subroutine jt9a() use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_f_pointer use prog_args use timer_module, only: timer use timer_impl, only: init_timer !, limtrace include 'jt9com.f90' ! These routines connect the shared memory region to the decoder. interface function address_jt9() use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr type(c_ptr) :: address_jt9 end function address_jt9 end interface integer*1 attach_jt9 ! integer*1 lock_jt9,unlock_jt9 integer size_jt9 ! Multiple instances: character*80 mykey type(dec_data), pointer :: shared_data type(params_block) :: local_params logical fileExists ! Multiple instances: i0 = len(trim(shm_key)) call init_timer (trim(data_dir)//'/timer.out') ! open(23,file=trim(data_dir)//'/CALL3.TXT',status='unknown') ! limtrace=-1 !Disable all calls to timer() ! Multiple instances: set the shared memory key before attaching mykey=trim(repeat(shm_key,1)) i0 = len(mykey) i0=setkey_jt9(trim(mykey)) i1=attach_jt9() msdelay=10 10 inquire(file=trim(temp_dir)//'/.lock',exist=fileExists) if(fileExists) then call sleep_msec(msdelay) go to 10 endif inquire(file=trim(temp_dir)//'/.quit',exist=fileExists) if(fileExists) then i1=detach_jt9() go to 999 endif if(i1.eq.999999) stop !Silence compiler warning nbytes=size_jt9() if(nbytes.le.0) then print*,'jt9a: Shared memory mem_jt9 does not exist.' print*,"Must start 'jt9 -s ' from within WSJT-X." go to 999 endif call c_f_pointer(address_jt9(),shared_data) local_params=shared_data%params !save a copy because wsjtx carries on accessing call flush(6) call timer('decoder ',0) call multimode_decoder(shared_data%ss,shared_data%id2,local_params,12000) call timer('decoder ',1) call sleep_msec(100) go to 10 999 call timer('decoder ',101) return end subroutine jt9a