* This file is part of FT8Call.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* (C) 2018 Jordan Sherer - All Rights Reserved
#include "crc.h"
#include "varicode.h"
const int nalphabet = 41;
QString alphabet = {"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+-./?"};
QString grid_pattern = {R"((?[A-R]{2}[0-9]{2})+)"};
QString callsign_pattern1 = {R"((?[A-Z0-9/]{2,}))"};
QString callsign_pattern2 = {R"((?(\d|[A-Z])+\/?((\d|[A-Z]){3,})(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?(\/(\d|[A-Z])+)?))"};
QString callsign_pattern3 = {R"(([0-9A-Z ])([0-9A-Z])([0-9])([A-Z ])([A-Z ])([A-Z ]))"};
QString callsign_alphabet = {"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "};
QMap directed_cmds = {
// any changes here need to be made also in the directed regular xpression for parsing
{"?", 0 }, // query snr
{"@", 1 }, // query qth
{"&", 2 }, // query station message
//{"$", 3 }, // query stations heard
//{"|", 4 }, // relay message
// ...
{" NO", 26 }, // negative confirm
{" YES", 27 }, // confirm
{" 73", 28 }, // best regards, end of contact
{" RR", 29 }, // confirm message
{" AGN?", 30 }, // repeat message
{" ", 31 }, // send freetext
QSet allowed_cmds = {0, 2, 3, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31};
QRegularExpression directed_re("^"
"(?\\s?(?:AGN[?]|RR|73|YES|NO|[?$@&| ]))"
QMap huff = {
// char code weight
{' ' , "000" }, // 1300
{'E' , "001" }, // 1270.2
{'T' , "1100" }, // 905.6
{'A' , "1010" }, // 816.7
{'O' , "0111" }, // 750.7
{'I' , "0101" }, // 696.6
{'N' , "0100" }, // 674.9
{'S' , "11111" }, // 632.7
{'H' , "11110" }, // 609.4
{'R' , "11101" }, // 598.7
{'D' , "10111" }, // 425.3
{'L' , "10110" }, // 402.5
{'C' , "111001" }, // 278.2
{'U' , "111000" }, // 275.8
{'M' , "110111" }, // 240.6
{'W' , "110110" }, // 236.0
{'F' , "110100" }, // 222.8
{'G' , "100111" }, // 201.5
{'Q' , "100110" }, // 200
{'Y' , "011010" }, // 197.4
{'P' , "011001" }, // 192.9
{'B' , "011000" }, // 149.2
{'!' , "0110111" }, // 100
{'.' , "1000000" }, // 100
{'0' , "1000001" }, // 100
{'1' , "1000010" }, // 100
{'2' , "1000011" }, // 100
{'3' , "1000100" }, // 100
{'4' , "1000101" }, // 100
{'5' , "1000110" }, // 100
{'6' , "1000111" }, // 100
{'7' , "1001000" }, // 100
{'8' , "1001001" }, // 100
{'9' , "1001010" }, // 100
{'?' , "1001011" }, // 100
{'^' , "1101010" }, // 100 <- shift
{'V' , "0110110" }, // 97.8
{'K' , "11010111" }, // 77.2
{'J' , "1101011010" }, // 15.3
{'X' , "1101011001" }, // 15.0
{'Z' , "11010110110" }, // 7.4
{':' , "11010110000" }, // 5
{'+' , "110101100011" }, // 5
{'-' , "110101101110" }, // 5
{'/' , "110101101111" }, // 5
{'\x04' , "110101100010" }, // 1 <- eot
QChar huffeot = '\x04';
quint32 nbasecall = 37 * 36 * 10 * 27 * 27 * 27;
QMap basecalls = {
{ "CQ DX", nbasecall + 1 },
{ "CQCQCQ", nbasecall + 2 },
{ "ALLCALL", nbasecall + 3 },
QString Varicode::formatSNR(int snr){
if(snr < -60 || snr > 60){
return QString();
return QString("%1%2%3").arg(snr >= 0 ? "+" : "").arg(snr <= 9 && snr >= -9 ? "0" : "").arg(snr);
QStringList Varicode::parseCallsigns(QString const &input){
QStringList callsigns;
QRegularExpression re(callsign_pattern2);
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(input);
QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
QString callsign = match.captured("callsign");
QRegularExpression m(grid_pattern);
return callsigns;
QStringList Varicode::parseGrids(const QString &input){
QStringList grids;
QRegularExpression re(grid_pattern);
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = re.globalMatch(input);
QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
auto grid = match.captured("grid");
if(grid == "RR73"){
return grids;
QList> Varicode::huffEncode(QString const& text){
QList> out;
foreach(auto ch, text){
return out;
QVector Varicode::huffFlatten(QList> &list){
QVector out;
foreach(auto vec, list){
out += vec;
return out;
QString Varicode::huffDecode(QVector const& bitvec, int pad){
QString out;
QString bits = bitsToStr(bitvec).mid(0, bitvec.length()-pad);
// TODO: jsherer - this is naive...
while(bits.length() > 0){
bool found = false;
foreach(auto key, huff.keys()){
if(key == huffeot){
out.append(" ");
found = false;
bits = bits.mid(huff[key].length());
found = true;
return out;
// convert char* array of 0 bytes and 1 bytes to bool vector
QVector Varicode::bytesToBits(char *bitvec, int n){
QVector bits;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
bits.append(bitvec[i] == 0x01);
return bits;
// convert string of 0s and 1s to bool vector
QVector Varicode::strToBits(QString const& bitvec){
QVector bits;
foreach(auto ch, bitvec){
bits.append(ch == '1');
return bits;
QString Varicode::bitsToStr(QVector const& bitvec){
QString bits;
foreach(auto bit, bitvec){
bits.append(bit ? "1" : "0");
return bits;
QVector Varicode::intToBits(quint64 value, int expected){
QVector bits;
bits.prepend((bool)(value & 1));
value = value >> 1;
while(bits.count() < expected){
bits.prepend((bool) 0);
return bits;
quint64 Varicode::bitsToInt(QVector const value){
quint64 v = 0;
foreach(bool bit, value){
v = (v << 1) + (int)(bit);
return v;
quint64 Varicode::bitsToInt(QVector::ConstIterator start, int n){
quint64 v = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
int bit = (int)(*start);
v = (v << 1) + (int)(bit);
return v;
quint8 Varicode::unpack5bits(QString const& value){
return alphabet.indexOf(value.at(0));
QString Varicode::pack5bits(quint8 packed){
return alphabet.at(packed % nalphabet);
quint16 Varicode::unpack16bits(QString const& value){
int a = alphabet.indexOf(value.at(0));
int b = alphabet.indexOf(value.at(1));
int c = alphabet.indexOf(value.at(2));
return (nalphabet*nalphabet) * a + nalphabet*b + c;
QString Varicode::pack16bits(quint16 packed){
QString out;
quint16 tmp = packed / (nalphabet*nalphabet);
tmp = (packed - (tmp * (nalphabet*nalphabet))) / nalphabet;
tmp = packed % nalphabet;
return out;
quint32 Varicode::unpack32bits(QString const& value){
return (quint32)(unpack16bits(value.left(3))) << 16 | unpack16bits(value.right(3));
QString Varicode::pack32bits(quint32 packed){
quint16 a = (packed & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16;
quint16 b = packed & 0xFFFF;
return pack16bits(a) + pack16bits(b);
quint64 Varicode::unpack64bits(QString const& value){
return (quint64)(unpack32bits(value.left(6))) << 32 | unpack32bits(value.right(6));
QString Varicode::pack64bits(quint64 packed){
quint32 a = (packed & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32;
quint32 b = packed & 0xFFFFFFFF;
return pack32bits(a) + pack32bits(b);
quint32 Varicode::packCallsign(QString const& value){
quint32 packed = 0;
QString callsign = value.toUpper().trimmed();
return basecalls[callsign];
// workaround for swaziland
callsign = "3D0" + callsign.mid(4);
// workaround for guinea
if(callsign.startsWith("3X") && 'A' <= callsign.at(2) && callsign.at(2) <= 'Z'){
callsign = "Q" + callsign.mid(2);
int slen = callsign.length();
if(slen < 2){
return packed;
if(slen > 6){
return packed;
QStringList permutations = { callsign };
if(slen == 2){
permutations.append(" " + callsign + " ");
if(slen == 3){
permutations.append(" " + callsign + " ");
permutations.append(callsign + " ");
if(slen == 4){
permutations.append(" " + callsign + " ");
permutations.append(callsign + " ");
if(slen == 5){
permutations.append(" " + callsign);
permutations.append(callsign + " ");
QString matched;
QRegularExpression m(callsign_pattern3);
foreach(auto permutation, permutations){
auto match = m.match(permutation);
matched = match.captured(0);
return packed;
if(matched.length() < 6){
return packed;
packed = callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(0));
packed = 36*packed + callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(1));
packed = 10*packed + callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(2));
packed = 27*packed + callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(3)) - 10;
packed = 27*packed + callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(4)) - 10;
packed = 27*packed + callsign_alphabet.indexOf(matched.at(5)) - 10;
return packed;
QString Varicode::unpackCallsign(quint32 value){
foreach(auto key, basecalls.keys()){
if(basecalls[key] == value){
return key;
QChar word[6];
quint32 tmp = value % 27 + 10;
word[5] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
value = value/27;
tmp = value % 27 + 10;
word[4] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
value = value/27;
tmp = value % 27 + 10;
word[3] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
value = value/27;
tmp = value % 10;
word[2] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
value = value/10;
tmp = value % 36;
word[1] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
value = value/36;
tmp = value;
word[0] = callsign_alphabet.at(tmp);
QString callsign(word, 6);
callsign = "3DA0" + callsign.mid(3);
if(callsign.startsWith("Q") and 'A' <= callsign.at(1) && callsign.at(1) <= 'Z'){
callsign = "3X" + callsign.mid(1);
return callsign;
QString deg2grid(float dlong, float dlat){
QChar grid[6];
if(dlong < -180){
dlong += 360;
if(dlong > 180){
dlong -= 360;
int nlong = int(60.0*(180.0-dlong)/5);
int n1 = nlong/240;
int n2 = (nlong-240*n1)/24;
int n3 = (nlong-240*n1-24*n2);
grid[0] = QChar('A' + n1);
grid[2] = QChar('0' + n2);
grid[4] = QChar('a' + n3);
int nlat=int(60.0*(dlat+90)/2.5);
n1 = nlat/240;
n2 = (nlat-240*n1)/24;
n3 = (nlat-240*n1-24*n2);
grid[1] = QChar('A' + n1);
grid[3] = QChar('0' + n2);
grid[5] = QChar('a' + n3);
return QString(grid, 6);
QPair grid2deg(QString const &grid){
QPair longLat;
QString g = grid;
if(g.length() < 6){
g = grid.left(4) + "mm";
g = g.left(4).toUpper() + g.right(2).toLower();
int nlong = 180 - 20 * (g.at(0).toLatin1() - 'A');
int n20d = 2 * (g.at(2).toLatin1() - '0');
float xminlong = 5 * (g.at(4).toLatin1() - 'a' + 0.5);
float dlong = nlong - n20d - xminlong/60.0;
int nlat = -90 + 10*(g.at(1).toLatin1() - 'A') + g.at(3).toLatin1() - '0';
float xminlat = 2.5 * (g.at(5).toLatin1() - 'a' + 0.5);
float dlat = nlat + xminlat/60.0;
longLat.first = dlong;
longLat.second = dlat;
return longLat;
quint16 Varicode::packGrid(QString const& grid){
// TODO: validate grid...
// TODO: encode non-grid data...
auto pair = grid2deg(grid.left(4));
int ilong = pair.first;
int ilat = pair.second + 90;
return ((ilong + 180)/2) * 180 + ilat;
QString Varicode::unpackGrid(quint16 value){
if(value > 180*180){
// TODO: decode non-grid data...
return "";
float dlat = value % 180 - 90;
float dlong = value / 180 * 2 - 180 + 2;
return deg2grid(dlong, dlat).left(4);
bool Varicode::isCommandAllowed(const QString &cmd){
return directed_cmds.contains(cmd) && allowed_cmds.contains(directed_cmds[cmd]);
QString Varicode::packDirectedMessage(const QString &text, const QString &callsign, int *n){
QString frame;
auto match = directed_re.match(text);
QString from = callsign;
QString to = match.captured("to");
QString cmd = match.captured("cmd");
QString num = match.captured("num").trimmed();
int inum = -31;
bool hasnum = false;
inum = qMax(-30, qMin(num.toInt(&hasnum, 10), 30));
qDebug() << "match" << match.captured(0);
qDebug() << "groups" << from << to << cmd << num;
qDebug() << "packed num" << num << inum << hasnum;
if(to == callsign){
*n = 0;
return frame;
bool validToCallsign = basecalls.contains(to) || QRegularExpression(callsign_pattern2).match(to).hasMatch();
if(!validToCallsign || !Varicode::isCommandAllowed(cmd)){
*n = 0;
return frame;
// TODO: jsherer - we don't need this CRC... the FT8 msg already has a 12 bit CRC...
//auto fromBytes = from.toLocal8Bit();
//auto fromCRC = CRC::Calculate(fromBytes.data(), fromBytes.length(), CRC::CRC_5_ITU());
quint8 packed_is_data = 0;
quint8 packed_flag = inum < 0 ? 1 : 0;
quint32 packed_from = Varicode::packCallsign(from);
quint32 packed_to = Varicode::packCallsign(to);
if(packed_from == 0 || packed_to == 0){
*n = 0;
return frame;
quint8 packed_cmd = directed_cmds[cmd];
quint8 packed_extra = qAbs(inum);
// [1][2][28][28][5],[5] = 69
auto bits = (
Varicode::intToBits(packed_is_data, 1) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_flag, 2) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_from, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_to, 28) +
Varicode::intToBits(packed_cmd & 31, 5)
frame = Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(bits)) + Varicode::pack5bits(packed_extra & 31);
*n = match.captured(0).length();
return frame;
return frame;
QStringList Varicode::unpackDirectedMessage(const QString &text){
QStringList unpacked;
if(text.length() < 13){
return unpacked;
// [1][2][28][28][5],[5] = 69
auto bits = Varicode::bitsToStr(Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64));
quint8 extra = Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1));
quint8 is_data = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.left(1)));
if(is_data != 0){
return unpacked;
quint8 flag = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(1,2)));
quint32 packed_from = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(3, 28)));
quint32 packed_to = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(31, 28)));
quint8 packed_cmd = Varicode::bitsToInt(Varicode::strToBits(bits.mid(59, 5)));
QString from = Varicode::unpackCallsign(packed_from).trimmed();
// TODO: jsherer - we don't need this CRC... the FT8 msg already has a 12 bit CRC...
//auto fromBytes = from.toLocal8Bit();
//auto fromCRC = CRC::Calculate(fromBytes.data(), fromBytes.length(), CRC::CRC_5_ITU());
//if(fromCRC != extra){
// return unpacked;
unpacked.append(directed_cmds.key(packed_cmd & 31));
int num = (flag ? -1 : 1) * extra;
if(num != -31){
return unpacked;
QString Varicode::packDataMessage(const QString &text, int *n){
QString frame;
// [1][63],[5] = 69
quint8 is_data = 1;
auto frameBits = (
Varicode::intToBits(is_data, 1)
int i = 0;
foreach(auto charBits, Varicode::huffEncode(text)){
if(frameBits.length() + charBits.length() < 63){
frameBits += charBits;
int pad = 64 - frameBits.length();
frameBits += Varicode::intToBits(0, pad);
frame = Varicode::pack64bits(Varicode::bitsToInt(frameBits)) + Varicode::pack5bits(pad & 31);
*n = i;
return frame;
QString Varicode::unpackDataMessage(const QString &text){
QString unpacked;
if(text.length() < 13){
return unpacked;
auto bits = Varicode::intToBits(Varicode::unpack64bits(text.left(12)), 64);
quint8 pad = Varicode::unpack5bits(text.right(1));
quint8 is_data = (int)bits.at(0);
if(is_data != 1){
return unpacked;
// pop off the is_data bit
unpacked = Varicode::huffDecode(bits, pad);
return unpacked;