#include "astro.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <QApplication>
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QDir>
#include <QCloseEvent>
#include <QDebug>

#include "commons.h"
#include "MessageBox.hpp"
#include "Configuration.hpp"
#include "SettingsGroup.hpp"
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"

#include "ui_astro.h"
#include "moc_astro.cpp"

extern "C" {
  void astrosub_(int* nyear, int* month, int* nday, double* uth, double* freqMoon,
                 const char* mygrid, const char* hisgrid, double* azsun,
                 double* elsun, double* azmoon, double* elmoon, double* azmoondx,
                 double* elmoondx, int* ntsky, int* ndop, int* ndop00,
                 double* ramoon, double* decmoon, double* dgrd, double* poloffset,
                 double* xnr, double* techo, double* width1, double* width2,
                 bool* bTx, const char* AzElFileName, const char* jpleph,
                 fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t, fortran_charlen_t);

Astro::Astro(QSettings * settings, Configuration const * configuration, QWidget * parent)
  : QDialog {parent, Qt::WindowTitleHint}
  , settings_ {settings}
  , configuration_ {configuration}
  , ui_ {new Ui::Astro}
  , m_DopplerMethod {0}
  , m_dop {0}
  , m_dop00 {0}
  , m_dx_two_way_dop {0}
  ui_->setupUi (this);
  setWindowTitle (QApplication::applicationName () + " - " + tr ("Astronomical Data"));
  setStyleSheet ("QWidget {background: white;}");
  connect (ui_->cbDopplerTracking, &QAbstractButton::toggled, ui_->doppler_widget, &QWidget::setVisible);
  read_settings ();
  ui_->text_label->clear ();

Astro::~Astro ()
  ui_->cbDopplerTracking->setChecked (false);
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();
  if (isVisible ()) write_settings ();

void Astro::closeEvent (QCloseEvent * e)
  write_settings ();
  e->ignore ();                 // do not allow closure by the window system

void Astro::read_settings ()
  SettingsGroup g (settings_, "Astro");
  ui_->doppler_widget->setVisible (ui_->cbDopplerTracking->isChecked ());
  switch (m_DopplerMethod)
    case 0: ui_->rbNoDoppler->setChecked (true); break;
    case 1: ui_->rbFullTrack->setChecked (true); break;
    case 2: ui_->rbConstFreqOnMoon->setChecked (true); break;
    case 3: ui_->rbOwnEcho->setChecked (true); break;
	case 4: ui_->rbOnDxEcho->setChecked (true); break;
	case 5: ui_->rbCallDx->setChecked (true); break;
  move (settings_->value ("window/pos", pos ()).toPoint ());

void Astro::write_settings ()
  SettingsGroup g (settings_, "Astro");
  //settings_->setValue ("DopplerTracking", ui_->cbDopplerTracking->isChecked ());
  settings_->setValue ("DopplerMethod",m_DopplerMethod);
  settings_->setValue ("window/pos", pos ());

auto Astro::astroUpdate(QDateTime const& t, QString const& mygrid, QString const& hisgrid, Frequency freq,
                        bool dx_is_self, bool bTx, bool no_tx_QSY, int TR_period) -> Correction
  Frequency freq_moon {freq};
  double azsun,elsun,azmoon,elmoon,azmoondx,elmoondx;
  double ramoon,decmoon,dgrd,poloffset,xnr,techo,width1,width2;
  int ntsky;
  QString date {t.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd").trimmed ()};
  QString utc {t.time().toString().trimmed ()};
  int nyear {t.date().year()};
  int month {t.date().month()};
  int nday {t.date().day()};
  int nhr {t.time().hour()};
  int nmin {t.time().minute()};
  double sec {t.time().second() + 0.001*t.time().msec()};
  double uth {nhr + nmin/60.0 + sec/3600.0};
  if(freq_moon < 1) freq_moon = 144000000;
  int nfreq {static_cast<int> (freq_moon / 1000000u)};
  double freq8 {static_cast<double> (freq_moon)};
  auto const& AzElFileName = QDir::toNativeSeparators (configuration_->azel_directory ().absoluteFilePath ("azel.dat"));
  auto const& jpleph = configuration_->data_dir ().absoluteFilePath ("JPLEPH");

  QString mygrid_padded {(mygrid + "      ").left (6)};
  QString hisgrid_padded {(hisgrid + "      ").left (6)};
  astrosub_(&nyear, &month, &nday, &uth, &freq8, mygrid_padded.toLatin1().constData(),
	    hisgrid_padded.toLatin1().constData(), &azsun, &elsun, &azmoon, &elmoon,
      &azmoondx, &elmoondx, &ntsky, &m_dop, &m_dop00, &ramoon, &decmoon,
	    &dgrd, &poloffset, &xnr, &techo, &width1, &width2, &bTx,
	    AzElFileName.toLatin1().constData(), jpleph.toLatin1().constData(), 6, 6,
	    AzElFileName.length(), jpleph.length());

  if(hisgrid_padded=="      ") {
  QString message;
    QTextStream out {&message};
    out << " " << date << "\n"
      "UTC:  " << utc << "\n"
      << fixed
      << qSetFieldWidth (6)
      << qSetRealNumberPrecision (1)
      << "Az:     " << azmoon << "\n"
      "El:     " << elmoon << "\n"
      "SelfDop:" << m_dop00 << "\n"
      "Width:  " << int(width1) << "\n"
      << qSetRealNumberPrecision (2)
      << "Delay:  " << techo << "\n"
      << qSetRealNumberPrecision (1)
      << "DxAz:   " << azmoondx << "\n"
      "DxEl:   " << elmoondx << "\n"
      "DxDop:  " << m_dop << "\n"
      "DxWid:  " << int(width2) << "\n"
      "Dec:    " << decmoon << "\n"
      "SunAz:  " << azsun << "\n"
      "SunEl:  " << elsun << "\n"
      "Freq:   " << nfreq << "\n";
    if(nfreq>=50) {                     //Suppress data not relevant below VHF
      out << "Tsky:   " << ntsky << "\n"
        "Dpol:   " << poloffset << "\n"
        "MNR:    " << xnr << "\n"
        "Dgrd:   " << dgrd;

  Correction correction;
  if (ui_->cbDopplerTracking->isChecked ()) {
    switch (m_DopplerMethod)
      case 1: // All Doppler correction done here; DX station stays at nominal dial frequency.
	  correction.rx =  m_dop;
	  case 4: // All Doppler correction done here; DX station stays at nominal dial frequency. (Trial for OnDxEcho)
	  correction.rx =  m_dop;
	  //case 5: // All Doppler correction done here; DX station stays at nominal dial frequency.
      case 3: // Both stations do full correction on Rx and none on Tx
        //correction.rx = dx_is_self ? m_dop00 : m_dop;
		correction.rx =  m_dop00; // Now always sets RX to *own* echo freq
	  case 2:
        // Doppler correction to constant frequency on Moon
        correction.rx = m_dop00 / 2;
    switch (m_DopplerMethod)
	  case 1: correction.tx = -correction.rx;
	  case 2: correction.tx = -correction.rx;
	  case 3: correction.tx = 0;
	  case 4: // correction.tx = m_dop - m_dop00;
			  correction.tx = m_dx_two_way_dop - m_dop;
			  qDebug () << "correction.tx:" << correction.tx;
	  case 5: correction.tx = - m_dop00;
    //if (3 != m_DopplerMethod || 4 != m_DopplerMethod) correction.tx = -correction.rx;
    if(dx_is_self && m_DopplerMethod == 1) correction.rx = 0;

    if (no_tx_QSY && 3 != m_DopplerMethod && 0 != m_DopplerMethod)
       // calculate a single correction for transmit half way through
       // the period as a compromise for rigs that can't CAT QSY
       // while transmitting
        // use a base time of (secs-since-epoch + 2) so as to be sure
        // we do the next period if we calculate just before it starts
        auto sec_since_epoch = t.toMSecsSinceEpoch () / 1000 + 2;
        auto target_sec = sec_since_epoch - sec_since_epoch % TR_period + TR_period / 2;
        auto target_date_time = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch (target_sec * 1000);
        QString date {target_date_time.date().toString("yyyy MMM dd").trimmed ()};
        QString utc {target_date_time.time().toString().trimmed ()};
        int nyear {target_date_time.date().year()};
        int month {target_date_time.date().month()};
        int nday {target_date_time.date().day()};
        int nhr {target_date_time.time().hour()};
        int nmin {target_date_time.time().minute()};
        double sec {target_date_time.time().second() + 0.001*target_date_time.time().msec()};
        double uth {nhr + nmin/60.0 + sec/3600.0};
        astrosub_(&nyear, &month, &nday, &uth, &freq8, mygrid_padded.toLatin1().constData(),
                  hisgrid_padded.toLatin1().constData(), &azsun, &elsun, &azmoon, &elmoon,
                  &azmoondx, &elmoondx, &ntsky, &m_dop, &m_dop00, &ramoon, &decmoon,
                  &dgrd, &poloffset, &xnr, &techo, &width1, &width2, &bTx,
                  "", jpleph.toLatin1().constData(), 6, 6,
                  0, jpleph.length());
        FrequencyDelta offset {0};
        switch (m_DopplerMethod)
          case 1:
            // All Doppler correction done here; DX station stays at nominal dial frequency.
            offset = dx_is_self ? m_dop00 : m_dop;

          case 2:
            // Doppler correction to constant frequency on Moon
           offset = m_dop00 / 2;
		case 4:
            // Doppler correction for OnDxEcho
            offset = m_dop - m_dx_two_way_dop;
		//case 5: correction.tx = - m_dop00;
		case 5: offset = m_dop00;// version for _7
        correction.tx = -offset;
		qDebug () << "correction.tx (no tx qsy):" << correction.tx;
  return correction;

void Astro::check_split ()
  if (doppler_tracking () && !configuration_->split_mode ())
      MessageBox::warning_message (this, tr ("Doppler Tracking Error"),
                                   tr ("Split operating is required for Doppler tracking"),
                                   tr ("Go to \"Menu->File->Settings->Radio\" to enable split operation"));
      ui_->rbNoDoppler->click ();

void Astro::on_rbFullTrack_clicked()
  m_DopplerMethod = 1;
  check_split ();
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::on_rbOnDxEcho_clicked(bool checked)
  m_DopplerMethod = 4;
  check_split ();
  if (checked) {
	  m_dx_two_way_dop = 2 * (m_dop - (m_dop00/2));
	  qDebug () << "Starting Doppler:" << m_dx_two_way_dop;
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::on_rbOwnEcho_clicked()
  m_DopplerMethod = 3;
  check_split ();
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::on_rbCallDx_clicked()
  m_DopplerMethod = 5;
  check_split ();
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::on_rbConstFreqOnMoon_clicked()
  m_DopplerMethod = 2;
  check_split ();
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::on_rbNoDoppler_clicked()
  m_DopplerMethod = 0;
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

bool Astro::doppler_tracking () const
  return ui_->cbDopplerTracking->isChecked () && m_DopplerMethod;

void Astro::on_cbDopplerTracking_toggled(bool)
  check_split ();
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();

void Astro::nominal_frequency (Frequency rx, Frequency tx)
  ui_->sked_frequency_label->setText (Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (rx));
  ui_->sked_tx_frequency_label->setText (Radio::pretty_frequency_MHz_string (tx));

void Astro::hideEvent (QHideEvent * e)
  Q_EMIT tracking_update ();
  QWidget::hideEvent (e);