/* DECODE.C - Decode blocks of received data. */ /* Copyright (c) 1995-2012 by Radford M. Neal. * * Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, and distribute * these programs and accompanying documents for any purpose, provided * this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, and note * is made of any changes made to these programs. These programs and * documents are distributed without any warranty, express or implied. * As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have not * been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important * application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own * risk. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "rand.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "blockio.h" #include "open.h" #include "mod2sparse.h" #include "mod2dense.h" #include "mod2convert.h" #include "channel.h" #include "rcode.h" #include "check.h" #include "dec.h" void usage(void); /* MAIN PROGRAM. */ int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { char *pchk_file, *rfile, *dfile, *pfile; char **meth; FILE *rf, *df, *pf; char *dblk, *pchk; double *lratio; double *bitpr; double *awn_data; /* Places to store channel data */ int *bsc_data; unsigned iters; /* Unsigned because can be huge for enum */ double tot_iter; /* Double because can be huge for enum */ double chngd, tot_changed; /* Double because can be fraction if lratio==1*/ int tot_valid; char junk; int valid; int i, j, k; /* Look at initial flag arguments. */ ldpc_table = 0; blockio_flush = 0; while (argc>1) { if (strcmp(argv[1],"-t")==0) { if (ldpc_table!=0) usage(); ldpc_table = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-T")==0) { if (ldpc_table!=0) usage(); ldpc_table = 2; } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-f")==0) { if (blockio_flush!=0) usage(); blockio_flush = 1; } else { break; } argc -= 1; argv += 1; } /* Look at arguments up to the decoding method specification. */ if (!(pchk_file = argv[1]) || !(rfile = argv[2]) || !(dfile = argv[3])) { usage(); } if (argv[4]==0 || argv[5]==0) usage(); k = channel_parse(argv+4,argc-4); if (k<=0) { pfile = argv[4]; k = channel_parse(argv+5,argc-5); if (k<=0) usage(); meth = argv+5+k; } else { pfile = 0; meth = argv+4+k; } /* Look at the specification of the decoding method, which starts at meth and continues to the end of the command line (marked by a zero pointer). */ if (!meth[0]) usage(); if (strcmp(meth[0],"prprp")==0) { dec_method = Prprp; if (!meth[1] || sscanf(meth[1],"%d%c",&max_iter,&junk)!=1 || meth[2]) { usage(); } } else if (strcmp(meth[0],"enum-block")==0) { dec_method = Enum_block; if (!(gen_file = meth[1]) || meth[2]) usage(); } else if (strcmp(meth[0],"enum-bit")==0) { dec_method = Enum_bit; if (!(gen_file = meth[1]) || meth[2]) usage(); } else { usage(); } /* Check that we aren't overusing standard input or output. */ if ((strcmp(pchk_file,"-")==0) + (strcmp(rfile,"-")==0) > 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't read more than one stream from standard input\n"); exit(1); } if ((ldpc_table>0) + (strcmp(dfile,"-")==0) + (pfile!=0 && strcmp(pfile,"-")==0) > 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't send more than one stream to standard output\n"); exit(1); } /* Read parity check file. */ read_pchk(pchk_file); if (N<=M) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of bits (%d) should be greater than number of checks (%d)\n",N,M); exit(1); } /* Open file of received data. */ rf = open_file_std(rfile,"r"); if (rf==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't open file of received data: %s\n",rfile); exit(1); } /* Create file for decoded data. */ df = open_file_std(dfile,"w"); if (df==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't create file for decoded data: %s\n",dfile); exit(1); } /* Create file for bit probabilities, if specified. */ if (pfile) { pf = open_file_std(pfile,"w"); if (pf==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't create file for bit probabilities: %s\n",pfile); exit(1); } } /* Allocate space for data from channel. */ switch (channel) { case BSC: { bsc_data = chk_alloc (N, sizeof *bsc_data); break; } case AWGN: case AWLN: { awn_data = chk_alloc (N, sizeof *awn_data); break; } default: { abort(); } } /* Allocate other space. */ dblk = chk_alloc (N, sizeof *dblk); lratio = chk_alloc (N, sizeof *lratio); pchk = chk_alloc (M, sizeof *pchk); bitpr = chk_alloc (N, sizeof *bitpr); /* Print header for summary table. */ if (ldpc_table==1) { printf(" block iterations valid changed\n"); } /* Do the setup for the decoding method. */ switch (dec_method) { case Prprp: { prprp_decode_setup(); break; } case Enum_block: case Enum_bit: { enum_decode_setup(); break; } default: abort(); } /* Read received blocks, decode, and write decoded blocks. */ tot_iter = 0; tot_valid = 0; tot_changed = 0; for (block_no = 0; ; block_no++) { /* Read block from received file, exit if end-of-file encountered. */ for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { int c; switch (channel) { case BSC: { c = fscanf(rf,"%1d",&bsc_data[i]); break; } case AWGN: case AWLN: { c = fscanf(rf,"%lf",&awn_data[i]); break; } default: abort(); } if (c==EOF) { if (i>0) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Short block (%d long) at end of received file ignored\n",i); } goto done; } if (c<1 || channel==BSC && bsc_data[i]!=0 && bsc_data[i]!=1) { fprintf(stderr,"File of received data is garbled\n"); exit(1); } } /* Find likelihood ratio for each bit. */ switch (channel) { case BSC: { for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { lratio[i] = bsc_data[i]==1 ? (1-error_prob) / error_prob : error_prob / (1-error_prob); } break; } case AWGN: { for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { lratio[i] = exp(2*awn_data[i]/(std_dev*std_dev)); } break; } case AWLN: { for (i = 0; i<N; i++) { double e, d1, d0; e = exp(-(awn_data[i]-1)/lwidth); d1 = 1 / ((1+e)*(1+1/e)); e = exp(-(awn_data[i]+1)/lwidth); d0 = 1 / ((1+e)*(1+1/e)); lratio[i] = d1/d0; } break; } default: abort(); } /* Try to decode using the specified method. */ switch (dec_method) { case Prprp: { iters = prprp_decode (H, lratio, dblk, pchk, bitpr); break; } case Enum_block: case Enum_bit: { iters = enum_decode (lratio, dblk, bitpr, dec_method==Enum_block); break; } default: abort(); } /* See if it worked, and how many bits were changed. */ valid = check(H,dblk,pchk)==0; chngd = changed(lratio,dblk,N); tot_iter += iters; tot_valid += valid; tot_changed += chngd; /* Print summary table entry. */ if (ldpc_table==1) { printf ("%7d %10f %d %8.1f\n", block_no, (double)iters, valid, (double)chngd); /* iters is printed as a double to avoid problems if it's >= 2^31 */ fflush(stdout); } /* Write decoded block. */ blockio_write(df,dblk,N); /* Write bit probabilities, if asked to. */ if (pfile) { for (j = 0; j<N; j++) { fprintf(pf," %.5f",bitpr[j]); } fprintf(pf,"\n"); } /* Check for errors when writing. */ if (ferror(df) || pfile && ferror(pf)) { break; } } /* Finish up. */ done: fprintf(stderr, "Decoded %d blocks, %d valid. Average %.1f iterations, %.0f%% bit changes\n", block_no, tot_valid, (double)tot_iter/block_no, 100.0*(double)tot_changed/(N*block_no)); if (ferror(df) || fclose(df)!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error writing decoded blocks to %s\n",dfile); exit(1); } if (pfile) { if (ferror(pf) || fclose(pf)!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Error writing bit probabilities to %s\n",dfile); exit(1); } } exit(0); } /* PRINT USAGE MESSAGE AND EXIT. */ void usage(void) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " decode [ -f ] [ -t | -T ] pchk-file received-file decoded-file [ bp-file ] channel method\n"); channel_usage(); fprintf(stderr, "Method: enum-block gen-file | enum-bit gen-file | prprp [-]max-iterations\n"); exit(1); }