subroutine syncjs8(dd,icos,nfa,nfb,syncmin,nfqso,s,candidate,ncand,sbase) !include 'js8_params.f90' complex cx(0:NH1) real s(NH1,NHSYM) real savg(NH1) real sbase(NH1) real x(NFFT1) real sync2d(NH1,-JZ:JZ) real red(NH1) real candidate0(3,200) real candidate(3,200) real dd(NMAX) integer icos integer jpeak(NH1) integer indx(NH1) integer ii(1) integer syoff !symbol offset equivalence (x,cx) integer icos7a(0:6), icos7b(0:6), icos7c(0:6) if(icos.eq.1) then icos7a = (/4,2,5,6,1,3,0/) !Beginning Costas 7x7 tone pattern icos7b = (/4,2,5,6,1,3,0/) !Middle Costas 7x7 tone pattern icos7c = (/4,2,5,6,1,3,0/) !End Costas 7x7 tone pattern else icos7a = (/0,6,2,3,5,4,1/) !Beginning Costas 7x7 tone pattern icos7b = (/1,5,0,2,3,6,4/) !Middle Costas 7x7 tone pattern icos7c = (/2,5,0,6,4,1,3/) !End Costas 7x7 tone pattern endif if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' syncjs8 costas', icos7a, icos7b, icos7c flush(6) endif ! Compute symbol spectra, stepping by NSTEP steps. savg=0. tstep=NSTEP/12000.0 df=12000.0/NFFT1 fac=1.0/300.0 do j=1,NHSYM ia=(j-1)*NSTEP + 1 ib=ia+NSPS-1 x(1:NSPS)=fac*dd(ia:ib) x(NSPS+1:)=0. call four2a(cx,NFFT1,1,-1,0) !r2c FFT do i=1,NH1 s(i,j)=real(cx(i))**2 + aimag(cx(i))**2 enddo savg=savg + s(1:NH1,j) !Average spectrum enddo call baselinejs8(savg,nfa,nfb,sbase) ia=max(1,nint(nfa/df)) ! min freq ib=nint(nfb/df) ! max freq nssy=NSPS/NSTEP ! steps per symbol nfos=NFFT1/NSPS ! frequency bin oversampling factor jstrt=ASTART/tstep ! the symbol step that we are starting at (NHSYM) candidate0=0. k=0 do i=ia,ib do j=-JZ,+JZ ta=0. tb=0. tc=0. t0a=0. t0b=0. t0c=0. do n=0,6 k=j+jstrt+nssy*n syoff=k if( then ta=ta + s(i+nfos*icos7a(n),syoff) t0a=t0a + sum(s(i:i+nfos*6:nfos,syoff)) endif syoff=k+nssy*36 if( then tb=tb + s(i+nfos*icos7b(n),syoff) t0b=t0b + sum(s(i:i+nfos*6:nfos,syoff)) endif syoff=k+nssy*72 if( then tc=tc + s(i+nfos*icos7c(n),syoff) t0c=t0c + sum(s(i:i+nfos*6:nfos,syoff)) endif enddo t=ta+tb+tc t0=t0a+t0b+t0c t0=(t0-t)/6.0 sync_abc=t/t0 t=ta+tb t0=t0a+t0b t0=(t0-t)/6.0 sync_ab=t/t0 t=ta+tc t0=t0a+t0c t0=(t0-t)/6.0 sync_ac=t/t0 t=tb+tc t0=t0b+t0c t0=(t0-t)/6.0 sync_bc=t/t0 !sync2d(i,j)=max(max(max(sync_abc, sync_ab), sync_ac), sync_bc) !sync2d(i,j)=max(sync_abc, sync_ab, sync_bc) sync2d(i,j)=max(sync_abc, sync_bc) enddo enddo red=0. do i=ia,ib ii=maxloc(sync2d(i,-JZ:JZ)) - 1 - JZ j0=ii(1) jpeak(i)=j0 red(i)=sync2d(i,j0) enddo iz=ib-ia+1 call indexx(red(ia:ib),iz,indx) npctile=nint(0.40*iz) if( then ! bail ncand=0 return; endif ibase=indx(npctile) - 1 + ia if( ibase=1 if( ibase=nh1 base=red(ibase) red=red/base k=0 do i=1,min(200,iz) if( exit n=ia + indx(iz+1-i) - 1 if(red(n).lt.syncmin.or.isnan(red(n))) exit if(NWRITELOG.eq.0) then write(*,*) ' red candidate', red(n), n*df, (jpeak(n)-1)*tstep flush(6) endif k=k+1 candidate0(1,k)=n*df candidate0(2,k)=(jpeak(n)-1)*tstep candidate0(3,k)=red(n) enddo ncand=k ! Put nfqso at top of list do i=1,ncand if(abs(candidate0(1,i)-nfqso).lt.10.0) candidate0(1,i)=-candidate0(1,i) enddo ! Save only the best of near-dupe freqs. do i=1,ncand if( then do j=1,i-1 fdiff=abs(candidate0(1,i))-abs(candidate0(1,j)) if(abs(fdiff).lt.AZ) then ! note: this dedupe difference is dependent on symbol spacing if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' dupe', fdiff, candidate0(1,i), candidate0(3,i), candidate0(1,j), candidate0(3,j) flush(6) endif if(candidate0(3,i).ge.candidate0(3,j)) candidate0(3,j)=0. if(candidate0(3,i).lt.candidate0(3,j)) candidate0(3,i)=0. endif enddo endif enddo fac=20.0/maxval(s) s=fac*s ! Sort by sync ! call indexx(candidate0(3,1:ncand),ncand,indx) ! Sort by frequency call indexx(candidate0(1,1:ncand),ncand,indx) k=1 do i=1,ncand j=indx(i) if( candidate0(3,j) .ge. syncmin ) then candidate(2:3,k)=candidate0(2:3,j) candidate(1,k)=abs(candidate0(1,j)) k=k+1 endif enddo ncand=k-1 return end subroutine syncjs8