// (C) Copyright Gennadiy Rozental 2001. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org/libs/test for the library home page. // // File : $RCSfile$ // // Version : $Revision$ // // Description : implements compiler like Log formatter // *************************************************************************** #ifndef BOOST_TEST_COMPILER_LOG_FORMATTER_IPP_020105GER #define BOOST_TEST_COMPILER_LOG_FORMATTER_IPP_020105GER // Boost.Test #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Boost #include // STL #include #include //____________________________________________________________________________// namespace boost { namespace unit_test { namespace output { // ************************************************************************** // // ************** compiler_log_formatter ************** // // ************************************************************************** // namespace { std::string test_phase_identifier() { return framework::test_in_progress() ? framework::current_test_case().full_name() : std::string( "Test setup" ); } } // local namespace //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_start( std::ostream& output, counter_t test_cases_amount ) { m_color_output = runtime_config::get( runtime_config::COLOR_OUTPUT ); if( test_cases_amount > 0 ) output << "Running " << test_cases_amount << " test " << (test_cases_amount > 1 ? "cases" : "case") << "...\n"; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_finish( std::ostream& ostr ) { ostr.flush(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_build_info( std::ostream& output ) { output << "Platform: " << BOOST_PLATFORM << '\n' << "Compiler: " << BOOST_COMPILER << '\n' << "STL : " << BOOST_STDLIB << '\n' << "Boost : " << BOOST_VERSION/100000 << "." << BOOST_VERSION/100 % 1000 << "." << BOOST_VERSION % 100 << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::test_unit_start( std::ostream& output, test_unit const& tu ) { BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( m_color_output, output, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::BLUE ); print_prefix( output, tu.p_file_name, tu.p_line_num ); output << "Entering test " << tu.p_type_name << " \"" << tu.p_name << "\"" << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::test_unit_finish( std::ostream& output, test_unit const& tu, unsigned long elapsed ) { BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( m_color_output, output, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::BLUE ); print_prefix( output, tu.p_file_name, tu.p_line_num ); output << "Leaving test " << tu.p_type_name << " \"" << tu.p_name << "\""; if( elapsed > 0 ) { output << "; testing time: "; if( elapsed % 1000 == 0 ) output << elapsed/1000 << "ms"; else output << elapsed << "us"; } output << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::test_unit_skipped( std::ostream& output, test_unit const& tu, const_string reason ) { BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( m_color_output, output, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::YELLOW ); print_prefix( output, tu.p_file_name, tu.p_line_num ); output << "Test " << tu.p_type_name << " \"" << tu.full_name() << "\"" << " is skipped because " << reason << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_exception_start( std::ostream& output, log_checkpoint_data const& checkpoint_data, execution_exception const& ex ) { execution_exception::location const& loc = ex.where(); print_prefix( output, loc.m_file_name, loc.m_line_num ); { BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( m_color_output, output, term_attr::UNDERLINE, term_color::RED ); output << "fatal error: in \"" << (loc.m_function.is_empty() ? test_phase_identifier() : loc.m_function ) << "\": " << ex.what(); } if( !checkpoint_data.m_file_name.is_empty() ) { output << '\n'; print_prefix( output, checkpoint_data.m_file_name, checkpoint_data.m_line_num ); BOOST_TEST_SCOPE_SETCOLOR( m_color_output, output, term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::CYAN ); output << "last checkpoint"; if( !checkpoint_data.m_message.empty() ) output << ": " << checkpoint_data.m_message; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_exception_finish( std::ostream& output ) { output << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_entry_start( std::ostream& output, log_entry_data const& entry_data, log_entry_types let ) { using namespace utils; switch( let ) { case BOOST_UTL_ET_INFO: print_prefix( output, entry_data.m_file_name, entry_data.m_line_num ); if( m_color_output ) output << setcolor( term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::GREEN ); output << "info: "; break; case BOOST_UTL_ET_MESSAGE: if( m_color_output ) output << setcolor( term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::CYAN ); break; case BOOST_UTL_ET_WARNING: print_prefix( output, entry_data.m_file_name, entry_data.m_line_num ); if( m_color_output ) output << setcolor( term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::YELLOW ); output << "warning: in \"" << test_phase_identifier() << "\": "; break; case BOOST_UTL_ET_ERROR: print_prefix( output, entry_data.m_file_name, entry_data.m_line_num ); if( m_color_output ) output << setcolor( term_attr::BRIGHT, term_color::RED ); output << "error: in \"" << test_phase_identifier() << "\": "; break; case BOOST_UTL_ET_FATAL_ERROR: print_prefix( output, entry_data.m_file_name, entry_data.m_line_num ); if( m_color_output ) output << setcolor( term_attr::UNDERLINE, term_color::RED ); output << "fatal error: in \"" << test_phase_identifier() << "\": "; break; } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_entry_value( std::ostream& output, const_string value ) { output << value; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_entry_value( std::ostream& output, lazy_ostream const& value ) { output << value; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_entry_finish( std::ostream& output ) { if( m_color_output ) output << utils::setcolor(); output << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::print_prefix( std::ostream& output, const_string file_name, std::size_t line_num ) { if( !file_name.empty() ) { #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ // Xcode-compatible logging format, idea by Richard Dingwall at // . output << file_name << ':' << line_num << ": "; #else output << file_name << '(' << line_num << "): "; #endif } } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::entry_context_start( std::ostream& output, log_level l ) { output << (l == log_successful_tests ? "\nAssertion" : "\nFailure" ) << " occurred in a following context:"; } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::entry_context_finish( std::ostream& output ) { output.flush(); } //____________________________________________________________________________// void compiler_log_formatter::log_entry_context( std::ostream& output, const_string context_descr ) { output << "\n " << context_descr; } //____________________________________________________________________________// } // namespace output } // namespace unit_test } // namespace boost #include #endif // BOOST_TEST_COMPILER_LOG_FORMATTER_IPP_020105GER