program msksim use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding ! To change to a new code, edit the following line and the filenames ! that contain the parity check and generator matrices. parameter (N=198, M=126, K=72) ! M and N are global variables on the C side. character(50) pchk_file,gen_file integer(1) codeword(1:N), decoded(1:K), message(1:K) real*8 lratio(N), rxdata(N) pchk_file="./jtmode_codes/peg-198-72-irreg-8x3-2x4.pchk" gen_file="./jtmode_codes/peg-198-72-irreg-8x3-2x4.gen" rate=real(K)/real(N) call init_ldpc(trim(pchk_file)//char(0),trim(gen_file)//char(0)) message(1:K/2)=1 message((K/2+1):K)=0 call ldpc_encode(message,codeword) max_iterations=50 ntrials=1000000 write(*,*) "Eb/N0 ngood nundetected" do idb = 0, 11 db=idb/2.0-0.5 sigma=1/sqrt( 2*rate*(10**(db/10.0)) ) ngood=0 nue=0 do itrial=1, ntrials do i=1,N rxdata(i) = 2.0*(codeword(i)-0.5) + sigma*gran() enddo ! correct signal normalization is important for this decoder. rxav=sum(rxdata)/N rx2av=sum(rxdata*rxdata)/N rxsig=sqrt(rx2av-rxav*rxav) rxdata=rxdata/rxsig ! s can be tuned to trade a few tenth's dB of threshold ! for an order of magnitude in UER do i=1,N s=0.75 lratio(i)=exp(2.0*rxdata(i)/(s*s)) enddo call ldpc_decode(lratio, decoded, max_iterations, niterations) if( niterations .ge. 0 ) then nueflag=0 do i=1,K if( message(i) .ne. decoded(i) ) then nueflag=1 endif enddo if( nueflag .eq. 1 ) then nue=nue+1 else ngood=ngood+1; endif endif enddo write(*,"(f4.1,1x,i8,1x,i8)") db,ngood,nue enddo end program msksim