Pine Tree Radio Society - local net - Test 001 |
PTRS Net Attempt 2022-08-27T20:00-04:00
Test out local network communications. Specifically, find out who can hear me from my house in Hillsborough County.
For this example, N0CALL is an FCC Amateur Radio license callsign. In the real test, a real callsign will be used.
- Announce net start on Matrix/Telegram.
- Call out on Pats Peak - K1BKE Repeater
- Repeater output 146.895 MHz, CTCSS 100.0 Hz, FM (repeater input 146.295 MHz, CTCSS 100.0 Hz, FM)
- using 60 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on K 1 B K E for a couple minutes."
- Call out on VHF Ham frequency
- 146.5500 FM
- using 60 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on one four six decimal four two simplex for a couple minutes."
- Call out on FRS 17 / GMRS 17
- 462.60000 MHz FM
- using ahem 2 watts
- "This is John Three monitoring on F R S seventeen for a couple minutes."
- Call out on CB 3
- 26.985 MHz AM
- using ahem 4 watts
- "This is John Three monitoring on Channel Three for a couple minutes."
- Call out on 80m Voice (SSB)
- 3.990 MHz LSB
- using 100 watts
- "This is November Zero Charlie Alpha Lima Lima monitoring on eighty meters for a couple minutes."
- Call out on 80m Digital
Radio and Antenna Used
- Icom IC-7300
- 100 watt HF Ham radio
- home made End-fed Half-wave (EFHw) 80m inverted-V sloping from ground to 40 feet
- Cobra CXT385
- FRS hand-held
- Fixed Antenna
- Baofeng UV-5RV2+
- Ham radio hand-held
- MFJ-1754 Dual-band 144/440 ground plane mounted above two-story roof peak
- Cobra 19 ULTRA III
- CB mobile radio
- home made End-fed Half-wave (EFHw) 80m inverted-V sloping from ground to 40 feet
- Kenwood TM-281
- VHF Ham radio
- MFJ-1754 Dual-band 144/440 ground plane mounted above two-story roof peak
- AM
- Amplitude Modulation (Encode low-high sound by varying output power less or more)
- CB
- Citizen's Band ~27 MHz
- continuous, tone-coded squelch system
- FM
- Frequency Modulation (Encode low-high sound by deviating the transmit frequency lower or higher)
- Family Radio Service (Blister pack, Walmart, low power, camping UHF radios. Fixed antenna.)
- General Mobile Radio Service (FCC family license, high power, UHF radios. Repeaters allowed.)
- HF
- High Frequency 3 - 30 MHz
- Lower Side Band (left half of AM signal with carrier suppressed. Used by Hams below 10 MHz.)
- Near Vertical Incidence Skywave
- PL
- Private Line (Motorola proprietary term for CTCSS, not "private")
- Pine Tree Radio Society
- Single Sideband (half of an AM signal with the central carrier suppressed. Commonly Upper Sideband, except Ham voice below 10 MHz.)
- Short Wave (Radio) Listening
- Ultra High Frequency 300 - 3000 MHz
- Upper Side Band (right half of AM signal with carrier suppressed. Used by Hams above 10 MHz and everyone else everywhere, including digital.)
- Very High Frequency 30 - 299 MHz
- Watts
- Measure of power named after Issac Watts, inventor of the steam engine. (Yes, watts convert to horsepower.)