subroutine subtractjs8(dd,itone,f0,dt) ! Subtract an ft8 signal ! ! Measured signal : dd(t) = a(t)cos(2*pi*f0*t+theta(t)) ! Reference signal : cref(t) = exp( j*(2*pi*f0*t+phi(t)) ) ! Complex amp : cfilt(t) = LPF[ dd(t)*CONJG(cref(t)) ] ! Subtract : dd(t) = dd(t) - 2*REAL{cref*cfilt} parameter (NSHIFT=0) parameter (NFRAME=NSPS*NN) parameter (NFFT=NMAX, NFILT=1400) real*4 dd(NMAX), window(-NFILT/2:NFILT/2) complex cref,camp,cfilt,cw integer itone(NN) logical first data first/.true./ common/heap8/cref(NFRAME),camp(NMAX),cfilt(NMAX),cw(NMAX) save first nstart=dt*12000+1 if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' generating reference signal', nstart flush(6) endif call genjs8refsig(itone,cref,f0) camp=0. do i=1,NFRAME id=nstart-1+i if( camp(i)=dd(id)*conjg(cref(i)) enddo if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' filtering', NFFT flush(6) endif if(first) then ! Create and normalize the filter if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' creating and normalizing filter' flush(6) endif if(NSHIFT.eq.0) then pi=4.0*atan(1.0) fac=1.0/float(NFFT) sum=0.0 do j=-NFILT/2,NFILT/2 window(j)=cos(pi*j/NFILT)**2 sum=sum+window(j) enddo cw=0. cw(1:NFILT+1)=window/sum cw=cshift(cw,NFILT/2+1) call four2a(cw,NFFT,1,-1,1) cw=cw*fac first=.false. else pi=4.0*atan(1.0) fac=1.0/float(NFFT) sum=0.0 do j=-NFILT/2,NFILT/2 window(j)=cos(pi*j/NFILT)**2 sum=sum+window(j) enddo cw=0. ! this ultimately shifts 1/2 of the window out of computation ! since it's multiplied against cfilt whiich will only have amp ! values for NFRAME length, which will always be > 20000 samples ! longer than the NFRAME. ! cw(1:NFILT+1)=window/sum ! cw=cshift(cw,NFILT/2+1) cw(1:NFILT/2)=window(1:NFILT/2) ! we really don't even need the second half of the window. ! start=NMAX-NFILT/2 ! end=NMAX-NFILT+1 ! cw(start:end)=window(-NFILT/2:1) cw=cw/sum call four2a(cw,NFFT,1,-1,1) cw=cw*fac first=.false. endif endif if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' generating complex amplitude' flush(6) endif cfilt=0.0 cfilt(1:NFRAME)=camp(1:NFRAME) call four2a(cfilt,NFFT,1,-1,1) cfilt(1:NFFT)=cfilt(1:NFFT)*cw(1:NFFT) call four2a(cfilt,NFFT,1,1,1) if(NWRITELOG.eq.1) then write(*,*) ' subtracting filtered reference', NFFT flush(6) endif ! Subtract the reconstructed signal do i=1,NFRAME j=nstart+i-1 if( .and. j.le.NMAX) dd(j)=dd(j)-2*REAL(cfilt(i)*cref(i)) enddo return end subroutine subtractjs8