best_working_frequency (m_freqNominal); if (row >= 0) { ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentIndex (row); on_bandComboBox_activated (row); } #endif ui->rptSpinBox->setSingleStep(1); ui->rptSpinBox->setMinimum(-50); ui->rptSpinBox->setMaximum(49); ui->sbFtol->values ({10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000}); if(m_mode=="MSK144") { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMinimum(1400); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMaximum(1600); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setSingleStep(25); } else { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMinimum(0); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setMaximum(5000); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setSingleStep(1); } m_bVHFwarned=false; bool b=m_mode=="FreqCal"; ui->tabWidget->setVisible(!b); if(b) { ui->DX_controls_widget->setVisible(false); ui->decodedTextBrowser2->setVisible(false); ui->decodedTextLabel2->setVisible(false); ui->label_6->setVisible(false); ui->label_7->setVisible(false); } } void MainWindow::on_TxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_wideGraph->setTxFreq(n); // if (ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()) ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(n); if(m_mode!="MSK144") { Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (n - m_XIT); } statusUpdate (); } void MainWindow::on_RxFreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_wideGraph->setRxFreq(n); if (m_mode == "FreqCal") { setRig (); } statusUpdate (); } void MainWindow::on_actionQuickDecode_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000001; } void MainWindow::on_actionMediumDecode_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000002; } void MainWindow::on_actionDeepDecode_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000003; } void MainWindow::on_actionDeepestDecode_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000004; } void MainWindow::on_actionInclude_averaging_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000010; } void MainWindow::on_actionInclude_correlation_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000020; } void MainWindow::on_actionEnable_AP_DXcall_toggled (bool checked) { m_ndepth ^= (-checked ^ m_ndepth) & 0x00000040; } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_ALL_TXT_triggered() //Erase ALL.TXT { int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Erase"), tr ("Are you sure you want to erase file ALL.TXT?")); if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) { QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; f.remove(); m_RxLog=1; } } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_FoxQSO_txt_triggered() { int ret = MessageBox::query_message(this, tr("Confirm Erase"), tr("Are you sure you want to erase file FoxQSO.txt?")); if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) { QFile f{m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("FoxQSO.txt")}; f.remove(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_js8call_log_adi_triggered() { int ret = MessageBox::query_message (this, tr ("Confirm Erase"), tr ("Are you sure you want to erase file js8call_log.adi?")); if(ret==MessageBox::Yes) { QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("js8call_log.adi")}; f.remove(); m_logBook.init(); } } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_log_directory_triggered () { QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absolutePath ())); } void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_Save_Directory_triggered(){ QDesktopServices::openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (m_config.save_directory().absolutePath ())); } void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_currentIndexChanged (int index) { auto const& frequencies = m_config.frequencies (); auto const& source_index = frequencies->mapToSource (frequencies->index (index, FrequencyList_v2::frequency_column)); Frequency frequency {m_freqNominal}; if (source_index.isValid ()) { frequency = frequencies->frequency_list ()[source_index.row ()].frequency_; } // Lookup band auto const& band = m_config.bands ()->find (frequency); if (!band.isEmpty ()) { ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ({}); ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (band); } else { ui->bandComboBox->lineEdit ()->setStyleSheet ("QLineEdit {color: yellow; background-color : red;}"); ui->bandComboBox->setCurrentText (m_config.bands ()->oob ()); } displayDialFrequency (); } void MainWindow::on_bandComboBox_activated (int index) { auto const& frequencies = m_config.frequencies (); auto const& source_index = frequencies->mapToSource (frequencies->index (index, FrequencyList_v2::frequency_column)); Frequency frequency {m_freqNominal}; if (source_index.isValid ()) { frequency = frequencies->frequency_list ()[source_index.row ()].frequency_; } m_bandEdited = true; band_changed (frequency); m_wideGraph->setRxBand (m_config.bands ()->find (frequency)); } void MainWindow::band_changed (Frequency f) { // bool monitor_off=!m_monitoring; // Set the attenuation value if options are checked QString curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText(); if (m_config.pwrBandTxMemory() && !m_tune) { if (m_pwrBandTxMemory.contains(curBand)) { ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand].toInt()); } else { m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value(); } } if (m_bandEdited) { if (!m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { // band hopping preserves auto Tx if (f + m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () > m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () || f + m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () + m_wideGraph->fSpan () <= m_freqNominal + ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()) { // qDebug () << "start f:" << m_wideGraph->nStartFreq () << "span:" << m_wideGraph->fSpan () << "DF:" << ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value (); // disable auto Tx if "blind" QSY outside of waterfall ui->stopTxButton->click (); // halt any transmission auto_tx_mode (false); // disable auto Tx m_send_RR73 = false; // force user to reassess on new band } } // TODO: jsherer - is this relied upon anywhere? //m_lastBand.clear (); m_bandEdited = false; psk_Reporter->sendReport(); // Upload any queued spots before changing band m_aprsClient->sendReports(); if (!m_transmitting) monitor (true); if ("FreqCal" == m_mode) { m_frequency_list_fcal_iter = m_config.frequencies ()->find (f); } float r=m_freqNominal/(f+0.0001); if(r<0.9 or r>1.1) m_bVHFwarned=false; setRig (f); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); // if(monitor_off) monitor(false); } } void MainWindow::vhfWarning() { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("VHF features warning"), "VHF/UHF/Microwave features is enabled on a lower frequency band."); m_bVHFwarned=true; } void MainWindow::enable_DXCC_entity (bool /*on*/) { m_logBook.init(); // re-read the log and cty.dat files updateGeometry (); } void MainWindow::on_pbCallCQ_clicked() { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx6->text()); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = CALLING; m_gen_message_is_cq = true; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; set_dateTimeQSO(-1); } void MainWindow::on_pbAnswerCaller_clicked() { QString t=ui->tx3->text(); int i0=t.indexOf(" R-"); if(i0<0) i0=t.indexOf(" R+"); t=t.mid(0,i0+1)+t.mid(i0+2,3); ui->genMsg->setText(t); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = REPORT; m_gen_message_is_cq = false; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; set_dateTimeQSO(2); } void MainWindow::on_pbSendRRR_clicked() { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx4->text()); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = ROGERS; m_gen_message_is_cq = false; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbAnswerCQ_clicked() { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx1->text()); QString t=ui->tx2->text(); int i0=t.indexOf("/"); int i1=t.indexOf(" "); if(i0>0 and i0genMsg->setText(t); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = REPLYING; m_gen_message_is_cq = false; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_pbSendReport_clicked() { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx3->text()); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = ROGER_REPORT; m_gen_message_is_cq = false; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; set_dateTimeQSO(3); } void MainWindow::on_pbSend73_clicked() { ui->genMsg->setText(ui->tx5->currentText()); m_ntx=7; m_QSOProgress = SIGNOFF; m_gen_message_is_cq = false; ui->rbGenMsg->setChecked(true); if(m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } void MainWindow::on_rbGenMsg_clicked(bool checked) { m_freeText=!checked; if(!m_freeText) { if(m_ntx != 7 && m_transmitting) m_restart=true; m_ntx=7; // would like to set m_QSOProgress but what to? So leave alone and // assume it is correct } } void MainWindow::on_rbFreeText_clicked(bool checked) { m_freeText=checked; if(m_freeText) { m_ntx=8; // would like to set m_QSOProgress but what to? So leave alone and // assume it is correct. Perhaps should store old value to be // restored above in on_rbGenMsg_clicked if (m_transmitting) m_restart=true; } } void MainWindow::on_clearAction_triggered(QObject * sender){ // TODO: jsherer - abstract this into a tableWidgetRXAllReset function if(sender == ui->tableWidgetRXAll){ m_bandActivity.clear(); clearTableWidget(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); resetTimeDeltaAverage(); displayBandActivity(); } // TODO: jsherer - abstract this into a tableWidgetCallsReset function if(sender == ui->tableWidgetCalls){ m_callActivity.clear(); m_heardGraphIncoming.clear(); m_heardGraphOutgoing.clear(); clearTableWidget((ui->tableWidgetCalls)); createAllcallTableRows(ui->tableWidgetCalls, ""); resetTimeDeltaAverage(); displayCallActivity(); } if(sender == ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit){ resetMessage(); m_lastTxMessage.clear(); } if(sender == ui->textEditRX){ // TODO: jsherer - move these ui->textEditRX->clear(); m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.clear(); m_rxActivityQueue.clear(); } } void MainWindow::buildFrequencyMenu(QMenu *menu){ auto custom = menu->addAction("Set a Custom Frequency..."); connect(custom, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ bool ok = false; auto currentFreq = Radio::frequency_MHz_string(dialFrequency()); QString newFreq = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Set a Custom Frequency"), tr("Frequency in MHz:"), QLineEdit::Normal, currentFreq, &ok).toUpper().trimmed(); if(!ok){ return; } setRig(Radio::frequency(newFreq, 6)); }); menu->addSeparator(); auto frequencies = m_config.frequencies()->frequency_list(); qSort(frequencies.begin(), frequencies.end(), [](FrequencyList_v2::Item &a, FrequencyList_v2::Item &b) { return a.frequency_ < b.frequency_; }); foreach(auto f, frequencies){ auto freq = Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string(f.frequency_); auto const& band = m_config.bands ()->find (f.frequency_); auto a = menu->addAction(QString("%1:%2%2%3 MHz").arg(band).arg(QString(" ").repeated(5-band.length())).arg(freq)); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, f](){ setRig(f.frequency_); }); } } void MainWindow::buildHeartbeatMenu(QMenu *menu){ if(m_hbInterval > 0){ auto startStop = menu->addAction(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() ? "Stop Heartbeat Timer" : "Start Heartbeat Timer"); connect(startStop, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ ui->hbMacroButton->toggle(); }); menu->addSeparator(); } buildRepeatMenu(menu, ui->hbMacroButton, false, &m_hbInterval); menu->addSeparator(); auto now = menu->addAction("Send Heartbeat Now"); connect(now, &QAction::triggered, this, &MainWindow::sendHeartbeat); } void MainWindow::buildCQMenu(QMenu *menu){ if(m_cqInterval > 0){ auto startStop = menu->addAction(ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked() ? "Stop CQ Timer" : "Start CQ Timer"); connect(startStop, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ ui->cqMacroButton->toggle(); }); menu->addSeparator(); } buildRepeatMenu(menu, ui->cqMacroButton, true, &m_cqInterval); menu->addSeparator(); auto now = menu->addAction("Send CQ Now"); connect(now, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ sendCQ(true); }); } void MainWindow::buildRepeatMenu(QMenu *menu, QPushButton * button, bool isLowInterval, int * interval){ QList> items = { {"On demand / do not repeat", 0}, {"Repeat every 1 minute", 1}, {"Repeat every 5 minutes", 5}, {"Repeat every 10 minutes", 10}, {"Repeat every 15 minutes", 15}, {"Repeat every 30 minutes", 30}, {"Repeat every 60 minutes", 60}, {"Repeat every N minutes (Custom Interval)", -1}, // this needs to be last because of isSet bool }; if(isLowInterval){ items.removeAt(5); // remove the thirty minute interval items.removeAt(5); // remove the sixty minute interval } else { items.removeAt(1); // remove the one minute interval items.removeAt(1); // remove the five minute interval } auto customFormat = QString("Repeat every %1 minutes (Custom Interval)"); QActionGroup * group = new QActionGroup(menu); bool isSet = false; foreach(auto pair, items){ int minutes = pair.second; bool isMatch = *interval == minutes; bool isCustom = (minutes == -1 && isSet == false); if(isMatch){ isSet = true; } auto text = pair.first; if(isCustom){ text = QString(customFormat).arg(*interval); } auto action = menu->addAction(text); action->setData(minutes); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(isMatch || isCustom); group->addAction(action); connect(action, &QAction::toggled, this, [this, action, customFormat, minutes, interval, button](bool checked){ int min = minutes; if(checked){ if(minutes == -1){ bool ok = false; min = QInputDialog::getInt(this, "Repeat every N minutes", "Minutes", 0, 1, 1440, 1, &ok); if(!ok){ return; } action->setText(QString(customFormat).arg(*interval)); } *interval = min; if(min > 0){ // force a re-toggle button->setChecked(false); } button->setChecked(min > 0); } }); } } void MainWindow::sendHeartbeat(){ QString mycall = m_config.my_callsign(); QString mygrid = m_config.my_grid().left(4); QStringList parts; parts.append(QString("%1:").arg(mycall)); auto flags = generateStatusFlags(); if(flags.isEmpty() || flags.first() != "HB"){ parts.append("HB"); } parts.append(flags); parts.append(mygrid); QString message = parts.join(" ").trimmed(); auto f = findFreeFreqOffset(500, 1000, 50); if(currentFreqOffset() <= 1000){ f = currentFreqOffset(); } else if(m_config.heartbeat_anywhere()){ f = -1; } enqueueMessage(PriorityLow + 1, message, f, [this](){ /* */ }); processTxQueue(); } #define SEND_SNR_IN_ACK 1 void MainWindow::sendHeartbeatAck(QString to, int snr, QString extra){ #if SEND_SNR_IN_ACK auto message = QString("%1 ACK %2 %3").arg(to).arg(Varicode::formatSNR(snr)).arg(extra).trimmed(); #else auto message = QString("%1 ACK %2").arg(to).arg(extra).trimmed(); #endif auto f = m_config.heartbeat_anywhere() ? -1 : findFreeFreqOffset(500, 1000, 50); enqueueMessage(PriorityLow + 1, message, f, [this](){ /* */ }); processTxQueue(); } void MainWindow::on_hbMacroButton_toggled(bool checked){ if(checked){ clearCallsignSelected(); if(m_hbInterval){ m_nextHeartbeat = nextTransmitCycle().addSecs(m_hbInterval * 60); if(!repeatTimer.isActive()){ repeatTimer.start(); } } else { sendHeartbeat(); // make this button emulate a single press button ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(false); } } else { m_nextHeartbeat = QDateTime{}; } updateRepeatButtonDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_hbMacroButton_clicked(){ } void MainWindow::sendCQ(bool repeat){ auto message = m_config.cq_message(); if(message.isEmpty()){ QString mygrid = m_config.my_grid().left(4); message = QString("CQCQCQ %1").arg(mygrid).trimmed(); } clearCallsignSelected(); addMessageText(replaceMacros(message, buildMacroValues(), true)); if(repeat || m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); } void MainWindow::on_cqMacroButton_toggled(bool checked){ if(checked){ clearCallsignSelected(); if(m_cqInterval){ m_nextCQ = nextTransmitCycle().addSecs(m_cqInterval * 60); if(!repeatTimer.isActive()){ repeatTimer.start(); } } else { sendCQ(); // make this button emulate a single press button ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(false); } } else { m_nextCQ= QDateTime{}; } updateRepeatButtonDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_cqMacroButton_clicked(){ } void MainWindow::on_replyMacroButton_clicked(){ QString call = callsignSelected(); if(call.isEmpty()){ return; } auto message = m_config.reply_message(); message = replaceMacros(message, buildMacroValues(), true); addMessageText(QString("%1 %2").arg(call).arg(message)); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); } void MainWindow::on_snrMacroButton_clicked(){ QString call = callsignSelected(); if(call.isEmpty()){ return; } auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); if(!m_callActivity.contains(call)){ return; } auto cd = m_callActivity[call]; if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { return; } auto snr = Varicode::formatSNR(cd.snr); addMessageText(QString("%1 SNR %2").arg(call).arg(snr)); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); } void MainWindow::on_infoMacroButton_clicked(){ QString info = m_config.my_info(); if(info.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("INFO %1").arg(replaceMacros(info, buildMacroValues(), true))); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); } void MainWindow::setShowColumn(QString tableKey, QString columnKey, bool value){ m_showColumnsCache[tableKey + columnKey] = QVariant(value); displayBandActivity(); displayCallActivity(); } bool MainWindow::showColumn(QString tableKey, QString columnKey, bool default_){ return m_showColumnsCache.value(tableKey + columnKey, QVariant(default_)).toBool(); } void MainWindow::buildShowColumnsMenu(QMenu *menu, QString tableKey){ QList> columnKeys = { {"Frequency Offset", "offset"}, {"Last heard timestamp", "timestamp"}, {"SNR", "snr"}, {"Time Delta", "tdrift"}, {"Mode Speed", "submode"}, }; QMap defaultOverride = { {"submode", false}, {"tdrift", false}, {"grid", false}, {"distance", false} }; if(tableKey == "call"){ columnKeys.prepend({"Callsign", "callsign"}); columnKeys.append({ {"Grid Locator", "grid"}, {"Distance", "distance"}, {"Worked Before", "log"}, {"Logged Name", "logName"}, {"Logged Comment", "logComment"}, }); } columnKeys.prepend({"Show Column Labels", "labels"}); bool first = true; foreach(auto p, columnKeys){ auto columnLabel = p.first; auto columnKey = p.second; auto a = menu->addAction(columnLabel); a->setCheckable(true); bool showByDefault = true; if(defaultOverride.contains(columnKey)){ showByDefault = defaultOverride[columnKey]; } a->setChecked(showColumn(tableKey, columnKey, showByDefault)); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, a, tableKey, columnKey](){ setShowColumn(tableKey, columnKey, a->isChecked()); }); if(first){ menu->addSeparator(); first = false; } } } void MainWindow::setSortBy(QString key, QString value){ m_sortCache[key] = QVariant(value); displayBandActivity(); displayCallActivity(); } QString MainWindow::getSortBy(QString key, QString defaultValue){ return m_sortCache.value(key, QVariant(defaultValue)).toString(); } void MainWindow::buildSortByMenu(QMenu * menu, QString key, QString defaultValue, QList> values){ auto currentSortBy = getSortBy(key, defaultValue); QActionGroup * g = new QActionGroup(menu); g->setExclusive(true); foreach(auto p, values){ auto k = p.first; auto v = p.second; auto a = menu->addAction(k); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked(v == currentSortBy); a->setActionGroup(g); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, a, key, v](){ if(a->isChecked()){ setSortBy(key, v); } }); } } void MainWindow::buildBandActivitySortByMenu(QMenu * menu){ buildSortByMenu(menu, "bandActivity", "offset", { {"Frequency offset", "offset"}, {"Last heard timestamp (oldest first)", "timestamp"}, {"Last heard timestamp (recent first)", "-timestamp"}, {"SNR (weakest first)", "snr"}, {"SNR (strongest first)", "-snr"}, {"Mode Speed (slowest first)", "submode"}, {"Mode Speed (fastest first)", "-submode"} }); } void MainWindow::buildCallActivitySortByMenu(QMenu * menu){ buildSortByMenu(menu, "callActivity", "callsign", { {"Callsign", "callsign"}, {"Callsigns Replied (recent first)", "ackTimestamp"}, {"Frequency offset", "offset"}, {"Distance (closest first)", "distance"}, {"Distance (farthest first)", "-distance"}, {"Last heard timestamp (oldest first)", "timestamp"}, {"Last heard timestamp (recent first)", "-timestamp"}, {"SNR (weakest first)", "snr"}, {"SNR (strongest first)", "-snr"}, {"Mode Speed (slowest first)", "submode"}, {"Mode Speed (fastest first)", "-submode"} }); } void MainWindow::buildQueryMenu(QMenu * menu, QString call){ bool isAllCall = isAllCallIncluded(call); // for now, we're going to omit displaying the call...delete this if we want the other functionality call = ""; auto grid = m_config.my_grid(); bool emptyInfo = m_config.my_info().isEmpty(); bool emptyGrid = m_config.my_grid().isEmpty(); auto callAction = menu->addAction(QString("Send a directed message to selected callsign")); connect(callAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 ").arg(selectedCall), true); }); menu->addSeparator(); auto sendReplyAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 Reply - Send reply message to selected callsign").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(sendReplyAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } auto message = m_config.reply_message(); message = replaceMacros(message, buildMacroValues(), true); addMessageText(QString("%1 %2").arg(selectedCall).arg(message), true); }); auto sendSNRAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 SNR - Send a signal report to the selected callsign").arg(call).trimmed()); sendSNRAction->setEnabled(m_callActivity.contains(callsignSelected())); connect(sendSNRAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } if(!m_callActivity.contains(selectedCall)){ return; } auto d = m_callActivity[selectedCall]; addMessageText(QString("%1 SNR %2").arg(selectedCall).arg(Varicode::formatSNR(d.snr)), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto infoAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 INFO - Send my station information").arg(call).trimmed()); infoAction->setDisabled(emptyInfo); connect(infoAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 INFO %2").arg(selectedCall).arg(m_config.my_info()), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto gridAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 GRID %2 - Send my current station Maidenhead grid locator").arg(call).arg(grid).trimmed()); gridAction->setDisabled(emptyGrid); connect(gridAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 GRID %2").arg(selectedCall).arg(m_config.my_grid()), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); menu->addSeparator(); auto snrQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 SNR? - What is my signal report?").arg(call).trimmed()); snrQueryAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(snrQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 SNR?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto infoQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 INFO? - What is your station information?").arg(call).trimmed()); infoQueryAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(infoQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 INFO?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto gridQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 GRID? - What is your current grid locator?").arg(call).trimmed()); gridQueryAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(gridQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 GRID?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto stationIdleQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 STATUS? - What is the status of your station (auto, hb, version, etc)?").arg(call).trimmed()); stationIdleQueryAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(stationIdleQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 STATUS?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto heardQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 HEARING? - What are the stations are you hearing? (Top 4 ranked by most recently heard)").arg(call).trimmed()); heardQueryAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(heardQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 HEARING?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); #if 0 auto retransmitAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1|[MESSAGE] - Please ACK and retransmit the following message").arg(call).trimmed()); retransmitAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(retransmitAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1|[MESSAGE]").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); #endif auto alertAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1>[MESSAGE] - Please relay this message to its destination").arg(call).trimmed()); alertAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(alertAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1>[MESSAGE]").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); auto msgAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 MSG [MESSAGE] - Please store this message in your inbox").arg(call).trimmed()); msgAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(msgAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 MSG [MESSAGE]").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); auto msgToAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 MSG TO:[CALLSIGN] [MESSAGE] - Please store this message at your station for later retreival by [CALLSIGN]").arg(call).trimmed()); msgToAction->setDisabled(isAllCall); connect(msgToAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 MSG TO:[CALLSIGN] [MESSAGE]").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); auto qsoQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 QUERY CALL [CALLSIGN]? - Please acknowledge you can communicate directly with [CALLSIGN]").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(qsoQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 QUERY CALL [CALLSIGN]?").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); auto qsoQueryMsgsAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 QUERY MSGS - Do you have any messages for me?").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(qsoQueryMsgsAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 QUERY MSGS").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); auto qsoQueryMsgAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 QUERY MSG [ID] - Please deliver the complete message identified by ID").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(qsoQueryMsgAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 QUERY MSG [ID]").arg(selectedCall), true, true); }); menu->addSeparator(); auto agnAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 AGN? - Please repeat your last transmission").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(agnAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 AGN?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto qslQueryAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 QSL? - Did you receive my last transmission?").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(qslQueryAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 QSL?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto qslAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 QSL - I confirm I received your last transmission").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(qslAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 QSL").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto yesAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 YES - I confirm your last inquiry").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(yesAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 YES").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto noAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 NO - I do not confirm your last inquiry").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(noAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 NO").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto hwAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 HW CPY? - How do you copy?").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(hwAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 HW CPY?").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto rrAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 RR - Roger. Received. I copy.").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(rrAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 RR").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto fbAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 FB - Fine Business").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(fbAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 FB").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto sevenThreeAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 73 - I send my best regards").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(sevenThreeAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 73").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto skAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 SK - End of contact").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(skAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 SK").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); auto ditDitAction = menu->addAction(QString("%1 DIT DIT - End of contact / Two bits").arg(call).trimmed()); connect(ditDitAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ return; } addMessageText(QString("%1 DIT DIT").arg(selectedCall), true); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); } void MainWindow::buildRelayMenu(QMenu *menu){ auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); foreach(auto cd, m_callActivity.values()){ if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } menu->addAction(buildRelayAction(cd.call)); } } QAction* MainWindow::buildRelayAction(QString call){ QAction *a = new QAction(call, nullptr); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, call](){ prependMessageText(QString("%1>").arg(call)); }); return a; } void MainWindow::buildEditMenu(QMenu *menu, QTextEdit *edit){ bool hasSelection = !edit->textCursor().selectedText().isEmpty(); auto cut = menu->addAction("Cu&t"); cut->setEnabled(hasSelection && !edit->isReadOnly()); connect(edit, &QTextEdit::copyAvailable, this, [this, edit, cut](bool copyAvailable){ cut->setEnabled(copyAvailable && !edit->isReadOnly()); }); connect(cut, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, edit](){ edit->copy(); edit->textCursor().removeSelectedText(); }); auto copy = menu->addAction("&Copy"); copy->setEnabled(hasSelection); connect(edit, &QTextEdit::copyAvailable, this, [this, copy](bool copyAvailable){ copy->setEnabled(copyAvailable); }); connect(copy, &QAction::triggered, edit, &QTextEdit::copy); auto paste = menu->addAction("&Paste"); paste->setEnabled(edit->canPaste()); connect(paste, &QAction::triggered, edit, &QTextEdit::paste); } QMap MainWindow::buildMacroValues(){ QMap values = { {"", m_config.my_callsign()}, {"", m_config.my_grid().left(4)}, {"", m_config.my_grid().left(12)}, {"", m_config.my_info()}, {"", m_config.cq_message()}, {"", m_config.reply_message()}, {"", generateStatus()}, }; auto selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(m_callActivity.contains(selectedCall)){ auto cd = m_callActivity[selectedCall]; values[""] = selectedCall; values[""] = QString("%1 ms").arg((int)(1000*cd.tdrift)); if(cd.snr > -31){ values[""] = Varicode::formatSNR(cd.snr); } } // these macros can have recursive macros values[""] = replaceMacros(values[""], values, false); values[""] = replaceMacros(values[""], values, false); values[""] = replaceMacros(values[""], values, false); return values; } QString MainWindow::replaceMacros(QString const &text, QMap values, bool prune){ QString output = QString(text); foreach(auto key, values.keys()){ output = output.replace(key, values[key].toUpper()); } if(prune){ output = output.replace(QRegularExpression("[<](?:[^>]+)[>]"), ""); } return output; } void MainWindow::buildSuggestionsMenu(QMenu *menu, QTextEdit *edit, const QPoint &point){ if(!m_config.spellcheck()){ return; } bool found = false; auto c = edit->cursorForPosition(point); if(c.charFormat().underlineStyle() != QTextCharFormat::WaveUnderline){ return; } c.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfWord); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfWord, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); auto word = c.selectedText().toUpper().trimmed(); if(word.isEmpty()){ return; } QStringList suggestions = JSCChecker::suggestions(word, 5, &found); if(suggestions.isEmpty() && !found){ return; } if(suggestions.isEmpty()){ auto a = menu->addAction("No Suggestions"); a->setDisabled(true); } else { foreach(auto suggestion, suggestions){ auto a = menu->addAction(suggestion); connect(a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, edit, point, suggestion](){ auto c = edit->cursorForPosition(point); c.select(QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor); c.insertText(suggestion); }); } } menu->addSeparator(); } void MainWindow::buildSavedMessagesMenu(QMenu *menu){ auto values = buildMacroValues(); foreach(QString macro, m_config.macros()->stringList()){ QAction *action = menu->addAction(replaceMacros(macro, values, false)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, macro](){ auto values = buildMacroValues(); addMessageText(replaceMacros(macro, values, true)); if(m_config.transmit_directed()) toggleTx(true); }); } menu->addSeparator(); auto editAction = new QAction(QString("&Edit Saved Messages"), menu); menu->addAction(editAction); connect(editAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ openSettings(5); }); auto saveAction = new QAction(QString("&Save Current Message"), menu); saveAction->setDisabled(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty()); menu->addAction(saveAction); connect(saveAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this](){ auto macros = m_config.macros(); if(macros->insertRow(macros->rowCount())){ auto index = macros->index(macros->rowCount()-1); macros->setData(index, ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText()); writeSettings(); } }); } void MainWindow::on_queryButton_pressed(){ QMenu *menu = ui->queryButton->menu(); if(!menu){ menu = new QMenu(ui->queryButton); } menu->clear(); buildQueryMenu(menu, callsignSelected()); ui->queryButton->setMenu(menu); ui->queryButton->showMenu(); } void MainWindow::on_macrosMacroButton_pressed(){ QMenu *menu = ui->macrosMacroButton->menu(); if(!menu){ menu = new QMenu(ui->macrosMacroButton); } menu->clear(); buildSavedMessagesMenu(menu); ui->macrosMacroButton->setMenu(menu); ui->macrosMacroButton->showMenu(); } void MainWindow::on_deselectButton_pressed(){ clearCallsignSelected(); } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetRXAll_cellClicked(int /*row*/, int /*col*/){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectionModel()->select( ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectionModel()->selection(), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); displayCallActivity(); } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetRXAll_cellDoubleClicked(int row, int col){ on_tableWidgetRXAll_cellClicked(row, col); // TODO: jsherer - could also parse the messages for the last callsign? auto item = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, 0); int offset = item->text().replace(" Hz", "").toInt(); // switch to the offset of this row setFreqOffsetForRestore(offset, false); // TODO: prompt mode switch? // print the history in the main window... int activityAging = m_config.activity_aging(); QDateTime now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); QDateTime firstActivity = now; QString activityText; bool isLast = false; foreach(auto d, m_bandActivity[offset]){ if(activityAging && d.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now)/60 >= activityAging){ continue; } if(activityText.isEmpty()){ firstActivity = d.utcTimestamp; } activityText.append(d.text); isLast = (d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast; if(isLast){ activityText = QString("%1 %2 ").arg(Varicode::rstrip(activityText)).arg(m_config.eot()); } } if(!activityText.isEmpty()){ displayTextForFreq(activityText, offset, firstActivity, false, true, isLast); } } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetRXAll_selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &/*selected*/, const QItemSelection &/*deselected*/){ on_extFreeTextMsgEdit_currentTextChanged(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText()); auto selectedCall = callsignSelected(); if(selectedCall != m_prevSelectedCallsign){ callsignSelectedChanged(m_prevSelectedCallsign, selectedCall); } } QString MainWindow::generateCallDetail(QString selectedCall){ if(selectedCall.isEmpty() || selectedCall.contains("@")){ return ""; } // heard detail QString hearing = m_heardGraphOutgoing.value(selectedCall).values().join(", "); QString heardby = m_heardGraphIncoming.value(selectedCall).values().join(", "); QStringList detail = { QString("


").arg(selectedCall.toHtmlEscaped()), QString("


").arg(hearing.toHtmlEscaped()), QString("


").arg(heardby.toHtmlEscaped()), }; return detail.join("\n"); } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetCalls_cellClicked(int /*row*/, int /*col*/){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectionModel()->select( ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectionModel()->selection(), QItemSelectionModel::Deselect); displayBandActivity(); } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetCalls_cellDoubleClicked(int row, int col){ on_tableWidgetCalls_cellClicked(row, col); auto call = callsignSelected(); addMessageText(call); #if SHOW_MESSAGE_HISTORY_ON_DOUBLECLICK if(m_rxInboxCountCache.value(call, 0) > 0){ // TODO: // CommandDetail d = m_rxCallsignInboxCountCache[call].first(); // m_rxCallsignInboxCountCache[call].removeFirst(); // // processAlertReplyForCommand(d, d.relayPath, d.cmd); Inbox i(inboxPath()); if(i.open()){ QList msgs; foreach(auto pair, i.values("UNREAD", "$.params.FROM", call, 0, 1000)){ msgs.append(pair.second); } auto mw = new MessageWindow(this); mw->populateMessages(msgs); mw->show(); auto pair = i.firstUnreadFrom(call); auto id = pair.first; auto msg = pair.second; auto params = msg.params(); CommandDetail d; d.cmd = params.value("CMD").toString(); d.extra = params.value("EXTRA").toString(); d.freq = params.value("OFFSET").toInt(); d.from = params.value("FROM").toString(); d.grid = params.value("GRID").toString(); d.relayPath = params.value("PATH").toString(); d.snr = params.value("SNR").toInt(); d.tdrift = params.value("TDRIFT").toFloat(); d.text = params.value("TEXT").toString(); d.to = params.value("TO").toString(); d.utcTimestamp = QDateTime::fromString(params.value("UTC").toString(), "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); d.utcTimestamp.setUtcOffset(0); msg.setType("READ"); i.set(id, msg); m_rxInboxCountCache[call] = max(0, m_rxInboxCountCache.value(call) - 1); processAlertReplyForCommand(d, d.relayPath, d.cmd); } } else { addMessageText(call); } #endif } void MainWindow::on_tableWidgetCalls_selectionChanged(const QItemSelection &selected, const QItemSelection &deselected){ on_tableWidgetRXAll_selectionChanged(selected, deselected); } void MainWindow::on_freeTextMsg_currentTextChanged (QString const& text) { } void MainWindow::on_driftSpinBox_valueChanged(int n){ if(n == DriftingDateTime::drift()){ return; } setDrift(n); } void MainWindow::on_driftSyncButton_clicked(){ auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int n = 0; int nPos = m_TRperiod - (now.time().second() % m_TRperiod); int nNeg = (now.time().second() % m_TRperiod) - m_TRperiod; if(abs(nNeg) < nPos){ n = nNeg; } else { n = nPos; } setDrift(n * 1000); } void MainWindow::on_driftSyncEndButton_clicked(){ auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int n = 0; int nPos = m_TRperiod - (now.time().second() % m_TRperiod); int nNeg = (now.time().second() % m_TRperiod) - m_TRperiod; if(abs(nNeg) < nPos){ n = nNeg + 2; } else { n = nPos - 2; } setDrift(n * 1000); } void MainWindow::on_driftSyncMinuteButton_clicked(){ auto now = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int n = 0; int s = now.time().second(); if(s < 30){ n = -s; } else { n = 60 - s; } setDrift(n * 1000); } void MainWindow::on_driftSyncResetButton_clicked(){ setDrift(0); resetTimeDeltaAverage(); } void MainWindow::setDrift(int n){ DriftingDateTime::setDrift(n); qDebug() << qSetRealNumberPrecision(12) << "Average delta:" << m_timeDeltaMsMMA; qDebug() << qSetRealNumberPrecision(12) << "Drift milliseconds:" << n; qDebug() << qSetRealNumberPrecision(12) << "Clock time:" << QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); qDebug() << qSetRealNumberPrecision(12) << "Drifted time:" << DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); if(ui->driftSpinBox->value() != n){ ui->driftSpinBox->setValue(n); } } void MainWindow::on_rptSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { int step=ui->rptSpinBox->singleStep(); if(n%step !=0) { n++; ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(n); } m_rpt=QString::number(n); int ntx0=m_ntx; m_ntx=ntx0; if(m_ntx==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if(m_ntx==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::on_tuneButton_clicked (bool checked) { static bool lastChecked = false; if (lastChecked == checked) return; lastChecked = checked; QString curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText(); if (checked && m_tune==false) { // we're starting tuning so remember Tx and change pwr to Tune value if (m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory ()) { m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value(); // remember our Tx pwr m_PwrBandSetOK = false; if (m_pwrBandTuneMemory.contains(curBand)) { ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand].toInt()); // set to Tune pwr } m_PwrBandSetOK = true; } } else { // we're turning off so remember our Tune pwr setting and reset to Tx pwr if (m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory() || m_config.pwrBandTxMemory()) { m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand] = ui->outAttenuation->value(); // remember our Tune pwr m_PwrBandSetOK = false; ui->outAttenuation->setValue(m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand].toInt()); // set to Tx pwr m_PwrBandSetOK = true; } } if (m_tune) { tuneButtonTimer.start(250); } else { m_sentFirst73=false; itone[0]=0; on_monitorButton_clicked (true); m_tune=true; } Q_EMIT tune (checked); } void MainWindow::stop_tuning () { on_tuneButton_clicked(false); ui->tuneButton->setChecked (false); m_bTxTime=false; m_tune=false; on_stopTxButton_clicked(); } void MainWindow::stopTuneATU() { on_tuneButton_clicked(false); m_bTxTime=false; } void MainWindow::resetPushButtonToggleText(QPushButton *btn){ bool checked = btn->isChecked(); auto style = btn->styleSheet(); if(checked){ style = style.replace("font-weight:normal;", "font-weight:bold;"); } else { style = style.replace("font-weight:bold;", "font-weight:normal;"); } btn->setStyleSheet(style); #if PUSH_BUTTON_CHECKMARK auto on = "✓ "; auto text = btn->text(); if(checked){ btn->setText(on + text.replace(on, "")); } else { btn->setText(text.replace(on, "")); } #endif #if PUSH_BUTTON_MIN_WIDTH int width = 0; QList btns; foreach(auto child, ui->buttonGrid->children()){ if(!child->isWidgetType()){ continue; } if(!child->objectName().contains("Button")){ continue; } auto b = qobject_cast(child); width = qMax(width, b->geometry().width()); btns.append(b); } foreach(auto child, btns){ child->setMinimumWidth(width); } #endif } void MainWindow::on_monitorTxButton_clicked(){ ui->monitorTxButton->setChecked(false); on_stopTxButton_clicked(); } void MainWindow::on_stopTxButton_clicked() //Stop Tx { if (m_tune) stop_tuning (); if (m_auto and !m_tuneup) auto_tx_mode (false); m_btxok=false; m_bCallingCQ = false; m_bAutoReply = false; // ready for next ui->cbFirst->setStyleSheet (""); resetMessage(); resetAutomaticIntervalTransmissions(false, false); } void MainWindow::rigOpen () { update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "warning"); ui->readFreq->setText ("CAT"); ui->readFreq->setEnabled (true); m_config.transceiver_online (); Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true, true); } void MainWindow::on_pbR2T_clicked() { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } void MainWindow::on_pbT2R_clicked() { if (ui->RxFreqSpinBox->isEnabled ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } void MainWindow::on_turboButton_clicked(){ m_wideGraph->setTurbo(ui->turboButton->isChecked()); m_txTextDirty = true; updateTextDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_readFreq_clicked() { if (m_transmitting) return; if (m_config.transceiver_online ()) { Q_EMIT m_config.sync_transceiver (true, true); } } void MainWindow::on_pbTxMode_clicked() { if(m_modeTx=="JT9") { m_modeTx="JT65"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT65 #"); } else { m_modeTx="JT9"; ui->pbTxMode->setText("Tx JT9 @"); } m_wideGraph->setModeTx(m_modeTx); statusChanged(); } void MainWindow::setXIT(int n, Frequency base) { if (m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_qsy_allowed ()) return; // If "CQ nnn ..." feature is active, set the proper Tx frequency if(m_config.split_mode () && ui->cbCQTx->isEnabled () && ui->cbCQTx->isVisible () && ui->cbCQTx->isChecked()) { if (6 == m_ntx || (7 == m_ntx && m_gen_message_is_cq)) { // All conditions are met, use calling frequency base = m_freqNominal / 1000000 * 1000000 + 1000 * ui->sbCQTxFreq->value () + m_XIT; } } if (!base) base = m_freqNominal; m_XIT = 0; if (m_config.split_mode () && (!m_config.enable_VHF_features () || m_mode == "FT8")) { // Don't use XIT for VHF & up m_XIT=(n/500)*500 - 1500; } if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting) && m_config.is_transceiver_online () && m_config.split_mode ()) { // All conditions are met, reset the transceiver Tx dial // frequency m_freqTxNominal = base + m_XIT; if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal); Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (m_freqTxNominal + m_astroCorrection.tx); } //Now set the audio Tx freq Q_EMIT transmitFrequency (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT); } void MainWindow::qsy(int hzDelta){ setRig(m_freqNominal + hzDelta); setFreqOffsetForRestore(m_wideGraph->centerFreq(), false); // adjust band activity frequencies QMap> newActivity; foreach(auto offset, m_bandActivity.keys()){ if(m_bandActivity[offset].isEmpty()){ continue; } newActivity[offset - hzDelta] = m_bandActivity[offset]; newActivity[offset - hzDelta].last().freq -= hzDelta; } m_bandActivity.clear(); m_bandActivity.unite(newActivity); // adjust call activity frequencies foreach(auto call, m_callActivity.keys()){ m_callActivity[call].freq -= hzDelta; } displayActivity(true); } void MainWindow::setFreqOffsetForRestore(int freq, bool shouldRestore){ setFreq4(freq, freq); if(shouldRestore){ m_shouldRestoreFreq = true; } else { m_previousFreq = 0; m_shouldRestoreFreq = false; } } bool MainWindow::tryRestoreFreqOffset(){ if(!m_shouldRestoreFreq || m_previousFreq == 0){ return false; } setFreqOffsetForRestore(m_previousFreq, false); return true; } void MainWindow::setFreq4(int rxFreq, int txFreq) { // don't allow QSY if we've already queued a transmission, unless we have that functionality enabled. if(isMessageQueuedForTransmit() && !m_config.tx_qsy_allowed()){ return; } if(rxFreq != txFreq){ txFreq = rxFreq; } // TODO: jsherer - here's where we'd set minimum frequency again (later?) rxFreq = max(0, rxFreq); txFreq = max(0, txFreq); m_previousFreq = currentFreqOffset(); ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setValue(rxFreq); ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(txFreq); displayDialFrequency(); } void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState const& s) { //qDebug () << "MainWindow::handle_transceiver_update:" << s; Transceiver::TransceiverState old_state {m_rigState}; // GM8JCF: in stopTx2 we maintain PTT if there are still untransmitted JS8 frames and we are holding the PTT // KN4CRD: if we're not holding the PTT we need to check to ensure it's safe to transmit if (m_config.hold_ptt() || (s.ptt () && !m_rigState.ptt())) // safe to start audio (caveat - DX Lab Suite Commander) { if (m_tx_when_ready && g_iptt) // waiting to Tx and still needed { ptt1Timer.start(1000 * m_config.txDelay ()); //Start-of-transmission sequencer delay } m_tx_when_ready = false; } m_rigState = s; auto old_freqNominal = m_freqNominal; if (!old_freqNominal) { // always take initial rig frequency to avoid start up problems // with bogus Tx frequencies m_freqNominal = s.frequency (); } if (old_state.online () == false && s.online () == true) { // initializing on_monitorButton_clicked (!m_config.monitor_off_at_startup ()); } if (s.frequency () != old_state.frequency () || s.split () != m_splitMode) { m_splitMode = s.split (); if (!s.ptt ()) { m_freqNominal = s.frequency () - m_astroCorrection.rx; if (old_freqNominal != m_freqNominal) { m_freqTxNominal = m_freqNominal; } if (m_monitoring) { m_lastMonitoredFrequency = m_freqNominal; } if (m_lastDialFreq != m_freqNominal && (m_mode != "MSK144" || !(ui->cbCQTx->isEnabled () && ui->cbCQTx->isVisible () && ui->cbCQTx->isChecked()))) { m_lastDialFreq = m_freqNominal; m_secBandChanged=DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000; if(m_freqNominal != m_bandHoppedFreq){ m_bandHopped = false; } if(s.frequency () < 30000000u && !m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { // Write freq changes to ALL.TXT only below 30 MHz. QFile f2 {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("ALL.TXT")}; if (f2.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f2); out << DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << " " << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6) << " MHz " << "JS8" << endl; f2.close(); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Error") ,tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f2.fileName ()).arg (f2.errorString ())); } } if (m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks ()) { spotSetLocal(); pskSetLocal(); aprsSetLocal(); } statusChanged(); m_wideGraph->setDialFreq(m_freqNominal / 1.e6); } } else { m_freqTxNominal = s.split () ? s.tx_frequency () - m_astroCorrection.tx : s.frequency (); } if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal); } // ensure frequency display is correct if (m_astroWidget && old_state.ptt () != s.ptt ()) setRig (); updateCurrentBand(); displayDialFrequency (); update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "ok"); ui->readFreq->setEnabled (false); ui->readFreq->setText (s.split () ? "CAT/S" : "CAT"); } void MainWindow::handle_transceiver_failure (QString const& reason) { update_dynamic_property (ui->readFreq, "state", "error"); ui->readFreq->setEnabled (true); on_stopTxButton_clicked (); rigFailure (reason); } void MainWindow::rigFailure (QString const& reason) { if (m_first_error) { // one automatic retry QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ())); m_first_error = false; } else { if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); m_rigErrorMessageBox.setDetailedText (reason); // don't call slot functions directly to avoid recursion m_rigErrorMessageBox.exec (); auto const clicked_button = m_rigErrorMessageBox.clickedButton (); if (clicked_button == m_configurations_button) { ui->menuConfig->exec (QCursor::pos ()); } else { switch (m_rigErrorMessageBox.standardButton (clicked_button)) { case MessageBox::Ok: m_config.select_tab (1); QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (on_actionSettings_triggered ())); break; case MessageBox::Retry: QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (rigOpen ())); break; case MessageBox::Cancel: QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (close ())); break; default: break; // squashing compile warnings } } m_first_error = true; // reset } } void MainWindow::transmit (double snr) { double toneSpacing=0.0; if (m_modeTx == "FT8") { double symbolSamples = 0.0; if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ symbolSamples=(double)JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; toneSpacing=(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE/(double)JS8A_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ symbolSamples=(double)JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; toneSpacing=(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE/(double)JS8B_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ symbolSamples=(double)JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; toneSpacing=(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE/(double)JS8C_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; } else if(m_nSubMode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ symbolSamples=(double)JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; toneSpacing=(double)RX_SAMPLE_RATE/(double)JS8E_SYMBOL_SAMPLES; } if(m_config.x2ToneSpacing()) toneSpacing*=2.0; if(m_config.x4ToneSpacing()) toneSpacing*=4.0; if(m_config.bFox() and !m_tune) toneSpacing=-1; if(TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN && ui->turboButton->isChecked() && !m_tune) toneSpacing=-1; Q_EMIT sendMessage (JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS, symbolSamples, ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value () - m_XIT, toneSpacing, m_soundOutput, m_config.audio_output_channel (), true, false, snr, m_TRperiod); } } void MainWindow::on_outAttenuation_valueChanged (int a) { QString tt_str; qreal dBAttn {a / 10.}; // slider interpreted as dB / 100 if (m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory()) { tt_str = tr ("Tune digital gain "); } else { tt_str = tr ("Transmit digital gain "); } tt_str += (a ? QString::number (-dBAttn, 'f', 1) : "0") + "dB"; if (!m_block_pwr_tooltip) { QToolTip::showText (QCursor::pos (), tt_str, ui->outAttenuation); } QString curBand = ui->bandComboBox->currentText(); if (m_PwrBandSetOK && !m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTxMemory ()) { m_pwrBandTxMemory[curBand] = a; // remember our Tx pwr } if (m_PwrBandSetOK && m_tune && m_config.pwrBandTuneMemory()) { m_pwrBandTuneMemory[curBand] = a; // remember our Tune pwr } Q_EMIT outAttenuationChanged (dBAttn); } void MainWindow::on_actionShort_list_of_add_on_prefixes_and_suffixes_triggered() { } bool MainWindow::shortList(QString callsign) { int n=callsign.length(); int i1=callsign.indexOf("/"); Q_ASSERT(i1>0 and i1setLocalStation(call, grid, info, ver); } void MainWindow::pskSetLocal () { auto info = replaceMacros(m_config.my_info(), buildMacroValues(), true); psk_Reporter->setLocalStation(m_config.my_callsign (), m_config.my_grid (), info, QString {"JS8Call v" + version() }.simplified ()); } void MainWindow::aprsSetLocal () { auto call = m_config.my_callsign(); auto base = Radio::base_callsign(call); auto grid = m_config.my_grid(); auto passcode = m_config.aprs_passcode(); call = APRSISClient::replaceCallsignSuffixWithSSID(call, base); qDebug() << "APRSISClient Set Local Station:" << call << grid << passcode; m_aprsClient->setLocalStation(call, grid, passcode); } void MainWindow::transmitDisplay (bool transmitting) { ui->monitorTxButton->setChecked(transmitting); if (transmitting == m_transmitting) { if (transmitting) { ui->signal_meter_widget->setValue(0,0); if (m_monitoring) monitor (false); m_btxok=true; } auto QSY_allowed = !transmitting or m_config.tx_qsy_allowed () or !m_config.split_mode (); if (ui->cbHoldTxFreq->isChecked ()) { ui->RxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->pbT2R->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); } if (!m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { if(m_config.enable_VHF_features ()) { //### During tests, at least, allow use of Tx Freq spinner with VHF features enabled. // used fixed 1000Hz Tx DF for VHF & up QSO modes // ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(1000); // ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (false); ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (true); //### } else { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->pbR2T->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); ui->cbHoldTxFreq->setEnabled (QSY_allowed); } } // the following are always disallowed in transmit //ui->menuMode->setEnabled (!transmitting); //ui->bandComboBox->setEnabled (!transmitting); if (!transmitting) { if (m_mode == "JT9+JT65") { // allow mode switch in Rx when in dual mode ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled (true); } } else { ui->pbTxMode->setEnabled (false); } } updateTxButtonDisplay(); } void MainWindow::on_sbFtol_valueChanged(int value) { m_wideGraph->setTol (value); } void::MainWindow::VHF_features_enabled(bool b) { if(m_mode!="JT4" and m_mode!="JT65") b=false; if(b and (ui->actionInclude_averaging->isChecked() or ui->actionInclude_correlation->isChecked())) { ui->actionDeepestDecode->setChecked (true); } ui->actionInclude_averaging->setVisible (b); ui->actionInclude_correlation->setVisible (b); ui->actionMessage_averaging->setEnabled(b); ui->actionEnable_AP_DXcall->setVisible (m_mode=="QRA64"); ui->actionEnable_AP_JT65->setVisible (b && m_mode=="JT65"); if(!b && m_msgAvgWidget and !m_config.bFox()) { if(m_msgAvgWidget->isVisible()) m_msgAvgWidget->close(); } } QChar MainWindow::current_submode () const { QChar submode {0}; if (m_mode.contains (QRegularExpression {R"(^(JT65|JT9|JT4|ISCAT|QRA64)$)"}) && (m_config.enable_VHF_features () || "JT4" == m_mode || "ISCAT" == m_mode)) { submode = m_nSubMode + 65; } return submode; } void MainWindow::on_sbSubmode_valueChanged(int n) { m_nSubMode=n; m_wideGraph->setSubMode(m_nSubMode); auto submode = current_submode (); if (submode != QChar::Null) { mode_label.setText (m_mode + " " + submode); } else { mode_label.setText (m_mode); } statusUpdate (); } void MainWindow::on_cbShMsgs_toggled(bool b) { ui->cbTx6->setEnabled(b); m_bShMsgs=b; if(b) ui->cbSWL->setChecked(false); if(m_bShMsgs and (m_mode=="MSK144")) ui->rptSpinBox->setValue(1); int itone0=itone[0]; int ntx=m_ntx; m_lastCallsign.clear (); // ensure Tx5 gets updated itone[0]=itone0; if(ntx==1) ui->txrb1->setChecked(true); if(ntx==2) ui->txrb2->setChecked(true); if(ntx==3) ui->txrb3->setChecked(true); if(ntx==4) ui->txrb4->setChecked(true); if(ntx==5) ui->txrb5->setChecked(true); if(ntx==6) ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); } void MainWindow::on_cbSWL_toggled(bool b) { if(b) ui->cbShMsgs->setChecked(false); } void MainWindow::on_cbTx6_toggled(bool) { } void MainWindow::locationChange (QString const& location) { QString grid {location.trimmed ()}; int len; // string 6 chars or fewer, interpret as a grid, or use with a 'GRID:' prefix if (grid.size () > 6) { if (grid.toUpper ().startsWith ("GRID:")) { grid = grid.mid (5).trimmed (); } else { // TODO - support any other formats, e.g. latlong? Or have that conversion done externally return; } } if (MaidenheadLocatorValidator::Acceptable == MaidenheadLocatorValidator ().validate (grid, len)) { qDebug() << "locationChange: Grid supplied is " << grid; if (m_config.my_grid () != grid) { m_config.set_dynamic_location (grid); statusUpdate (); } } else { qDebug() << "locationChange: Invalid grid " << grid; } } void MainWindow::postDecode (bool is_new, QString const& message) { #if 0 auto const& decode = message.trimmed (); auto const& parts = decode.left (22).split (' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); if (parts.size () >= 5) { auto has_seconds = parts[0].size () > 4; m_messageClient->decode (is_new , QTime::fromString (parts[0], has_seconds ? "hhmmss" : "hhmm") , parts[1].toInt () , parts[2].toFloat (), parts[3].toUInt (), parts[4] , decode.mid (has_seconds ? 24 : 22, 21) , QChar {'?'} == decode.mid (has_seconds ? 24 + 21 : 22 + 21, 1) , m_diskData); } #endif if(is_new){ m_rxDirty = true; } } void MainWindow::tryNotify(const QString &key){ auto path = m_config.notification_path(key); if(path.isEmpty()){ return; } emit playNotification(path); } int MainWindow::rxThreshold(int submode){ int threshold = 10; if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ threshold = 16; } if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ threshold = 32; } #if JS8E_IS_ULTRA if(submode == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ threshold = 50; } #endif return threshold; } int MainWindow::rxSnrThreshold(int submode){ // these are baseline thresholds for valid frames switch(submode){ case Varicode::JS8CallNormal: return -24; case Varicode::JS8CallFast: return -22; case Varicode::JS8CallTurbo: return -20; #if JS8E_IS_ULTRA case Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow: return -18; #endif } return -28; } void MainWindow::displayTransmit(){ // Transmit Activity update_dynamic_property (ui->startTxButton, "transmitting", m_transmitting); } void MainWindow::updateModeButtonText(){ auto selectedCallsign = callsignSelected(); auto multi = ui->actionModeMultiDecoder->isChecked(); auto autoreply = ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked(); auto heartbeat = ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked(); auto ack = autoreply && ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->isChecked() && (!m_config.heartbeat_qso_pause() || selectedCallsign.isEmpty()); auto modeText = submodeName(m_nSubMode); if(multi){ modeText += QString("+MULTI"); } if(autoreply){ modeText += QString("+AUTO"); } if(heartbeat){ if(ack){ modeText += QString("+HB+ACK"); } else { modeText += QString("+HB"); } } ui->modeButton->setText(modeText); } void MainWindow::updateButtonDisplay(){ bool isTransmitting = isMessageQueuedForTransmit(); auto selectedCallsign = callsignSelected(true); bool emptyCallsign = selectedCallsign.isEmpty(); bool emptyInfo = m_config.my_info().isEmpty(); ui->hbMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting); ui->cqMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting); ui->replyMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyCallsign); ui->snrMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyCallsign); ui->infoMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyInfo); ui->macrosMacroButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting); ui->queryButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyCallsign); ui->deselectButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyCallsign); ui->queryButton->setText(emptyCallsign ? "Directed" : QString("Directed to %1").arg(selectedCallsign)); // refresh repeat button text too updateRepeatButtonDisplay(); // update mode button text updateModeButtonText(); } void MainWindow::updateRepeatButtonDisplay(){ auto selectedCallsign = callsignSelected(); auto hbBase = ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() && ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->isChecked() && (!m_config.heartbeat_qso_pause() || selectedCallsign.isEmpty()) ? "HB + ACK" : "HB"; if(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() && m_hbInterval > 0 && m_nextHeartbeat.isValid()){ auto secs = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().secsTo(m_nextHeartbeat); if(secs > 0){ ui->hbMacroButton->setText(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(hbBase).arg(secs)); } else { ui->hbMacroButton->setText(QString("%1 (now)").arg(hbBase)); } } else { ui->hbMacroButton->setText(hbBase); } if(ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked() && m_cqInterval > 0 && m_nextCQ.isValid()){ auto secs = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().secsTo(m_nextCQ); if(secs > 0){ ui->cqMacroButton->setText(QString("CQ (%1)").arg(secs)); } else { ui->cqMacroButton->setText(QString("CQ (now)")); } } else { ui->cqMacroButton->setText("CQ"); } } void MainWindow::updateTextDisplay(){ bool isTransmitting = isMessageQueuedForTransmit(); bool emptyText = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty(); ui->startTxButton->setDisabled(isTransmitting || emptyText); if(m_txTextDirty){ // debounce frame and word count if(m_txTextDirtyDebounce.isActive()){ m_txTextDirtyDebounce.stop(); } m_txTextDirtyDebounce.setSingleShot(true); m_txTextDirtyDebounce.start(100); m_txTextDirty = false; } } #if __APPLE__ #define USE_SYNC_FRAME_COUNT 0 #else #define USE_SYNC_FRAME_COUNT 0 #endif void MainWindow::refreshTextDisplay(){ qDebug() << "refreshing text display..."; auto text = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText(); #if USE_SYNC_FRAME_COUNT auto frames = buildMessageFrames(text); QStringList textList; qDebug() << "frames:"; foreach(auto frame, frames){ auto dt = DecodedText(frame.first, frame.second); qDebug() << "->" << frame << dt.message() << Varicode::frameTypeString(dt.frameType()); textList.append(dt.message()); } auto transmitText = textList.join(""); auto count = frames.length(); // ugh...i hate these globals m_txTextDirtyLastSelectedCall = callsignSelected(true); m_txTextDirtyLastText = text; m_txFrameCountEstimate = count; m_txTextDirty = false; updateTextWordCheckerDisplay(); updateTextStatsDisplay(transmitText, count); updateTxButtonDisplay(); #else // prepare selected callsign for directed message QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); // prepare compound QString mycall = m_config.my_callsign(); QString mygrid = m_config.my_grid().left(4); bool forceIdentify = !m_config.avoid_forced_identify(); bool forceData = false; BuildMessageFramesThread *t = new BuildMessageFramesThread( mycall, mygrid, selectedCall, text, forceIdentify, forceData, m_nSubMode ); connect(t, &BuildMessageFramesThread::finished, t, &QObject::deleteLater); connect(t, &BuildMessageFramesThread::resultReady, this, [this, text](QString transmitText, int frames){ // ugh...i hate these globals m_txTextDirtyLastSelectedCall = callsignSelected(true); m_txTextDirtyLastText = text; #if TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN m_txFrameCountEstimate = ui->turboButton->isChecked() ? (int)ceil(float(frames)/TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN_SLOTS) : frames; #else m_txFrameCountEstimate = frames; #endif m_txTextDirty = false; updateTextWordCheckerDisplay(); updateTextStatsDisplay(transmitText, m_txFrameCountEstimate); updateTxButtonDisplay(); }); t->start(); #endif } void MainWindow::updateTextWordCheckerDisplay(){ if(!m_config.spellcheck()){ return; } JSCChecker::checkRange(ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit, 0, -1); } void MainWindow::updateTextStatsDisplay(QString text, int count){ const double fpm = 60.0/m_TRperiod; if(count > 0){ auto words = text.split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts).length(); auto wpm = QString::number(words/(count/fpm), 'f', 1); auto cpm = QString::number(text.length()/(count/fpm), 'f', 1); wpm_label.setText(QString("%1wpm / %2cpm").arg(wpm).arg(cpm)); wpm_label.setVisible(true); } else { wpm_label.setVisible(false); wpm_label.clear(); } } void MainWindow::updateTxButtonDisplay(){ // update transmit button if(m_tune || isMessageQueuedForTransmit()){ int count = m_txFrameCount; #if TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN if(ui->turboButton->isChecked()){ count = qMax(1, (int)ceil(float(count)/TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN_SLOTS)); } int left = m_txFrameQueue.count(); if(ui->turboButton->isChecked()){ left = (int)ceil(float(left)/TEST_FOX_WAVE_GEN_SLOTS); } int sent = qMax(1, count - left); #else int left = m_txFrameQueue.count(); int sent = count - left; #endif QString buttonText; if(m_tune){ buttonText = "Tuning"; } else if(m_transmitting){ auto secondsLeft = (((left + 1) * m_TRperiod) - ((m_sec0 + 1) % m_TRperiod)); auto timeLeft = timeSince(secondsLeft); buttonText = QString("Sending (%1)").arg(timeLeft); } else { auto secondsLeft = sent == 1 ? ((left + 1) * m_TRperiod) : (((left + 2) * m_TRperiod) - ((m_sec0 + 1) % m_TRperiod)); auto timeLeft = timeSince(secondsLeft); buttonText = QString("Ready (%1)").arg(timeLeft); } ui->startTxButton->setText(buttonText); ui->startTxButton->setEnabled(false); ui->startTxButton->setFlat(true); } else { QString buttonText; if(m_txFrameCountEstimate > 0){ auto secondsLeft = m_txFrameCountEstimate * m_TRperiod; auto timeLeft = timeSince(secondsLeft); buttonText = QString("Send (%1)").arg(timeLeft); } else { buttonText = "Send"; } ui->startTxButton->setText(buttonText); ui->startTxButton->setEnabled(m_txFrameCountEstimate > 0); ui->startTxButton->setFlat(false); } } QString MainWindow::callsignSelected(bool useInputText){ if(!ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectedItems().isEmpty()){ auto selectedCalls = ui->tableWidgetCalls->selectedItems(); if(!selectedCalls.isEmpty()){ auto call = selectedCalls.first()->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(); if(!call.isEmpty()){ return call; } } } if(!ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems().isEmpty()){ int selectedOffset = -1; auto selectedItems = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems(); selectedOffset = selectedItems.first()->data(Qt::UserRole).toInt(); auto keys = m_callActivity.keys(); qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), [this](QString const &a, QString const &b){ auto tA = m_callActivity[a].utcTimestamp; auto tB = m_callActivity[b].utcTimestamp; if(tA == tB){ return a < b; } return tB < tA; }); foreach(auto call, keys){ auto d = m_callActivity[call]; if(d.freq == selectedOffset){ return d.call; } } } #if ALLOW_USE_INPUT_TEXT_CALLSIGN if(useInputText){ auto text = ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().left(11); // Maximum callsign is 6 + / + 4 = 11 characters auto calls = Varicode::parseCallsigns(text); if(!calls.isEmpty() && text.startsWith(calls.first()) && calls.first() != m_config.my_callsign()){ return calls.first(); } } #endif return QString(); } void MainWindow::callsignSelectedChanged(QString /*old*/, QString selectedCall){ auto placeholderText = QString("Type your outgoing messages here.").toUpper(); if(selectedCall.isEmpty()){ // try to restore hb if(m_hbPaused){ ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(true); m_hbPaused = false; } } else { placeholderText = QString("Type your outgoing directed message to %1 here.").arg(selectedCall).toUpper(); // when we select a callsign, use it as the qso start time if(!m_callSelectedTime.contains(selectedCall)){ m_callSelectedTime[selectedCall] = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); } if(m_config.heartbeat_qso_pause()){ // TODO: jsherer - HB issue // don't hb if we select a callsign... (but we should keep track so if we deselect, we restore our hb) if(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked()){ ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(false); m_hbPaused = true; } // don't cq if we select a callsign... (and it will not be restored otherwise) if(ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked()){ ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(false); } } } ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->setPlaceholderText(placeholderText); #if SHOW_CALL_DETAIL_BROWSER auto html = generateCallDetail(selectedCall); ui->callDetailTextBrowser->setHtml(html); ui->callDetailTextBrowser->setVisible(!selectedCall.isEmpty() && (!hearing.isEmpty() || !heardby.isEmpty())); #endif // immediately update the display); updateButtonDisplay(); updateTextDisplay(); m_prevSelectedCallsign = selectedCall; } void MainWindow::clearCallsignSelected(){ // remove the date cache m_callSelectedTime.remove(m_prevSelectedCallsign); // remove the callsign selection ui->tableWidgetCalls->clearSelection(); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->clearSelection(); } bool MainWindow::isRecentOffset(int submode, int offset){ if(abs(offset - currentFreqOffset()) <= rxThreshold(submode)){ return true; } return ( m_rxRecentCache.contains(offset/10*10) && m_rxRecentCache[offset/10*10]->secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) < 120 ); } void MainWindow::markOffsetRecent(int offset){ m_rxRecentCache.insert(offset/10*10, new QDateTime(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()), 10); m_rxRecentCache.insert(offset/10*10+10, new QDateTime(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()), 10); } bool MainWindow::isDirectedOffset(int offset, bool *pIsAllCall){ bool isDirected = ( m_rxDirectedCache.contains(offset/10*10) && m_rxDirectedCache[offset/10*10]->date.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) < 120 ); if(isDirected){ if(pIsAllCall) *pIsAllCall = m_rxDirectedCache[offset/10*10]->isAllcall; } return isDirected; } void MainWindow::markOffsetDirected(int offset, bool isAllCall){ CachedDirectedType *d1 = new CachedDirectedType{ isAllCall, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc() }; CachedDirectedType *d2 = new CachedDirectedType{ isAllCall, DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc() }; m_rxDirectedCache.insert(offset/10*10, d1, 10); m_rxDirectedCache.insert(offset/10*10+10, d2, 10); } void MainWindow::clearOffsetDirected(int offset){ m_rxDirectedCache.remove(offset/10*10); m_rxDirectedCache.remove(offset/10*10+10); } bool MainWindow::isMyCallIncluded(const QString &text){ QString myCall = Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign()); if(myCall.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(!text.contains(myCall)){ return false; } auto calls = Varicode::parseCallsigns(text); return calls.contains(myCall) || calls.contains(m_config.my_callsign()); } bool MainWindow::isAllCallIncluded(const QString &text){ return text.contains("@ALLCALL"); } bool MainWindow::isGroupCallIncluded(const QString &text){ return m_config.my_groups().contains(text); } void MainWindow::processActivity(bool force) { if (!m_rxDirty && !force) { return; } // Recent Rx Activity processRxActivity(); // Process Idle Activity processIdleActivity(); // Grouped Compound Activity processCompoundActivity(); // Buffered Activity processBufferedActivity(); // Command Activity processCommandActivity(); // Process PSKReporter Spots processSpots(); m_rxDirty = false; } void MainWindow::observeTimeDeltaForAverage(float delta){ // delta can only be +/- the TR period delta = qMax(-(float)m_TRperiod, qMin(delta, (float)m_TRperiod)); // compute average drift if(m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N == 0){ m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N++; m_timeDeltaMsMMA = (int)(delta*1000); } else { m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N++; m_timeDeltaMsMMA = (((m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N-1)*m_timeDeltaMsMMA) + (int)(delta*1000))/ min(m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N, 100); } // display average if(m_timeDeltaMsMMA < -(float)m_TRperiod || m_timeDeltaMsMMA > (float)m_TRperiod){ resetTimeDeltaAverage(); } ui->driftAvgLabel->setText(QString("Avg Time Delta: %1 ms").arg((int)m_timeDeltaMsMMA)); } void MainWindow::resetTimeDeltaAverage(){ m_timeDeltaMsMMA = 0; m_timeDeltaMsMMA_N = 0; // observe zero for reset observeTimeDeltaForAverage(0); } void MainWindow::processIdleActivity() { auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); // if we detect an idle offset, insert an ellipsis into the activity queue and band activity foreach(auto offset, m_bandActivity.keys()){ auto details = m_bandActivity[offset]; if(details.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto last = details.last(); if((last.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast){ continue; } if(last.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) < computePeriodForSubmode(last.submode)){ continue; } if(last.text == " . . . "){ continue; } ActivityDetail d = {}; d.text = " . . . "; d.isFree = true; d.utcTimestamp = last.utcTimestamp; d.snr = last.snr; d.tdrift = last.tdrift; d.freq = last.freq; d.submode = last.submode; if(hasExistingMessageBuffer(d.submode, offset, false, nullptr)){ m_messageBuffer[offset].msgs.append(d); } m_rxActivityQueue.append(d); m_bandActivity[offset].append(d); } } void MainWindow::processRxActivity() { if(m_rxActivityQueue.isEmpty()){ return; } int freqOffset = currentFreqOffset(); qDebug() << m_messageBuffer.count() << "message buffers open"; while (!m_rxActivityQueue.isEmpty()) { ActivityDetail d = m_rxActivityQueue.dequeue(); observeTimeDeltaForAverage(d.tdrift); // use the actual frequency and check its delta from our current frequency // meaning, if our current offset is 1502 and the d.freq is 1492, the delta is <= 10; bool shouldDisplay = abs(d.freq - freqOffset) <= rxThreshold(d.submode); int prevOffset = d.freq; if(hasExistingMessageBuffer(d.submode, d.freq, false, &prevOffset) && ( (m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].cmd.to == m_config.my_callsign()) || // (isAllCallIncluded(m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].cmd.to)) || // uncomment this if we want to incrementally print allcalls (isGroupCallIncluded(m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].cmd.to)) ) ){ d.isBuffered = true; shouldDisplay = true; if(!m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].compound.isEmpty()){ //qDebug() << "should display compound too because at this point it hasn't been displayed" << m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].compound.last().call; auto lastCompound = m_messageBuffer[prevOffset].compound.last(); // fixup compound call incremental text d.text = QString("%1: %2").arg(lastCompound.call).arg(d.text); d.utcTimestamp = qMin(d.utcTimestamp, lastCompound.utcTimestamp); } } else if(hasClosedExistingMessageBuffer(d.freq)){ // incremental typeahead should just be displayed... // TODO: should the buffer be reopened? shouldDisplay = true; } else if(d.isDirected && d.text.contains("<....>")){ // if this is a _partial_ directed message, skip until the complete call comes through. continue; } else if(d.isDirected && d.text.contains(": HB ")){ // TODO: HEARTBEAT // if this is a heartbeat, process elsewhere... continue; } // if this is the first data frame of a standard message, parse the first word callsigns and spot them :) if((d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallFirst) == Varicode::JS8CallFirst && !d.isDirected && !d.isCompound){ auto calls = Varicode::parseCallsigns(d.text); if(!calls.isEmpty()){ auto theirCall = calls.first(); if(d.text.startsWith(theirCall) && d.text.mid(theirCall.length(), 1) == ":"){ CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = theirCall; cd.freq = d.freq; cd.snr = d.snr; cd.bits = d.bits; cd.tdrift = d.tdrift; cd.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; cd.submode = d.submode; logCallActivity(cd, true); } } } // TODO: incremental printing of directed messages // Display if: // 1) this is a directed message header "to" us and should be buffered... // 2) or, this is a buffered message frame for a buffer with us as the recipient. if(!shouldDisplay){ continue; } bool isFirst = (d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallFirst) == Varicode::JS8CallFirst; bool isLast = (d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast; // if we're the last message, let's display our EOT character if (isLast) { d.text = QString("%1 %2 ").arg(Varicode::rstrip(d.text)).arg(m_config.eot()); } // log it to the display! displayTextForFreq(d.text, d.freq, d.utcTimestamp, false, isFirst, isLast); // if we've received a message to be displayed, we should bump the repeat buttons... resetAutomaticIntervalTransmissions(true, false); if(isLast){ clearOffsetDirected(d.freq); } if(isLast && !d.isBuffered){ // buffered commands need the rxFrameBlockNumbers cache so it can fixup its display // all other "last" data frames can clear the rxFrameBlockNumbers cache so the next message will be on a new line. m_rxFrameBlockNumbers.remove(d.freq); } } #if 0 // TODO: this works but should also print in the rx window. foreach(auto offset, m_bandActivity.keys()){ if(seen.contains(offset)){ continue; } if(m_bandActivity[offset].isEmpty()){ continue; } auto last = m_bandActivity[offset].last(); if((last.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast){ continue; } auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); if(last.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) < m_TRperiod){ continue; } ActivityDetail d = {}; d.text = " . . . "; d.isFree = true; d.utcTimestamp = now; d.snr = -99; m_bandActivity[offset].append(d); } #endif } void MainWindow::processCompoundActivity() { if(m_messageBuffer.isEmpty()){ return; } // group compound callsign and directed commands together. foreach(auto freq, m_messageBuffer.keys()) { QMap < int, MessageBuffer > ::iterator i = m_messageBuffer.find(freq); MessageBuffer & buffer = i.value(); qDebug() << "-> grouping buffer for freq" << freq; if (buffer.compound.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "-> buffer.compound is empty...skip"; continue; } // if we don't have an initialized command, skip... int bits = buffer.cmd.bits; bool validBits = ( bits == Varicode::JS8Call || ((bits & Varicode::JS8CallFirst) == Varicode::JS8CallFirst) || ((bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast) || ((bits & Varicode::JS8CallData) == Varicode::JS8CallData) ); if (!validBits) { qDebug() << "-> buffer.cmd bits is invalid...skip"; continue; } // if we need two compound calls, but less than two have arrived...skip if (buffer.cmd.from == "<....>" && buffer.cmd.to == "<....>" && buffer.compound.length() < 2) { qDebug() << "-> buffer needs two compound, but has less...skip"; continue; } // if we need one compound call, but non have arrived...skip if ((buffer.cmd.from == "<....>" || buffer.cmd.to == "<....>") && buffer.compound.length() < 1) { qDebug() << "-> buffer needs one compound, but has less...skip"; continue; } if (buffer.cmd.from == "<....>") { auto d = buffer.compound.dequeue(); buffer.cmd.from = d.call; buffer.cmd.grid = d.grid; buffer.cmd.isCompound = true; buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp = qMin(buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp, d.utcTimestamp); if ((d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast) { buffer.cmd.bits = d.bits; } } if (buffer.cmd.to == "<....>") { auto d = buffer.compound.dequeue(); buffer.cmd.to = d.call; buffer.cmd.isCompound = true; buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp = qMin(buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp, d.utcTimestamp); if ((d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast) { buffer.cmd.bits = d.bits; } } if ((buffer.cmd.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) != Varicode::JS8CallLast) { qDebug() << "-> still not last message...skip"; continue; } // fixup the datetime with the "minimum" dt seen // this will allow us to delete the activity lines // when the compound buffered command comes in. auto dt = buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp; foreach(auto c, buffer.compound){ dt = qMin(dt, c.utcTimestamp); } foreach(auto m, buffer.msgs){ dt = qMin(dt, m.utcTimestamp); } buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp = dt; qDebug() << "buffered compound command ready" << buffer.cmd.from << buffer.cmd.to << buffer.cmd.cmd; m_rxCommandQueue.append(buffer.cmd); m_messageBuffer.remove(freq); // TODO: only if to me? m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset = freq; } } void MainWindow::processBufferedActivity() { if(m_messageBuffer.isEmpty()){ return; } foreach(auto freq, m_messageBuffer.keys()) { auto buffer = m_messageBuffer[freq]; // check to make sure we empty old buffers by getting the latest timestamp // and checking to see if it's older than one minute. auto dt = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addDays(-1); if(buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp.isValid()){ dt = qMax(dt, buffer.cmd.utcTimestamp); } if(!buffer.compound.isEmpty()){ dt = qMax(dt, buffer.compound.last().utcTimestamp); } if(!buffer.msgs.isEmpty()){ dt = qMax(dt, buffer.msgs.last().utcTimestamp); } // if the buffer has messages older than 1 minute, and we still haven't closed it, let's mark it as the last frame if(dt.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) > 60 && !buffer.msgs.isEmpty()){ buffer.msgs.last().bits |= Varicode::JS8CallLast; } // but, if the buffer is older than 1.5 minutes, and we still haven't closed it, just remove it and skip if(dt.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) > 90){ m_messageBuffer.remove(freq); continue; } // if the buffer has no messages, skip if (buffer.msgs.isEmpty()) { continue; } // if the buffered message hasn't seen the last message, skip if ((buffer.msgs.last().bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) != Varicode::JS8CallLast) { continue; } QString message; foreach(auto part, buffer.msgs) { message.append(part.text); } message = Varicode::rstrip(message); QString checksum; bool valid = false; if(Varicode::isCommandBuffered(buffer.cmd.cmd)){ int checksumSize = Varicode::isCommandChecksumed(buffer.cmd.cmd); if(checksumSize == 32) { message = Varicode::lstrip(message); checksum = message.right(6); message = message.left(message.length() - 7); valid = Varicode::checksum32Valid(checksum, message); } else if(checksumSize == 16) { message = Varicode::lstrip(message); checksum = message.right(3); message = message.left(message.length() - 4); valid = Varicode::checksum16Valid(checksum, message); } else if (checksumSize == 0) { valid = true; } } else { valid = true; } if (valid) { buffer.cmd.bits |= Varicode::JS8CallLast; buffer.cmd.text = message; buffer.cmd.isBuffered = true; m_rxCommandQueue.append(buffer.cmd); } else { qDebug() << "Buffered message failed checksum...discarding"; qDebug() << "Checksum:" << checksum; qDebug() << "Message:" << message; } // regardless of valid or not, remove the "complete" buffered message from the buffer cache m_messageBuffer.remove(freq); m_lastClosedMessageBufferOffset = freq; } } QString MainWindow::generateStatus() { auto lastActive = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-m_idleMinutes*60); QString lastActiveString = since(lastActive).toUpper().replace("NOW", "0M"); QStringList status; status.append(generateStatusFlags()); if(!lastActiveString.isEmpty()){ status.append(lastActiveString.trimmed()); } status.append("V" + version().replace("-devel", "").replace("-rc", "")); return status.join(" ").trimmed(); } QStringList MainWindow::generateStatusFlags() { QStringList flags; if(ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() && m_hbInterval > 0){ flags.append("HB"); } if(ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked()){ flags.append("AUTO"); } if(ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() && !m_config.relay_off()){ flags.append("RELAY"); } if(m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()){ flags.append("SPOT"); } return flags; } void MainWindow::processCommandActivity() { #if 0 if (!m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } #endif if (m_rxCommandQueue.isEmpty()) { return; } #if 0 bool processed = false; int f = currentFreq(); #endif auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); while (!m_rxCommandQueue.isEmpty()) { auto d = m_rxCommandQueue.dequeue(); auto selectedCallsign = callsignSelected(); bool isAllCall = isAllCallIncluded(d.to); bool isGroupCall = isGroupCallIncluded(d.to); qDebug() << "try processing command" << d.from << d.to << d.cmd << d.freq << d.grid << d.extra << isAllCall << isGroupCall; // if we need a compound callsign but never got one...skip if (d.from == "<....>" || d.to == "<....>") { continue; } // we're only processing a subset of queries at this point if (!Varicode::isCommandAllowed(d.cmd)) { continue; } // is this to me? bool toMe = d.to == m_config.my_callsign().trimmed() || d.to == Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign()).trimmed(); // log call activity... CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = d.from; cd.grid = d.grid; cd.snr = d.snr; cd.freq = d.freq; cd.bits = d.bits; cd.ackTimestamp = d.text.contains(": ACK") || toMe ? d.utcTimestamp : QDateTime{}; cd.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; cd.tdrift = d.tdrift; cd.submode = d.submode; logCallActivity(cd, true); logHeardGraph(d.from, d.to); // PROCESS BUFFERED HEARING FOR EVERYONE if (d.cmd == " HEARING"){ // 1. parse callsigns // 2. log it to the heard graph auto calls = Varicode::parseCallsigns(d.text); foreach(auto call, calls){ logHeardGraph(d.from, call); } } // PROCESS BUFFERED GRID FOR EVERYONE if(d.cmd == " GRID"){ // 1. parse grids // 2. log it to our call activity auto grids = Varicode::parseGrids(d.text); foreach(auto grid, grids){ CallDetail cd = {}; cd.bits = d.bits; cd.call = d.from; cd.freq = d.freq; cd.grid = grid; cd.snr = d.snr; cd.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; cd.tdrift = d.tdrift; cd.submode = d.submode; if(d.to == "@APRSIS"){ m_aprsCallCache.remove(cd.call); m_aprsCallCache.remove(APRSISClient::replaceCallsignSuffixWithSSID(cd.call, Radio::base_callsign(cd.call))); } logCallActivity(cd, true); } } // PROCESS @JS8NET SPOTS FOR EVERYONE if (d.to == "@JS8NET"){ spotCmd(d); } // PROCESS @APRSIS MSG SPOTS FOR EVERYONE if (d.to == "@APRSIS"){ spotAPRSMsg(d); } // PREPARE CMD TEXT STRING QStringList textList = { QString("%1: %2%3").arg(d.from).arg(d.to).arg(d.cmd) }; if(!d.extra.isEmpty()){ textList.append(d.extra); } if(!d.text.isEmpty()){ textList.append(d.text); } QString text = textList.join(" "); bool isLast = (d.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast; if (isLast) { // append the eot character to the text text = QString("%1 %2 ").arg(Varicode::rstrip(text)).arg(m_config.eot()); } // log the text to directed txt log writeMsgTxt(text, d.snr); // we're only responding to allcalls if we are participating in the allcall group // but, don't avoid for heartbeats...those are technically allcalls but are processed differently if(isAllCall && m_config.avoid_allcall() && d.cmd != " HB"){ continue; } // we're only responding to allcall, groupcalls, and our callsign at this point, so we'll end after logging the callsigns we've heard if (!isAllCall && !toMe && !isGroupCall) { continue; } ActivityDetail ad = {}; ad.isLowConfidence = false; ad.isFree = true; ad.isDirected = true; ad.bits = d.bits; ad.freq = d.freq; ad.snr = d.snr; ad.text = text; ad.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; // we'd be double printing here if were on frequency, so let's be "smart" about this... bool shouldDisplay = true; // don't display ping allcalls if(isAllCall && (d.cmd != " " || ad.text.contains(": HB "))){ shouldDisplay = false; } if(shouldDisplay){ auto c = ui->textEditRX->textCursor(); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::End); ui->textEditRX->setTextCursor(c); // ACKs are the most likely source of items to be overwritten (multiple responses at once)... // so don't overwrite those (i.e., print each on a new line) bool shouldOverwrite = (!d.cmd.contains(" ACK")); /* && isRecentOffset(d.freq);*/ if(shouldOverwrite && ui->textEditRX->find(d.utcTimestamp.time().toString(), QTextDocument::FindBackward)){ // ... maybe we could delete the last line that had this message on this frequency... c = ui->textEditRX->textCursor(); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::StartOfBlock); c.movePosition(QTextCursor::EndOfBlock, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); qDebug() << "should display directed message, erasing last rx activity line..." << c.selectedText().toUpper(); c.removeSelectedText(); c.deletePreviousChar(); c.deletePreviousChar(); /* c.deleteChar(); c.deleteChar(); */ } // log it to the display! displayTextForFreq(ad.text, ad.freq, ad.utcTimestamp, false, true, false); // and send it to the network in case we want to interact with it from an external app... sendNetworkMessage("RX.DIRECTED", ad.text, { {"FROM", QVariant(d.from)}, {"TO", QVariant(d.to)}, {"CMD", QVariant(d.cmd)}, {"GRID", QVariant(d.grid)}, {"EXTRA", QVariant(d.extra)}, {"TEXT", QVariant(d.text)}, {"FREQ", QVariant(ad.freq)}, {"SNR", QVariant(ad.snr)}, {"UTC", QVariant(ad.utcTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch())} }); if(!isAllCall){ // if we've received a message to be displayed, we should bump the repeat buttons... resetAutomaticIntervalTransmissions(true, false); // notification for directed message tryNotify("directed"); } } // we're only responding to callsigns in our whitelist if we have one defined... // make sure the whitelist is empty (no restrictions) or the from callsign or its base callsign is on it auto whitelist = m_config.auto_whitelist(); if(!whitelist.isEmpty() && !(whitelist.contains(d.from) || whitelist.contains(Radio::base_callsign(d.from)))){ qDebug() << "skipping command for whitelist" << d.from; continue; } // we'll never reply to a blacklisted callsign or base callsign auto blacklist = m_config.auto_blacklist(); if(!blacklist.isEmpty() && (blacklist.contains(d.from) || blacklist.contains(Radio::base_callsign(d.from)))){ qDebug() << "skipping command for blacklist" << d.from; continue; } // if this is an allcall, check to make sure we haven't replied to their allcall recently (in the past ten minutes) // that way we never get spammed by allcalls at too high of a frequency if (isAllCall && m_txAllcallCommandCache.contains(d.from) && m_txAllcallCommandCache[d.from]->secsTo(now) / 60 < 15) { qDebug() << "skipping command for allcall timeout" << d.from; continue; } // don't actually process any automatic message replies while in idle if(m_tx_watchdog){ qDebug() << "skipping command for idle timeout" << d.from; continue; } // HACK: if this is an autoreply cmd and relay path is populated and cmd is not MSG or MSG TO:, then swap out the relay path if(Varicode::isCommandAutoreply(d.cmd) && !d.relayPath.isEmpty() && !d.cmd.startsWith(" MSG") && !d.cmd.startsWith(" QUERY")){ d.from = d.relayPath; } // construct a reply, if needed QString reply; int priority = PriorityNormal; int freq = -1; // QUERIED SNR if (d.cmd == " SNR?" && !isAllCall) { reply = QString("%1 SNR %2").arg(d.from).arg(Varicode::formatSNR(d.snr)); } // QUERIED INFO else if (d.cmd == " INFO?" && !isAllCall) { QString info = m_config.my_info(); if (info.isEmpty()) { continue; } reply = QString("%1 INFO %2").arg(d.from).arg(replaceMacros(info, buildMacroValues(), true)); } // QUERIED ACTIVE else if (d.cmd == " STATUS?" && !isAllCall) { reply = QString("%1 STATUS %2").arg(d.from).arg(generateStatus()); } // QUERIED GRID else if (d.cmd == " GRID?" && !isAllCall) { QString grid = m_config.my_grid(); if (grid.isEmpty()) { continue; } reply = QString("%1 GRID %2").arg(d.from).arg(grid); } // QUERIED STATIONS HEARD else if (d.cmd == " HEARING?" && !isAllCall) { int i = 0; int maxStations = 4; auto calls = m_callActivity.keys(); qStableSort(calls.begin(), calls.end(), [this](QString const & a, QString const & b) { auto left = m_callActivity[a]; auto right = m_callActivity[b]; return right.utcTimestamp < left.utcTimestamp; }); QStringList lines; int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); foreach(auto call, calls) { if (i >= maxStations) { break; } if(call == d.from){ continue; } auto cd = m_callActivity[call]; if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } lines.append(cd.call); i++; } lines.prepend(QString("%1 HEARING").arg(d.from)); reply = lines.join(' '); } // PROCESS RELAY else if (d.cmd == ">" && !isAllCall && !m_config.relay_off()) { // 1. see if there are any more hops to process // 2. if so, forward // 3. otherwise, display alert & reply dialog QString callToPattern = {R"(^(?\b(?[A-Z0-9]{1,4}\/)?(?([0-9A-Z])?([0-9A-Z])([0-9])([A-Z])?([A-Z])?([A-Z])?)(?\/[A-Z0-9]{1,4})?(?[> ]))\b)"}; QRegularExpression re(callToPattern); auto text = d.text; auto match = re.match(text); // if the text starts with a callsign, and relay is not disabled, and this is not a group callsign, then relay. if(match.hasMatch() && !isGroupCall){ // replace freetext with relayed free text if(match.captured("type") != ">"){ text = text.replace(match.capturedStart("type"), match.capturedLength("type"), ">"); } reply = QString("%1 *DE* %2").arg(text).arg(d.from); // otherwise, as long as we're not an ACK...alert the user and either send an ACK or Message } else if(!d.text.startsWith("ACK")) { // parse out the callsign path auto calls = parseRelayPathCallsigns(d.from, d.text); // put these third party calls in the heard list foreach(auto call, calls){ CallDetail cd = {}; cd.call = call; cd.snr = -64; cd.freq = d.freq; cd.through = d.from; cd.utcTimestamp = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); cd.tdrift = d.tdrift; cd.submode = d.submode; logCallActivity(cd, false); } d.relayPath = calls.join('>'); reply = QString("%1 ACK").arg(d.relayPath); // check to see if the relay text contains a command that should be replied to instead of an ack. QStringList relayedCmds = d.text.split(" "); if(!relayedCmds.isEmpty()){ auto first = relayedCmds.first(); auto valid = Varicode::isCommandAllowed(first); if(!valid){ first = " " + first; valid = Varicode::isCommandAllowed(first); if(valid){ relayedCmds.removeFirst(); } } // HACK: "MSG TO:" should be supported but contains a space :( if(!relayedCmds.isEmpty()){ if(first == " MSG"){ auto second = relayedCmds.first(); if(second == "TO:"){ first = " MSG TO:"; relayedCmds.removeFirst(); } else if(second.startsWith("TO:")){ first = " MSG TO:"; relayedCmds.replace(0, second.mid(3)); } } else if (first == " QUERY"){ auto second = relayedCmds.first(); if(second == "MSGS" || second == "MSGS?"){ first = " QUERY MSGS"; relayedCmds.removeFirst(); } else if(second == "CALL"){ first = " QUERY CALL"; relayedCmds.removeFirst(); } } } if(Varicode::isCommandAllowed(first) && Varicode::isCommandAutoreply(first)){ CommandDetail rd = {}; rd.bits = d.bits; rd.cmd = first; rd.freq = d.freq; rd.from = d.from; // note, MSG and QUERY commands are not set with from as the relay path. rd.relayPath = d.relayPath; rd.text = relayedCmds.join(" "); //d.text; rd.to = d.to; rd.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; m_rxCommandQueue.insert(0, rd); continue; } } #if STORE_RELAY_MSGS_TO_INBOX // if we make it here, this is a message addCommandToMyInbox(d); #endif } } // PROCESS MESSAGE STORAGE else if (d.cmd == " MSG TO:" && !isAllCall && !isGroupCall && !m_config.relay_off()){ // store message QStringList segs = d.text.split(" "); if(segs.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto to = segs.first(); segs.removeFirst(); auto text = segs.join(" ").trimmed(); auto calls = parseRelayPathCallsigns(d.from, text); d.relayPath = calls.join(">"); CommandDetail cd = {}; cd.bits = d.bits; cd.cmd = d.cmd; cd.extra = d.extra; cd.freq = d.freq; cd.from = d.from; cd.grid = d.grid; cd.relayPath = d.relayPath; cd.snr = d.snr; cd.tdrift = d.tdrift; cd.text = text; cd.to = Radio::base_callsign(to); cd.utcTimestamp = d.utcTimestamp; cd.submode = d.submode; qDebug() << "storing message to" << to << ":" << text; addCommandToStorage("STORE", cd); // we haven't replaced the from with the relay path, so we have to use it for the ack if there is one reply = QString("%1 ACK").arg(calls.length() > 1 ? d.relayPath : d.from); } // PROCESS AGN else if (d.cmd == " AGN?" && !isAllCall && !isGroupCall && !m_lastTxMessage.isEmpty()) { reply = Varicode::rstrip(m_lastTxMessage); } // PROCESS ACTIVE HEARTBEAT // if we have hb mode enabled and auto reply enabled and auto ack enabled and no callsign is selected update: if we're in HB mode, doesn't matter if a callsign is selected. else if (d.cmd == " HB" && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isEnabled() && ui->actionModeJS8HB->isChecked() && ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() && ui->actionHeartbeatAcknowledgements->isChecked()){ // check to make sure we aren't pausing HB transmissions (ACKs) while a callsign is selected if(m_config.heartbeat_qso_pause() && !selectedCallsign.isEmpty()){ qDebug() << "hb paused during qso"; continue; } // check to make sure this callsign isn't blacklisted if(m_config.hb_blacklist().contains(d.from) || m_config.hb_blacklist().contains(Radio::base_callsign(d.from))){ qDebug() << "hb blacklist blocking" << d.from; continue; } // check to see if we have a message for a station who is heartbeating QString extra; auto mid = getNextMessageIdForCallsign(d.from); if(mid != -1){ extra = QString("MSG ID %1").arg(mid); } sendHeartbeatAck(d.from, d.snr, extra); if(isAllCall){ // since all pings are technically @ALLCALL, let's bump the allcall cache here... m_txAllcallCommandCache.insert(d.from, new QDateTime(now), 5); } continue; } // PROCESS MSG else if (d.cmd == " MSG" && !isAllCall){ auto text = d.text; qDebug() << "adding message to inbox" << text; auto calls = parseRelayPathCallsigns(d.from, text); d.cmd = " MSG "; d.relayPath = calls.join(">"); d.text = text; addCommandToMyInbox(d); // notification tryNotify("inbox"); // we haven't replaced the from with the relay path, so we have to use it for the ack if there is one reply = QString("%1 ACK").arg(calls.length() > 1 ? d.relayPath : d.from); #define SHOW_ALERT_FOR_MSG 1 #if SHOW_ALERT_FOR_MSG SelfDestructMessageBox * m = new SelfDestructMessageBox(300, "New Message Received", QString("A new message was received at %1 UTC from %2").arg(d.utcTimestamp.time().toString()).arg(d.from), QMessageBox::Information, QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok, false, this); m->show(); #endif } // PROCESS ACKS else if (d.cmd == " ACK" && !isAllCall){ qDebug() << "skipping incoming ack" << d.text; // notification for ack tryNotify("ack"); // make sure this is explicit continue; } // PROCESS NACKS else if (d.cmd == " NACK" && !isAllCall){ qDebug() << "skipping incoming nack" << d.text; // make sure this is explicit continue; } // PROCESS BUFFERED CMD else if (d.cmd == " CMD" && !isAllCall){ qDebug() << "skipping incoming command" << d.text; // make sure this is explicit continue; } // PROCESS BUFFERED QUERY else if (d.cmd == " QUERY" && !isAllCall){ auto who = d.from; // keep in mind, this is the sender, not the original requestor if relayed auto replyPath = d.from; if(d.relayPath.contains(">")){ auto path = d.relayPath.split(">"); who = path.last(); replyPath = d.relayPath; } QStringList segs = d.text.split(" "); if(segs.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto cmd = segs.first(); segs.removeFirst(); if(cmd == "MSG" && !segs.isEmpty()){ auto inbox = Inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ continue; } bool ok = false; int mid = QString(segs.first()).toInt(&ok); if(!ok){ continue; } auto msg = inbox.value(mid); auto params = msg.params(); if(params.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto from = params.value("FROM").toString().trimmed(); auto to = params.value("TO").toString().trimmed(); if(to != who && to != Radio::base_callsign(who)){ continue; } auto text = params.value("TEXT").toString().trimmed(); if(text.isEmpty()){ continue; } // mark as delivered (so subsequent HBs and QUERY MSGS don't receive this message) msg.setType("DELIVERED"); inbox.set(mid, msg); // and reply reply = QString("%1 MSG %2 FROM %3"); reply = reply.arg(replyPath); reply = reply.arg(text); reply = reply.arg(from); } } // PROCESS BUFFERED QUERY MSGS else if (d.cmd == " QUERY MSGS" && ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked()){ auto who = d.from; // keep in mind, this is the sender, not the original requestor if relayed auto replyPath = d.from; if(d.relayPath.contains(">")){ auto path = d.relayPath.split(">"); who = path.last(); replyPath = d.relayPath; } // if this is an allcall or a directed call, check to see if we have a stored message for user. // we reply yes if the user would be able to retreive a stored message auto mid = getNextMessageIdForCallsign(who); if(mid != -1){ reply = QString("%1 YES MSG ID %2").arg(replyPath).arg(mid); } // if this is not an allcall and we have no messages, reply no. if(!isAllCall && reply.isEmpty()){ reply = QString("%1 NO").arg(replyPath); } } // PROCESS BUFFERED QUERY CALL else if (d.cmd == " QUERY CALL" && ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked()){ auto replyPath = d.from; if(d.relayPath.contains(">")){ replyPath = d.relayPath; } auto who = d.text; if(who.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto callsigns = Varicode::parseCallsigns(who); if(callsigns.isEmpty()){ continue; } QStringList replies; int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); auto baseCall = callsigns.first(); foreach(auto cd, m_callActivity.values()){ if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } if(baseCall == cd.call || baseCall == Radio::base_callsign(cd.call)){ auto r = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(Varicode::formatSNR(cd.snr)).arg(since(cd.utcTimestamp)).trimmed(); replies.append(r); break; } } if(!replies.isEmpty()){ replies.prepend(QString("%1 YES").arg(replyPath)); } reply = replies.join(" "); if(!reply.isEmpty()){ if(isAllCall){ m_txAllcallCommandCache.insert(d.from, new QDateTime(now), 25); } } } #if 0 // PROCESS ALERT else if (d.cmd == "!" && !isAllCall) { // create alert dialog processAlertReplyForCommand(d, d.from, " "); // make sure this is explicit continue; } #endif // well, if there's no reply, don't do anything... if (reply.isEmpty()) { continue; } // do not queue @ALLCALL replies if auto-reply is not checked if(!ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() && isAllCall){ continue; } #if 0 // TODO: jsherer - HB issue here // do not queue a reply if it's a HB and HB is not active // if((!ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked() || m_hbInterval <= 0) && d.cmd.contains("HB")){ // continue; // } #endif // do not queue for reply if there's text in the window if(!ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty()){ continue; } // do not queue for reply if there's a buffer open to us int bufferOffset = 0; if(hasExistingMessageBufferToMe(&bufferOffset)){ qDebug() << "skipping reply due to open buffer" << bufferOffset << m_messageBuffer.count(); continue; } // add @ALLCALLs to the @ALLCALL cache if(isAllCall){ m_txAllcallCommandCache.insert(d.from, new QDateTime(now), 25); } // queue the reply here to be sent when a free interval is available on the frequency that was sent // unless, this is an allcall, to which we should be responding on a clear frequency offset // we always want to make sure that the directed cache has been updated at this point so we have the // most information available to make a frequency selection. enqueueMessage(priority, reply, freq, nullptr); } } QString MainWindow::inboxPath(){ return QDir::toNativeSeparators(m_config.writeable_data_dir().absoluteFilePath("inbox.db3")); } void MainWindow::refreshInboxCounts(){ auto inbox = Inbox(inboxPath()); if(inbox.open()){ // reset inbox counts m_rxInboxCountCache.clear(); // compute new counts from db auto v = inbox.values("UNREAD", "$", "%", 0, 10000); foreach(auto pair, v){ auto params = pair.second.params(); auto to = params.value("TO").toString(); if(to.isEmpty() || (to != m_config.my_callsign() && to != Radio::base_callsign(m_config.my_callsign()))){ continue; } auto from = params.value("FROM").toString(); if(from.isEmpty()){ continue; } m_rxInboxCountCache[from] = m_rxInboxCountCache.value(from, 0) + 1; if(!m_callActivity.contains(from)){ auto utc = params.value("UTC").toString(); auto snr = params.value("SNR").toInt(); auto freq = params.value("OFFSET").toInt(); auto tdrift = params.value("TDRIFT").toInt(); auto submode = params.value("SUBMODE").toInt(); CallDetail cd; cd.call = from; cd.snr = snr; cd.freq = freq; cd.tdrift = tdrift; cd.utcTimestamp = QDateTime::fromString(utc, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); cd.utcTimestamp.setUtcOffset(0); cd.ackTimestamp = cd.utcTimestamp; cd.submode = submode; logCallActivity(cd, false); } } } } bool MainWindow::hasMessageHistory(QString call){ auto inbox = Inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ return false; } int store = inbox.count("STORE", "$.params.TO", call); int unread = inbox.count("UNREAD", "$.params.FROM", call); int read = inbox.count("READ", "$.params.FROM", call); return (store + unread + read) > 0; } int MainWindow::addCommandToMyInbox(CommandDetail d){ // local cache for inbox count m_rxInboxCountCache[d.from] = m_rxInboxCountCache.value(d.from, 0) + 1; // add it to my unread inbox return addCommandToStorage("UNREAD", d); } int MainWindow::addCommandToStorage(QString type, CommandDetail d){ // inbox: auto inbox = Inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ return -1; } auto df = dialFrequency(); QMap v = { {"UTC", QVariant(d.utcTimestamp.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"))}, {"TO", QVariant(d.to)}, {"FROM", QVariant(d.from)}, {"PATH", QVariant(d.relayPath)}, {"DIAL", QVariant((quint64)df)}, {"TDRIFT", QVariant(d.tdrift)}, {"OFFSET", QVariant(d.freq)}, {"CMD", QVariant(d.cmd)}, {"SNR", QVariant(d.snr)}, {"SUBMODE", QVariant(d.submode)}, }; if(!d.grid.isEmpty()){ v["GRID"] = QVariant(d.grid); } if(!d.extra.isEmpty()){ v["EXTRA"] = QVariant(d.extra); } if(!d.text.isEmpty()){ v["TEXT"] = QVariant(d.text); } auto m = Message(type, "", v); return inbox.append(m); } int MainWindow::getNextMessageIdForCallsign(QString callsign){ auto inbox = Inbox(inboxPath()); if(!inbox.open()){ return -1; } auto v1 = inbox.values("STORE", "$.params.TO", callsign, 0, 10); foreach(auto pair, v1){ auto params = pair.second.params(); auto text = params.value("TEXT").toString().trimmed(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ return pair.first; } } auto v2 = inbox.values("STORE", "$.params.TO", Radio::base_callsign(callsign), 0, 10); foreach(auto pair, v2){ auto params = pair.second.params(); auto text = params.value("TEXT").toString().trimmed(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ return pair.first; } } return -1; } QStringList MainWindow::parseRelayPathCallsigns(QString from, QString text){ QStringList calls; QString callDePattern = {R"(\s([*]DE[*]|VIA)\s(?\b(?[A-Z0-9]{1,4}\/)?(?([0-9A-Z])?([0-9A-Z])([0-9])([A-Z])?([A-Z])?([A-Z])?)(?\/[A-Z0-9]{1,4})?)\b)"}; QRegularExpression re(callDePattern); auto iter = re.globalMatch(text); while(iter.hasNext()){ auto match = iter.next(); calls.prepend(match.captured("callsign")); } calls.prepend(from); return calls; } void MainWindow::processSpots() { if(!m_config.spot_to_reporting_networks()){ m_rxCallQueue.clear(); return; } if(m_rxCallQueue.isEmpty()){ return; } // Is it ok to post spots to PSKReporter? int nsec = DriftingDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch() / 1000 - m_secBandChanged; bool okToPost = (nsec > (4 * m_TRperiod) / 5); if (!okToPost) { return; } // Get the dial frequency to report auto dial = dialFrequency(); while(!m_rxCallQueue.isEmpty()){ CallDetail d = m_rxCallQueue.dequeue(); if(d.call.isEmpty()){ continue; } qDebug() << "spotting call to reporting networks" << d.call << d.snr << d.freq; spotReport(d.freq, d.snr, d.call, d.grid); pskLogReport("JS8", d.freq, d.snr, d.call, d.grid); aprsLogReport(d.freq, d.snr, d.call, d.grid); sendNetworkMessage("RX.SPOT", "", { {"DIAL", QVariant(dial)}, {"OFFSET", QVariant(d.freq)}, {"CALL", QVariant(d.call)}, {"SNR", QVariant(d.snr)}, {"GRID", QVariant(d.grid)}, }); } } void MainWindow::processTxQueue(){ #if IDLE_BLOCKS_TX if(m_tx_watchdog){ return; } #endif if(m_txMessageQueue.isEmpty()){ return; } // grab the next message... auto head = m_txMessageQueue.head(); // decide if it's ok to transmit... int f = head.freq; if(f == -1){ f = currentFreqOffset(); } // we need a valid frequency... if(f <= 0){ return; } // tx frame queue needs to be empty... if(!m_txFrameQueue.isEmpty()){ return; } // our message box needs to be empty... if(!ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText().isEmpty()){ return; } // and if we are a low priority message, we need to have not transmitted in the past 30 seconds... if(head.priority <= PriorityLow && m_lastTxStartTime.secsTo(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) <= 30){ return; } // if so... dequeue the next message from the queue... auto message = m_txMessageQueue.dequeue(); // add the message to the outgoing message text box addMessageText(message.message, true); // check to see if this is a high priority message, or if we have autoreply enabled, or if this is a ping and the ping button is enabled if(message.priority >= PriorityHigh || message.message.contains(" HB ") || message.message.contains(" ACK ") || ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked() ){ // then try to set the frequency... setFreqOffsetForRestore(f, true); // then prepare to transmit... toggleTx(true); } if(message.callback){ message.callback(); } } void MainWindow::displayActivity(bool force) { if (!m_rxDisplayDirty && !force) { return; } // Band Activity displayBandActivity(); // Call Activity displayCallActivity(); m_rxDisplayDirty = false; } // updateBandActivity void MainWindow::displayBandActivity() { auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setFont(m_config.table_font()); // Selected Offset int selectedOffset = -1; auto selectedItems = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->selectedItems(); if (!selectedItems.isEmpty()) { selectedOffset = selectedItems.first()->data(Qt::UserRole).toInt(); } ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setUpdatesEnabled(false); { // Scroll Position auto currentScrollPos = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->verticalScrollBar()->value(); // Clear the table clearTableWidget(ui->tableWidgetRXAll); // Sort! QList < int > keys = m_bandActivity.keys(); auto sortBy = getSortBy("bandActivity", "offset"); bool reverse = false; if(sortBy.startsWith("-")){ sortBy = sortBy.mid(1); reverse = true; } auto compareTimestamp = [this](const int left, int right) { auto leftItems = m_bandActivity[left]; auto rightItems = m_bandActivity[right]; if(leftItems.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(rightItems.isEmpty()){ return true; } auto leftLast = leftItems.last(); auto rightLast = rightItems.last(); return leftLast.utcTimestamp < rightLast.utcTimestamp; }; auto compareSNR = [this, reverse](const int left, int right) { auto leftItems = m_bandActivity[left]; auto rightItems = m_bandActivity[right]; if(leftItems.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(rightItems.isEmpty()){ return true; } auto leftActivity = leftItems.last(); auto rightActivity = rightItems.last(); if(leftActivity.snr < -60 || leftActivity.snr > 60) { leftActivity.snr *= reverse ? 1 : -1; } if(rightActivity.snr < -60 || rightActivity.snr > 60) { rightActivity.snr *= reverse ? 1 : -1; } return leftActivity.snr < rightActivity.snr; }; auto compareSubmode = [this](const int left, int right) { auto leftItems = m_bandActivity[left]; auto rightItems = m_bandActivity[right]; if(leftItems.isEmpty()){ return false; } if(rightItems.isEmpty()){ return true; } auto leftLast = leftItems.last(); auto rightLast = rightItems.last(); return leftLast.submode < rightLast.submode; }; // compare offset qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); if(sortBy == "timestamp"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareTimestamp); } else if(sortBy == "snr"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareSNR); } else if(sortBy == "submode"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareSubmode); } if(reverse){ keys = listCopyReverse(keys); } // Build the table foreach(int offset, keys) { bool isOffsetSelected = (offset == selectedOffset); QList < ActivityDetail > items = m_bandActivity[offset]; if (items.length() > 0) { QDateTime timestamp; QStringList text; QString age; int snr = 0; float tdrift = 0; int submode; int activityAging = m_config.activity_aging(); // hide items that shouldn't appear for(int i = 0; i < items.length(); i++){ auto item = items[i]; bool shouldDisplay = true; // hide aged items if (!isOffsetSelected && activityAging && item.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= activityAging) { shouldDisplay = false; } // hide heartbeat items if (!ui->actionShow_Band_Heartbeats_and_ACKs->isChecked()){ // hide heartbeats and acks if we have heartbeating hidden if(item.text.contains(" HB ") || item.text.contains(" ACK ")){ shouldDisplay = false; // hide the previous item if this it shouldn't be displayed either... if(i > 0 && items[i-1].shouldDisplay && items[i-1].text.endsWith(": ")){ items[i-1].shouldDisplay = false; } } // if our previous item should not be displayed (or this is the first frame) and we have a MSG ID, then don't display it either. if( (i == 0 || (i > 0 && !items[i-1].shouldDisplay)) && (item.text.contains(" MSG ID ")) ){ shouldDisplay = false; } } // hide empty items if (item.text.isEmpty()) { shouldDisplay = false; } // set the visibility of the item items[i].shouldDisplay = shouldDisplay; } // show the items that should appear foreach(ActivityDetail item, items) { if(!item.shouldDisplay){ continue; } if (item.isLowConfidence) { item.text = QString("[%1]").arg(item.text); } if ((item.bits & Varicode::JS8CallLast) == Varicode::JS8CallLast) { // append the eot character to the text item.text = QString("%1 %2 ").arg(Varicode::rstrip(item.text)).arg(m_config.eot()); } text.append(item.text); snr = item.snr; age = since(item.utcTimestamp); timestamp = item.utcTimestamp; tdrift = item.tdrift; submode = item.submode; } auto joined = Varicode::rstrip(text.join("")); if (joined.isEmpty()) { continue; } ui->tableWidgetRXAll->insertRow(ui->tableWidgetRXAll->rowCount()); int row = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->rowCount() - 1; int col = 0; auto offsetItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1 Hz").arg(offset)); offsetItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(offset)); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, offsetItem); auto ageItem = new QTableWidgetItem(age); ageItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ageItem->setToolTip(timestamp.toString()); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, ageItem); auto snrText = Varicode::formatSNR(snr); auto snrItem = new QTableWidgetItem(snrText.isEmpty() ? "" : QString("%1 dB").arg(snrText)); snrItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, snrItem); auto tdriftItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1 ms").arg((int)(1000*tdrift))); tdriftItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(tdrift)); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, tdriftItem); auto name = submodeName(submode); auto submodeItem = new QTableWidgetItem(name.left(1).replace("H", "N")); submodeItem->setToolTip(name); submodeItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(name)); submodeItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, submodeItem); // align right if eliding... int colWidth = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnWidth(3); auto textItem = new QTableWidgetItem(joined); auto html = QString("%1").arg(joined.toHtmlEscaped()); html = html.replace(m_config.eot(), m_config.eot() + "

"); html = html.replace(QRegularExpression("([<]br[/][>])+$"), ""); textItem->setToolTip(html); QFontMetrics fm(textItem->font()); auto elidedText = fm.elidedText(joined, Qt::ElideLeft, colWidth); auto flag = Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter; if (elidedText != joined) { flag = Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter; textItem->setText(joined); } textItem->setTextAlignment(flag); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setItem(row, col++, textItem); if (isOffsetSelected) { for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, i)->setSelected(true); } } bool isDirectedAllCall = false; if( (isDirectedOffset(offset, &isDirectedAllCall) && !isDirectedAllCall) || isMyCallIncluded(text.last()) ){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_MyCall())); } } if(!text.isEmpty()){ auto words = QSet::fromList(joined.replace(":", " ").replace(">"," ").split(" ")); if(words.contains("CQ")){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_CQ())); } } auto matchingSecondaryWords = m_config.secondary_highlight_words() & words; if (!matchingSecondaryWords.isEmpty()){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_secondary_highlight())); } } auto matchingPrimaryWords = m_config.primary_highlight_words() & words; if (!matchingPrimaryWords.isEmpty()){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_primary_highlight())); } } } } } // Set table color auto style = QString("QTableWidget { background:%1; selection-background-color:%2; alternate-background-color:%1; color:%3; }"); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_background().name()); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_highlight().name()); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_foreground().name()); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setStyleSheet(style); // Set the table palette for inactive selected row auto p = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight)); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setPalette(p); // Set item fonts for(int row = 0; row < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->rowCount(); row++){ for(int col = 0; col < ui->tableWidgetRXAll->columnCount(); col++){ auto item = ui->tableWidgetRXAll->item(row, col); if(item){ item->setFont(m_config.table_font()); } } } // Column labels ui->tableWidgetRXAll->horizontalHeader()->setVisible(showColumn("band", "labels")); // Hide columns ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setColumnHidden(0, !showColumn("band", "offset")); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setColumnHidden(1, !showColumn("band", "timestamp")); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setColumnHidden(2, !showColumn("band", "snr")); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setColumnHidden(3, !showColumn("band", "tdrift", false)); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setColumnHidden(4, !showColumn("band", "submode", false)); // Resize the table columns ui->tableWidgetRXAll->resizeColumnToContents(0); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->resizeColumnToContents(1); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->resizeColumnToContents(2); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->resizeColumnToContents(3); ui->tableWidgetRXAll->resizeColumnToContents(4); // Reset the scroll position ui->tableWidgetRXAll->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(currentScrollPos); } ui->tableWidgetRXAll->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } // updateCallActivity void MainWindow::displayCallActivity() { auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setFont(m_config.table_font()); // Selected callsign QString selectedCall = callsignSelected(); auto currentScrollPos = ui->tableWidgetCalls->verticalScrollBar()->value(); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setUpdatesEnabled(false); { // Clear the table clearTableWidget(ui->tableWidgetCalls); createAllcallTableRows(ui->tableWidgetCalls, selectedCall); // isAllCallIncluded(selectedCall)); // || isGroupCallIncluded(selectedCall)); // Build the table QList < QString > keys = m_callActivity.keys(); auto sortBy = getSortBy("callActivity", "callsign"); bool reverse = false; if(sortBy.startsWith("-")){ sortBy = sortBy.mid(1); reverse = true; } auto compareOffset = [this](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; return leftActivity.freq < rightActivity.freq; }; auto compareDistance = [this, reverse](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; int leftDistance = reverse ? -100000 : 100000; int rightDistance = reverse ? -100000 : 100000; if(!leftActivity.grid.isEmpty()){ calculateDistance(leftActivity.grid, &leftDistance); } if(!rightActivity.grid.isEmpty()){ calculateDistance(rightActivity.grid, &rightDistance); } return leftDistance < rightDistance; }; auto compareTimestamp = [this](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; return leftActivity.utcTimestamp < rightActivity.utcTimestamp; }; auto compareAckTimestamp = [this, reverse](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; return rightActivity.ackTimestamp < leftActivity.ackTimestamp; }; auto compareSNR = [this, reverse](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; if(leftActivity.snr < -60 || leftActivity.snr > 60) { leftActivity.snr *= reverse ? 1 : -1; } if(rightActivity.snr < -60 || rightActivity.snr > 60) { rightActivity.snr *= reverse ? 1 : -1; } return leftActivity.snr < rightActivity.snr; }; auto compareSubmode= [this](const QString left, QString right) { auto leftActivity = m_callActivity[left]; auto rightActivity = m_callActivity[right]; return leftActivity.submode < rightActivity.submode; }; // compare callsign qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); if(sortBy == "offset"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareOffset); } else if(sortBy == "distance"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareDistance); } else if(sortBy == "timestamp"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareTimestamp); } else if(sortBy == "ackTimestamp"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareAckTimestamp); } else if(sortBy == "snr"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareSNR); } else if(sortBy == "submode"){ qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), compareSubmode); } if(reverse){ keys = listCopyReverse(keys); } // pin messages to the top qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end(), [this](const QString left, QString right){ int leftHas = (int)!(m_rxInboxCountCache.value(left, 0) > 0); int rightHas = (int)!(m_rxInboxCountCache.value(right, 0) > 0); return leftHas < rightHas; }); bool showIconColumn = false; int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); foreach(QString call, keys) { if(call.trimmed().isEmpty()){ continue; } CallDetail d = m_callActivity[call]; if(d.call.trimmed().isEmpty()){ continue; } bool isCallSelected = (call == selectedCall); // icon flags (flag -> star -> empty) bool hasMessage = m_rxInboxCountCache.value(d.call, 0) > 0; // display telephone icon if called cq in the past 5 minutes bool hasCQ = d.cqTimestamp.isValid() && d.cqTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 < 5; // display star if they've acked a message from us bool hasACK = d.ackTimestamp.isValid(); if (!isCallSelected && !hasMessage && callsignAging && d.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } ui->tableWidgetCalls->insertRow(ui->tableWidgetCalls->rowCount()); int row = ui->tableWidgetCalls->rowCount() - 1; int col = 0; #if SHOW_THROUGH_CALLS QString displayCall = d.through.isEmpty() ? d.call : QString("%1>%2").arg(d.through).arg(d.call); #else QString displayCall = d.call; #endif bool hasThrough = !d.through.isEmpty(); auto iconItem = new QTableWidgetItem(hasMessage ? "\u2691" : hasACK ? "\u2605" : hasCQ ? "\u260E" : hasThrough ? "\u269F" : ""); iconItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(d.call)); iconItem->setToolTip(hasMessage ? "Message Available" : hasACK ? "Hearing Your Station" : hasCQ ? "Calling CQ" : hasThrough ? QString("Heard Through %1 Relay)").arg(d.through) : ""); iconItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, iconItem); if(hasMessage || hasACK || hasCQ || hasThrough){ showIconColumn = true; } auto displayItem = new QTableWidgetItem(displayCall); displayItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(d.call)); displayItem->setToolTip(generateCallDetail(displayCall)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, displayItem); #if ONLY_SHOW_HEARD_CALLSIGNS if(d.utcTimestamp.isValid()){ #else if(true){ #endif auto ageItem = new QTableWidgetItem(since(d.utcTimestamp)); ageItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ageItem->setToolTip(d.utcTimestamp.toString()); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, ageItem); auto snrText = Varicode::formatSNR(d.snr); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem(snrText.isEmpty() ? "" : QString("%1 dB").arg(snrText))); auto offsetItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1 Hz").arg(d.freq)); offsetItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(d.freq)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, offsetItem); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1 ms").arg((int)(1000*d.tdrift)))); auto name = submodeName(d.submode); auto modeItem = new QTableWidgetItem(name.left(1).replace("H", "N")); modeItem->setToolTip(name); modeItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant(name)); modeItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, modeItem); auto gridItem = new QTableWidgetItem(QString("%1").arg(d.grid.trimmed().left(4))); gridItem->setToolTip(d.grid.trimmed()); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, gridItem); auto distanceItem = new QTableWidgetItem(calculateDistance(d.grid)); distanceItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, distanceItem); QString flag; if(m_logBook.hasWorkedBefore(d.call, "")){ // unicode checkmark flag = "\u2713"; } auto workedBeforeItem = new QTableWidgetItem(flag); workedBeforeItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, workedBeforeItem); QString logDetailGrid; QString logDetailDate; QString logDetailName; QString logDetailComment; bool gridItemEmpty = gridItem->text().isEmpty(); if((gridItemEmpty && showColumn("call", "grid")) || showColumn("call", "log") || showColumn("call", "logName") || showColumn("call", "logComment")){ m_logBook.findCallDetails(d.call, logDetailGrid, logDetailDate, logDetailName, logDetailComment); } if(gridItemEmpty && !logDetailGrid.isEmpty()){ gridItem->setText(logDetailGrid.trimmed().left(4)); gridItem->setToolTip(logDetailGrid.trimmed()); distanceItem->setText(calculateDistance(logDetailGrid.trimmed())); // update the call activity cache with the loaded grid if(m_callActivity.contains(d.call)){ m_callActivity[call].grid = logDetailGrid.trimmed(); } } if(!logDetailDate.isEmpty()){ auto lastLogged = QDate::fromString(logDetailDate, "yyyyMMdd"); workedBeforeItem->setToolTip(QString("Last Logged: %1").arg(lastLogged.toString())); } auto logNameItem = new QTableWidgetItem(logDetailName); logNameItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); logNameItem->setToolTip(logDetailName); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, logNameItem); auto logCommentItem = new QTableWidgetItem(logDetailComment); logCommentItem->setTextAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); logCommentItem->setToolTip(logDetailComment); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, logCommentItem); } else { ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // age ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // snr ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // freq ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // tdrift ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // mode ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // grid ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // distance ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // worked before ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // log name ui->tableWidgetCalls->setItem(row, col++, new QTableWidgetItem("")); // log comment } if (isCallSelected) { for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetCalls->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, i)->setSelected(true); } } if(hasCQ){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetCalls->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_CQ())); } } if (m_config.secondary_highlight_words().contains(call)){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetCalls->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_secondary_highlight())); } } if (m_config.primary_highlight_words().contains(call)){ for(int i = 0; i < ui->tableWidgetCalls->columnCount(); i++){ ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, i)->setBackground(QBrush(m_config.color_primary_highlight())); } } } // Set table color auto style = QString("QTableWidget { background:%1; selection-background-color:%2; alternate-background-color:%1; color:%3; }"); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_background().name()); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_highlight().name()); style = style.arg(m_config.color_table_foreground().name()); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setStyleSheet(style); // Set the table palette for inactive selected row auto p = ui->tableWidgetCalls->palette(); p.setColor(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Highlight, p.color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setPalette(p); // Set item fonts for(int row = 0; row < ui->tableWidgetCalls->rowCount(); row++){ auto bold = ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, 0)->text() == "\u2691"; for(int col = 0; col < ui->tableWidgetCalls->columnCount(); col++){ auto item = ui->tableWidgetCalls->item(row, col); if(item){ auto f = m_config.table_font(); if(bold){ f.setBold(true); } item->setFont(f); } } } // Column labels ui->tableWidgetCalls->horizontalHeader()->setVisible(showColumn("call", "labels")); // Hide columns ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(0, !showIconColumn); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(1, !showColumn("call", "callsign")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(2, !showColumn("call", "timestamp")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(3, !showColumn("call", "snr")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(4, !showColumn("call", "offset")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(5, !showColumn("call", "tdrift", false)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(6, !showColumn("call", "submode", false)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(7, !showColumn("call", "grid", false)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(8, !showColumn("call", "distance", false)); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(9, !showColumn("call", "log")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(10, !showColumn("call", "logName")); ui->tableWidgetCalls->setColumnHidden(11, !showColumn("call", "logComment")); // Resize the table columns ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(0); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(1); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(2); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(3); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(4); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(5); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(6); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(7); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(8); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(9); ui->tableWidgetCalls->resizeColumnToContents(10); // Reset the scroll position ui->tableWidgetCalls->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(currentScrollPos); } ui->tableWidgetCalls->setUpdatesEnabled(true); } void MainWindow::emitPTT(bool on){ qDebug() << "PTT:" << on; Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_ptt(on); // emit to network sendNetworkMessage("RIG.PTT", on ? "on" : "off", { {"PTT", QVariant(on)}, {"UTC", QVariant(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toMSecsSinceEpoch())}, }); } void MainWindow::emitTones(){ if(!m_config.udpEnabled()){ return; } // emit tone numbers to network QVariantList t; for(int i = 0; i < JS8_NUM_SYMBOLS; i++){ //qDebug() << "tone" << i << "=" << itone[i]; t.append(QVariant((int)itone[i])); } sendNetworkMessage("TX.FRAME", "", { {"TONES", t} }); } void MainWindow::networkMessage(Message const &message) { if(!m_config.udpEnabled()){ return; } if(!m_config.accept_udp_requests()){ return; } auto type = message.type(); if(type == "PING"){ return; } qDebug() << "try processing network message" << type; auto params = message.params(); auto id = params.value("_ID", QVariant(0)); // Inspired by FLDigi // TODO: MAIN.RX - Turn on RX // TODO: MAIN.TX - Transmit // TODO: MAIN.PTT - PTT // TODO: MAIN.TUNE - Tune // TODO: MAIN.HALT - Halt // TODO: MAIN.AUTO - Auto // TODO: MAIN.SPOT - Spot // TODO: MAIN.HB - HB // RIG.GET_FREQ - Get the current Frequency // RIG.SET_FREQ - Set the current Frequency if(type == "RIG.GET_FREQ"){ sendNetworkMessage("RIG.FREQ", "", { {"_ID", id}, {"DIAL", QVariant((quint64)dialFrequency())}, {"OFFSET", QVariant((quint64)currentFreqOffset())} }); return; } if(type == "RIG.SET_FREQ"){ auto params = message.params(); if(params.contains("DIAL")){ bool ok = false; auto f = params["DIAL"].toInt(&ok); if(ok){ setRig(f); displayDialFrequency(); } } if(params.contains("OFFSET")){ bool ok = false; auto f = params["OFFSET"].toInt(&ok); if(ok){ setFreqOffsetForRestore(f, false); } } } // STATION.GET_CALLSIGN - Get the current callsign // STATION.GET_GRID - Get the current grid locator // STATION.SET_GRID - Set the current grid locator // STATION.GET_INFO - Get the current station qth // STATION.SET_INFO - Set the current station qth if(type == "STATION.GET_CALLSIGN"){ sendNetworkMessage("STATION.CALLSIGN", m_config.my_callsign(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "STATION.GET_GRID"){ sendNetworkMessage("STATION.GRID", m_config.my_grid(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "STATION.SET_GRID"){ m_config.set_dynamic_location(message.value()); sendNetworkMessage("STATION.GRID", m_config.my_grid(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "STATION.GET_INFO"){ sendNetworkMessage("STATION.INFO", m_config.my_info(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "STATION.SET_INFO"){ m_config.set_dynamic_station_info(message.value()); sendNetworkMessage("STATION.INFO", m_config.my_info(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } // RX.GET_CALL_ACTIVITY // RX.GET_CALL_SELECTED // RX.GET_BAND_ACTIVITY // RX.GET_TEXT if(type == "RX.GET_CALL_ACTIVITY"){ auto now = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc(); int callsignAging = m_config.callsign_aging(); QMap calls = { {"_ID", id}, }; foreach(auto cd, m_callActivity.values()){ if (callsignAging && cd.utcTimestamp.secsTo(now) / 60 >= callsignAging) { continue; } QMap detail; detail["SNR"] = QVariant(cd.snr); detail["GRID"] = QVariant(cd.grid); detail["UTC"] = QVariant(cd.utcTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch()); calls[cd.call] = QVariant(detail); } sendNetworkMessage("RX.CALL_ACTIVITY", "", calls); return; } if(type == "RX.GET_CALL_SELECTED"){ sendNetworkMessage("RX.CALL_SELECTED", callsignSelected(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "RX.GET_BAND_ACTIVITY"){ QMap offsets = { {"_ID", id}, }; foreach(auto offset, m_bandActivity.keys()){ auto activity = m_bandActivity[offset]; if(activity.isEmpty()){ continue; } auto d = activity.last(); QMap detail; detail["FREQ"] = QVariant(d.freq); detail["TEXT"] = QVariant(d.text); detail["SNR"] = QVariant(d.snr); detail["UTC"] = QVariant(d.utcTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch()); offsets[QString("%1").arg(offset)] = QVariant(detail); } sendNetworkMessage("RX.BAND_ACTIVITY", "", offsets); return; } if(type == "RX.GET_TEXT"){ sendNetworkMessage("RX.TEXT", ui->textEditRX->toPlainText(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } // TX.GET_TEXT // TX.SET_TEXT // TX.SEND_MESSAGE if(type == "TX.GET_TEXT"){ sendNetworkMessage("TX.TEXT", ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "TX.SET_TEXT"){ addMessageText(message.value(), true); sendNetworkMessage("TX.TEXT", ui->extFreeTextMsgEdit->toPlainText(), { {"_ID", id}, }); return; } if(type == "TX.SEND_MESSAGE"){ auto text = message.value(); if(!text.isEmpty()){ enqueueMessage(PriorityNormal, text, -1, nullptr); return; } } // MODE.GET_SPEED // MODE.SET_SPEED if(type == "MODE.GET_SPEED"){ sendNetworkMessage("MODE.SPEED", "", { {"_ID", id}, {"SPEED", m_nSubMode}, }); return; } if(type == "MODE.SET_SPEED"){ bool ok = false; int speed = message.params().value("SPEED", QVariant(m_nSubMode)).toInt(&ok); if(ok){ if(speed == Varicode::JS8CallNormal){ ui->actionModeJS8Normal->setChecked(true); } if(speed == Varicode::JS8CallFast){ ui->actionModeJS8Fast->setChecked(true); } if(speed == Varicode::JS8CallTurbo){ ui->actionModeJS8Turbo->setChecked(true); } if(speed == Varicode::JS8CallUltraSlow){ ui->actionModeJS8UltraSlow->setChecked(true); } } sendNetworkMessage("MODE.SPEED", "", { {"_ID", id}, {"SPEED", m_nSubMode}, }); return; } // WINDOW.RAISE if(type == "WINDOW.RAISE"){ setWindowState(Qt::WindowActive); activateWindow(); raise(); return; } qDebug() << "Unable to process networkMessage:" << type; } void MainWindow::sendNetworkMessage(QString const &type, QString const &message){ if(!m_config.udpEnabled()){ return; } m_messageClient->send(Message(type, message)); } void MainWindow::sendNetworkMessage(QString const &type, QString const &message, QMap const ¶ms) { if(!m_config.udpEnabled()){ return; } m_messageClient->send(Message(type, message, params)); } void MainWindow::networkError (QString const& e) { if(!m_config.udpEnabled()){ return; } if(!m_config.accept_udp_requests()){ return; } if (m_splash && m_splash->isVisible ()) m_splash->hide (); if (MessageBox::Retry == MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Network Error") , tr ("Error: %1\nUDP server %2:%3") .arg (e) .arg (m_config.udp_server_name ()) .arg (m_config.udp_server_port ()) , QString {} , MessageBox::Cancel | MessageBox::Retry , MessageBox::Cancel)) { // retry server lookup m_messageClient->set_server (m_config.udp_server_name ()); } } void MainWindow::on_syncSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { m_minSync=n; } QString MainWindow::WSPR_hhmm(int n) { QDateTime t=DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(n); int m=t.toString("hhmm").toInt()/2; QString t1; t1.sprintf("%04d",2*m); return t1; } void MainWindow::WSPR_history(Frequency dialFreq, int ndecodes) { QDateTime t=DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().addSecs(-60); QString t1=t.toString("yyMMdd"); QString t2=WSPR_hhmm(-60); QString t3; t3.sprintf("%13.6f",0.000001*dialFreq); if(ndecodes<0) { t1=t1 + " " + t2 + t3 + " T"; } else { QString t4; t4.sprintf("%4d",ndecodes); t1=t1 + " " + t2 + t3 + " R" + t4; } QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("WSPR_history.txt")}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); out << t1 << endl; f.close(); } else { MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("File Error") , tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ())); } } void MainWindow::uploadResponse(QString response) { if (response == "done") { m_uploading=false; } else { if (response.startsWith ("Upload Failed")) { m_uploading=false; } qDebug () << "WSPRnet.org status:" << response; } } void MainWindow::on_TxPowerComboBox_currentIndexChanged(const QString &arg1) { int i1=arg1.indexOf(" "); m_dBm=arg1.mid(0,i1).toInt(); } void MainWindow::on_sbTxPercent_valueChanged(int n) { m_pctx=n; if(m_pctx>0) { ui->pbTxNext->setEnabled(true); } else { m_txNext=false; ui->pbTxNext->setChecked(false); ui->pbTxNext->setEnabled(false); } } void MainWindow::on_WSPRfreqSpinBox_valueChanged(int n) { ui->TxFreqSpinBox->setValue(n); } void MainWindow::on_pbTxNext_clicked(bool b) { m_txNext=b; } void MainWindow::astroUpdate () { if (m_astroWidget) { // no Doppler correction while CTRL pressed allows manual tuning if (Qt::ControlModifier & QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers ()) return; auto correction = m_astroWidget->astroUpdate(DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc (), m_config.my_grid(), m_hisGrid, m_freqNominal, "Echo" == m_mode, m_transmitting, !m_config.tx_qsy_allowed (), m_TRperiod); // no Doppler correction in Tx if rig can't do it if (m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_qsy_allowed ()) return; if (!m_astroWidget->doppler_tracking ()) return; if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting) // no Doppler correction below 6m && m_freqNominal >= 50000000 && m_config.split_mode ()) { // adjust for rig resolution if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 2) { correction.rx = (correction.rx + 50) / 100 * 100; correction.tx = (correction.tx + 50) / 100 * 100; } else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 1) { correction.rx = (correction.rx + 10) / 20 * 20; correction.tx = (correction.tx + 10) / 20 * 20; } else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () > 0) { correction.rx = (correction.rx + 5) / 10 * 10; correction.tx = (correction.tx + 5) / 10 * 10; } else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -2) { correction.rx = correction.rx / 100 * 100; correction.tx = correction.tx / 100 * 100; } else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < -1) { correction.rx = correction.rx / 20 * 20; correction.tx = correction.tx / 20 * 20; } else if (m_config.transceiver_resolution () < 0) { correction.rx = correction.rx / 10 * 10; correction.tx = correction.tx / 10 * 10; } m_astroCorrection = correction; } else { m_astroCorrection = {}; } setRig (); } } void MainWindow::setRig (Frequency f) { if (f) { m_freqNominal = f; m_freqTxNominal = m_freqNominal; if (m_astroWidget) m_astroWidget->nominal_frequency (m_freqNominal, m_freqTxNominal); } if (m_mode == "FreqCal" && m_frequency_list_fcal_iter != m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) { m_freqNominal = m_frequency_list_fcal_iter->frequency_ - ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value (); } if(m_transmitting && !m_config.tx_qsy_allowed ()) return; if ((m_monitoring || m_transmitting) && m_config.transceiver_online ()) { if (m_transmitting && m_config.split_mode ()) { Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_tx_frequency (m_freqTxNominal + m_astroCorrection.tx); } else { Q_EMIT m_config.transceiver_frequency (m_freqNominal + m_astroCorrection.rx); } } } void MainWindow::on_actionMeasure_reference_spectrum_triggered() { if(!m_monitoring) on_monitorButton_clicked (true); m_bRefSpec=true; } void MainWindow::on_actionMeasure_phase_response_triggered() { if(m_bTrain) { m_bTrain=false; MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Phase Training Disabled")); } else { m_bTrain=true; MessageBox::information_message (this, tr ("Phase Training Enabled")); } } void MainWindow::on_actionErase_reference_spectrum_triggered() { m_bClearRefSpec=true; } void MainWindow::freqCalStep() { if (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter == m_config.frequencies ()->end () || ++m_frequency_list_fcal_iter == m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) { m_frequency_list_fcal_iter = m_config.frequencies ()->begin (); } // allow for empty list if (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter != m_config.frequencies ()->end ()) { setRig (m_frequency_list_fcal_iter->frequency_ - ui->RxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } } void MainWindow::on_sbCQTxFreq_valueChanged(int) { setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } void MainWindow::on_cbCQTx_toggled(bool b) { ui->sbCQTxFreq->setEnabled(b); if(b) { ui->txrb6->setChecked(true); m_ntx=6; m_QSOProgress = CALLING; } setRig (); setXIT (ui->TxFreqSpinBox->value ()); } void MainWindow::statusUpdate () const { } void MainWindow::childEvent (QChildEvent * e) { if (e->child ()->isWidgetType ()) { switch (e->type ()) { case QEvent::ChildAdded: add_child_to_event_filter (e->child ()); break; case QEvent::ChildRemoved: remove_child_from_event_filter (e->child ()); break; default: break; } } QMainWindow::childEvent (e); } // add widget and any child widgets to our event filter so that we can // take action on key press ad mouse press events anywhere in the main window void MainWindow::add_child_to_event_filter (QObject * target) { if (target && target->isWidgetType ()) { target->installEventFilter (this); } auto const& children = target->children (); for (auto iter = children.begin (); iter != children.end (); ++iter) { add_child_to_event_filter (*iter); } } // recursively remove widget and any child widgets from our event filter void MainWindow::remove_child_from_event_filter (QObject * target) { auto const& children = target->children (); for (auto iter = children.begin (); iter != children.end (); ++iter) { remove_child_from_event_filter (*iter); } if (target && target->isWidgetType ()) { target->removeEventFilter (this); } } void MainWindow::resetIdleTimer(){ if(m_idleMinutes){ m_idleMinutes = 0; qDebug() << "idle" << m_idleMinutes << "minutes"; } } void MainWindow::incrementIdleTimer(){ m_idleMinutes++; qDebug() << "increment idle to" << m_idleMinutes << "minutes"; } void MainWindow::tx_watchdog (bool triggered) { auto prior = m_tx_watchdog; m_tx_watchdog = triggered; if (triggered) { m_bTxTime=false; if (m_tune) stop_tuning (); if (m_auto) auto_tx_mode (false); stopTx(); tx_status_label.setStyleSheet ("QLabel{background-color: #000000; color:#ffffff; }"); tx_status_label.setText ("Idle timeout"); // if the watchdog is triggered...we're no longer active bool wasAuto = ui->actionModeAutoreply->isChecked(); bool wasHB = ui->hbMacroButton->isChecked(); bool wasCQ = ui->cqMacroButton->isChecked(); // save the button states ui->actionModeAutoreply->setChecked(false); ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(false); ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(false); // clear the tx queues resetMessageTransmitQueue(); QMessageBox * msgBox = new QMessageBox(this); msgBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Information); msgBox->setWindowTitle("Idle Timeout"); msgBox->setInformativeText(QString("You have been idle for more than %1 minutes.").arg(m_config.watchdog())); msgBox->addButton(QMessageBox::Ok); connect(msgBox, &QMessageBox::finished, this, [this, wasAuto, wasHB, wasCQ](int /*result*/) { // restore the button states ui->actionModeAutoreply->setChecked(wasAuto); ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(wasHB); ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(wasCQ); this->tx_watchdog(false); }); msgBox->setModal(true); msgBox->show(); #if 0 MessageBox::warning_message(this, QString("You have been inactive for more than %1 minutes.").arg(m_config.watchdog())); // clear the tx queues resetMessageTransmitQueue(); // restore the button states ui->actionModeAutoreply->setChecked(wasAuto); ui->hbMacroButton->setChecked(wasHB); ui->cqMacroButton->setChecked(wasCQ); #endif } else { // m_idleMinutes = 0; update_watchdog_label (); } if (prior != triggered) statusUpdate (); } void MainWindow::update_watchdog_label () { watchdog_label.setVisible (false); #if 0 if (m_config.watchdog () && !m_mode.startsWith ("WSPR")) { watchdog_label.setText (QString {"WD:%1m"}.arg (m_config.watchdog () - m_idleMinutes)); watchdog_label.setVisible (true); } else { watchdog_label.setText (QString {}); watchdog_label.setVisible (false); } #endif } void MainWindow::on_measure_check_box_stateChanged (int state) { m_config.enable_calibration (Qt::Checked != state); } void MainWindow::write_transmit_entry (QString const& file_name) { QFile f {m_config.writeable_data_dir ().absoluteFilePath (file_name)}; if (f.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Append)) { QTextStream out(&f); auto time = DriftingDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc (); time = time.addSecs (-(time.time ().second () % m_TRperiod)); auto dt = DecodedText(m_currentMessage, m_currentMessageBits, m_nSubMode); out << time.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << " Transmitting " << qSetRealNumberPrecision (12) << (m_freqNominal / 1.e6) << " MHz " << "JS8" << ": " << dt.message() << endl; f.close(); } else { auto const& message = tr ("Cannot open \"%1\" for append: %2") .arg (f.fileName ()).arg (f.errorString ()); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050400 QTimer::singleShot (0, [=] { // don't block guiUpdate MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Log File Error"), message); }); #else MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Log File Error"), message); #endif } }