#include "MessageClient.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pimpl_impl.hpp" #include "moc_MessageClient.cpp" Message::Message() { } Message::Message(QString const &type, QString const &value): type_{ type }, value_{ value } { } Message::Message(QString const &type, QString const &value, QMap const ¶ms): type_{ type }, value_{ value }, params_{ params } { } void Message::read(const QJsonObject &json){ if(json.contains("type") && json["type"].isString()){ type_ = json["type"].toString(); } if(json.contains("value") && json["value"].isString()){ value_ = json["value"].toString(); } if(json.contains("params") && json["params"].isObject()){ params_.clear(); QJsonObject params = json["params"].toObject(); foreach(auto key, params.keys()){ params_[key] = params[key].toVariant(); } } } void Message::write(QJsonObject &json) const{ json["type"] = type_; json["value"] = value_; QJsonObject params; foreach(auto key, params_.keys()){ params.insert(key, QJsonValue::fromVariant(params_[key])); } json["params"] = params; } QByteArray Message::toJson() const { QJsonObject o; write(o); QJsonDocument d(o); return d.toJson(); } class MessageClient::impl : public QUdpSocket { Q_OBJECT public: impl (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision, port_type server_port, MessageClient * self) : self_ {self} , id_ {id} , version_ {version} , revision_ {revision} , server_port_ {server_port} , schema_ {2} // use 2 prior to negotiation not 1 which is broken , heartbeat_timer_ {new QTimer {this}} { connect (heartbeat_timer_, &QTimer::timeout, this, &impl::heartbeat); connect (this, &QIODevice::readyRead, this, &impl::pending_datagrams); heartbeat_timer_->start (15 * 1000); // bind to an ephemeral port bind (); } ~impl () { closedown (); } enum StreamStatus {Fail, Short, OK}; void parse_message (QByteArray const& msg); void pending_datagrams (); void heartbeat (); void closedown (); StreamStatus check_status (QDataStream const&) const; void send_message (QByteArray const&); void send_message (QDataStream const& out, QByteArray const& message) { if (OK == check_status (out)) { send_message (message); } else { Q_EMIT self_->error ("Error creating UDP message"); } } Q_SLOT void host_info_results (QHostInfo); MessageClient * self_; QString id_; QString version_; QString revision_; QString server_string_; port_type server_port_; QHostAddress server_; quint32 schema_; QTimer * heartbeat_timer_; std::vector blocked_addresses_; // hold messages sent before host lookup completes asynchronously QQueue pending_messages_; QByteArray last_message_; }; #include "MessageClient.moc" void MessageClient::impl::host_info_results (QHostInfo host_info) { if (QHostInfo::NoError != host_info.error ()) { Q_EMIT self_->error ("UDP server lookup failed:\n" + host_info.errorString ()); pending_messages_.clear (); // discard } else if (host_info.addresses ().size ()) { auto server = host_info.addresses ()[0]; if (blocked_addresses_.end () == std::find (blocked_addresses_.begin (), blocked_addresses_.end (), server)) { server_ = server; // send initial heartbeat which allows schema negotiation heartbeat (); // clear any backlog while (pending_messages_.size ()) { send_message (pending_messages_.dequeue ()); } } else { Q_EMIT self_->error ("UDP server blocked, please try another"); pending_messages_.clear (); // discard } } } void MessageClient::impl::pending_datagrams () { while (hasPendingDatagrams ()) { QByteArray datagram; datagram.resize (pendingDatagramSize ()); QHostAddress sender_address; port_type sender_port; if (0 <= readDatagram (datagram.data (), datagram.size (), &sender_address, &sender_port)) { parse_message (datagram); } } } void MessageClient::impl::parse_message (QByteArray const& msg) { try { if(msg.isEmpty()){ return; } QJsonParseError e; QJsonDocument d = QJsonDocument::fromJson(msg, &e); if(e.error != QJsonParseError::NoError){ Q_EMIT self_->error(QString {"MessageClient json parse error: %1"}.arg(e.errorString())); return; } if(!d.isObject()){ Q_EMIT self_->error(QString {"MessageClient json parse error: json is not an object"}); return; } Message m; m.read(d.object()); Q_EMIT self_->message(m); } catch (std::exception const& e) { Q_EMIT self_->error (QString {"MessageClient exception: %1"}.arg (e.what ())); } catch (...) { Q_EMIT self_->error ("Unexpected exception in MessageClient"); } } void MessageClient::impl::heartbeat () { if (server_port_ && !server_.isNull ()) { Message m("PING", "", QMap{ {"NAME", QVariant(QApplication::applicationName())}, {"VERSION", QVariant(QApplication::applicationVersion())}, {"UTC", QVariant(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toSecsSinceEpoch())} }); writeDatagram (m.toJson(), server_, server_port_); } } void MessageClient::impl::closedown () { if (server_port_ && !server_.isNull ()) { Message m("CLOSE"); writeDatagram (m.toJson(), server_, server_port_); } } void MessageClient::impl::send_message (QByteArray const& message) { if (server_port_) { if (!server_.isNull ()) { if (message != last_message_) // avoid duplicates { writeDatagram (message, server_, server_port_); last_message_ = message; } } else { pending_messages_.enqueue (message); } } } auto MessageClient::impl::check_status (QDataStream const& stream) const -> StreamStatus { auto stat = stream.status (); StreamStatus result {Fail}; switch (stat) { case QDataStream::ReadPastEnd: result = Short; break; case QDataStream::ReadCorruptData: Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: read corrupt data"); break; case QDataStream::WriteFailed: Q_EMIT self_->error ("Message serialization error: write error"); break; default: result = OK; break; } return result; } MessageClient::MessageClient (QString const& id, QString const& version, QString const& revision, QString const& server, port_type server_port, QObject * self) : QObject {self} , m_ {id, version, revision, server_port, this} { connect (&*m_, static_cast (&impl::error) , [this] (impl::SocketError e) { #if defined (Q_OS_WIN) && QT_VERSION >= 0x050500 if (e != impl::NetworkError // take this out when Qt 5.5 // stops doing this // spuriously && e != impl::ConnectionRefusedError) // not // interested // in this with // UDP socket #else Q_UNUSED (e); #endif { Q_EMIT error (m_->errorString ()); } }); set_server (server); } QHostAddress MessageClient::server_address () const { return m_->server_; } auto MessageClient::server_port () const -> port_type { return m_->server_port_; } void MessageClient::set_server (QString const& server) { m_->server_.clear (); m_->server_string_ = server; if (!server.isEmpty ()) { // queue a host address lookup QHostInfo::lookupHost (server, &*m_, SLOT (host_info_results (QHostInfo))); } } void MessageClient::set_server_port (port_type server_port) { m_->server_port_ = server_port; } void MessageClient::send(Message const &message){ m_->send_message(message.toJson()); } void MessageClient::send_raw_datagram (QByteArray const& message, QHostAddress const& dest_address , port_type dest_port) { if (dest_port && !dest_address.isNull ()) { m_->writeDatagram (message, dest_address, dest_port); } } void MessageClient::add_blocked_destination (QHostAddress const& a) { m_->blocked_addresses_.push_back (a); if (a == m_->server_) { m_->server_.clear (); Q_EMIT error ("UDP server blocked, please try another"); m_->pending_messages_.clear (); // discard } }