Pine Tree Radio Society - local net - Test 001
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PTRS Net Attempt 2022-08-27T20:00-04:00
Test out local network communications. Specifically, find out who can hear me from my house in Hillsborough County.
- Announce net start on Matrix/Telegram.
- Call out on Pats Peak - K1BKE Repeater
- Repeater output 146.895 MHz, CTCSS 100.0 Hz, FM (repeater input 146.295 MHz, CTCSS 100.0 Hz, FM)
- using 60 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on K 1 B K E for a couple minutes."
- Call out on VHF Ham frequency
- 146.5500 FM
- using 60 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on one four six decimal four two simplex for a couple minutes."
- Call out on FRS 17 / GMRS 3
- 462.60000 MHz FM
- using ahem 2 watts
- "This is John Three monitoring on F R S seventeen for a couple minutes."
- Call out on CB 3
- 26.985 MHz AM
- using ahem 4 watts
- "This is John Three monitoring on Channel Three for a couple minutes."
- Call out on 80m Voice (SSB)
- 3.990 MHz LSB
- using 100 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on eighty meters for a couple minutes."
- Call out on 80m Voice (AM)
- 3.990 MHz AM
- using 25 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on eighty meters for a couple minutes."
- Call out on 80m Digital
Radio and Antenna Used
- Icom IC-7300
- 100 watt HF Ham radio
- home made End-fed Half-wave (EFHw) 80m inverted-V sloping from ground to 40 feet
- Cobra CXT385
- FRS hand-held
- Fixed Antenna
- Baofeng UV-5RV2+
- Ham radio hand-held
- MFJ-1754 Dual-band 144/440 ground plane mounted above two-story roof peak
- Cobra 19 ULTRA III
- CB mobile radio
- home made End-fed Half-wave (EFHw) 80m inverted-V sloping from ground to 40 feet
- Kenwood TM-281
- VHF Ham radio
- MFJ-1754 Dual-band 144/440 ground plane mounted above two-story roof peak
- AM
- Amplitude Modulation (Encode low-high sound by varying output power less or more)
- CB
- Citizen's Band ~27 MHz
- continuous, tone-coded squelch system
- FM
- Frequency Modulation (Encode low-high sound by deviating the transmit frequency lower or higher)
- Family Radio Service (Blister pack, Walmart, low power, camping UHF radios. Fixed antenna.)
- General Mobile Radio Service (FCC family license, high power, UHF radios. Repeaters allowed.)
- HF
- High Frequency 3 - 30 MHz
- Lower Side Band (left half of AM signal with carrier suppressed. Used by Hams below 10 MHz.)
- Near Vertical Incidence Skywave
- PL
- Private Line (Motorola proprietary term for CTCSS, not "private")
- Pine Tree Radio Society
- Single Sideband (half of an AM signal with the central carrier suppressed. Commonly Upper Sideband, except Ham voice below 10 MHz.)
- Ultra High Frequency 300 - 3000 MHz
- Upper Side Band (right half of AM signal with carrier suppressed. Used by Hams above 10 MHz and everyone else everywhere, including digital.)
- Very High Frequency 30 - 299 MHz
- Watts
- Measure of power named after Issac Watts, inventor of the steam engine. (Yes, watts convert to horsepower.)