subroutine ft8b(s,nfqso,f1,xdt,nharderrors,dmin,nbadcrc,message) use timer_module, only: timer include 'ft8_params.f90' parameter(NRECENT=10) character*12 recent_calls(NRECENT) character message*22 real s(NH1,NHSYM) real s1(0:7,ND) real ps(0:7) real rxdata(3*ND),llr(3*ND) !Soft symbols integer*1 decoded(KK),apmask(3*ND),cw(3*ND) max_iterations=40 norder=2 ! if(abs(nfqso-f1).lt.10.0) norder=3 tstep=0.5*NSPS/12000.0 df=12000.0/NFFT1 i0=max(1,nint(f1/df)) j0=nint(xdt/tstep) j=0 ia=i0 ib=i0+14 do k=1,NN if(k.le.7) cycle if( .and. k.le.43) cycle if( cycle n=j0+2*(k-1)+1 if( cycle j=j+1 s1(0:7,j)=s(ia:ib:2,n) enddo do j=1,ND ps=s1(0:7,j) where ( ps=log(ps) r1=max(ps(1),ps(3),ps(5),ps(7))-max(ps(0),ps(2),ps(4),ps(6)) r2=max(ps(2),ps(3),ps(6),ps(7))-max(ps(0),ps(1),ps(4),ps(5)) r4=max(ps(4),ps(5),ps(6),ps(7))-max(ps(0),ps(1),ps(2),ps(3)) rxdata(3*j-2)=r4 rxdata(3*j-1)=r2 rxdata(3*j)=r1 enddo rxav=sum(rxdata)/(3.0*ND) rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/(3.0*ND) var=rx2av-rxav*rxav if( var .gt. 0.0 ) then rxsig=sqrt(var) else rxsig=sqrt(rx2av) endif rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ss=0.84 llr=2.0*rxdata/(ss*ss) apmask=0 cw=0 ! cw will be needed for subtraction. ! dmin is the correlation discrepancy of a returned codeword - it is ! used to select the best codeword within osd174. call timer('bpd174 ',0) call bpdecode174(llr,apmask,max_iterations,decoded,cw,nharderrors) call timer('bpd174 ',1) dmin=0.0 if( then call timer('osd174 ',0) call osd174(llr,norder,decoded,cw,nharderrors,dmin) call timer('osd174 ',1) ! This threshold needs to be tuned. 99.0 should pass everything. if( dmin .gt. 99.0 ) nharderrors=-1 endif nbadcrc=1 message=' ' if(count(cw.eq.0).eq.174) go to 900 !Reject the all-zero codeword if( call chkcrc12a(decoded,nbadcrc) if(nbadcrc.eq.0) then call extractmessage174(decoded,message,ncrcflag,recent_calls,nrecent) endif 900 continue return end subroutine ft8b