module packjt ! These variables are accessible from outside via "use packjt": integer jt_itype,jt_nc1,jt_nc2,jt_ng,jt_k1,jt_k2 character*6 jt_c1,jt_c2,jt_c3 contains subroutine packbits(dbits,nsymd,m0,sym) ! Pack 0s and 1s from dbits() into sym() with m0 bits per word. ! NB: nsymd is the number of packed output words. integer sym(:) integer*1 dbits(:) k=0 do i=1,nsymd n=0 do j=1,m0 k=k+1 m=dbits(k) n=ior(ishft(n,1),m) enddo sym(i)=n enddo return end subroutine packbits subroutine unpackbits(sym,nsymd,m0,dbits) ! Unpack bits from sym() into dbits(), one bit per byte. ! NB: nsymd is the number of input words, and m0 their length. ! there will be m0*nsymd output bytes, each 0 or 1. integer sym(:) integer*1 dbits(:) k=0 do i=1,nsymd mask=ishft(1,m0-1) do j=1,m0 k=k+1 dbits(k)=0 if(iand(mask,sym(i)).ne.0) dbits(k)=1 mask=ishft(mask,-1) enddo enddo return end subroutine unpackbits subroutine packcall(callsign,ncall,text) ! Pack a valid callsign into a 28-bit integer. parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) character callsign*6,c*1,tmp*6 logical text text=.false. ! Work-around for Swaziland prefix: if(callsign(1:4).eq.'3DA0') callsign='3D0'//callsign(5:6) ! Work-around for Guinea prefixes: if(callsign(1:2).eq.'3X' .and. callsign(3:3).ge.'A' .and. & callsign(3:3).le.'Z') callsign='Q'//callsign(3:6) if(callsign(1:3).eq.'CQ ') then ncall=NBASE + 1 if(callsign(4:4).ge.'0' .and. callsign(4:4).le.'9' .and. & callsign(5:5).ge.'0' .and. callsign(5:5).le.'9' .and. & callsign(6:6).ge.'0' .and. callsign(6:6).le.'9') then read(callsign(4:6),*) nfreq ncall=NBASE + 3 + nfreq endif return else if(callsign(1:4).eq.'QRZ ') then ncall=NBASE + 2 return else if(callsign(1:3).eq.'DE ') then ncall=267796945 return endif tmp=' ' if(callsign(3:3).ge.'0' .and. callsign(3:3).le.'9') then tmp=callsign else if(callsign(2:2).ge.'0' .and. callsign(2:2).le.'9') then if(callsign(6:6).ne.' ') then text=.true. return endif tmp=' '//callsign(:5) else text=.true. return endif do i=1,6 c=tmp(i:i) if('a' .and. c.le.'z') & tmp(i:i)=char(ichar(c)-ichar('a')+ichar('A')) enddo n1=0 if((tmp(1:1).ge.'A'.and.tmp(1:1).le.'Z').or.tmp(1:1).eq.' ') n1=1 if(tmp(1:1).ge.'0' .and. tmp(1:1).le.'9') n1=1 n2=0 if(tmp(2:2).ge.'A' .and. tmp(2:2).le.'Z') n2=1 if(tmp(2:2).ge.'0' .and. tmp(2:2).le.'9') n2=1 n3=0 if(tmp(3:3).ge.'0' .and. tmp(3:3).le.'9') n3=1 n4=0 if((tmp(4:4).ge.'A'.and.tmp(4:4).le.'Z').or.tmp(4:4).eq.' ') n4=1 n5=0 if((tmp(5:5).ge.'A'.and.tmp(5:5).le.'Z').or.tmp(5:5).eq.' ') n5=1 n6=0 if((tmp(6:6).ge.'A'.and.tmp(6:6).le.'Z').or.tmp(6:6).eq.' ') n6=1 if(n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6 .ne. 6) then text=.true. return endif ncall=nchar(tmp(1:1)) ncall=36*ncall+nchar(tmp(2:2)) ncall=10*ncall+nchar(tmp(3:3)) ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(4:4))-10 ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(5:5))-10 ncall=27*ncall+nchar(tmp(6:6))-10 return end subroutine packcall subroutine unpackcall(ncall,word,iv2,psfx) parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) character word*12,c*37,psfx*4 data c/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '/ word='......' psfx=' ' n=ncall iv2=0 if( go to 20 word='......' ! if( go to 999 !Plain text message ... i=mod(n,27)+11 word(6:6)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(5:5)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,27)+11 word(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/27 i=mod(n,10)+1 word(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/10 i=mod(n,36)+1 word(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/36 i=n+1 word(1:1)=c(i:i) do i=1,4 if(word(i:i).ne.' ') go to 10 enddo go to 999 10 word=word(i:) go to 999 20 if( go to 999 ! We have a JT65v2 message if(( .and. (n.le.264002071)) then ! CQ with prefix iv2=1 n=n-262178563 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.265825580)) then ! QRZ with prefix iv2=2 n=n-264002072 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267649089)) then ! DE with prefix iv2=3 n=n-265825581 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(4:4)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267698374)) then ! CQ with suffix iv2=4 n=n-267649090 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267747659)) then ! QRZ with suffix iv2=5 n=n-267698375 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(( .and. (n.le.267796944)) then ! DE with suffix iv2=6 n=n-267747660 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(3:3)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=mod(n,37)+1 psfx(2:2)=c(i:i) n=n/37 i=n+1 psfx(1:1)=c(i:i) else if(n.eq.267796945) then ! DE with no prefix or suffix iv2=7 psfx = ' ' endif 999 if(word(1:3).eq.'3D0') word='3DA0'//word(4:) if(word(1:1).eq.'Q' .and. word(2:2).ge.'A' .and. & word(2:2).le.'Z') word='3X'//word(2:) return end subroutine unpackcall subroutine packgrid(grid,ng,text) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) character*4 grid character*1 c1 logical text text=.false. if(grid.eq.' ') go to 90 !Blank grid is OK ! First, handle signal reports in the original range, -01 to -30 dB if(grid(1:1).eq.'-') then read(grid(2:3),*,err=800,end=800) n if( .and. n.le.30) then ng=NGBASE+1+n go to 900 endif go to 10 else if(grid(1:2).eq.'R-') then read(grid(3:4),*,err=800,end=800) n if( .and. n.le.30) then ng=NGBASE+31+n go to 900 endif go to 10 ! Now check for RO, RRR, or 73 in the message field normally used for grid else if(grid(1:4).eq.'RO ') then ng=NGBASE+62 go to 900 else if(grid(1:4).eq.'RRR ') then ng=NGBASE+63 go to 900 else if(grid(1:4).eq.'73 ') then ng=NGBASE+64 go to 900 endif ! Now check for extended-range signal reports: -50 to -31, and 0 to +49. 10 n=99 c1=grid(1:1) read(grid,*,err=20,end=20) n go to 30 20 read(grid(2:4),*,err=30,end=30) n 30 if( .and. n.le.49) then if(c1.eq.'R') then write(grid,1002) n+50 1002 format('LA',i2.2) else write(grid,1003) n+50 1003 format('KA',i2.2) endif go to 40 endif ! Maybe it's free text ? if(grid(1:1).lt.'A' .or. grid(1:1).gt.'R') text=.true. if(grid(2:2).lt.'A' .or. grid(2:2).gt.'R') text=.true. if(grid(3:3).lt.'0' .or. grid(3:3).gt.'9') text=.true. if(grid(4:4).lt.'0' .or. grid(4:4).gt.'9') text=.true. if(text) go to 900 ! OK, we have a properly formatted grid locator 40 call grid2deg(grid//'mm',dlong,dlat) long=int(dlong) lat=int(dlat+ 90.0) ng=((long+180)/2)*180 + lat go to 900 90 ng=NGBASE + 1 go to 900 800 text=.true. 900 continue return end subroutine packgrid subroutine unpackgrid(ng,grid) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) character grid*4,grid6*6 grid=' ' if( go to 10 dlat=mod(ng,180)-90 dlong=(ng/180)*2 - 180 + 2 call deg2grid(dlong,dlat,grid6) grid=grid6(:4) if(grid(1:2).eq.'KA') then read(grid(3:4),*) n n=n-50 write(grid,1001) n 1001 format(i3.2) if(grid(1:1).eq.' ') grid(1:1)='+' else if(grid(1:2).eq.'LA') then read(grid(3:4),*) n n=n-50 write(grid,1002) n 1002 format('R',i3.2) if(grid(2:2).eq.' ') grid(2:2)='+' endif go to 900 10 n=ng-NGBASE-1 if( .and.n.le.30) then write(grid,1012) -n 1012 format(i3.2) else if( .and.n.le.60) then n=n-30 write(grid,1022) -n 1022 format('R',i3.2) else if(n.eq.61) then grid='RO' else if(n.eq.62) then grid='RRR' else if(n.eq.63) then grid='73' endif 900 return end subroutine unpackgrid subroutine packmsg(msg0,dat,itype,bcontest) ! Packs a JT4/JT9/JT65 message into twelve 6-bit symbols ! itype Message Type !-------------------- ! 1 Standardd message ! 2 Type 1 prefix ! 3 Type 1 suffix ! 4 Type 2 prefix ! 5 Type 2 suffix ! 6 Free text ! -1 Does not decode correctly parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) parameter (NBASE2=262178562) character*22 msg0,msg integer dat(:) character*12 c1,c2 character*4 c3 character*6 grid6 logical text1,text2,text3,bcontest itype=1 if(bcontest) then !call to_contest_msg(msg0,msg) ! this causes problems with freetext ala, KN4CRD DE KN4CRD -13 R msg=msg0 else msg=msg0 end if call fmtmsg(msg,iz) if(msg(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. msg(4:4).ge.'0' .and. msg(4:4).le.'9' & .and. msg(5:5).eq.' ') msg='CQ 00'//msg(4:) if(msg(1:6).eq.'CQ DX ') msg(3:3)='9' if(msg(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. & msg(4:4).ge.'A' .and. msg(4:4).le.'Z' .and. & msg(5:5).ge.'A' .and. msg(5:5).le.'Z' .and. & msg(6:6).eq.' ') msg='E9'//msg(4:) ! See if it's a CQ message if(msg(1:3).eq.'CQ ') then i=3 ! ... and if so, does it have a reply frequency? if(msg(4:4).ge.'0' .and. msg(4:4).le.'9' .and. & msg(5:5).ge.'0' .and. msg(5:5).le.'9' .and. & msg(6:6).ge.'0' .and. msg(6:6).le.'9') i=7 go to 1 endif do i=1,22 if(msg(i:i).eq.' ') go to 1 !Get 1st blank enddo go to 10 !Consider msg as plain text 1 ia=i c1=msg(1:ia-1) do i=ia+1,22 if(msg(i:i).eq.' ') go to 2 !Get 2nd blank enddo go to 10 !Consider msg as plain text 2 ib=i c2=msg(ia+1:ib-1) do i=ib+1,22 if(msg(i:i).eq.' ') go to 3 !Get 3rd blank enddo go to 10 !Consider msg as plain text 3 ic=i c3=' ' if( c3=msg(ib+1:ic) if(c3.eq.'OOO ') c3=' ' !Strip out the OOO flag call getpfx1(c1,k1,nv2a) if( go to 10 call packcall(c1,nc1,text1) if(text1) go to 10 call getpfx1(c2,k2,nv2b) call packcall(c2,nc2,text2) if(text2) go to 10 if(nv2a.eq.2 .or. nv2a.eq.3 .or. nv2b.eq.2 .or. nv2b.eq.3) then if( .or. .or. k1* go to 10 if( k2=k2+450 k=max(k1,k2) if( then call k2grid(k,grid6) c3=grid6(:4) endif endif call packgrid(c3,ng,text3) if( .and. .and. (.not.text1) .and. (.not.text2) .and. & (.not.text3)) go to 20 nc1=0 if(nv2b.eq.4) then if(c1(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=262178563 + k2 if(c1(1:4).eq.'QRZ ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=264002072 + k2 if(c1(1:3).eq.'DE ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=265825581 + k2 else if(nv2b.eq.5) then if(c1(1:3).eq.'CQ ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=267649090 + k2 if(c1(1:4).eq.'QRZ ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=267698375 + k2 if(c1(1:3).eq.'DE ' .and. (.not.text3)) nc1=267747660 + k2 endif if( go to 20 ! The message will be treated as plain text. 10 itype=6 call packtext(msg,nc1,nc2,ng) ng=ng+32768 ! Encode data into 6-bit words 20 continue if( itype=max(nv2a,nv2b) jt_itype=itype jt_c1=c1(1:6) jt_c2=c2(1:6) jt_c3=c3 jt_k1=k1 jt_k2=k2 jt_nc1=nc1 jt_nc2=nc2 jt_ng=ng dat(1)=iand(ishft(nc1,-22),63) !6 bits dat(2)=iand(ishft(nc1,-16),63) !6 bits dat(3)=iand(ishft(nc1,-10),63) !6 bits dat(4)=iand(ishft(nc1, -4),63) !6 bits dat(5)=4*iand(nc1,15)+iand(ishft(nc2,-26),3) !4+2 bits dat(6)=iand(ishft(nc2,-20),63) !6 bits dat(7)=iand(ishft(nc2,-14),63) !6 bits dat(8)=iand(ishft(nc2, -8),63) !6 bits dat(9)=iand(ishft(nc2, -2),63) !6 bits dat(10)=16*iand(nc2,3)+iand(ishft(ng,-12),15) !2+4 bits dat(11)=iand(ishft(ng,-6),63) dat(12)=iand(ng,63) return end subroutine packmsg subroutine unpackmsg(dat,msg,bcontest,mygrid) parameter (NBASE=37*36*10*27*27*27) parameter (NGBASE=180*180) integer dat(:) character c1*12,c2*12,grid*4,msg*22,grid6*6,psfx*4,junk2*4,mygrid*6 logical cqnnn,bcontest cqnnn=.false. nc1=ishft(dat(1),22) + ishft(dat(2),16) + ishft(dat(3),10)+ & ishft(dat(4),4) + iand(ishft(dat(5),-2),15) nc2=ishft(iand(dat(5),3),26) + ishft(dat(6),20) + & ishft(dat(7),14) + ishft(dat(8),8) + ishft(dat(9),2) + & iand(ishft(dat(10),-4),3) ng=ishft(iand(dat(10),15),12) + ishft(dat(11),6) + dat(12) if( then call unpacktext(nc1,nc2,ng,msg) go to 100 endif call unpackcall(nc1,c1,iv2,psfx) if(iv2.eq.0) then ! This is an "original JT65" message if(nc1.eq.NBASE+1) c1='CQ ' if(nc1.eq.NBASE+2) c1='QRZ ' nfreq=nc1-NBASE-3 if( .and. nfreq.le.999) then write(c1,1002) nfreq 1002 format('CQ ',i3.3) cqnnn=.true. endif endif call unpackcall(nc2,c2,junk1,junk2) call unpackgrid(ng,grid) if( then ! This is a JT65v2 message do i=1,4 if(ichar(psfx(i:i)).eq.0) psfx(i:i)=' ' enddo n1=len_trim(psfx) n2=len_trim(c2) if(iv2.eq.1) msg='CQ '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.2) msg='QRZ '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.3) msg='DE '//psfx(:n1)//'/'//c2(:n2)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.4) msg='CQ '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.5) msg='QRZ '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.6) msg='DE '//c2(:n2)//'/'//psfx(:n1)//' '//grid if(iv2.eq.7) then grid6=grid//'ma' call grid2k(grid6,k) if( .and. k.le.900) then call getpfx2(k,c2) n2=len_trim(c2) msg='DE '//c2(:n2) else msg='DE '//c2(:n2)//' '//grid endif endif if(iv2.eq.8) msg=' ' go to 100 else endif grid6=grid//'ma' call grid2k(grid6,k) if( .and. k.le.450) call getpfx2(k,c1) if( .and. k.le.900) call getpfx2(k,c2) i=index(c1,char(0)) if( c1=c1(1:i-1)//' ' i=index(c2,char(0)) if( c2=c2(1:i-1)//' ' msg=' ' j=0 if(cqnnn) then msg=c1//' ' j=7 !### ??? ### go to 10 endif do i=1,12 j=j+1 msg(j:j)=c1(i:i) if(c1(i:i).eq.' ') go to 10 enddo j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' 10 do i=1,12 if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=c2(i:i) if(c2(i:i).eq.' ') go to 20 enddo if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' 20 if(k.eq.0) then do i=1,4 if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=grid(i:i) enddo if(j.le.21) j=j+1 msg(j:j)=' ' endif 100 continue if(msg(1:6).eq.'CQ9DX ') msg(3:3)=' ' if(msg(1:2).eq.'E9' .and. & msg(3:3).ge.'A' .and. msg(3:3).le.'Z' .and. & msg(4:4).ge.'A' .and. msg(4:4).le.'Z' .and. & msg(5:5).eq.' ') msg='CQ '//msg(3:) if(bcontest) call fix_contest_msg(mygrid,msg) if(msg(1:5).eq.'CQ 00' .and. msg(6:6).ge.'0' .and. & msg(6:6).le.'9') msg='CQ '//msg(6:) return end subroutine unpackmsg subroutine packtext(msg,nc1,nc2,nc3) parameter (MASK28=2**28 - 1) character*22 msg character*42 c data c/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +-./?'/ nc1=0 nc2=0 nc3=0 do i=1,5 !First 5 characters in nc1 do j=1,42 !Get character code if(msg(i:i).eq.c(j:j)) go to 10 enddo j=37 10 j=j-1 !Codes should start at zero nc1=42*nc1 + j enddo do i=6,10 !Characters 6-10 in nc2 do j=1,42 !Get character code if(msg(i:i).eq.c(j:j)) go to 20 enddo j=37 20 j=j-1 !Codes should start at zero nc2=42*nc2 + j enddo do i=11,13 !Characters 11-13 in nc3 do j=1,42 !Get character code if(msg(i:i).eq.c(j:j)) go to 30 enddo j=37 30 j=j-1 !Codes should start at zero nc3=42*nc3 + j enddo ! We now have used 17 bits in nc3. Must move one each to nc1 and nc2. nc1=nc1+nc1 if(iand(nc3,32768).ne.0) nc1=nc1+1 nc2=nc2+nc2 if(iand(nc3,65536).ne.0) nc2=nc2+1 nc3=iand(nc3,32767) return end subroutine packtext subroutine unpacktext(nc1,nc2,nc3,msg) character*22 msg character*44 c data c/'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +-./?'/ nc3=iand(nc3,32767) !Remove the "plain text" bit if(iand(nc1,1).ne.0) nc3=nc3+32768 nc1=nc1/2 if(iand(nc2,1).ne.0) nc3=nc3+65536 nc2=nc2/2 do i=5,1,-1 j=mod(nc1,42)+1 msg(i:i)=c(j:j) nc1=nc1/42 enddo do i=10,6,-1 j=mod(nc2,42)+1 msg(i:i)=c(j:j) nc2=nc2/42 enddo do i=13,11,-1 j=mod(nc3,42)+1 msg(i:i)=c(j:j) nc3=nc3/42 enddo msg(14:22) = ' ' return end subroutine unpacktext subroutine getpfx1(callsign,k,nv2) character*12 callsign0,callsign,lof,rof character*8 c character addpfx*8,tpfx*4,tsfx*3 logical ispfx,issfx,invalid common/pfxcom/addpfx include 'pfx.f90' callsign0=callsign nv2=1 iz=index(callsign,' ') - 1 if( iz=12 islash=index(callsign(1:iz),'/') k=0 ! if(k.eq.0) go to 10 !Tnx to DL9RDZ for reminder:this was for tests only! c=' ' if( .and. islash.le.(iz-4)) then ! Add-on prefix c=callsign(1:islash-1) callsign=callsign(islash+1:iz) do i=1,NZ if(pfx(i)(1:4).eq.c) then k=i nv2=2 go to 10 endif enddo if(addpfx.eq.c) then k=449 nv2=2 go to 10 endif else if(islash.eq.(iz-1)) then ! Add-on suffix c=callsign(islash+1:iz) callsign=callsign(1:islash-1) do i=1,NZ2 if(sfx(i).eq.c(1:1)) then k=400+i nv2=3 go to 10 endif enddo endif 10 if( .and.k.eq.0) then ! Original JT65 would force this compound callsign to be treated as ! plain text. In JT65v2, we will encode the prefix or suffix into nc1. ! The task here is to compute the proper value of k. lof=callsign0(:islash-1) rof=callsign0(islash+1:) llof=len_trim(lof) lrof=len_trim(rof) ispfx=( .and. llof.le.4) issfx=( .and. lrof.le.3) invalid=.not.(ispfx.or.issfx) if(ispfx.and.issfx) then if( issfx=.false. if( ispfx=.false. if(ispfx.and.issfx) then i=ichar(callsign0(islash-1:islash-1)) if('0') .and. i.le.ichar('9')) then issfx=.false. else ispfx=.false. endif endif endif if(invalid) then k=-1 else if(ispfx) then tpfx=lof(1:4) k=nchar(tpfx(1:1)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(2:2)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(3:3)) k=37*k + nchar(tpfx(4:4)) nv2=4 i=index(callsign0,'/') callsign=callsign0(:i-1) callsign=callsign0(i+1:) endif if(issfx) then tsfx=rof(1:3) k=nchar(tsfx(1:1)) k=37*k + nchar(tsfx(2:2)) k=37*k + nchar(tsfx(3:3)) nv2=5 i=index(callsign0,'/') callsign=callsign0(:i-1) endif endif endif return end subroutine getpfx1 subroutine getpfx2(k0,callsign) character callsign*12 include 'pfx.f90' character addpfx*8 common/pfxcom/addpfx k=k0 if( k=k-450 if( .and. k.le.NZ) then iz=index(pfx(k),' ') - 1 callsign=pfx(k)(1:iz)//'/'//callsign else if( .and. k.le.400+NZ2) then iz=index(callsign,' ') - 1 callsign=callsign(1:iz)//'/'//sfx(k-400) else if(k.eq.449) then iz=index(addpfx,' ') - 1 if( iz=8 callsign=addpfx(1:iz)//'/'//callsign endif return end subroutine getpfx2 subroutine grid2k(grid,k) character*6 grid call grid2deg(grid,xlong,xlat) nlong=nint(xlong) nlat=nint(xlat) k=0 if( k=5*(nlong+179)/2 + nlat-84 return end subroutine grid2k subroutine k2grid(k,grid) character grid*6 nlong=2*mod((k-1)/5,90)-179 if( nlong=nlong+180 nlat=mod(k-1,5)+ 85 dlat=nlat dlong=nlong call deg2grid(dlong,dlat,grid) return end subroutine k2grid subroutine grid2n(grid,n) character*4 grid i1=ichar(grid(1:1))-ichar('A') i2=ichar(grid(3:3))-ichar('0') i=10*i1 + i2 n=-i - 31 return end subroutine grid2n subroutine n2grid(n,grid) character*4 grid if( .or. stop 'Error in n2grid' i=-(n+31) !NB: 0 <= i <= 39 i1=i/10 i2=mod(i,10) grid(1:1)=char(ichar('A')+i1) grid(2:2)='A' grid(3:3)=char(ichar('0')+i2) grid(4:4)='0' return end subroutine n2grid function nchar(c) ! Convert ascii number, letter, or space to 0-36 for callsign packing. character c*1 n=0 !Silence compiler warning if('0' .and. c.le.'9') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('0') else if('A' .and. c.le.'Z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('A') + 10 else if('a' .and. c.le.'z') then n=ichar(c)-ichar('a') + 10 else if(' ') then n=36 else Print*,'Invalid character in callsign ',c,' ',ichar(c) stop endif nchar=n return end function nchar subroutine pack50(n1,n2,dat) integer*1 dat(:),i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1,-20),255) !8 bits dat(1)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1,-12),255) !8 bits dat(2)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n1, -4),255) !8 bits dat(3)=i1 i1=16*iand(n1,15)+iand(ishft(n2,-18),15) !4+4 bits dat(4)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n2,-10),255) !8 bits dat(5)=i1 i1=iand(ishft(n2, -2),255) !8 bits dat(6)=i1 i1=64*iand(n2,3) !2 bits dat(7)=i1 dat(8)=0 dat(9)=0 dat(10)=0 dat(11)=0 return end subroutine pack50 subroutine packpfx(call1,n1,ng,nadd) character*12 call1,call0 character*3 pfx logical text i1=index(call1,'/') if(call1(i1+2:i1+2).eq.' ') then ! Single-character add-on suffix (maybe also fourth suffix letter?) call0=call1(:i1-1) call packcall(call0,n1,text) nadd=1 nc=ichar(call1(i1+1:i1+1)) if( .and. nc.le.57) then n=nc-48 else if( .and. nc.le.90) then n=nc-65+10 else n=38 endif nadd=1 ng=60000-32768+n else if(call1(i1+3:i1+3).eq.' ') then ! Two-character numerical suffix, /10 to /99 call0=call1(:i1-1) call packcall(call0,n1,text) nadd=1 n=10*(ichar(call1(i1+1:i1+1))-48) + ichar(call1(i1+2:i1+2)) - 48 nadd=1 ng=60000 + 26 + n else ! Prefix of 1 to 3 characters pfx=call1(:i1-1) if(pfx(3:3).eq.' ') pfx=' '//pfx(1:2) if(pfx(3:3).eq.' ') pfx=' '//pfx(1:2) call0=call1(i1+1:) call packcall(call0,n1,text) ng=0 do i=1,3 nc=ichar(pfx(i:i)) if( .and. nc.le.57) then n=nc-48 else if( .and. nc.le.90) then n=nc-65+10 else n=36 endif ng=37*ng + n enddo nadd=0 if( then ng=ng-32768 nadd=1 endif endif return end subroutine packpfx end module packjt