2018-02-08 21:28:33 -05:00

229 lines
7.1 KiB

#include "displaytext.h"
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QTextCharFormat>
#include <QTextCursor>
#include <QTextBlock>
#include "qt_helpers.hpp"
#include "moc_displaytext.cpp"
DisplayText::DisplayText(QWidget *parent) :
setReadOnly (true);
viewport ()->setCursor (Qt::ArrowCursor);
setWordWrapMode (QTextOption::NoWrap);
document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (5000); // max lines to limit heap usage
void DisplayText::setContentFont(QFont const& font)
char_font_ = font;
selectAll ();
auto cursor = textCursor ();
cursor.beginEditBlock ();
auto char_format = cursor.charFormat ();
char_format.setFont (char_font_);
cursor.mergeCharFormat (char_format);
cursor.clearSelection ();
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
// position so viewport scrolled to left
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::Up);
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
cursor.endEditBlock ();
setTextCursor (cursor);
ensureCursorVisible ();
void DisplayText::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
bool ctrl = (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier);
bool alt = (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier);
void DisplayText::insertLineSpacer(QString const& line)
appendText (line, "#d3d3d3");
void DisplayText::appendText(QString const& text, QColor bg)
auto cursor = textCursor ();
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::End);
auto block_format = cursor.blockFormat ();
block_format.setBackground (bg);
if (0 == cursor.position ())
cursor.setBlockFormat (block_format);
auto char_format = cursor.charFormat ();
char_format.setFont (char_font_);
cursor.setCharFormat (char_format);
cursor.insertBlock (block_format);
cursor.insertText (text);
// position so viewport scrolled to left
cursor.movePosition (QTextCursor::StartOfLine);
setTextCursor (cursor);
ensureCursorVisible ();
document ()->setMaximumBlockCount (document ()->maximumBlockCount ());
QString DisplayText::appendDXCCWorkedB4(QString message, QString const& callsign, QColor * bg,
LogBook logBook, QColor color_CQ,
QColor color_DXCC,
QColor color_NewCall)
QString call = callsign;
QString countryName;
bool callWorkedBefore;
bool countryWorkedBefore;
if(call.length()==2) {
int i0=message.indexOf("CQ "+call);
i0=call.indexOf(" ");
if(call.length()<3) return message;
if(!call.contains(QRegExp("[0-9]|[A-Z]"))) return message;
int charsAvail = 48;
// the decoder (seems) to always generate 41 chars. For a normal CQ call, the last five are spaces
// TODO this magic 37 characters is also referenced in MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall()
int nmin=37;
int i=message.indexOf(" CQ ");
int k=message.mid(i+4,3).toInt();
if(k>0 and k<999) nmin += 4;
int s3 = message.indexOf(" ",nmin);
if (s3 < nmin) s3 = nmin; // always want at least the characters to position 35
s3 += 1; // convert the index into a character count
message = message.left(s3); // reduce trailing white space
charsAvail -= s3;
if (charsAvail > 4)
if (!countryWorkedBefore) // therefore not worked call either
message += "!";
*bg = color_DXCC;
if (!callWorkedBefore) // but have worked the country
message += "~";
*bg = color_NewCall;
message += " "; // have worked this call before
*bg = color_CQ;
charsAvail -= 1;
// do some obvious abbreviations
countryName.replace ("Islands", "Is.");
countryName.replace ("Island", "Is.");
countryName.replace ("North ", "N. ");
countryName.replace ("Northern ", "N. ");
countryName.replace ("South ", "S. ");
countryName.replace ("East ", "E. ");
countryName.replace ("Eastern ", "E. ");
countryName.replace ("West ", "W. ");
countryName.replace ("Western ", "W. ");
countryName.replace ("Central ", "C. ");
countryName.replace (" and ", " & ");
countryName.replace ("Republic", "Rep.");
countryName.replace ("United States", "U.S.A.");
countryName.replace ("Fed. Rep. of ", "");
countryName.replace ("French ", "Fr.");
countryName.replace ("Asiatic", "AS");
countryName.replace ("European", "EU");
countryName.replace ("African", "AF");
// deal with special rules that cty.dat does not cope with
// KG4 2x1 and 2x3 calls that map to Gitmo are mainland US not Gitmo
if (call.startsWith ("KG4") && call.size () != 5)
countryName.replace ("Guantanamo Bay", "U.S.A.");
message += countryName;
return message;
void DisplayText::displayDecodedText(DecodedText decodedText, QString myCall,
bool displayDXCCEntity, LogBook logBook,
QColor color_CQ, QColor color_MyCall,
QColor color_DXCC, QColor color_NewCall)
QColor bg {Qt::white};
bool CQcall = false;
if (decodedText.string ().contains (" CQ ")
|| decodedText.string ().contains (" CQDX ")
|| decodedText.string ().contains (" QRZ "))
CQcall = true;
bg = color_CQ;
if (myCall != "" and (
decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + "/") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("/" + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf ("<" + myCall + " ") >= 0
or decodedText.indexOf (" " + myCall + ">") >= 0)) {
bg = color_MyCall;
// if enabled add the DXCC entity and B4 status to the end of the
// preformated text line t1
auto message = decodedText.string ();
if (displayDXCCEntity && CQcall)
message = appendDXCCWorkedB4 (message, decodedText.CQersCall (), &bg, logBook, color_CQ,
color_DXCC, color_NewCall);
appendText (message, bg);
void DisplayText::displayTransmittedText(QString text, QString modeTx, qint32 txFreq,
QColor color_TxMsg, bool bFastMode)
QString t1=" @ ";
if(modeTx=="FT8") t1=" ~ ";
if(modeTx=="JT4") t1=" $ ";
if(modeTx=="JT65") t1=" # ";
if(modeTx=="MSK144") t1=" & ";
QString t2;
QString t;
if(bFastMode or modeTx=="FT8") {
t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + \
" Tx " + t2 + t1 + text;
} else {
t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmm") + \
" Tx " + t2 + t1 + text;
appendText (t, color_TxMsg);
void DisplayText::displayQSY(QString text)
QString t = QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString("hhmmss") + " " + text;
appendText (t, "hotpink");